HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 Resolution No. 023• RESOL TIONNO .& SElllES OF 2003 I A RESOLUT ION REAPPOINTING CHARLES REDPATH TO THE ELECTI ON COMMISS ION FOR TH E CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, CO LORADO . WHEREAS. th e Elec 1ion Commi ss io n is es labli shed by 1he Englew ood Home Rul e Cha rt er 10 estab li sh precin cts, uppoi nt electio n judge s and clerk, prescribe proc edure s, and any 01hcr duties as required by law ; and WHE REAS. Charles Redpath is a cu1Ten1 mem ber or th e Englewood Ele cti on Commi ss ion; an d WHEREAS , Charl es Redpath's term exp ired February I. 2003; and WHEREAS. Charle s Redpath has appli ed for reappoi ntm ent to the Engl ewood Election Commissio n for another tenn ; and WHERE AS , the Englewood City Coun cil des ires to reappo int Charle s Redpalh 10 th e Englewood Election Commission for another term ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED 13Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT Y OF ENG LEWOOD , COLORADO, THAT: SJ.ia.ilmJ.. Charles Redpath is hereby reappo inted to the Elec ti on Co mmi ss ion fo r the Ci ty or Engl ewood. Colorado. Char les Redpalh's te rm will be effecti ve imm ediately and will exp ire February I , 2004.