HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Resolution No. 005RESOLUTION NO . .£._
WHEREAS, The Englewood Environmental Foundation waa formed ID rili8ft tm'· ·,
burdens which wouli othenriae be uaumed by the City of Englewood, Colorado, in
collll8Ction with the environmental remediation, lan<i u,e planning and pr,/paration 6,r
redevelopment of the Cinderella City ahoppq centior; and ·• "
WHEREAS, tho Englewood Environmental Foundation was formed to provide aupport for
the redevelopment and enhancement of the City's commercial environment and ill a 1111arate
and dilotinct corporation; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, supporte~ the Muter
Plan propoaed by the Englewood Environmental Foundation with Ibo paaql/.aflleoolution
No . 90, Serie• 1998; and
WHEREAS, Englewood City COIIDcil adopted Reoolution No . 100, Serio·, of 1998,
supporting the Development Agreement between Miller Weingarten Realty, LLC ., and the
Enalewood Environmental Foundation for the Cinderella City Red evelopr,1ent; and
WHEREAS, the Englewood City Council adopted Resolution No. 50, Sories of 1999,
supporting the "F,irat Amendment to Pre-Development Agreement" between Miller
Weingarten and tho Englewood Environmental Foundation for the Cinderella City
Redevelopment; and
WHEREAS, the Englewood City Council adopted Re.olution No. ~. Series of 1999,
supporting the "The Master Development Agn,ement" between :diller \\'einprtan Realty
and the Englewood Environmental Foundation; and
WHEREAS, the Englewood City Council deem■ it appropriate to adopt tbilo propoeed
Resolution supporting a modification to the Muter Development Agreement.
~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorudo, hare by support■ a
modification to the Master Development Agreement as set forth in "Exhibit A" the Mille ..
Weingarten "Proposal".
~-The City Council also recommend& thet EEF modify the Deal Sheet to 19fiect
an additional $350,000.00 of soft costs that shall not be reimbursed to Miller/Weingarten
bringing the total to $700,000 of soft coets that shall not be reimburseo due to tbilo
~-The City Council also recommends that the "Proposal" be modified that if a
non •Borders direction is selected, at the commencement of that time, the ninety days aet
forth in the "Proposal" shall be reduced to sixty days.
~ -Tbe,CW Cowu:il lllo -,mm•ada Iba, UF ~ Iba Deal~ to~
that Miller Weillprtan ol,all have ao l'W'UllN CII' ript ID Pbut ll du. to Iba z,q• ftf
thia utelllioll. Miller Weinp.rten will ban Iba abill17 to bid or relJ)Ond to propooala7ike
anyotiierdowlaper ' ,.,
lill:lial,I. , The City Council alao ~ that W require a re',_ lro111 ,Miller
Weinprten, for all liability in the event that, at Iba •IMI aflba utanaion, the rela~onaljip ii
lill:l;iim.ll. Thil nt10lution of lllj)port in ao •"1 wai-ar daleptea the City'1 recu)atory
powers, duties and reaponaibilitiee with reapect to zonin( and ..,...,....entai iaau.a.
AMENDED, ADOPTED .\ND APPROVED thia 31Kday of January, 2000 .
Publii.bed u a .Retalution on the 4th day of February, 2000.
I, Loucriebia A. Ellis, City Clerk for the City of~, orado, hereby certify the
above is a true copy of Reaolutlon No . .S::. Serin of 2000. · ·~t1flo
ucriabia A Ellil
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Vi,, F ACSIMILl: 303-76l-l40I
Mr GaryS-.
City Mwitr
JI 11;
City ofEnJ)ewood
3400 S. E1a!i S1.
%J.., ., C • ~•l'? ...
.. '"' .d
l:nglcwood, CO 80110-:?.304 -\.il..:l! itl.'1' ,-',
RE CityCentcr EnaJcwood .. ' ,, '
DcacG11y :
We m•ll with you and your Sl&IJ'OAJanull}' 25, 2000 to discuss a number ol'itcms,
mcluding the 1'1t1i1 deYllop.-cladlina l'or ~ c:ctaiD levels oflmins and for c1usiaa on
our acquis ition llf the leasehold imeresl. Al lhal IIINpll8, you =mmcnded thid Millu
Weingancn should submit an e,,ti,nsiun proposal . The ballDCe oflhis lcucr consists or our
proposal •nd :h.: mionale behind ,he propvsal.
Miller WCIJllliUT"" 1111d die City would tab JO days to de!ermine if Border's is a viable
uption and if it is delennined 10 be a viable oplion. Miller Wcin11..-;cn wuuld b&ve the ri11ht to
close at my time up to 90 days &om lbat poi I'll and that :ighl would tennimle at the end of the 90
day period . If ii wu dacmnincd al the end of the 30 d1y period tbal Border's-.. nnt a viable
opticc. Miller Weingarten would runu• the "11011-Bordcr's" dim:tion and hA,e the right to close
for 90 days iJtd wt ri¥f,t would llo-. minate II the rr.d of 11111 period. If it wu dacermined prior tu
the end of the 30 day period dial the RqUired C04cnucy was 1101 available, the election to 11D 1bc
"aun-Borde:-'s" l'O\lle could be lll&dc or if the City WID!ed to immedialely so the "non-Border's"
route . the City would have the 1..-ption to so dirc::L
MllJtt 'l'CUl(l'lff<II ~J.lty. LL<;
ll~"'"' l,...., UM. >rT NI.~-C.U IJIUIU 1'1'1t)IWPl' l,iU11.,,_.ti'III ►.O 111111 ""'"'•JIii
The City and Miller Wcinprte:i bave the ~ iatemts of 11tr1C1ina the top 1-Z
line-up Ind acniDa tbc pn,jecl buih Ind opcnrins, n. dilemma is dial the pr.&md lenllll •up will llkc lollllCf to secure aad tblft is SQ1ll8 lllallUlsfW risk 1h11 tbll Ii-up ii not
acllitvablc. lt is possible Iba! lbl:re could be fiscal praa1t95 or adicr faclon that mab it
impractical to tab the cirnc necasary to -if the project can pt Barde's and its -·
You are IWlte rhul'"" ore C'll)CC!ing to b&ve some preliminary indiccion oflMI aii=-!"
tom !led Bath & Beyond ml Old Na,y wiilwl the next rhrft ~-
The reason we need 90 da)• from the point al which a coune ofactiml is sefeded. is to
allow us the time neceswy to meet our requirements for wwici!ljj. Most ruail dewlopmcnl
finaocin11 traDSactioas re-,iire that le:ues be in place for a 111ir1imum of75% oftlle spac:. Y(_e
ha .. aow :ur:inged, ,n tbis trllb2<:tion, for our leasing requ h ;etll to be siipriticantly lo wer and
thi> was made possible because: of bow familiar Weingarten ; .. ,lily Invo:,tO!S is with t~ ,,ec t
and the prospect . tbr ultimate success.
The rational• fur elimirnitiog tbc provision for a minimum amoum ofleuing is that we
bcli,,..·• it will be difficult 10 v, fully t:<ec..ted leue, by the time we need to clo11e and it sppe, rs
to us that if we have thc w.:!idenc: and ability to close without • lixed amowu of leasin11, thai
Ibis is a shiftin11 of:he risk that should he lo the bcnefu of the City .
As :llw•ys. we ICC willing amt anxicus tu pru•ide yoo with any addition ,! information
you need and be •vailable to meet ar your coava-jencc.
. .p -4J ~-1#.L/.il.;
DA TE: January 31, 2000 AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT: Support of
Amcodmcnt to Master
5 all Development Agreement
INlTIA TED BY: Eng~,wood Environmental STAFF SOURCE: Bob Simpson, Board
Foundation Director, Englewood Environmental
On August 10, 1998, City Council adopted Resolution No . 90, Series of 1998 suppo, ting the
Master Plan proposed by the Englewood Environmental Foundation and Miller/Weingarten for
the Cinderella City site.
On November 2, !998, City Council ad opted Resolution No . IOI, Series of 1998 supporting the
sale of property to Wal•Mart ~y the Englewood Environmental Foundation (EEF) for the
development of the CityCenter project.
On August 2, 1999, City Council adopted Resolution No . 83, Series of 1999 supporting the
''Master Development Agreement" between Miller W~ingarten Realty , ;,,,i,c., and the EngI,,wood
Envircamental Foundation.
On November 22, 1999 , City Council adopted Resolution Number 100, Series of 1999 supporting
the selection of Trammell Crow Residential for the Englewood CityCenter residential
Staff recommends that Council adopt a resolution, which supports a modification of the Master
Development Agreement between the Englewood Environmental Foundation and Miller
Weingarten Realty.
Under the tenns of the Master Development Agreement , Miller Weingarten Realty must provide
by February I, 2000 a list of signed lea.ses . If Miller is not able to meet this deadli.se, the Master
Development Agreement will need 10 be modified .
Proposed Resolution