HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Resolution No. 085• RESOLUTION NO . ~ SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE GOLF COURSE RESTAURANT CONCESSIONAIRE AGREEMENT BETWEEN '!'HE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AND REIF GOLF ENTERPRISES, INC. WHEREAS, REIF Golf Enterprises, Inc. bas been eelected as the concessioru.in! to operat e the Englewood Golf Course Clubhouse restaurant; and WHEREAS, the pu.;,ose of t his Lease to provide s nack bar , grill and bar services to the go lfi ng public and a qua lity, full -s ervice restaurant facility offering breakfast, lunch a nd dinner for group m !etings , service clubs and info rmal evening dining; NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO , THAT: ~-The Agreement between the City of Eng.ewood and REIF Golf Enterprises, Inc . for restaurant/concession services at the Englewood Golf Course ia hereby approved. A co py of s aid agreement is attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein by reft!rence . ~-The Mayor a nd t he City Cle rk are hereby a uthorized to sign and attest the Ag reement described above for and on behfl lf of the City of E ,•glewood, Colorado. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 2•• of October, 20 00. 1, Lou cnshia A. Ellis , City Cle rk foi;.tb e City ofEnglewood , C orado, hereby certify the abo, c is a true co py of Resoluuon No 12, Sen es of 2000 . • ,iT ' ' AGREEMENT , ' 1 Ir 'lOUI b~ ,, THIS AGREEMENT, hJreinafter called "Leue", made awl entend into thia --claY of ____________ 2000, by and between the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, a Colorado municipal corporation, hereinafter n,fernd to as "City", and ______ _ ________ ., hereinafter referred to aa •Concenionaire•; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City ow111 certain n,al property which ii known aa the Enalewood Municipal Golf Co.irse, hen,inafter called "Golf Coune", and located in the City of Sheridan; and WHEREAS, City and Conceas i .. maire drJSire to enter into a lease for the management of the restaur"~t and lounge located at the Englewood Municipal Golf Course; NOW , THEREFORE, for and in cons.,(eration of the mutual covenants hereinafter appearinr and of the payment of the mon:ea hereinafter set forth, the partiaa hereto apee as follows : Smiw1..1. STATEMENT OF INTENT. The p~ of thia Lease lo provide sll8ck bar, grill and bar services lo the ro1finc public and a quality, full-service restaurant facility offering breakfaet, lunch and dinner for group meetings, service clubs and informal evening dininr, ~ GRANT . The City hereby leases to Concessionaire the portion of its golf clubhouse presently used aa ita restaurant concession, together with the impro.,emen ta thereon, localed at 2101 West Oxford Avenue, Sheridan, Colorado BOHO, for the purpose• of eerving food and beveragea, including alcoholic beverages. Sllii.wl..J , DEFINITION Or' PREMISES. The "Leaee,' Premise s" as referred to herein ie defined lo be the golf clublwuse reetaurant and lounge which ie owned by the City of Englewood, Colorado, See Exhibit "A", Pl'Opo..Jd food and beverage operatione ahall also be allowed on the 10lf courae. Nothing herein gives Concessionaire any riaht lo interfere with or participata in the operation of the Golf Course ae a golf courae, i.e . fairway& awl greens, Pro Shop, and all other golf cow1e operations. ~. TERM OF AGREEMENT. Thia Lease shall not be effective until Conceaaionaire baa obtained ,. liquor licenee tc diep., .. ,e alcoholic beverages pursuant to C.R.S . 12-47-101 et, seq. From the date of aignatwe until the liquor license is authorized by the proper ofliciala, thil Lease shall be co r.a1dered an Option to Lease that may 'lot be terminated by either party, except that if the Liquor License is not grnnted and in operation on or before -----~ 2000, The Cit hereby 11'"1lnts to Conceeaionaire the right to bold the Leased Premises pursuant to the term• of this Lease for a one (1) year lease with two (2) one (I) year renewals at the option of the Concessionaire and with two (2) additi onal optional one (I} year period ■ by agreement of both parties. The City reser-.·,• the 1i1ht to aceept. modify , or reject r.-id written propoeal. Uthe Conceeoionaire intends to renew the contract they muat inform the Director of Parb and Recreation ninety (90) day1 prior to termination of the leue. The City •hall inform Concessionaire of ita decl ■ion through the Director of Parka and Recreation. ~ USE OF THE PREMISES. Conceseionaire shall have the right to poeaeesion of the Leased Premises for the purpose of serving food and/or bevenges, including alcoholic beverages , for con■umptian on the golf course. However, nothing in this Lease shall be con■truad to authorize that which is prohibited under United States, State or local law , ortlinance, code or regulation . The Leased Premises shall be used by the Concessionaire for the purveying of alcoholic be verages, as the same may be authorized by and regulated under the Colorado Liquor Code, C.R .S. 12-47-101 , et seq., and for the operation of a restaurant. Con:essionaire shall operate the Leased Premise s in a careful, safe, quiet, orderly , and businesslike manner . Conceasionaire shall not use or permit the premises to be uaed for any purpose that is prohibited under the laws of the United States, st&tutes of the State of Colorado, or ordinances, regulations or code■ of the City of Englewood or the City of Sheridan. ConceBBionaire shall provide food and/or beverages includin~ alcoholic beveragBB on the golf courae through the use of sheds, a cart or a combination thereof. Operation time and uae of the sheds and cart(s} shall be provided by the Concesaionaire and ehall be approved by the City Manager or designee in the same manner as Section 8, Uae of • cart(•) •hall follow the same rules and regclationa as golf courae n,ntal carte, Shed design shall be approved by the City Manager or his designee. Use of a cart shall not interfere wit h the op eratio n of the golf course. Ser-.-ice to the golfers on the course sball be reviewed by the City Manager or his designee e ,ery s,x (6) months . Enter:ainment of any nature that Concessionaire proposes on the premises shall be ■ubject to prior approval by the Englewood City Manager or hie designee , which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. If the City determine• any entertainment to be obj ectionable, City shall notify Ci.rn cessionaire in writing thereof and Co ncessionaire shall te rminate said entertainment immediately. ~ EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE PREMISES. City hereby grants to Concessionaire the exclusive right to ust.• the Leaaed Premises to operate a re staurant and to purvey alcoholic bevera ge s . l 11:i e of vendin, machines by the Concession aire must be approved by the Ci ty Ma na ger or designe,. Swiwi..1. MENU. The Co ncessionaire shall pro vid e an a ttr'..tctive me nu for bre akfast, lunch, and evening meals listing meal items, beverages available and current pricing. Menus, pricing and chang .. ~ to me nu s or pr icing of menu items shall be reviewed and approved by the City Manager or his de signee . 2 • • • • ~ P '.)URS OF OPE RATION. a) ~--May lat through September 30th of each year, the c,_;,,.,,i.., lhall .iperate the restaurant C. ility aeven (7) daya per weak and durinJ theae mon1h. ehall be open each day to ,erve ,neaJ. to the public from one-half hour before dawn and shall remain 01 en un1il at leut 10:00 p.m. b) During the months of Oc-.ober lat through April 30th of each year, the Coaceaionaire ahall operate the reataurant facility MY9n (7) daya per week and during these months aball be open aach day ;., aerva meaJ. to the public et dawn and ahall remain open until at leut 8:00 p.m. c;) Houra of operation, including the hours of shed and cart operation. may be modified with written approval from the City Manager or hia delipee. d) Sunday closing at 8:00 p .'ll . is permitted. Nothing herein shall be ronatrued as prohibiting the Conces8'onaire from being open for other houn in addition to those atated in paragraphs "a " and "b " above . Res taurant may cloee on Chriatmas Day. e) Concessionaire agrees to cooperate with the Golf Course Manager in acheduling llllif maetinp and eventa that involve uae of the crill , meeting room and dining room. In the event of any disagreemen~ the matter shall be referred to the City Manager or hie designee . t MAINTENANCE , REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT. i. The Conce ssionaire shall be reaponaible for repairs and/or replacement of email a ppliances, dishes, glasses, ailverware. and other equipment and miscellaneoua cooking pots, pana and utensils. ii. The City shall be responsible for the cost and selection of the contractor for maintenance, repairs and replacement of the stove, grill and oven, hood a nd fire suppression sys tem, deep fat fryer, sinks, crease trap, cabinets, dishwashers, freezer , walk-in cooler, bar refngeration, furniture, and snack ba r coole r . The Conce ssionaire shall be responsible for the first three thousand fh·e hundred dollars ($3 ,500 .00 ) of outside contractor expense or pa r ts purchased by the City and therea ft er t he City shall be responsible for all additiona l costa, u nless auch coat is due t o negligence or other acts by Con ce ssionaire or employe es of Concess ionaire. g) Conce ssion ai re a nd or the City may tempora ril y cl os e the restaurant facility £or cleaning, co nstruction and maintenance under a mutually agreed upon schedule . 3 SECTION 9. CLEANLINESS GUIDELINES. The Conceuionairc will maintain, at all times , the kitciu,n, food pnpantion, ctininr and hanquet areas, all equipment, futtureff, paraphernalia, matariala, utenaila and other ite1111 there in, in a clean and sanitary manner, polilbed and wued to the hirhest decree possible . Conceuionaire 1hall keep the conceuion facililiN clear of broken glau, debris, and garbage. Conceasionaire shall di,poae of any wute water or other waste Quid in the ••nita.ry sewer. In the event waste fluida may not leplly be diapooed of in the sanitary se, ,,r, then Conceuionaire ia reapolllible far dl,poaing of same in an appropriate and lawful manner. Conceasiouain ■hall comply with all applicable health and sanitation laws and regulations in efl'ect where tbt food/beverage a1oas are located . The Conceaaionaire shall permit and facilitate inspecti011 of the food/beverage areaa by the City and ita representativee and by public health/sanitation/building/fire authorities so authorized at all time ■. The following shall establish the minimum sanitation guideline ■ m the Conceaeionaire: a) The Sanitation Code of the U.S. Food Service Industry as publilhod by the National Restaurant Association. b) All State of Colorado Acta and Regulationa governing food Nnice operations. c) All applicable County Public Health/S• litation R •gulation■. d) All applicable Federal Government Acta and Regulo ti,m. e) Any specific guidelines eatabli1hed by the Manager. SECTION IO . SANITATION REGULATION AND JOB INSPECTION. a) Informal inspections of the food service facilities are to be conducted weekly by the Concessionaire. An inspection checklist is to be prepared and completed by the Concessionaire for each inspection, and said checklist■ are to be made available to the City upon its request. A complete report of corrective ueasure• taken or to be taken for any deficiencies noted s hould aca,mpany the inspection report. b) Inf or . ual inspec tions of the food service facilitie s are to be conducted daily by the Conces sion aire wi th immediate corrective mea s ures taken for any deficier:""!.es noted . c) Formo! ins pections of the food service facilities are to be conducted a minimum of two (2) times per year, on a quarterly basis , by the C:ity's designated representative, acc'Jmpanied by the Concessionaire. Swil2n..l.l. RENT. a ) Concessionaire shall pay re nt to the City in accorda nce with the following schedule: • i. Commencinr on-----~ 2000, the Conceulonaire ,ball pay $3,000 per month or 10% of the l>'OU, whichever ii ~,i,r. Ol!IN ohall includ1 nndinr machinee and all revenue (11cept tazaa) ~tare producod or conducted on Iha Leued Pn,miN1. The aforesaid fised rent payment!< shall be paid each month , in advance, on the first day of each month or on the first Monday of each month if Iha firot day Callo on Saturday or Sunday. A penalty fee of $10.00 per day or part thereof ohall be charged for each day or part there< r that the rant ia paat due, until 12:00 midnight on Iha 14th day paat due. lftha rent payment ia not received by midnight on the 14th day past due, the Conceuionaire shall be in violation or the term, or this Agreement, and subject to termination. Swiim..,U. UTILITIES . City shall provide all utility costs for operation Smilln.la. JANITORIAL SERVICE AND TRASH REMOVAL . City shall be ra1ponsible for the reasonable cost or trash removal and janitorial service for the Leased Premises. Nothing in thia Paragraph shall diminiah the Conceuionaire's requirements set forth in Paragraphs 9 and 10. Smilm,li-PARKING FACILITIES . a) The exiating parking facility adjacent to the Restaurant conceaaion (hereinafter called 'parking facility") aha!! be open for use by Conceaaionaire and its cuatomera; such right or uae of the said parking racilitiaa shall be nnn•11cluaive right. b) City shall at its own expense maintain the parking facility, which shall include snow removal when neceaaary. ~SIGNS. The City shall maintain an entrance sign with the name of the Conceaeionaire. The Concessionaire shall be allowed equal apace on the entry sign. Any other signage for the restaurant shall be the sole responsibility of the Concessionaire. All signage muat be approved by the City Manager or his des ignee . Swian..15. PHYSICAL FACILITY AND EQUIPMENT . City agrees to provide space, fixtures , equipment and fumit·.ire for an equipped kitchen, bar, lam -,~ area, grill, snack bar and two dining/m ~eting rooms. Concessionaire atrees not to move existing partitions separating dining area and meeting room without the written permission of the City Manager or his deaignee . 5 SmiwLll. ADulTIONAL FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT. Concessionaire shall have the right to inatall additional facilities and equipment with the consent of the City Mana11er or his deaillllee. Said facilities and equipment ■hall become the property of the City upon the termination of the lease. 5wiwl..18.SECURITY. Conceesionar• :• responsible for the obtaining of theft insurance covering all food , liquor, and other supplies and personal property of Concessionaire. Such policie■ ahall contain no right of subrogation against the City. Concessionaire shall provide a copy of the policy to the City Manager or his desillllee. ~-PERSONNEL . a) Concessionaire shall at its own expense employ such qualified personnel as may be necessary for the concession operation and shall require all personnel to be clean, polite, and courteoua in their transactions with the public. b) Concessionaire shall give personal supervision and direction to the operation of the concession and, when absent , keep competent personnel in charge . c) City shall not be responsible for the wages or salaries of any employee or representative of Concessionaire, nor for any debts, liabili,ies or other obligations of Concessionaire. d) Neither the Concessionaire nor the employees who perform services pursuant to the AgTeement shall be considered employees, servants or agents of the City of Eng?ewood as a result of the performance of services under the Agreement. e) Violence and acts prohibited by law comm it' d by Concessionaire or employees of Concessionaire shall cause immediate termination of the Lease . 6 • • ~-UCENSER AND PERMITS. Concesaioll&ire, at ita own txpeDH, ,ball MCUn ar,,y and all lice11111 and permitl for food service, and purveyance or alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverqu. Concesaioll&ire agree■ to promptly initiate an application and obtain a Hotel and Rvetaurant Liquor Lie•na pursuant to C.R.$. 12-47-101 et aeq. Conce&1ionaire ahall have the reaponoibility of the enforcement of all liquor laws and regulation, on the premitea. Concesaionaire shall reimb\11'88 the City for all licenae fees it haa paid to Sheridan and the State of Colorado. ~-COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND CITY HEALTH CODES. Conc:eaoioll&ire sball keep all conceHion areae in a clean and s&ni~, condition at "11 times and shall comply with all State, County and City health laws relating to the diapensing of food and beverages. ~-INSURANCE/INDEMNIFICATION. a) ConeeS1i0naire agrees to furnish to City a performance bond or letter of credit in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000,00) or a cash depoeit in the amount of ten thousand dollara ($10,000) guaranteeing faithful performance by Conceaaiooaire of all terms, covenants, and conditiona herein contained and compliance with applicable City ordinance,. Said bond shall be furnished as or the date of execution of this Lease. b) Concessionaire shall at Concessionaire's own expense keep in {,Ill force and effect during the term of this Lease statutory Worker's Compensation coverage. A copy of the certificates of insurance shall be sent to the City in can of the pun:basing division. c) INDEMNIFICATION . Concessionaire agrees to indemnify and bold ~armless the City of Englewood. ita officers, employees. insurers, and aelf-inaura·1ce pool, from and against all liability, claims, and demands, on acoou.nt of injlll"}', 1088 or damage, of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with Concessionaire, if such injury, loss. or damage is caused in whole or in part by the act, omission, or other fault of Concesaionaire, or any officer or employee of Concessionaire. Conceesionaire agrees to investigate, handle, N'spond to, and to provide defense for any such liability, claima , or demands at the sole expense of Concessionaire, and agrees to bear all at.her costs and expenaea related thereto, including court costs and attorney fees , whether or not any such liability, claims, or demands alleged are groundleea, false, or fraudulent . d) INSUR<\NCE . i . Concessionaire is to procure and maintain, at its own coat , a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to insure aga inst all obligations assumed by Concessionaire punuant to this Lease. 7 ii. Concessionaire shall procure and continuoualy maintain the minimum inlurance coverage's listed below, with the forma and insurera acc,ptable to the City of Englewood. In the cue of any claims-made poliC)',,the neceuary retroactive dates and extended reporting periods shall be procured to maintain such continuous coverare. (A) General liability and errors and omissions inlurance with minimum limita of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per each petli0D and one million dollar1 ($1,000,000) per each oocurrence, plua an additional amount sufficient to pay related attomtya' fee1 and defense costs. (B) Liquor Legal Liability Insurance , with minimum limits of $1,000,000 for injury or death of any one person; $1,000,000 for injuries or death occurring aa a result of any one accident; $1 ,000,000 for pro~erty damage: and $1,000,000 for producta liability. A certificate evidencing said insllttllce policies shall be kept on file with the Clerk of the City and the City Purchasin:T division and shall have a provision that the same shall not bt altered, a me nded, or canceled without first giving written notification thereof to the City thirty daya prior thereto. Concessionaire ful'the.r aaree• to indemnify the City fur any claims brought ageinst the City becauae of or on account of Conceasionaire 'a operation. iii Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance shall be provided by the City on the Club House buildinr, and exunded buildings included in Leued Premiaes, only. Concessionaire shall be aolely resporu,ible for aecurinc and paying for insurance coverage on those improvements and contents belonci,ng to Concessionaire located in or on the Leased Premises. Conceaaionaire hereby expressly waives any cause of action or rig!.tt of recovery which Concessionaire may hereafter have against City for any loss or damage to Leased Premises or to any contents or improvements thereto belonging to either party, caused by fire or ~xp losion. iv. The policies required above shall be endorsed to include the City of Englewood and the City of Englewood's officers and employees aa additional insured. Every policy required above shall be primary insurance. and auy insurance carried by the City of Englewood, ita officers, or ite employees , or carried by or provided through any self-insurance pool of the City of Englewood, shall be excesa and not contributory inllurance to that provided by Concessionaire . v. The certificate of insurance provided to the City of Englewood shall be completed by the Conce ssionaire's insurance agent aa evidence that policies providing the required coverage's, conditions . and minimum limits are in full force and effect, and shall be reviewed and appro,ed by the City of Englewood prior to commencement of the A(Teement. No other form of certificate shall be used. The certificate shall identify this Agreement and shall provide that the coverage's afforded under the policies shall not be canceled. terminated or materially changed until at least 30 days prior wtitten notice has been given to the City of Englewood. The completed certificzite of insurance shall be sent to : 8 • City Clerk City of Enclewood 1000 En1lawood Parkway Englewood, Colorado 80110 A certified copy of any policy shall be pro.;ded to the City ofEnsJewo'lil at ita requut. A copy of the certificates of insurance shall be sent to the City in care of t.'ie Purchasing Oi.;sion, 2800 South Platte River Drive, EnsJewood, Colorado 80110 . .;. The parties hereto understand and agree that the parties ara .relying on, and do not w ai·✓e or intend to waive by any provilion of thia Agreement, the monetary limitatiuna (prnently $1,000,000 per person and $1 ,000 ,000 per occurrence) or any other rights, immunities, and protectiona pro.;ded by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, C.R.S. 24-10-101 et ,,,q., aa from time to time amended, or otherwise available to the partial, their officers, or their employees. A certificate evideocins said insurance policy shall be kept on file with the Ci~ Clerk of the City and shall have a provision that tbs aame ■hall not be altered, amended, or canceled without first pmg written notification thereof to the City thirty days prio,· thereto. Conceaaior.aire further agrees to in~r--,nify the City for any claims brought against the City becau.ae or on account of ( ~onaire'a operation. A copy of the certificates of insurance shall be sent tu the City in ca.re of the purchasing division. ~-FIRE OR NATURAL DISASTERS . In the event lire or natural dila, r renders the Club Houae and ita conceuion facilities inoperable, the Cona,a1onai?e shall be released from the terms of compenaation to be pkid the City until auch time as the Chili Houae and ita concession facilities are ~eclared open and operable by the City. If in the event such conceaaion facilities ara uot open and operable within a period of thirty (30) days from the time of auch dis aster, Concessionaire has the ri ght to terminate its contract and Lease with the City under Section 24 , Termination of Lease, contained herein . ~ TENANT RECORDS . Concessionaire shall keep and maintain complete and accurate records and accounts o( its business on a calendar ye ar basis . A monthly report shall be generated providing a breakdown of "gross sales .. into the following categorie s: Restaurant Operations, Catering Operaoons, Bar Opera tiom: AND ANNUAL AUDIT . Such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be audited annually by an independ ent accountant certified in the State of Colorado . The records shall clea rly show Concessionaire's gross sales , including proceeds from all catering acti.;ties. Gross sales shall be divided in restaurant operations , caterin g operations and bar operations . Such records and accounts , includ ing all sales tax reports that Concessionaire lumishes to any government or governmental agency shall be made availsble for inspection at any 9 reuonablo time upon request of tho City, tho City's auditor, or other authorized • repre11ntative, and a copy of such annual audit, including all written commenll and recommendations of sud independent accountunt, ahall be furnished to the City Clerk within 90 days of the close of tho fiscal year being so audited. ;m~. TERMINATION OF LEASE. a) Thia Lease may , at any time, be terminated by either, ,ty upon ninety (90) days' written notice to the other without cause. b) The parties may terminate the Lease by giving thirty (tu) days' written notics of a violation of paragraphs 5, 7, 8, 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17. c) Violation of paragraphs 18, 19, 20, and 21 shall be grounds for immediate termination of the Lease. ~-DELIVERY AND REMOVAL UPON TERMINATION. Conceasionaire will deliver the premises at the termination of thia Leasa in aa iQOd condition and state of repair as when received, except for ordinaey wear and tear or loss or damage caused by an act of God . Upon termination, Cmc:estrionaire shall have the right to remove any supplies or personal property belonging to or installed by the operator, subject. however. to any valid lien or claim which City may have for unpaid fees. Provided also that if said removal caUNa any damage to tho premises, oaid Conceaaionaire will repair the same in a proper and satisfactory manner at its own expense. All liquor licenses ,hall be transferred to the City of Englewood . At no time shall Concessionaire terminate, alter or surrender the liquor license without approval of the City of Englewood . The Conceasionaire shall be subject to injunction to preftnt surrender or injury to the liquor licenae . Upon termination, the attached Power of Attorney shall be operative and ohall allow the City to operate the eatabliahmont pursuant to law. In the event the liquor license is transterred to the City of Englewood. the City shall pay the Conc:easionaire S2 ,500 .00 less any offsets allowed by the prior provisions of this Agreement. ~. This Agreement may not be assigned and a sublease shall not be allowed without the written consent of both parties. Sw:..J.n...2B. NOTICES . All notices, dema nd s and communications hereunder s h nll be personally served or given by cerufied or registered mail, and : n) If intended ior City shnll be addressed to City at: City of En glewood Atte ntion : City Manager 1000 Englewoo d parkway Englewoo d, Colorado 80ll0 10 • • with a copy to : Cit)' of Enwiewood ~lion: City Attorney 1000 Englewood Parkway Englewood. Colorado SOHO l I ..,_ • .A I l C b) If intended for Concessionaire shall be addreued to r41lceaionaiN at: ' t ' with a copy to: c) Any notice given by mail shall be deemec! delivered whm depaoited in a Uniled States general or branch post office, addressed aa above, with postage prepaid, or when served personally at the applicable address . Swi.lm..2ll. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Thia Lease, together with the exhibits attached hereto: a) Contains the •ntire •rre•ment between the parties; and b) Shall be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado. ~. SEVERABILITY. If any elm""' of pro,-ision of this Lease is illegaL invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws effective during the term of this Lease, then and in that event. it ia the intsnlion of the parties beret~ that the remainder of this Lease ■hall not be affected thereby. It is also the intent, •u of the parties to this Lease that in lieu of each clause or provision of this Lease thr : is illegal. invalid or une.nfon:eable, there be added as a part of this Lease a clause t: ..,,·ovision as similar in terms to such illegal , invalid or unenfon:eable clause or pro11s ion as may be possible and be legal, valid and enfon:eable. ~CAPTIONS. The caption cf ePch Section is .!ldded as a matter of convenience only :ind shall not be considered in the construc:\on of any provision or provisions of this Lease . II S~. BINDING EFFECT . All terma, conditions and covenanll to be obnrved and perfiirmed 1by tlM partie1 hereto shall be applicable to and binding upon their retpeetive hein, aclminiotraton, executora, aucceuora and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partiea hereto lu·ve hereunto set their hando and seals as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO "City" By ________ _ Thomas J. Burns, Mayor A'M'EST: L<r.u:riohia A. Ellia, City Clerk .. Concesaic-naire .. By _________ _ By ________ _ 12 • 1,A ~1 IT .J. J:iZ COUNCIL CQMMUNICATION b 1 pno, Date Agenda Item Subiect October 2, 2000 :urant Contract· GoK 1 O c I t.;v-,rse Initiated By Staff Source Department of Parks and Recreation Jerrell Black, Director of Parka and Recreation Bob S ada Gott rattona Mana er COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION I n 1996 Approval of Restaurant Contract-JOQ's Corporation 1988 Approval of Restaurant Contract-Anderson/Malloy, In~. D.B.A .• WorxtY;s Club 1986 Approval ol Restaurant Contract-Mur.James Corporafi!>n 1982 Approval of Restaurant Contract-2101 Corporation RECOMMENDED ACTION "...,.A Q lj Staff recommends to City Council to adopt a resolution approving the Gott Course Restaurant Concessionaire Agreement between the City of Englewood and Relf Golf. BACKGROUND, ANAL VSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIF-IED The Gol! Course has provided a restaurant concession at the existing clubhouse since 1982 . The current c-oncessionaire , JOQ's has operaled the restaurant facility since 1996. The term of this agreement was for five years and was to terrninaie in January of 2001 . JOQ's gave ninety days notice (per Section 23, Paragraph A, of the Concession Agreement) on June 26, 2000, to stop the restaurant operation effective October 2, 2000 . However, due to numerous staff problems, Julie Quinlivan , owner of JOQ's, requested to cease operation after the day•~ business on Sunday, August 20, 2000. The City of Englewood has operated and will continue to operate the restaurant until the new concessionaire begins . Bid requests were distributed to fourteen interest parties . Four pmposals wera received and four interviews were, conducted. CONTRACT: The development of the contract received input from the Parks and Recreation staff, City Attorney's office, Finance Department ~nd the Purchasing Department. The contract was developed to provide fairne ss and equity for both the concessionaire and the City of Englewood . However, a few changes were made from the previous contract to increase the benefits to the City of Englewood and the patrons of the restaurant. Areas that were adjusted are as follows: hours of opllration , particul· , ly for the cart and snack sheu will be posted . The concessionaire will be respon.;ible for the first $3,500 of repairs to stove , grill, dishwashers , etc. Sectkln 9 (C le anliness Guidelines) and Section 10 (Sanitation Regulation and Job Inspection) we l e added to assure safe and clean practices were in place . The sign rental was included in the new rent payment. [ I L SELECTION PROCESS : interview Co'1l!l!IJlu.-An 1rurv1aw,tl0111mmae was created to provide a wide range of diverse Input. The lnt&rvtew Committee consisted of tt,e Goff Operations Manager, Manager of Open Spaces and reprasentallves from the following aepa;tments:Flnanco D,iii an , Purcnailng 0-'Plltinerifai\'lflha RumanRas'.61lrces Depar1manl Also lncfudl!I cln Iha committee from other agencies were a repreeentative I of the Parks and Rec,...,tloniCommlsslon, Facilities Manag~r for the City of Westminster 1 and Iha otrec10r of'C3otf for FoottiHts Patts qnd Recreation . -- ' l.!.ll!.'l1m~: The evaluation c~teria Included financial considerations , customer HIVClt elemenle, experience , ma\.kellng plan, .-iu and pricing, ~llltion and bid propo~E,I and professional attributes . The profesalonal attributes included intangible elements such as positive attttudrinnovation'a1\d crei~, mollvatl(Jn, commitment , etc . F!NANCIAL IMPACT The rental pa)ment will be $38,000 ·or 10%·of the gross (whichever Is greater) per year . UST OF ATTACHMENTS Bid Proposal Tabuhtion Proposed Resolution 0 'A A 1l 1A • CITY OF ENGLEWOOD -ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CONCESSIONAIRE BID OPENING SEPTEMBER 8, 2000 10:00 A.M. ~PANY MONTHLY RENT QUESTIONS ANSWERED BID BOND COMMENTS TINA SULLIVAN $3,500.00 ALL MARKED LETTER SEE ATTACHcD OF CRC!OIT OVERLAND G.C. $3,000 .00 MIN. OR ALL MARKf,_-,. PERSt•NAL SEE ATTACHED RON REIF 10%OFGROSS CHECK AMENDMENTS ACKNOWLEDGED WILLIS CASE $30,000.00IYEAR ALL MARKED BIDIIOND SF..EATTACHED PETE ELZI PLUS7%OVER ATTACHED RENT IS, E~PLAINED IN ~HIBIT A & B $200,000.00 AME.',l~MENTS ACKN•JWLED:.ED RBI GOLF MANAGEMENT N/R BUFFl'LORUN 8% OF GROSS SALES ALL MARKED NOBID SEE ATTACHED ED SEFIC BOND AMENDMENTS ACKNOWLEDGED INCLUDED BASIC FOOD GROUP, INC. N/h PARADISE CONCESSIONS N/R ROBERT G. BENNETT N/R