HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-02-20 (Regular) Meeting Minutesnm.a• AD.T<XJRDD DE'l'IIO or '8~ OI'l'Y C<XJlfCIL OP '1'SI OM'°' EmtDOOD, DOI.WOOD, oou.am mD tu'MU Bl lotb DAY OP nBROdt A.. D. 1951. ~-CbarlAta R. All.n, Cal.1-4 the Meeting to order an4 aate4 for Roll Oa111 IKJl.L OALI.1 CllDDAIRDs 8oclan, Preaem :Ltacldox, Preaent Otab1ng, Absent l'rantz, Preaent 1411Ugan, Abaent Oliner, Pn•11t 1'1•• Preae11t Abaent 'ftlree Alterman Milligan, an4 Woodman, ocming 1n took aeat •1th Couno11. 1••-· Woodman, ..... , ----· ... , 01.erk read Or41neoe 110. _, Serl•• ot 195__, entitlecl "Alf OBDDl.dOJ: PIR!.ADDO to 4 cmWli't• TAX ao cxowJr'l'B TAX STAMPS usm n oottdC'l'Io• mm1 ucmno !Bl sue; In • mJ.DQ OR DIDDfC CIGAREWP.81 DEl"DrmG D!W!'.RS nr CIGARIT!'D li8D '!BOIS LIAIDG CIC.6D F 1DDDI IUCl!IIlll; Dl'l'IIO POR'l'B 'l'HE .APPLICABLE TAX .&JD FDS1 PIUCRIBDG 'l'BB IXJ'lDI f1' tm: OM':: ta 'rim CIT!' OP DOLEWOCI> D C<MlUD'l'ICS 'IURIWI'lH; PRDCRIBISC PDA14'I18 ~ t'D VIOL&TIOlr ii//1 OD RIPJW.DO w. ClmI1'ilOF.8 Cit PAR.I'S or ORDINilOl!.8 IN CODLICT D.tmlim. ln full. il4ema Ka44ox, MOftcl ) J'aaaen, Seocmclecl ) 'l'hat the abcne and torego1ng Or41nmoe 'be tablecl. BOLL CALL: _..__ lf Q' B""'911, Mll44ox, J,:fe MoYecl ) Ouabi11g, Abaent l'rantz, 1'87 :W.lligm, qe Olin•r, •• '!'hr" AJ'e• •a,• Pou jbaftt om. M91or deolare4 the Kotioa Lon. 1 ....... Woo4man, •If A14•m• Ol1Der, Bo4•, Seooncled ) 'l'bat Ordinance Ro. __, Seri•• ot 195_, Jut' nu, 1-e 1n•1la111, Pueecl on 1 ta Beoond Rell41ng, u ordinanoe lfo. 8, Seriea ot 11151. ail 'be -lltlM& in the EDglewoocl PN••· ROLL CALL: Boclall, A7e Mllll4ox, •87 Cubing, Abaent Pranz, q. 1!1lllgu, A:/9 Oliner, J.:t• J'iw A.7•• •er• Two .A.b•nt om. l191or ao ordered • :r • .-•• ., wooa. •• .,. .t.14el'lllan Oliner, atated that the c. A. Norgren O~UJ7. ot MBO Smth •lat1 Stren, Ulla& the poaa1b111t1 ot oonneoting the deaor1pt1Te property now owned bJ the co. to tbe 'lna1•••o4 San1tal'J Sewer, aame not being in the Orginal Sewer Di•tr1ot. att•• 41aeuu1cm. Al4erma Olimr, llactdox, ROLL CALL: Bodan, w.ddox, UOftt ) seoOD4e4 ) '!'bat the C. A. Norgren CaapanJ, be allowecl to atteoll the abne ,.., .... , to !lngl.ewood Sanitary Sewer located in Weat H•pden Aft1111e, Upoa tile p.,..at ot t 308.~o to the City ot Englewood. Aye Aye Cuahing, Abaellt J'rutz, J:te ?.Iilllgan, Aye OUner, A.,e Snen A.yea 1'91• Ncm Ab••• One MaJor ao ordered. 1--·· ·--· .. ilcle DDllll :rranta , MOft4 ) laaan, Seoon4•4 ) 'l'hat the Finance, and Lioenae Ctmittee obtain th• .. nloea,ef - BOLL CALL: oonoern, to aheok the poae1b1lit1e• tor an oocupat1oaa1 Tu, OB all bulM-., within the City, Bo4an, A.,e Maddox, Aye Oullbing, Absent .!'rentz, AJe MilUgm, A:te Oliner, A7e SeTen "79• llllJ• None Daent Olle. M11or ao orderecl. 1••-· .. Wooiaa, AJe ild•Bl8D Oliner, Mo•ed ) Madclox, Seoonde4 ) 'l'bat Joe A. MoCall, water SUpt. be •nt to the Water Conterenoe, to lie held at Pueblo Colorado, t~arch 7, and 8th, 1951. ROLL C.ILL: Bodan, kaddox, 1:/9 A.Je Cuahing, Ab•ent rrant•, AJe Milligan, A.Je Oliner, Aye Seyen J.yea NaJ& None Absent One IJ:aor so orderecl. , ..... .,. looc111m, qe Al.Ae.imm Bod.an, i :cned ) lanaaen, ~eoon4ed } There being no f'urther business to cane betore the Oaunoil, CGll8011, Adj urn to meet again 1.tQDday the 26th day of' l!,ebruary, A. De 1191. at es• O•Oloet P.11. ROLL CALLI Boclan, Maddox, Aye Aye Cuah1ng, Abaent Prutz, AJe Milligan, qe Ollmr, qe Seven ~·· N111• None Al>8ellt One Mayor ao orderecl. , ...... .,. Wooc'•n, .. '!be Kimwa or the Regul_. A4journed Me9'1118 ot the City Council, ot the 01t1 of bglewood, BlllJ.•oecl, Col.Grado. thia ir.&ea491 Pebruary 20th A.. D. 19~1. stand apprcwed u ftp tb18 .. ta.J ot :Muoh A. D. 19~1. ;;f.;~ I I I I