HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 Resolution No. 006• • • RESOLUTION NO .Cz__ ERIE S OF 200t A RE OL 1'ION SUP PO RTING 1'HE 1'RANSPOR1'ATION FUNDING PA CKAGE . WHEREA , while progress h os been mnde in Co lorado on tra ns portation funding iss ues in rece nt yen rs, in clud ing sec uri ng ndditi on11l Federa l a nd State fund s a nd bond.in g to acce lerate proJCC ts , tra ns portation fundi ng S tatewid e Rrtd in the Denver metro area co ntinues to b•J ino dequnte to 111 eet the trnns portntion need1:1 identified 1 hrough State nnd loca l pl onnmg pro:csses: nnd WHER EAS. pla nning proccPses have recommended roil, bus a nd highway projects in key trans po rtation corridors in the De nver metro reg ion . includini the WeE~, r:ast, Go ld Line (J• 70 Wes t), 1-2 25, North ~lctro, US 36 and Southeast corridors, bu t ur. ·. ~.J:-rent revenu e fo recasts most of these projec ts co uld ri ot be built until afte r !!020 or he) :,nd ; a nd WHEREAS, the unfunded needs de fin ed in the Major Investm e nt Studies for he key tra r sportntion co rrido r s in the De nv~r metro area ore fo r both highways and transit, req uiring n coo rdinnted fundin g a pproac h : a nd WHEREA . curren tly the metro a \·en is the only a ren in the State that doe s not have th e a uthori ty to a s k vo ters fo r up to a one-p erce nt (1%) s nles tax for tra ns it as, in the pns t tw o years. the legislature has pa ssed , a nd the Gov ern or sign ed. legis lation to incre ase thr a ut hority of Rural Trans portation Authorities to ask voters for up to a one-perce nt sales tax fo r transpo rtation , and for co unti es outside the metro area to ask voters for up to a one• percent (1 %) sul es tax for muss transit; und WH E.REA S, t he unfunded needs de fm ed in t he Major Inves tment Studies for the key trans porta tio n corridors in the De nve r metro area are for hoth highwnys a nd transit, req uiring a coo rdinated funding approach ; tnd WH EREAS , Gove rnor Ow ens h as proposed generating new State tra n s po rtatio n fundin g. 111cluding the u se of excess Ge neral Fund reser ve fo r transportation ; NOW. THEREFORE. BE 11' RE SOLVE D BY TH E CITY COUNCfL OF 1'HE CITY OF E1 GLEWOOD . CO LO RADO , THA1': lil:J:tiwu . 1'he City Co uncil of the City of Englewood s up ports passage of a trans it and high way fumiin g package in t he 2002 lcgis la :.i\'e session to acce lerate co nstruction of t :1e Denver metro r egion co rrido rs that have und er go ne a Major Inves tm ent Study. ~-Th e Ci•.y Co uncil of t he City of l::nglewood Support, as a part of this package, legis lation to provid e: i. Regiona l Transpol'tat1o n Di strict (RT D) with a uthority eq ual to that of Rural Trans portation Authorities ond non-m etro counties, to ask voters for up to a total or 01,e-pen.c nt. (1 %) sn lea tax (a mnximum increase of 4/101h percent) to provide f•1n rling for the tru nsi t p rojects in the key trnnsportntion co r ridors and Jt her transit neti:ds m the region . 1i . .\ddiuo11 n1 State trans portation funding fo r highwny s nnd lrnns 1t. 12 bi iii . A guarantee of at least $100 Million a year in Senate Bill I fund s to a ll ow bon ding fo r the State Strategic Projects to procee d without req·.uring fur ther cuts in other COOT proj ects. ADOPTED ANU APPROVED this 22'' day of January. 2002 . I , Lo11cl'ishia A. Ellis, City Cl erk forfJle City of Engl ood , abo ve is a tru e co py of Re solu tio n No .~ Series of 2 2. •