HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 Resolution No. 036• IFJ:SOtUTION NO . 36 SlERJES or 1997 , RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE NOMINATION OF BRENT REDDEN FOR THE 199 7 MET ROP OLI TAN /MA YORS AND COMMISSIO ERS YOU TH AWA RDS WHE REAS , the Metropolitan Mayors and Commissioners Youth Awards are presenteJ each yea r to jlOUth from the ages or I 3 to 19 who have risen above persc -nal dlfficullles an d created positive changes In their ,imvironments : the un sung heroes who have served their communi ties , their families. other youth . or thems elves un a oc nenr.ial and caring w:;y : an d \1\/HEREAS. the Cily or Englewood wis hes to recognize and ho nor the young people who make a ci lfference in ou r communiry : and WHE REAS , Brent Redden, a student at Eng lewooJ High School. has been nomina ted as a candidate ror e Meu-o politan ~layers an d Commissi oners Youth Awa;ds: and WHEREAS, Brent has bee n faced with and has ri sen to meet signin ca nt personal challenges: and WHEREAS. Bren t has a deep com mit ment to his fai th , family , school. and sports: and WHEREAS, Brent has ex hibited a strong r.ommilment lo his ram ify and lo ensuring thei r welfare by wo rkini; two jo bs whil e attending classes: and WHEREAS , [' ·nt has. in spire or the many challenges in his li re . managed to maintain a 3.65 grade poin t JJverage. a tribute 10 , comm it ment to his ed ucation: and • WHEREAS , Bren t looks forward to at te ndi ng college in the fall and has exp ressed a desire to pursue a • .::areer m med icine o tha t he can help those less fortunate than himself: and WHEREAS . Bre n! has benen11ed the yuu,1g pe ople or Englewood by coaching a youth fo otball team and as oce n a positive innuence on others by helping to form the Fellowship or Chri stian Athlet es at Eng lewood !High Sc hool: and WHEREA S. Brent has stabil ize d himself amid ex treme adversi ry . and has reruse d to buck le und er to the -..egat ive situations in his li re . serv,ng as an inspirali on to others: NOW , THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . W LO R:\DO , THAT : 7ne Engl ewoo d c ,ry Cou nc il \\ishe s to re cogn ize Brent Redden as a positive inn uencc in our com mu ni (I' anJ to ,up po n his no minat ion ror the 1997 Met ro polita n Mayors and Ccm mission e;s Youth Award s. AD OP TfD ,-\ND .-\PPROVED this 18th da1· or Fe bru arv . : 99 7. b . ~~IB~urn f _~- ~~(tb.J _o ucnsh,a A. Ell is. Ciry Clerk I. Lournshia A. t llis, Ci ry Cl erk fo r the Ci'.v of Engle\\ood. :cp_\ or Resolu tion No. 36 . Ser ies of 1997 .