HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Resolution No. 049RESOLUTION NO . ./j_ SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION IN WHICH fflE CITY COUNCll. OF THE CITY OF INOl'..EWOOD, COLORADO HEREBY CASTS ITS EMPLOYER'S VOTE IN FAVOR OP 'fflB PDlB AND POLICE PENSION ASSOCIATION'S (F.P.P .A.'S) PROPOSED AMENDMENT . WHEREAS, punuant to C.R.S. Sl-31-408 and F.P.P .A. Rule 104 the Board (it Dinctora of the Fin and Police Pension Aaaocietion (F.P .P .A.) ("Boardj have propooed certain modifications to the pension benefits set forth in Part 4, Article 31 , Title 31 C.R .S., u amended, with respect to the members of the Statawide Defined Benefit Plan ("the Planj; and WHEREAS, the proposed modification to the Plan is set forth in the Board',, RA,solut'..on No . 2000-2, adoptad by the Board on February 23, 2000 ; and WHEREAS , F.P.P .A. Rule 704 .02(b) requires that, prior to an election by employen and members on any prop01ed modification to the Plan, the Bosrd shall pro,,ido employen with a certification that the propoaed modification complieo with the requirements aet forth in Section 3!-~1-408, Colorado Reviaed Statutaa, 11 amended; and WHEREAS, the Englewood members of F.P.P .A. held an election and have votad in favor of F.P.P .A.'s propoeed Amondment; and WHEREAS , F.P.P.A.'a propoaed Amendment would provide a benefit for all years of service, giving a 2% '>enefit for each year of service for the first tan years, then a 2.5% benefit for each yoar of ser i ce thereafter and would apply to both normal and vestad retirement benefits; NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED · .. -iE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO , THAT : Si:aism...J.. The City Council of the City of Englewood , Colorado hereby caata ita employer's v.,te in favor of F .P.P .A.'s proposed amendmer.t which will provide a 2% benefit for each year of service for the first ten years of service , and then a 2.5% benefit for each year of service thereafter to the City of Englewoc.d Firefighters. NOW. THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO , THAT: rn~ i1un Jo, " ooo~ ''JO,:: UI Sll:liiaD..l, Tbe Cin,Coaacilo!lbe CityafEasJe,rood, Coloradolwebyautboriallbe adoption of the prapooed ameadmmt. ADOPTKD AND APPROVED tbia 51h of Ju.na, 2000. ~ 51' ! 1 ' ~~~~ • ~ • 'l "rl' etl1 11J~uo::i 'iii:, c, , • COUNCIL COMMUNICATlbN In r o• 1s be20Q01q el11 -- Date -Agendaltam 8ubjec:t_ Resolution casUng'the city of Englewood's vote as emplo)'llr Junes, 2000 10cl regardlng 1Flre and Pollce P9nllb/l " Association (FPPA) proposed amendment " Initiated By SQffSource City of Englewood , Administrative Services Frank '3ryglewicz , Director fA'l Department -~ ... COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACT10N The City Council has not acted on this particular feature in the past. RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends the City Counc:I cast its vo,e regarding the proposed amendment to the Statewide Defined Benefit Plan as outlined below . The voted must be certified to FPPA by June 12, 2000 . BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED "fl TG The FPPA has submi tt ed to its active plan members a proposed amendment to the Statewide Defined Benefit Plan . An election has been held to determine whether the proposed amendment be adopted . In order fo r any amendmen t to be adopted , an amendment must be approved by an affirmative vote of 65% of the aclM! plan members , and more than 50% of their e,~,ployers . The amendMent and resutts of the P.mployee vote is as follows : Amendment 1: Increased Benefit Accrual of 2% Per Year of Service for the First Tan Years, Then 2.5% per Year for all Years of Service Thereafter. Prior to reaching age 55 , the current plan allows a member to accrue pens ion benefits for no more than 25 years of service . The maximum retiremen t benefit that can be accrued prior to age 55 is 50% of the average of the member's three highes t years' base salary . After reaching age 55 and having 25 years of service, the current plan prov ides an additional 2% per year of serv ice, up to a maximum benefit of 70% The proposed amendment would provide a benefit for all yea rs of service. Specifically, this amendment would give a 2% benefit for each year of service for the first ten years , then a 2.5% benefit for each year of service thereafter. Th is inaeased benefit accrual formula applies to both normal and vested retirement benefits . Emplo yee vote : In favor. 41 Against: 6 ' The City Coooc:11 has the option of voUng as the empl,yees have or voting In favor or against the proposed amendmenl . HOIT.II 1:> Jl:1 ~UO:J ;.~=~ l~cl the City's~ condition ~use the costilltabsort>ed by each Rian ~ ~-Re11111ment ACCXJW11 (SRA). Clffently, both the employee and the City ~8% lllW'6I the $~e Defined Benefit Planl Contributions not required to fl/nd the IClllarillly dllemined ~ otithe Statewide Defined a-flt Plan a111, *ced lq 1the rnembela' SRA. The CDIII ~ the amendment Is 5.03% of payroll. 11n 2001, the SRA AllocaUon wHhout Amendment One ii 8~, and the SRA Allocation with Amendment One Is 3%. --- lU() UST OF ATTACHMENTS Proposed !lll'Jlu'.1011 tne ,, " T' l I l _, ___ _ --~------- I.J • 'lf'ILJC .... , C I 1 I •