HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 Resolution No. 003•,.
\VHERF;AS, on April 7, 1980, tho City of Englewood, Colorudo 1the "City") granted to
Mountain States Video , Inc., ("FrRnchisee''), a Franchiue to own and operate a cable
television system in the City as set forth in Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1980, o.nd entered
into a Franchise Agreement with the Franchi8ee dated as of April 7, 1980, pursuant to
Ordinance NO. 4, Series of 1980; and
WHEREAS, Franchisee is a subsidiary of, and ccntrolled by Tele-Communications , Inc., a
Delaware corporation ("TCI"); and
WHEREAS, Section 23 of the Francnise requires the City's consent to any tra nsfer of
ownership or control thereof; and
WHEREAS, TC) has entered into an Agreement and Plan of Restructuring and Merger
(the "Merger Agreement'') with AT-&-T Corp ., a New York corporation ("AT-&-T"), and Italy
Merger Corp ., a Delaware corporation ("Italy") which is a direct wholly owned subsidiary of
AT-&-T, for the purposes of the merKer of Italy with and into TC); and .
WHEREAS , this merger will effect• change of central of TC! and the Franchise pursuant
to the Francltise; ao:!
WHEREAS, pursus:it to Section 23 of the Franchise, and 47 U.S.C. §537, as amended .
TCJ and AT-&-T hav• requested that the City approve the transfer of control of the
Franchise from TCI to AT-&-T; and
WHEREAS , the City has investigated both the status of the Franchise, the Franchisee's
compliance therewith, and the technical, legal and financial ability of AT-&-T to control the
Franchisee 's compliance lrith the Franchise; and
WHEREAS, ba·.ed upon the City's investigation and representations made to the City by
TCJ and AT-&-T, ,,pon which the City is relying, the City is prepared to approve the transfer
of control of the Franchise £rem TC! to AT-&-T, pursuant to the condition,, described herein;
~-The City hereby consenta to and approves the transfer of control of the
Franc'tise fro m TCI to AT-&-T.
~-The City confirms that the Franchise is currently in full force and effect and is
t>eing extended on a month•to-month basis until a new agreement is finalized .
~-This Resolution appr ·i ng the transfer of central is based in part upon the
follo'l\ing representations and ack ledgmenta made by Franchisee, TC) and AT-&-T to
the City, all of which are considered material and have been relied upon by the City:
(•I That the Merger Agreement, and nil of the atlachmenta tu that documet!t.
p·1ovided to the City with FCC Form 394 ( except for thoae matariala which have
been redacted pursuant to law, •nd are identified b;-title or topic in the Merpr
AgreemP.nt and ita attachments) constitutes the entire agreement regardinJ the
merger between TCI, Italy and AT-&-T;
(b) That additional services provided over the cab!e ayatem to aubacribers in the
Franchise area, presently and during the term of the Franchiae and any
extensions thereof. shall, to the extent permitted by federol law, be conaidered
cable ""rvices. By way of example, and not by limitation, TCl'a @Home content•
enriched cable internet access service, currently ie considered a cable service
pursuant to Title VI of the Communications Act of 1934, aa amended by the
Telecommunications Act of 1996, and is not a telecommurucations 11ervice;
(c) That Franchisee shall comply with all lawful ,..quirements with re ,pect to
nondiscriminatory access to the Franchisee's cable modem platform for providers
nf internet and on-line &!Vices;
(d) That all customer service standards adopted by the Greater Metro
Telecommunications (',0naortium remain ill full force and effect, and Franchisee
will maintain staffing levels neceaaary to meet !hose standards, and all federal
regulations regarding technical standards of cable ayotema;
(e) That no future il:tra-corporate transfers, mergers, or other changes ,-f ownership
or control, affecting the Franchiae, will change the obligations or t,b•.ti ,y of
Franchisee to the City with respect to any of the terms, conditions and
obligntions of the Franchisee, unle88 prior approval is granted by the City in
(f) That if Franchisee receives a written request from the City by June 30, 1999,
that on or before Docember 31 , 1999, Franchisee, TC! and/or AT-&-T, shall, at
ita sole expense , conclude a review of the f'ranchise, and shall advise the City in
writing of any provision of the Franchise which it believe• is no lon3or applicable
due to a change in existing law, or for any other reaROn. 'fhis review will be
conducted in good faith by Franchisee, TCI and/or AT-&-T, but by doing so,
I•'ranchiaee, TCI •nd/or AT-&-T does not waive the right to challenge in the
future any prov'sion in the Franchise aa no longer •pplicable under eriating law,
regardleaa of whether such provision was noted in the review . That this review
will be undertaken does not require the City's agreement with any opinions or
conclusions it may receive from Franchisee, TC! or AT-&-T. Any disagreements
between the parties will be eddreaaed as the parties see 6t at that time;
(g) That Franchisee, TCI and/or AT-&-T , will comply with all applicable laws
regarding rates for cable services within the Franrhise area and all applicable
laws covering issues of crose subsidization;
(h) That in the event of any failure to comply with these representations and/or
acknowledgments , or any misrepreseL...ct.tions 1.X>ncerning the same, the City may
enforce any penalty provisions pursuant to t'Je Franchise and exercise any other
remedy available to it by law .
• fild;iwU. By p-of thia Reoolution. the City maku no repreaentatio1111 concerninJ
whether any violationa or non-eompliance i•,_ emt with re1pect to th,, Frt.1 :llile.
Nothing in thia Re10lution oball be am,trued by the Franchiaee, TCI, or AT-,.,T, u
precluding the City fro.m addreuinc llDY prior act■ of noncompliance by Fran,~11-, purouant
to Iha torma of the Fruchiae.
~-Thia Reoolution ,hall t.ake effect upon the clooing of the Mtl'I' \gtffment.
~-Thia Reoolution ia conditionad 1J1,0n approval oi th• tranuctioc between TC!,
AT -&-T and Italy, by their respective 1hareholden,, an,! all required federal !IOvernmont
agnnciea, in aubatanti.ally Iha same form u the transaction de1e>lbed in the Merpr
Agreement, and related documento delivered to the City with TCl'e Form 394 filing, and in
documente deliven,d in ,eoponee to the City'■ requeoto for supplemental information.
Should the tr&ru1actio.~ "'' approved by the ahareholden and federal government agencieo
differ in any material ,upect from that rep,..,.,,nted in the docwnento dcacribed her,,in, thia
Resolution eholl be voidable , at the eole option of the City. Within thirty (30) days •,l!owing
the cloeing of the Me,.., Agreement. Franchiaee shall file with the City a etatement that tho
above conditions have been met.
,\DO::'TED AND APPROVED thia 4th of January, !999.
above is 8 true co,>y of Reaolution No.2, Seriee of lflS9. . , /{ !/J ,.,_,.,,.~ '"" ""''""""' '""'q~--.....
. '4lt-C½
Lcucriat,a A. Ellia
Date Agtndaltom I subject I T :ans fer of Control of Cable
Franchise Agreement lo
January 4, 1999 11 C i AT-&-T Corp.
Initiated By I Staff Sources
City Attorney's Office Nancy Raid, Assistant City Altomey
Leigh Ann Hoffhine~. Communications Specialist
In 1967, 1973 , and 1980, the Englewood City Council approved ordinances relating to cable television
franchise agreements. The current cable franchise television agreement with Mountain Slates Video
(a TCI subsidiary) has been in effect since April, 1980. In June, 1995, City Council authorized the
extension of the current Cable Television System Permit on & month-to-month basis u~III a new
agreement is finalized.
Staff seeks Council su~:,ort for a resolution consenUng to the transfer of -control of the City's Cable
• Tetevislon System Franct1ise lo AT-&-T Corporation.
In June of this year, TCI announced its intent to merge with AT-&-T. Englewood's cable franchise
agreement requires that approval be obtained from the local franchising authority for this transfer of
~'Ontrol . On September 14, 1898, TCI delivered to the City a request for consent lo cha nge of control
associated with the merger. Under federal law, the City has 120 days from that date to take ar:tlon on
the request. TCI has granted all Greater Metro.Telecommunications Consortium communities an
extension until January 31, 1099 to act on its transfer request. If the City does not take action within
the allotted time, consent will be deemert automatically granted. If approved, Englewood's franchise
agreement will continue to be held by lk.•Jntain States Video as a subsidiary of TCI, with the uitimate
parent company being AT-&-T .
On behalt of many metro-area municipalitie, . including Englev.ood, the Greater Metro
Telecommunications Consortium (GMTG) has researched tho merger agreement, federal
communications law as It Impacts local governments, and the abi!ity of AT-&-T to comply with the
technical, legal, and financial obligatic~s of local franchise agreements. The GMTC has developed a
"model resolution' that most metro area communities will use to approve the transfer of control. The
resolution contains the following cor.dilions that will require TCI and AT-&-T to:
-comply with existing fran~hisa obligations
• comply with any changes in federal law regardin~ classification of services and rates
• maintain existing levels of technical and customer service employees
• comply with the Custc;mer Service Standards adopted by all GMTC communities
• conduct a logal audit within one year to ensure that all conditions of the franchise agreement
are being complied with and are still in accordance with federal law
The model resolullon a,:.; Ih a above C0l1dltiona have been lllfllOWd ~-legal counael for TCI .
There are interaellng challenges presented by the merger al AT -&-T (a telecommunlcallone company)
end a TCI (a cable company). cable services and other types of tllac:ommunica11ona HMCee 1119
governed by dlif..rt parts of the Federal Communlcallons Act, and federal law detennlnN whether a
service Is a •cable" service or a "lelecommunlcation t' service . Under Colorado law, loc:al govemmenll
can collect franclm feff for cable services, but not for telecommu,1ications services. Because
advancing technology allows both services to be provided over the same medium , the dltlnc:tlon
between the two is sometimes blurred. The proposed resolution includes language that def11111 to
rulemaklnga by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Courts, or Congress In thHe
regards .
There Is no direct financial Impact as a resutt of this resolution .
Proposed ResolrJllon