HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 Resolution No. 035• • • RESOLUTION NO . J 5 SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE NOMINAT ION OF MERCI LOVEDAY FOR THE 1997 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YOUTH AWA RDS WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Mayors and Commissioner~ Youth .-\>1-ards are prescmcd each y ear to youth From the ages or I J to 19 who have risen above personal difficulties and created positive changes In their environme nts; the unsung heroes who have served their communities . their Families. other you th . or themselves In a bene0clal an d caring way; and WHEREAS. the City or Englewood wishes to recognize and hoolll! th<! young people who make a diffe rence in our community; and WHEREAS. Merci L"veda_v. a student at Colorado 's Finest Al temative High School. has been nominat ~d as a candidate for the Metropolitan Mayors and Commissioners Yout h A"'2rds; and WHEREAS. Merci has demonstrated tenacity and comn,itment to prepare and be lier herselF in the transition from her former cultur= to this culture . serving as an inspiratio to others who are faced with challenge s; and WHEREAS. Merci ca me to the United States when she was seven years old and has succ(ss[ully adjusted to a new family . a new culture, learning a new lang:iage. and overcom ing other personal obstacles ; and WHEREAS. Merci has made a commitment to her educalicn . pbrning to graduate early and distinguishing herselF as one or the top studen ts at Col orad o', Fine<t Alterna tive Higo Sch ool ; and WHEREAS. Merci has contributed to the commun ity by vo lumernng he r hel p in the construction of several hom~s as part or the "Habitat for Humanity " program : by he lping ><at h pro1ects at the Great Sand Dune s National Monument: by volunteering with a group that works >1ith Speci;;; EduCJt io n stude nts: and by tutoring middle sc hool students at her last high school; and WHEREAS. Mere, has demon strated that she has the ability 10 a,.-erco me cultural changes. language changes. and ot he r personal obst acles 10 prepare herselF fo r th e challe c.~-es or life. se,v,ng as a role model and inspiration for others: NOW , THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COU 1'.C ll OF Th E cm' OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. THAT : The E11gl ewood City Coun cil wishes 10 recognize ,\lerci Lo veday as a posah-e influ ence in our comm unil)' and lo suppurl her nominat io n for the 199 7 ~letropolillln lay ers and Comm (5.$\on ers You th Al\'a rds . '°°"'° "''° ""'°'''" '"" '""day""""'" ,,,-aq .. ~on-.A~ A (L4"'4,,4A4~e:::..- . . ,1 lt1i "'"fld2t/;.fi!;°' A U?iu (j . ~ I. Loucr is hia .• .. Ell is. Ci~1· Clerk for the City o: Englewood . Co ,o...tcC he,=by certi(v the above is a true copy of Resolution No. J 5. Se ries of 1997 .