HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 Resolution No. 083• • RESOLUTION No . Ii SERIES OF 1998 A RESOLUTION AUTHOSIZJ.NG THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ENGLEWOOD EMPLOYEE!! ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY Of' E NGLEWOOD FOR THE !PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 1999 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2001. WHEREA5, the previo<H Collective BBigainin0 i\.grecment with the Englewood Emploveo• Association,. .. effectin Eirom January I , 1997 through December 31, 1998; and WHEREAS, the Cit_v ofl!!lnglewood and the E nglewood Emp loye es Association entered into negotiations on ~fay tS, 1998 in aa:ordance with the Englewood City Home Rule Charter; and WHEREAS , the membe:s of the Englewood Employees Association duly ratified , by a ma;o,ity of the members, die Collective Bargaining Agreement; a nd WHEREAS, approval 0!!" the Englewood City Council of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Erc,glewood Employees Aaaociation and the Ci ty of Englewood for the the period Jf January 1, 1!199 rhrough December 31 , 2001 , is here by given; NOW , THEREFOkE, Bl'.! IIT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORPIDO, AS FOLLOWS: Sl:J:tian...1 . The City Cc=cil of the City of Englewood , Colorado he reby approves t he Collective Bargaining Agrtiement between the Englewood Employees Ass oc iation and t he City of Englewood for the ;,eriod of January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2001. ~-Th• Mayor 11md the City Clerk are hereby authorized to sig n and attest the Coll ective Barga:. .ring Agn,ement between the E nglew ood Employees Associati on and the City of Englewood , Coloracio, for the period of January I. 1999 through December 31 , 2001. ADOPTED AXD APPROVE D this 20"' day cif July. 1998 . .. o ucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk I. Loucristua A. Ellis . C,ry Cle rk fo r.,;li e City of En gle wood, above 1s a tr ue copy of R..!-...soluuo n :,.Jo /li Se ries of 1998, /~~-(4, COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BE1WEENTIIE Cl'IY OF ENGLEWOOD AND TilE ENGLEWG D EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATIO JANUARY 1, 1999 -DECEMBER 31, 2001 • • lliDEX )ti I >I I f, o~ PAGE ARTICJ.E 1 INlRODUCJlON ARTIClE 2 DURATION OF CONTRACT 2 ARTIClE 3 RECOGNffiON 3 ARTICU: 4 EMPLOYEE RlGI-ITS 3 ARTICU: 5 HOURS OF WORK 3 ARTICLE 6 OVERTIME WORK 4 ARTICLE 7 ACTING PAY 4 ARTICLE 8 MERIT INCREASES s • ARTICLE 9 COMPENSATION s ARTICLE 10 LO NGEVITY COMPENSATION 6 ARTICU: II AN UALLEAVE 6 ARTICLE 12 PERSONAL LEA VE 8 ARTICLE 13 DISABILlTY -TEMPORARY (NON-JOB RELATED ) 9 ARTICLE 14 ON-THE-JOB INJURY -DISABILITY 10 ARTICLE 15 MILITARY LEAVE 11 ARTICLE 16 FUNERAL LEA VE 11 ARTICLE 17 JURY DUTY AND WITNESS SE RVI CE 12 ARTICLE 18 HOLIDAYS 12 • AR'nCLE 19 UNIFORM CLEANING AILOWANCE 13 ARTICLE 20 11J111ON REFUND 13 ARTICLE 21 lJFE CNSURANCE 13 ARTICLE 22 DENTAL INSURANCE ' 13 ARTICLE 23 HEALTH CNSURANCE • EMPLOYEEfRETIREES 14 ARTICLE 24 RETIREMENT BENEffiS 14 ARTICLE 25 1.AYOFF 14 ARTICLE 26 LEA VE OF ABSENCE (WITHOUT PAY} 15 ARTICLE 27 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 16 ARTICLE 28 LETfER OF CORRECTIVE ACTION 17 ARTICLE 29 DUES DEDUCTION 18 ARTICLE 30 ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES 19 ARTICLE 31 STANDBY PAY 20 ARTICLE 32 CALLBACK 20 ARTICLE 33 LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 20 ARTICLE 34 EXCLUSIVENESS OF CONTRACT 20 ii • • • • CONTRACT ~ BE1WEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AND1HE ENGLEWOOD EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION ARTICLE 1. INTRODUCTION This contract entered into by the City of EnglLwood, Colorado, and the Englewood Employees Association has as its purpose the promotion of harmortious relatioas between the City of Englewood and its Employees, a fair and peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences; the establishment of rates of pay and hours of work, and other conditioas of employment an set out in the City Charter. Except where limited by express provisioas elsewhere in this Contract, nothing in this Contract shall be coastrued to restrict, limit or impair the rights, powers and authority of the City as granted 10 it under the laws of the State of Colorado and the City's Charter and Municipal Code. The rights, powers, and authority include, but are not limited to, the follo wing : A Determine the overall mission of the City as a unit of government . B. To maintain and improve the effi ci ency aud effectiveness of City operatioas. C. To determine the services to be rendered, the operatioas to be performed, the technology to be utilized, or the matters to be budgeted. D. To determine the overall methods, processes, meaas, job classificati oas or pc::sonnel by which city operatioas are to be conducted. E . To direct, supervise, hire, promote, traasfer, assign, schedule, retain or lay-off employees. F. T o suspend, discipline, di sc harge , or dem o te for just cause, all full-ti me permanent classified e mployees. G . To relieve employees from duties because of lack of work o r fund s, or under conditioas where the City determines continued work would be inefficient or non pr oductive . H. To take whatever other actions may be necemry to carry out the wishes of the public not otherwise specified herein or limited by a collective bargainina Contract. I. emergency. ~ To take any and all actions to any out the miuioa of the City in cases of VI J. No thing contained herein shall preclude the City from conferrin g with its empl oyees for purposes of developing policies to effectuate or implement any of the above enum erated rights . The City retains the right to change a!'.ly past practice which is aot in viol ation with this Contract . In the event a past practice is sought to be changed by the City Manager or Depanment Heads , the Englewood Empt~ Associa tion will be provided re as ona bl e written notice of the intended change. The Eoglewood Employees Association re tains the right to grie ve any change in practice which · in violation of this Contract ARTICLE 2. DURATION OF CONTRACT A. This contract wi ll take effect oa January 1, 1999, and shall continue in force to and including December 31 , 2001 , provided tha t ei ther party may reopen negotiations for Article 9 by giving written notice of intent nego ti ate Articl e 9.E prior to May 15 , 2000; 1111d negotiations on salary, dental insuranc:c ud health insurance, • employee /re tiree for 2001 will be held in 2000 in accordance wita the Chaner. The City will notify th e Unlon three (3) months prior to commencement of negotiations if there is a need to negotiate on dental or heal th insu ranc e. B. This contract or any pan of it, may be terminated or renegotiated at an y time by mutu al conse nt oi both parti es. C. lf any arti cle or se ctio n of this co ntract sh ould be held inva lid by op eration of law or any Cou rt of competent jurisdictioo. or if compliance with or e nforc emeat of any article or sectio n shou ld be restrained by rucb Court, the remainder of this contra ct shall not be affe cted th ereby an d this Co ntract ~all re main in full for ce an d effect and the parties shall prompt ly me et and nego tiate fo r th e purp ose of att emp ting to arrive at a mutuall y sa tisfa ctory rep lace men t for su ch articl e or sec ti on . D. The partie s agree and un derstand tha t provi sions rela ti ng to emp loyees cover ed by this co ntr act shall in no way displace or modify present or futu re sta tu to ry cas e law of the St are of Co lorad o. E. The parties acknowledge that duri ng neg otia tio ns whic h res ulte d in thi s con tract, each had the unlimited right and o;,porrunity to make demands an d pro posals wi th respec t 10 any subject or matter appropriate for Contract negotiat io ns and that th e understa nding s and agreements arrived at by th e panies afte r this exe rcise of that righ t an d opportu nity are se t forth in the contract. • 2 • • • ~I orll 10 ARTlru.E 3. RECOGNirnl0N I i The City recognizes the Englewood Employees Assoclalion/AFSCME Local #JCB as the sole organization certified punuant to the provisions of the Chartf'r of the <rity al Englewood as the exclusive representative for the public employees within the followinc bargaining unit: Included: All full-time, classified non-emergency employees of the City. Excluded: All supervisory, managerial, confidential, part-time, temporary, Sl:aSOWU, and contractual employees, students, and all employees hired tbrough the use of Federal,. state or other outside funding sources for special projeets or programs, and all others who may be detennined prior to or during the life of this Contract as provicred under the City Charter. NOTE: For legal authority see City Chaner 137: I, 137:2 b, c, m, m 1-6, n, o, and 137:3. Also see 137:2 (k) re : employee rights of association. ARTICLE 4. EMPLOYEE RIGHTS A full-time classified employee who is not a confidential employee, a manageria] employee, or a supervisor shall have the right: A To form, join, support or panicipate in, or to refrain from forming, joining,, supporting, or participating in the employee organization or its lawful activities; and B. Bargain collectively through their certifi ed employee representative . C. No employee shall be interfered with, restrained , coerced or discriminate d against because of the exercise of these rights nor shall the right of an individual employee to discuss employment con cerns with the City be infringed upon . NOTE : For legal authority sec Employee Rights of Association 137 :2(k) of the City Chaner. ARTICLE 5. HOURS OF WORK All departments, functions or activities shall observe office an d working hours necessary for the efficient trans action of their respective services . Such have be en determined fo r non-emerge ncy employees as follow s: A All employees covered by this Contract shall work at least fo rty (40) hours pe r week, or in the case of shift work, an average of forty (40) hours per week. The work week 3 shall consist of five (S) e1gb1-bour shifts, or other work schedules II determined by the • department bead with approval of the Oty Manager. All employees shall be scheduled to work a regular work schedule and each wcrk schedule shall have a regulat starting and quitting lime. Should lbc wort ldledute be cltaapd. affected emplgyees wlll>be notified 24 houis in advance except in die -.,; of an e&11erpoi:y u determined by the Departme,'t Dir~ctor, B. Employees shall be entitled to two (2) rest periods not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes or one ( 1) thirty (30) minute rest period for each work schedule. Rest periods shall be under the control flf the su pervi;or or department head. C When possible. employees who work beyond their regular quitting time into an overtime situation shall be eligible for a fifteen (15) minute rest veriod before they begin the overtime work. When po551ble, additional rest peri ,ds shall bt granted under the control of the suprrvisor or department bead similat to rest periods granted under subparagraph B abov:. D. When neceSSaJJ, employees shall be granted a fifteen ( 15) minute personal clean-up period prior to th e end of each work schedule . The clean-up period shall be under the control of the supervis or or department bead . E. All employees shall be granted a lunch period during each work schedule. Whenever powble, the lunch period shall be scheduled at the middle of each work • schedule . ARTICLE 6. OVERTIME WORK A. For all employees covered by this Contract, except as specified below , duties performed over and abo,·e the assigned work schedule shall be considered overtime . Ovenime shall not be com puted nor compensation allotted on previously accrued overtime. B. All pe rsonnel subject to ovenime shall be compensated for ovenime work at the rate of one and one-half (1 -1 /2) times the normal pay rate or compensatory time off during normal work hours, computed at the rate of one and o·ne -balf (1-1/2) time s. The City retains the right to assign overtime work to any employee qualified to perform the work. ARTICLE 7. ACTING PAY All pe rsons appointed to an acting position at the sole discretion of the Direct or will be compensated at the minimum of the acting position, or 5%, whichever is greater, for the position for whic h be /she is acting as approved by the Director of said Depanmen1. The employee must be in an acting capacity for fony-eight ( 48) consecutive working hours 4 • • • • (excluding overtime) before said employee becomes eligJ'ble for aaiog pay. Such pay will be retroactive to the fint day employee assumes the responsibility uf the position. ARTICLE 8. MERIT INCREASES I ,< All merit increases provided for the employee will be oomidered upon the anniversary date and shall not be considered automatic, but rather, t-.d upon performance. Said merit increase may be granted or denied to any individual employee upon reco=endation of the depanment head and with the approval of the City Manager upon notice to such individual empl oyee. The date in which the merit increase is approved shall determine the new merit anniversary date. ARTICLE 9. COMPENSATION A. Each employee in the classified service shall be paid at one of the rates set forth in the pay plan for the class in which they are employed . B. At least u.~ minimum rate of pay for a class shall be paid to an employee who is starting his employmem with the City. C. When a regular full-time po,· ion not under the classified service is brought into the classified service, the rate of pay ~i the incumbem may be ~t by the City at the step closest to his current rate in the grade established for the class. In such cases there will be no reduction in pay. D. A change in anniversary date will result when: (1) The employee is on leave without pay . Toe previous anniversary date shall be adjusted one month for each twenty-two (22) working days of leave without pay in any twelve ( 12) month period. (2) The employee terminate s his employment and later is reemployed. Toe new anniversary date shall be determined by his new e mpl oyment date. (3) Wh en it is determin ed that the employee merits an i!;crease , the date of the inc rease will determine the new anniv ersary date. E. Employees of the City of Eng lewood repre sented hy the Englewood Employees Association and cover ed by this Contract shall receive a thl!ee percent (3.0%) increas e on the 1998 base wage rate effective January 1, 1999 : and an additional th•ee percent (3.0%) increase on the 1999 base wage rate effective January L 2000. Salary tor 200 1 will be negot iated in 2000 . 5 Aln1CLE 10. LONGEVITY COMPENSAJJO~ ,1 In lddidon 'io an empl~yee's monthly salary, the employee shall he eligible for lol!F"ity compensation based upon the number of years of continuous service with the City and shall be derived from the following schedule : .". 1 1 Years of ~ 0-4 5-9 10-4 15-19 ·20 or more Amount of Compensation None S12 per month for S144 per year, except for those employees who have not co mplete ~ 6 full years of co nti nuous service on December 1 of any year, which employees shall receive an amount equal to S 12 for each full month of completed continuous service after completion of 5 years of continuous service up to December l. $24 per month for $288 pe , year, except for those employees who have not completed 11 full years L'f cont inuou s service on December I of any year, which employees sh al l recei ve Sl 4'! plus an amount equal :o $12 for each full month of complete:! continuous servic e aft er completion of 10 years of continuou s servi ce up to Decemb er I. S36 per month for S432 per year, except fo r those employee s who have not completed 16 full years of con tinuous service on December 1 of any ye ar, which employee shall rece ive S288 plus an amount equal to $12 for each full month of completed con tinuous se rvi ce after complet ion of 15 years of service up to December 1. $48 per month for $57 6 per year, except for tho se employees who have not -~ompleted 21 full years of con tin uo us service on De cember 1 of any ye ar, which employee shall receive $432 plus an amount eq ual to $1 2 for each full month of complete d conti nuous se rvice afte r comple ti on of 20 years of continuou s service up to December I. Effec ti ve January 1, 1984, and ther eaft er , all ne w hire s shall not be eli;gib le fo r lon gevity compe ns ation as provid ed fo r under this Art icle . ARTICLE 11. ANNUAL LloA VE A Employe es hire d prior to Jan uary 1, 1984, and cove red by thi s Co ntr act shall a=imulate annu al leave each pay perio d at the rat e of 4.62 hou rs per pay perio d of active servi ce. Annual leave shall not be grant ed 10 any empl oyee until afte r com pletio n of twelve ( U) m::,r,tbs consecut iv e servicE wi th th e City unless otherwi se aut horized by the de pan ment bead. I i order to qualify for ann ual leave cre dit du ring the pay period , the empl oy ee mus t 6 • • • • • have worked for at least one-half (1/2) of the ..ting days of that pay period exclu •Jing authorized paid leave. For th01e empl<>ya."!I bawq less than ten (10) years continul,us service, the maximum accumula.lion oi 1111111W ~ tm8 be thirty (30) days. 1 B. After ten (10) yean of conmauoas saTice with the Cliy, employees shall accumulate annual leave at the rate of 6.15 boun oi amwal leave per pay period of active service . in order to qualify for annual leave credit liuing the pay period, the em):iloye:e must have workeC: for at least one-half (1/2) of the wortiDg days of that pay perioc! excluding ,1uthorized paid leave . The maximum accumulaDmt shall be 40 days. C. Employees hired after Janllal}' l, 1984, and thereafter, co\/er,ed by this Contract shall accumulate annual leave eacb pay period as follows: 1. 2. 3. 0-4 Yea.rs 5-9 Yea.rs 10+ Years Maximum .Aw1lal 3.08 Hrs/Pay Period 4.62 Hrs/Pay Period 6.15 Hrs/Pay P"'lliod 160 Hrs . 240 Hrs. 320 Hrs . D. Accumulation of annual leave shall nieiiber w authorized nor computed for any purpose after the maximum accumulation bas been reached . The schedule for use of annual leave s be determined by the needs of the Department. Annual leave shall be taken at the time convenient to a.,d approved by the Department Head or Supervisor. However, the City will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the request of an employee to u.se ammal leave where a genuine emergency situation exists. Annual Leave Pay The rate of annual leave pay shall be the empfoyee's regular straight time hourly rate of pay for the employee's regular job and charged on a working hour basis, excluding holid ays au,:! • .:,;ular da y, off. Annual leave shall be a1J owed only to the total hourly amount accumulated at the beginning of the le ave , as verified 'by the department head . Employees may rec eive th eir annu al leave pay no earlier than three (.,) days prior to the start of their annual leave , provide d the employees make a writte n re quest to their supervis or fi ft een (15 ) calendar days pr ior to the start of their annual leave-. 7 Work During Annual l,caye H after the ~mployee bu begun , bis/her annual leave and the City requires the employee to work durin~ the scheduled annual leave period, the employee shall not be charged witl1 vacation tim t' for the number of houn worked. How Chargiiil Annual leave for employees shall be charged on a w'lrk-day basis excluding regular days off. Annual Leave Upon Separation Any employee who is separated from the service of the City, i.e., retirement, termination or layoff, shall be compensated for the unused annual leave time accumulated at the time of separation. ARTICLE 12, PERSONAL LEA VE Effer.tive January 1, 1988, all employees covered by this Contract shall be granted 48 hours of :;,·rsonal leave time with pay which an employee is entitled to use for the following purposes : • A Time lost as a result of illness/injury to the employee or the employees immed iate family. B. Attend personal business. C. Leisure time. For any employee who has not us ed the 48 hours of personal leave tim e ending October 31 of each year or any po rti on th ereof, the City will compe nsa te said employee for the unused time at the empl oyee s regular wage rate to be paid during the month of November of that year. Personal leave tim e shall not exceed 48 hours nor ~ball it be accumulated or carried over from one year to the neXL Personal le ave shall be s:·, ~duled and administered under the direction of the department bead or supervisor. lI.1 Uw event of illness /injury in which personal leave is requested , shift work employees shall not ify their supervisor at least one ( 1) hour prior to their sc~ · 1uled reporting time , all other employees shall report at the beginning of their scheduled report time . Personal leave shall be prorated for employees beginning a!'J te,mi na ting employment with the City during the November 1 -October 31 time pe rio d. 8 • • ARTICLE 13. DISABIUIY -'IEMPORARY (NON-JOB RELATED) .IWini1i.lm • • Temporary disability is '-granted for non-service connected Injury or illness of an employee which disabili!y prevents the employee from perfonniog his/her du ti es as a City employee . .fnlmiJm For employee~ hired prior to J~mwy 1, 1984, the City agrees to provide temporary disability leave with pay for mnploilees ablent as a result of illness/injury at the rate of 100% of the ~mployee 's regular wqe up to 693 working hours of disability. For employees hired prior to Janwuy 1, 1984, temporary disability leave shall not be accumulative except that on Januvy 1 of each year the City shall restore 100% of the number of days use d by an employee during the preceding year up to a maximum of 347 working hours . For employees hired after Jamwy 1, 1984, and thereafter, and covered by the terms of this Contract, the city agrees to provide said employees temporary disability leave with pay for employees absent as a result of illness/injury as follows: 0-4 years 5-9 years 10+ years 347 worlcin g hours 520 worting hours 693 wo oong hours For employees hired after January I, 1984, and thereafter, temporary di sabil ity leave sh all not be ac.:umulative except thau o n Jan uary 1 of each year the City shall restore 100% of the numbe r of days used by an employee durin g th e preceding year as follow s: 0-4 years 5-9 ye ar s lO+ye ars U tjljzatjon up to a maximum of 173 working hours up to a maU!lllllD of 260 wor kin g hours up to a maxima:m of 34 7 workin g hours A. Au thorization for te III?O rary dis ability leave with pay shall only be gr .-nted after the fi rst ei ght hours of disab ilit;•'· B. Authorizati on for 1empo rary disa bili ty shal l only be gr anted for the foll owi ng reasons: I. Personal ill ness o r injury not servi ce conne cted , includ ing maternity . 9 Sick Leave Qltioo All sick leave accrued by permanent employees prior to January 1, 1980 sbaU vest with the empl~yee, and may be used in. the following mllllJ!Cr; J ~ A. After the 120 days as described above, have been used, unlCS& the employee is entitled for retirement as a result of dbJbility. B. By cashing in all accrued sick leave accumulated under the previous plan upon normal retirement from the City at the rate of one hour's pay for each two bou::s ol accrued sick leave or one hour's pay for each four hours upon separation from the City. C. By cashing in accrued sick leave under the previous plan, once each year at the conversion rate of four (4) hours sick leave for one (1) hour pay, not to exceed a conversion of more than 400 hours each year. Reponioi of Temporary DjsabjJjty The employee or a member of the employees household shall notify the employee 's supervisor prior to the employee's scheduled reporting time. No temporary disability leave will be granted to an employee who faili to notify their supervisor prior to the begmning of the employee's work schedule. Verification of DjsabjJjty If the Department Director or immediate designee requires a physician 's s.atement verifying temporary disability, the City shall bear the cost for rucil phys ician's statemenL Abuse of Temporary DjsabiliIY Abuse of temporary disabil ity occurs when an eo•p loyee misrepresents Uile actual reason for requesting tem porary disability or when an em,•l ;iyee uses temporary disability leave for unauthorized purposes. An employee who ma kes a false claim fer 11:.mporary disability leave shall be subject to disciplinary action or dismissal. ARTICLE 14. ON-THE-JOB INJURY· DISABILITY A. For any on-the-job injury which causes an employee to be abse nt fr om wo rk as a result of such injury, the City shall pay to such employee his full wages from the first day of his absence from work up to and including tbe 90th calendar day of sudl absence, less whatever sums recei ved by the employee as di sability benefits under orkmen's compensation. The City reserves the right to require any employee on injury or disability leave to submit to an examination(s) by City-appointed physician(s) at the City' expense or under the provision of workm~n •s compensation. The employee will not be charged sick leave for disabili ty under this Article . 10 • • • • B. All injuries that occur during workin& h11urs shall be reROned 10 the c,mployee's supervisor within 24 hours of the injury or before 1be employee leaves their dep_artment of employmeDL , , r. ARTICLE 15. MILITARY LEAVE A. Any permanent or probationary employee who enlists or is inducted into 1be military, naval, air or the armed services of the United States in time of war shall be entitled to a leave of absence without pay for the duration of such war or until honorably discharged, whichever occurs first, and for one(!) year thereafter. B. Any employee who shall be a member of the National Guard or any other component of the military forces of the State, now or hereafter organized or constituted under the Slate or federal Jaw, or who shaU be a member of the reserved forces of the United States, now or hereafter organized o, · constituted under federal law, shall be entitle d to leave of absence irom bis employment , ~thout loss of pay, seniority , status, efficiency rating, vacation, sick leave or other benefits 1r all the items when he is engaged wi1h such organization or oomponent in training or acrive service ordered or authorized by proper authority pursuant to law, whether for State or federal purposes, but not exceeding fifteen ( 15) days in any calendar year. Such leave shall be allowed in case the required military service is satisfactorily performed, which shall be presumed unless the contrary is established . C. Such leave shall not be allowed unless the employee returns to his public position immediately upon being relieved from such military service and not later than th e expiration of the time herein limited for such leave, unless be is prevented from so returning by physical or mental disability or other cause not due to bis own fault or is required by proper authorities to oontinue in such military service beyond the time herein limited for such leave . D. Subject ID provision A, B and C above, the City shall pro~de full pay to an employee granted 'tary leave, Jess whatever compensation the employee may have received by the military for such service. ARTICLE 16. FUNERAL LEA VE The Departme nt He ad shall grant leave with pay to an employee to attend the funeral of a member o f the empl oyee's family . The number of days granted shaU be governed by the circumstances of the case, but in no event shall they exceed five (5) working days. For the purposes of thi s section "employee's family" shall mean the empl oyee 's spouse, or the children, granddlil dre n, parents, grandp a rents, brothers and sisters of the employee or the employee 's spouse, or the employee's stepparents, stepchildren, stepbrothers and stepsisters . Annual leave may be gr anted by the Depanment Head if additional time off is deemed appropriate_ 11 ARTICLE 17. JURY DUTY AND Wrt'NESS SERVICE Leave may be granted to an employee for serving oa jary du1J or u a witness In bis official capacity in obedience to a subpoena or direction by legal authority. He shall be entitled to the difference between his regular compensation and tbe fees received for jury duty or as a witness. When be is subpoenaed as a witnesa in private litigation to testify, not in his official capacity but as an individual, the time absent by reasons thereof shall be taken as annual leave or leave without pay. ARTICLE 18. HOUDA YS A. The following days shall be considered official holidays by the City: 1. New Y car's Day: January 1. 2. Washington's Binhday: the third Monday in February 3. Memorial D.r.y: th~ last Monday in May. 4. lndependen,e Day: July 4 5. Labor Day: the first Monday in September. 6. Veteran's Day: November 11. 7. Thanksgiving Day: the fonnb Thursday in November. 8. Fourth Friday of November follD'A-ingThanksgiving Day. 9. Christmas Eve: December 24 . 10. Christmas Day: December 25 . 11. New Y car's Eve: December 31. B. Any employee covered by this Contract who does not perform duty scheduled on the working days or have approved paid leave immediately prior to and following a holiday shall not receive pay for the holiday unless otherwise authorized by the Department head . C. Eligible employees other than shift work employees at the Wastewater Treatment Plant shall receive one day's pay or equivalent time off at the discretion of the department bead for each of the holidays on which they perform no work. Employees required to work on an official City holiday shall receive OM and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee 's regular rate of pay for all hcurs actually worked in addition to the employee's regular pay for the holiday or time off at th e rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the number of hours actually worked at the discr etion of the d cpanment head. D. When one of the foregoing holiday s falls oa a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as the legal holiday. When any of me foregoing holidays fall on a Saturday, each employee shall be entit le d to a day off for such ooliday, whi ch day off shall be scheduled as the City Manager determines, bu t no specific day shall be observed as a holiday for purpose of closing City offices and fu .actions. 12 • • • • ARTICLE 19. UNIFORM CLEANING AlLOWANCE If an employee is required to wear a uniform, the employee shall wear the uniform ooJy u aut!Jorized by the department work rules. 1be City will continue to prcwide Ullifonru, cleaning and replacements. The City will provide SO% of the cost of required work shoes up to a maximum of $70 per year except with department head approval All employees shall maintain a presentable appearance while on duty . The employee i5 responsible for any damage to the uniform by negligence or deliberate act. ARTICLE 20. TUmON REFUND Upon recommendation of the department head and after prior approval of the City Manager, the City of Englewood may reimburse employees covered by this Contract upon successful completion of an approved course or courses in education or vocational training at the public institution rate . The course or training must be related to tbe work and be designed to improve competence in the job, and be of value to the employee 's service to the City. This shall include all tuition, and required texts . ARTICLE 21. LIFE INSURANCE A $30,000 Tenn Life Insurance will be provided by the City for employees who have completed one (I) year of continuous tmploym• ·. with the City. A conversion privilege upon retirement of 50% coverage payable by the employee will be mad~ availabl ~ .,, the City for said retired employee. ARTICLE 22. DENTAL INSURANCE For the term of this Contract, the City shall pay 85% and the e,11 ployee shall pay 15% of the premium cost for the City Dental Insurance Plan or other plan which may be selected by the City as a substitute for the City Dental Plan for each sin gl e and dependent policy bolder. The above benefit shall be allowed only to employees who have completed one (1) year of contin uous employment with the City . Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of benefits under the Dental Plan shall be subject to the dispute resolution procedure only. (It is expressly understood that this provis ion is a non-grievable item under thi s Contract.) 13 ARTICLE 23. HEALTii INSURANCE· EMPLOYl::E/RETIREES ·,1;. A. (1) for the 1erm of lbi5 Coouact, !be City will pay ci&hty•livc percent (85%) per month of the premium COH a dep,ladcm and llingle coveraae for the City's self funded health insurance plan. (2) For the term of this Contract, cmp~s will pay fifteen percent (15%) of the monthly premium cost for dcpendem and single coverage for the City's self funded health insurance plan. B. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of benefits provided under the Health Insurance Plan shall be subject to the dispute resolution procedure only . (It is expressly understood that this pro,,ision is a non-griev1ble item under this Contract.) C. Retirees prior to January I. 1980, will be provided health insurance coverage by the City on a non-participa!Ulf, besa. The coverage will coordinate with Medicaid and Medicare wherever applicable. Retirees after January l, 1980 will be guaranteed conversion privileges to the Health Insurance Plan &Yailable through the City. For those who retired prior to December 31, 1996, the City will pay 50% of the cost of coverage of the conversion plan up to a maximum of 550 per month. For retirees after January I, 1997, the City will pay 50% of the cost of coverage of the conversion plan, up to a maximum of $75 per month. It is the intent of the City to phase 0111 this provision. ARTICLE 24. RETIREMENT BENEFITS The retirement benefits for emp!oyees covered by this Contract are set forth in Title III, Chapter 6, Retirement, of the Engl ewood Municipal Code. The following changes shall be made January 1, 1980. A For prior service: 75% of the members final average monthly compensation, multiplied by the number of years of a-edited prior service. B. For current service: 1.5 ,c; of final monthly compe nsation, multiplied times the number of years of credited current se.rvice. ARTICLE 25. LAYOFF A. Whenever there is lack of work, lack of funds, or under conditions where it is determined that continued work would be inefficient or nonproductive, requiring reductions in the number of emp l~·ees , the appointing authority shall designate the department an d positions in which the layoff is to be made. Upon such determinations, the required number of employees in the affected department and position shall be placed on a recall list or transferred by the appointing authority, each in orde r of his relative length 14 • • • • • and quality of service as shown by the per.onnel re~ordl. All other factors boiaa equal. seniority shall prevail. ' B. All other factors bein& equal. employees on layoff shall he recalled ill the order ot relative length of service as shown by the personnel records. provided thal U101C recalled have the demonstrated ability and same qualifications to perform the available work a.s determined by the City . No new employees shall be hired UDtil all employees on layoff status desiring to return to work have been recalled. The recall list shall terminate aflc:r one {1) year. ARTICLE 26. LEA VE OF ABSENCE {WITIIOUT PAY) ~ Permanent employees may be granted a leave of absence without pay for reasons of education which are allied to the duties of the City, settlement of an estate, child care, serious illness of II member of the employee's family, or to attend Englewood Employees. AMociation activities, but shllll not be used for the purpose of obtaining employment elsewhere. Leove without pay shall not exceed six ( 6) months of any year but may be extended upon reques, for an additional six ( 6) mon hs. The total leave time shall not exceed one year . Upon return from approved leave , the employee will be restored to their former position if available, or to a comparable position for which the employee is qualified . During periods of unpaid leave, the employees shall not continue to accrue service credit or be eligible for any City benefits. However, an employee who bas been grante:d a leave of absence, may participate in life, dental and health insurance programs wider Articles 21, 22, and 23 at his/her own expense for the period of the approved leave monthly premiums must be paid in advance in order to maintain such coverage . AppHcatjon for Leave A request for a leave of absence without pay shall be submitted in writing by the employee to the employee's department head. The request shall indicate the reason the leave of absence is being requested and the approximate length of leave time requested. Consjderarjon of Leave Request The department head shaU grant or den y leave request s, taking imo cons ideration the depanment's wo rk force, work load and the emp loy ee 's requ est. Failu re 10 Return lf an employee fails to return hy the date of leave expiration, th e employee shall be coruidered to have voluntarily resigned from the service of the City . 15 ARTICLE 27. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE u A grievanfe is ddimcl as a claim or dispute by an employee covered by the terms of this Contract couc:ernina an alleged violation of a specific provision of this Contract. The employee shall be required to follow the procedure as set out below: A general grievance is defined as a grievance thnt concerns a group of employees or the bargaining unit in geaeraL A general grievance can only be filed by the Association within the time frame specified in Step 1, and the initial review will occur by the department head lit Step 2 below. A. "Work Day" means calendar days exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and City recognized holidays . Step 1. If the employee is amble to settle the grievance or dispute orally and informally through his/her imrnedizrc supervisor within five (5) working days of the date of the occurrence of the grievance, or the ernployee's knowledge of it, the employee may, within the succeeding five (5) l1IOrk days, file a written grievance with his/her supervisor . The supervisor shall atternpl to adjust the rnaner and shall respond in writing to the employee within five (5) work da)'5,. Step 2. If the answer is mt satisfactory, the matter shall be presented in writing by the employee to the department head within five (5) work days following receipt of the supervisor's response . Toe: department head shall respond in writing to the employee within five (5 1 work days. Step 3. lf the grievance still remains unad justed, it shall be presented by the employee to the City Manager in wri ting within five (5) work days following receipt of the response of the department head . T oe City M ... li oger or his /her designated hearing officer shall have a meeting with the gri evam w re vi ew the gri evance and all relevant information. Within ten ( 10) work da ys o; that moeting, the Ci ty Man ager or his/her designated hearing officer wi!l issue a writt en decisi on. Step 4. I. If the gri e,.ince is still unreso lved , the Asso ciati on within fourteen (14) calend ar days after the reply of the City Manage r or his/her designated he ari ng offi cer , may by written not ice request tb e matt er be sub mitted to arbitration . The parties will attempt • • to choose a mutu ally agr=ble ar bitrat or. If within five days of the request for arbi tr at ion • the Asso ci ati o n an d the Gry canno t mu tually agree on an impartial arbitrator, a requ est will 16 • • be filed with the American Arhitratio:1 Association for a panel of sewen arbitrators to be sent to the parties. The arblll'.iW ub.ill be selected by a method m alternative striking of names from th ,: pane~ with th•~ fi':~ t strike determined by a coin flip. 1be final name left on the panel sball be the arbitrator. The arbitrator shall be requ-s&ed to issue a decision within thlny (30) days after conclusion of testimony and arguL'lellt. 2. Each party shall be responsible for t")!!!pensation 10 its own representatives and witnesses. The fees of the arbitrator shall oe borne equal!•: by the Association and the City. 3. If either party desires a verbatim record of r.' ,e proceedings, it May cause such a record to be made, provided it pays for the recorri and makes a copy available to the arbitrator. If the other party wishes to have a copy of the m1nscript it shall share all costs for the transcript. 4. Authority or Arbitrntor. The arbitrator ~ball have no power to add to or subtract from or change the terms of this Contract. The written decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties. The arbitrator shall limit his decision strictly to the grievanc,e mbmitted which bas been properly processed through the grievance procedure outlined. 5, Failure by an employee or the Association to comply with any rune limitation shall constitute a settlement of the grievance. Should the employer not respond within the prescribed time, t.lle gri~vance will automatically proceed to the next step. At the employee's option, the: employer may be allowed additional time to respond. GdevanceQgtion It is agreed that should the appeal procedure as provided undC'r 138:3 of the City Charter or applicable City ordinance is utilized, recourse to the grievance procedll!e included in this Article shall be waived. Processing Grievance During Working Hours Grievances may be investig~ted and processed by the emp oyee or designated empl oyee representative during working hours, within reasonable time limits, without loss of pay, provided notice is given and the work load permits . ARTICLE 28. LETTER OF CORRECTTVE ACTTON Wriften Corrective Action A When the supervisor d~termines that a written corrective action is appropriate • and necessary, the corrective action shall be addressed to the empt<l)ee and shall include 17 the alatioa; the specific b~bavior ,n'-l l,\ the dates of the behavior (when approp.riate)-that • suppon die charge; the waruill& thU l \m:il1uance of this behavior will result in disciplina,y acti011; and an offer of 8¥i5!aqee in co, ;ccting tha behavior, 8 . A signed ~PY of the corrective action by the supervisor shall be includc-d in the employee's official personnel file in the Employee Relations office, and the employee shall bawc the.opportunity to submit written comments in response to the corrective action to be: induded in the file. After a period of one (1) year from the date of the filing of the written corrective action, the supervisor shall review said letter and provide a follow-up letter indicating the status of the written corrective action , C. If the corrective actions was for una,·ceptablc heha,i ur such as absenteeism, tardineM, or rules violations and no similar violati Jns were coillillitted by the employee durin the following one (1) year period, the corrective action shall be replaced with a written SlatCmem by the employee 's supervisor that no similar VIOiation has occurred during the one (1) year period and that the corrective action bas been removed from the employee's persoru ; •I file . D. The employee retah'IS the right throu_gh the Association to an adminisuative review of die written corrective adon. A requ~:.t for such review must be filed ,,.;th the Director or Administ:.'<ltive Services within ten , 10) working days of receip: of the letter of corrective action by the employee . An Adminisuative Review Board consisting of two (2) represemalives of the City appointed by the Director of Adminisuative Services and two (2) • reprer.ematives ,:if the Association appointed by the Association President shall make up the Administrative Review Board. The Director and the Association President will consider members of the Team for Quality Work Environment for appointment to the Board. This Board shall be ad 0 sory to the Department Director, and its written fin dings shall be forwarded to th e employee, the Associat ion, the Department Director, and pl aced in the employee 's personnel fi le . Upon receipt of the Board 's findings , the Department Director shall , within ten {1 0) working days respond in writing to tho se findings. (If the Department Director ls unable to respond in 10 days, a time agreeable to the employee, the Associ.uioo and the Director must be found.) Copies of this response shall be forv,arded to the employee, the Association, the Board, and a copy shall be placed in ;be employee's personnel file . This Article shall not be grievable uuder this Contract. ARTICLE 29. DUES DEDUCTIO N A Th e City agree s to deduct the E~g lewoo d Em ployees Association du es each pay period from the pay of tho se employee s wh o indi vid uall y req ces: in wr iting that su ch deductions be ma de , subject to the garnishment laws of the State of Co!o rado. The amounts to be de duct ed shall be cert ifi ed to the City Finance Dir ectu r by th~ Tr easurer of the As sociation, an d the aggre ga te deducti or.s of all employees shall be re min~d together with an itemizeo stat ement to the Treasur,.r by the 15th of the succeeding mont h, after such deducti ons are ma de . The authorizatiJn shall be revocable durin g the tenn )f the contract, up on a tbiny-day (30) writt en notice by the employee to th e City Fin ance Dir ector. • 18 • • B. If no wages are paid an authorized employee on the last pay pcriod10f a gi.:en pay period, deduction for that pay period will be -ie from any wages which mr.y be paid to him/her OD the De~ sus:ceed!,n& final molllhly Ci1J pay puiod., It is expressly v nderstood that the Ci,ty wumes no liability agd $IQ qoa be liable for the collection or payrilent to the Englewood Employees Association of any dues daring any time that an employee is 001 actually working for the City and actually OD the payroll of the City. In the event of error on the check-off list, the City will 001 be responsibie w make adjustments, until notified by the Treasurer of the Englewood Employees Al'IOC'iatioo •· C. The Englewood Employees AssociaDoD shall indemnify and bold the City harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders, or judgments brought or issued against the City a~ a result of any action taken or not taken the City under the provision of this Article. D. Ch~nges in the dues amount to be deducted shall be limited to two (2) changes each year, providing a thirty (30) day wrinec notice is pro,ided to the City Finance Director. E. Should the change in the deduction amount or method require a computer programming change, the EnglJwood Employees Association shall be responsible for the cost of such change or changes, at $30 per hour..,'idl a four(4) hour maximum. Payment from the Englewood Employees Association shall be made to the City Finance Director within ten ( 10) days of receipt of billing. ARTICLE 30. ASSOCIAflON ACTIVITIES The City agrees that during working bows o the City pre 'ses and without loss of pr y, Englewood Employees Association members nay be allowet. w: attend Englewood Employees Association and/or management meetings ; post Englewood Employees Association notices on city desigriated bull.etin boards; solicit Englewood Employees Association memberships during emp oyee•~ non-woric time; and repre sent employees on grievan ces and negotiations . One (1) empl oye e representat ive fro m ~ Util iti es De panment and one (1) employee representrtive from t;1e Wastewate r Treatoent Plant will be allowed one (1) hour time off from work with pay each month to atte nd mo nthly associa tio n meetings. ARTICLE 31. STANDBY PAY All employees covered by this Contract and assigned standby duty shall be compensated at a rate equal to eight (8) hours at hi.5 er regular ra te of pay for one week < standby duty . 19 ARTICLE 32. CAI.L BACK 11 ,, Any lime an employee on otf-dl,ty status is called back 10 work be/she shall be credited witb a minimum of two (2) hours pay at the rate i,f one and one-half (1 '1/2) tlfflCS hil'/ber repdar boun y rate . 1 ARTICLE 33. LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMl'l11EE A Labor Management Committee consisting of four ( 4) members appointed by the Union and four (4) membt:r5 appointe d by the City shall meet on a quarterly basis. The committee will only deal wi!b group issues that are not dealt with through other existing committees or grievance procedures. The Union will send its agenda items to the Administrative Services D:rector at least one (I) week prior to the date of the quarterly meeting. ARTICLE 34. EXCI 1J SIVENESS OF CONTRACT The Gty and the Association agree that the terms and provis ions herein contained constitute the entire Contrar.t between the parties. The City and the Association agree that all negotiable items have been discussed during the negotiations leading to this Cont ract and, therefore, agree that negotiations will not be reopened on any item during the life of • this Contract. except by mutual agreement of the parties . IN WITNESS lHEREOF, the parties have caused this Contract to be signed by their respective representatives, and their signatures placed thereon, on this ____ day of ---------~ 1998 at Englewood, Colorado. ENGLEWOOD EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION , Af'SCME LOCAL #303 CITY OF E:--IGLEWOOD 20 Mayor AlTEST: City Clerk City Manager • • • COUNCIi.COMMUNiCATION Age,Nlallam Subject Collective Barga ining P.greem l'nt betwe en I/le City of c1 \'.Jie wo...J and th e EEA for ____ J_ul'-y_20_,_1_99_8 ________ 1_1,c_i_li ___ _J ·~ ·9, ! :?O_,_a_nd_20_0_1 ___ -I Initiated By Staff Source Administrative Services COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Jackie Meadows, Acting ~o-Director of Admi n,strative Services The previous Collective Bargaining Agree lTii9nt with the Englewood Employees Association was approved by Council for 1997 and 1998. T'illf! agreement inclu ded a provision (Article 9, sectio n E) for the negotiation of 1999 salary , in 1998. RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff requests Council approval by resolutiOln of the Collective Barga ining Agreement between the Englewood Employees Association and the C ity of Englewood for 1999, 2000 and 2001 . The contract covers approximately 191 employees. BACKGROUND , ANALYSIS , AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED The City of Englewood and the Englewood Employees Associat ion entered into negotiations in May ,f 1998 In acc ordance with the City of Er.g lcwood Charter . The members of th e Englewood Em ployees Association duly ratified , by a majority vote , e Collective Bargaining Agreemen t. Sign ificant changes to the contract in clude e fo llo wing: 1. Under Article 9, page 5 , employees covered by the Contract will receive a three percent (3.0%) increase on the 1998 base wage rate effective January 1, 1999 and a three percent (3.0 %) increase on the 1999 base wage rate effective January 1, 2000 . Salary for 2001 will be negotiated in 2000 . 2. Under Article 12, page 8. the last sentence of Article 12 was modified lo read as follows ; "Persona l leave shall be prorated for employees begir,ning and terminating em ployment wit h the City dur in g the No \·0 rr.ber 1 -.Jctober 3 time period ." The pr evio us con tract in dicated th e lime !Period as "du ring the cal enda r year" . 3. A new article , Article 33 Labor Management Committee, wl" be added to page 20 of the contract. Article 33 will read as follows ; "A lat,or management committee consisting of lour (4) members appointed by the union md four (4) mt•r ,1bers appointed by Iha City shall meet on a quarterly bas !o . The committee will ontl-;deal r with g••>UP Issues that are net dealt with through other existing committees or grievance proce,:Jres . The union will send its agenda Items to the Administrative Serv ices Director a:i least one (1) week prior to the data of the quarterly meeting ." The current Article 33 will be re•titled Article 34 . ANANCIAL IMPACT The impact ol the increase on wages , and ben el its impacted by wages , is approxima tely S237 ,669 for 1999 and $244 ,800 for 2000 . UST OF ATTACHMENTS Proposed Resolution 3A •