HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 Resolution No. 087RESOLUTION NO . 21 SERIES OF 2003 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SETTING FEES FOR MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES AND PERMITS . WHEREAS , staff has recommended an increase in miscellaneous license fees fo r tanoo, massage therapy , body piercing and trash trucks 10 help defray the City 's cost in administrating the li ce nses; and WHEREAS , a permit fee for the new newspaper vendor's li cense must be set; and WHEREAS , with the passage of thi s Resolution these fee increases will go into effect on January ! , 2004; :ow , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF E1'\,.•.EWOOD, COLORADO, THAT : Section I . City Counci l hereby approves the fo ll owing License/Permit fees : Massage Therapy Tattoo Body Piercing Trash Trucks N ewspapcr Vendors LICENSE/ PERMIT FEES $100 $100 $100 $ 50 $ 50 Section 2. These fee inc reases will go into effect on January I, 2004 . ADOPTED AND APPROVcD this 15th day ofDecember, 2 3. I. Lo ucrish ia A. Ellis, City Cler!s-JJI the City of Engle above is a true copy of Re solution No. ii/-• Series of 2003 . • COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Dale Agenda ll em Subj ec t December I 5, 20 03 IOci Resol ution Se 11ing Fees For \isc ell aneou,; Uce nses and Perm its Effe c ti ve Ja nu ary 1, 2004. lnilialed By I Slaff So ur..e Deoartm ent of Fi nance and Admi nistralive Services Fra nk Grv2 lewicz. Dir eclo r COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION The Co un cil di sc ussed mi scell aneo us lice nse fees al slu dy sess io ns on Se pl ember 8, 2003 and Decemb er 8, 2003 . Rf.COMMENDED ACTION Slaff recomm ends Ci1y Co un cil app rove 1h e atlac hed reso lul io n setting mis cella neo us lice nse fees for 1a1too, massage 1h era py, body pie rci ng, and lrash lru cks. Also , staff request s Co un ci l sel 1h e permil fee fo r newspaper vendo rs as we ll . Th ese iee in crP.ases, if approved will go inl o c 'ec t on January 1, 2004. The pr o pose d fee inc reases, num ber of li censes/pe rmit s and reve nu e co ll ec ti ons are as fo ll ows: t ice nse /Permil Current Proposed Fee Di ffere nce licesses Issued Reve nue Fee Massa11e Th Nauv $20 51 00 580 28 $2,240 Tall oo $50 $100 $50 3 $150 Body Pi er cin2 $50 5100 $50 3 $150 Trash Tru cks $5 550 545 179 $8,055 News pap er N/A $50 $50 20 (es tim ated) $1 ,000 Ve ndors Tota l $11 595 FINANCIAL IMPACT Th e pro pose d fee increases will generate S 11,5 95 in addi t1c 11al re ven ue in 2004. Th is rev e .. u" wi ll be availab le fo r ge neral gove rnm ent use. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Proposed res olut io n