HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Resolution No. 003RESOLUTION N0.'2.__ SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR HISTORIC PRESEUVATION DESIGNATION APPLICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Englewood , Colorado pueed Ordin.tnce No . 75, Seriee of 1999, eatabliahing Historic Preservation within the City allowiq for the dealsnation of historically ■ignificant propertiea; and WHEREAS, the pa ■■al" of this Reaolution .rJI eotabliah fee1 for Hiltoric Prell,natian deaignation application■ and providea for the City'a full recovery of coata for each application; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 01" THE CITY 01" ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT: lw:timu.. A nonrefundable application fee in the amount of ooe hundnd dollan ($100 .00) ia established for each for Historic Preaervstion designation within the City of Englewood . All Historic Preservation designation application■ within the City of Englewood. Colorado at the time that this Reaolution is adopted shall not be required to pay the initial application fee . ~-A nonrefundable fee in the amount of twenty -five dollan ($25.00) for filiq an amendment to the application is hereby eatablished. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 17th day of January, 2000 . I, Loucrishia A. L Tu, City Clerk for the City of Engl,,wood , Colorad o, hereby ccrt.ify the ••• ;., -.,, ....... ~. N,St s.;. ~;_,j Cb Loucriahia A. Ellis COUNCIL COMMUN~CATION DATE : January 17, 2000 I AGENDA 11cM IOci IV ,1 I SUBJECT: Resolution Bscahlisbiag Fees for l&'Uic Preservatioo Appllcalioos INITIATED BY : Comnumity Developmeru Department I STAFF SOURCE: Lauri Danncmillcr, Plaanlng Analyst COUNCU, GOAL MP PREVJOUS COUNCU. ACTION: On December 20, 1999 City Cooncil passed Ordinance No. 75, Series of 1999, amending Titic 16, Oiapler4 and adding Scctioo 24 to th,, Englewood Municipal Code, also known as the Historic Prescrvalioo Ordinance, whic:11 allows for the designatlo• of historically slgntlcant properties. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff rCCOOlDlcnds approval of a resolution establishing fees for Historic Prescrvatioo designatioa applalioos. BACKGROUND. ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENJllliD: Designatloo of historic properties is made by applicatioo of the property owner, or district representative. to the Deparunmt of Neighborhood and Business DcvelopmeaL As these appliCllioos a.-. reviewed, indirect and dir:ct oosts are incurred. The ordinance provides for the rccovory of these fees by the applicant in Scctioo 16-4-24-C-t reading : "Tht/tt charged shall bt s'4Dicitn110 cuv,r rht costs ofpub/icatian. ,rotict, r,cording costs, admi.nistrazivt cons , and orhtr chargts incurrtd ill tht courst of proctssing tht application." Staff rCCOOlDlends a fee of SI 00.00 per property application 10 recover administrative costs. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The fmancial impact to the City of Englewood should be minimal since thisresolution provides for full cost recove,y for each applicatioo. Staff does n01 anticipate the coUectioo of more than $1,000 per year. LISTOF ATTACHMENTS: None • • •