HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Resolution No. 002RESOLUTION NO. ,Z_ SERIFS OF 1996 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AND TCI CABLEVISION OF FLORIDA, INC., DOING BUSINESS AS TCI OF COLORADO, INC ., PERMTTTING TCI TO CROSS THE CITY DITCH WITH ITS UNDERGROUND TV CABLES AND CONDUITS. WHEREAS, TCI Cablevision of Florida, Inc., domg ~~lines• as TCI of Colorado, Inc ., b'l.S submitted a License Agre.!menl to cross under City Ditcli at Mineral and South Santa Fe Drive with underground TV cables; and WHEREAS, TCI of Colorado, Inc . expraaly assumes full and atrict liability for any and all damage,, of every nature to pen,oo or property caused by water from the City Ditch leaking through the Ditch banks or pipeline at the point or pointa where TCI performs any work in connection with the crossing provided by the License Agrooment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY l)F ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO, THAT: Sl:dilm..l. The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby approves the License Agreement between TCI Cablevision of Florida, Inc ., doing business as TCI of Colorado, Joe ., and the City of Englewood allowing TCI of Colorado to cross under the City Ditcll vdth its underground TV cables and conduits. S!:dism...2 . In granting said License Agreement, the City reserves the right to make full use of the property involv ed as may be necessary or convenient in the operation of the water works plant and system under control of the City . Sei:ti.im..3 . Th, C;ty Council hereby cpproves the attache-1 License Agreem ent with TC!. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of January, 1996. , Loucrishin A. Ellis, City Cl erk for Jhe City of EnKlewood , Colorado, hereby certify the alxl\ e is a tru e copy of Reso lution No .'6.._, Series of 19~6.. .. jl/" . ,.t,{) f Lou crishi11 A. Elli s COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Ihle Agenda Item Subject City Ditch License Agreement with th e January 2, 1996 10a i TCI Corporation of Florida, Inc. Initiated By Sutt Source Ut ili ties Department Stewart H . Fon da , D i rector of Utilities COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION N one. RECOMMENDED ACTION The W ater and Sewer Board , at their December 12, 1995 meeting , recommen ded Council approva l by Resoluti on of the Licen se Agreement with TC I Corporation of Flor ida for cros si ng th e A Cit) Ditch. • BACKGROUND , ANA LYSIS , AN D ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED The l icens e Ag reem en t Is for TCI Corporat ion to install an undergroun d TV cable un.:!:, the City 's right-of-way for th e City Ditch. The crossing is to be an underground TV ca ble m cond1,it and installed at a depth to mai ntain clea ran ce from the Citv Di tch pipe, as required by the U tilities Depart ment. The cab le instal lation crossing is proposed at a section of th e Ci ty Ditch located on the north side of M in eral and City D itc h , west .-,f Santa Fe Drive. The Licens ee exp re<sly a~s umes full and strict li ability for an y and all damages of every nature to person or pro perty caused by th e point or poi nts where the Licens ee performs any work in w nnectIon with the cross ing provided by th e Lice nsee . The City reserves the rig ht to make full uSl' oi th e prope rt v necessary in ope rat ion of the City. The City reta ins all rights to opera te, mJI ,1taIn , install , repair. remove , or relocate any of its faci lit i~s located within th e City', righ t-of- way. FINA CIAL IMPACT None . LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Pr oposed Resolution . Licen se Ag reem ent t.IC!MSE A~ THIS AGREEKUT, aada and entered into u of the J..Lt day of ~t , 19 Q5 by and 6.tveen t.11edn of tilat!Uooo, a 11Wlic1p&~i._ __ _ corporation of Colorado, hereinafter referred o as •city• and TCI Cablevision of Florida. Inc. ___ , here:i.nittar raler:iad to as •u-,• lfrnfESSETB: Th• City without any warranty ot its tiU• or interest wbataoever, hereby aut.~orizu Licensee, its su.-:cesaor, auigns, to install a CATV lines under the Cl.ty' s r:i.qtlts-oi!-vay for t!le c:.ty Diu:b, d.ascrl.hed as a parcel of land situated in the liWtbwest 1/4 of Section 35 , Township ---,..,.----------RancJ• aw of th• _______ _ P.K., county of Arapa.hoe, State of Colorado and ly1.ng within the following described l inu : Lit~leton, Colorado Ncr~~side of Mineral an d City Ditch west of Santa Fe The a.bo--descri.bed parcel contains _._l_/_4 _______ _ acres, 110re o~ less. 1. Any construction contoplate.l or perforMd unde r this License shall coaply with and conform to st..ncu.rds for.aul.ated by the Director of Utilities of the City~ such conr:··uction shall be perfot"llad and eaapleted according to the pla.ns, cons i sting of one sh .. t , a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof . 2. Th• Licensee shall notify th• City 's Director at utilities at least three (3) days prior to the ti•e of c~-nt of the constructi on of, or any repairs •ade to , Licen&Qe's cables and condui ts so 1:hat t he City may, in its dl.scretion , 1.nspeet such ~p•rati on s. J . Within thirty (J~) days from t he ~a te of ~..he co-encu,ent of construction of said CATV cable lines the IJ.can■H aliaii complete rich con■~Ion, place and uintain peraanant, visilll• aarken , at a type and at auch lac:ation■ u deaign&ted by the City'• Director of tJtilitiea, referring to the centerline at th• in■tallation and ■hall clear th• cros ■ing area at all construct.ion dem ·i ■ and rutore the area to it■ previowt condition u near u -y be rea■on&llle. In the avent th• placinq of the centarlin• ~ker■ U1d the clearing and rutoratian of th• cro■■i-ng area i• not cOJq1latad within tbe tiae specified, th• City aay coaplata the vork at the ■ala axpenaa af the Licensee. 4. The City shall ll&ve the right to .. int.ain, install, repair, re:aove or relocate the City Ditch or any other of iu facililtiu or installations within tile City•• rigbts- ot-Wa'J, at any tilae and in such mannar u the i;ity dffM necessary or convenient. The City ruerves the exclusive right to control all ea■-enu and installations. In the event the cable lines ahould interfere witil any future use at the City's rights-of-way by the City, the Licensee sh&ll, upon request and at its ■ole expense, relocate, rearrange, or raove its installations so as not to interfere with any such use. s . Any repair or repla~ement o! any City installation ude necessary, in the opinio· of the City's Director of Utilities beca,use of the construction of the CATV l i nes or other appurtenant installation thereof, shall be made at the sole expense o! the Licensee. 6. The st:ipula.tion and conditions of this Li cense shall be incorporated into contract specifications if the const::.-uction herein a.uthorized is to be dona a contract basis. 7 . The rights and privileges granted in this License shall be subject to prior agramaents, licenses and/or grants , recorded or unrecorded, .i.nd it shall be the Licensee's sole responsibililty to detersine t h e e x .~stence of said documel'!'.:s or conflicting uses or installations. 8 . The Li-=ensee shall contact and fully cooperate witr. the City's personnel and the construction shal l ba coaplet d without interference with any lawful , usual or ordinary flow ot water through the City Ditch. Licensee shall uswui all risks incident to the possible presence of such w.iters, or of storm waters, or o! surface waters in the City Ditch. 9. All trenches or holes with in the City's rights-of-way shall be bacltfillad and tamped to the original ground line in lay• ·s not to axcaed six (6) inches loose measure to a compa:-t .on of ninety per cent (90t) Standard Proctor Kaximum Oensit· 10. u--, by ac:ceptaDce of this ll-•• ..,_ly u.-tu.ll and ■tric:t liuility tor any and all d&Mqu of nary nature to par■on or ,ro,,arty caQNd. bf water ~ the ditch laaJtin9 t!1rOQ911 tbe ditdl Nnk■ or pipeline at th■ point or point■ vhan the Lic:an■H ~-any van 1n connection vi.th the i:rosaialJ pravidad by this liC811N . The IJ.c:en-. ..._ all rapomillility tor llaintanance of the installation. U. Li-shall ~ and ■aft hanl ... the City, its officers atmd aplor-, aqainst uy and 1.U c:l.aiM, dwq.a, actions or cauu of action and upen■u to Vb.icll it or they -y be Abjected by nuon of Aid CATV~ beUIIJ vi ind acrou uiii wider tlia praaaaa of tlla city or by reaaon of any vorlt dona ·or aaiaion a.la by I.icenaee, ita ec,anta or ■-ploy.a, ill c:onnaction vith the construction, repla-t, uintananca or re~ir cf said installat:on. 12. It is expressly agreed that in e&ae ot Licensee's breach of any of the vithil\ proaises, the City -y, at its option, have ~itic pertoaanc:. thereof, or sue tor 4-ci-s resulting fro• sucll breach . l.J, C'pen &handonaent ot any right or pr.ivileqa bar.in granted, the riqht ot Licensee to that utant shall tarainata, but its obligation to ind.mmify and ■av. lulrllless the City, its officers and uploye .. , shall not terminate in any avant. In granting the alxlve authorization, the City reserves tile right to aake tull use ot the property involved as -y be necessary or convenient in the operation ot the wter vorlc.s plant and •~·stu Wider the control of the City. IN WITNESS "WHEREOF, this i.MtrUJlent has been executed as of the day uid year first &l:>ove written. CITY OF ENGLEWOO D, Cl.1:y Cle.Ill: APPROVED AS TO FORM: LICAGM6 / I ~~ TCI CENTRAL. INC. ACTION BY WRITTEN CONSENT DATED AS OF !ANUARY 27, 1995 On behalf of the designated corporations set out below (these "Corporations"), Scott E. Hiigcl , Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer does llcn:by authoriu and empower Jerome J. Kashinslti, Division Counsel for the Ccmral Division IO execute contracts as Authorized Agcm . BEATRICE CABLE TV COMPANY BELLEVUE CABLE TELEVISION OPERATORS, INC . CABLEVISION V, INC. CABLEVISlON VI . INC . CABLEVISION Vil. INC . COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES . INC . HALCYON COMMUNICATIONS . INC . HERITAGE CABLEVISION OF COLORADO. INC ' HERITA GE CABLEVISION OF TENNESSEE . INC . HERITAGE CABLE\1 S!O N OF TEXAS , INC . MOUJl';AIN STATES VIDEO, INC . MOUNTAIN STATES GENERAL PARTNERS CO . MOUNTAIN STATES VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS CO .. INC. PITTSBURG CABLE TV , INC. SANTA FE CABLEVISION COMPANY TC! CABLE MANAGEMENT CORPORATIO N TC! CABLEVISION ASSOCIATES. INC . TC! CAB:.EVISION OF COLORADO. INC. TC! CABLEVISION OF DALLAS . INC . TC! CABLEVISION OF FLORIDA, INC . TC! CABLEVISION OF KIOW A, INC. TC! CABLEVISIO N OF Y..JNNESOTA, INC . TC! CABLEVISIO N OF IIEBRASKA , INC. TC! CABLEvlSION OF NEW MEXICO . INC . TC! CABLEVISION OF OKLAHOMA , INC. TC! CABLEVISION OF SOUTH DAKOTA , INC. TC! CABLEVI SION OF TEXAS . INC. TC! CABLEVISION OF WY OMIN G. INC . TC! CEN TRAL. INC . TC! COMM UNI CATIONS . INC . TC! OF COUNCIL BL UFF S INC . TC! OF KANSA S. INC. TC ! OF NORTH DAKOTA . INC . --00 S01,nn s, •~:.iH SHHI ;_1,··~ ;,.,v,, .:.:1oracc &.i2J.•m2 :03 :~ . .;coc TCI OF NORTHERN NEW JEQEY. INC . TCI OFWATl!JtTOWN, INC . TCI 'ID OF HOUSTON, INC. TCI TKll OF TIIE METROPLEX . INC . TELEVISION CABLE SERVICE , INC . TEMPO CABLE, INC . TIJLSA °CABLE TELEVISION , INC . UACC MIDWEST, INC . UNITED CABLE TELEVISION t\CQUISmON CORPORATION UNITED CABLE TELEVISION CORPORATION UNITED CABLE TELEVISION OF COLORADO, INC . UNITED CABLE TELEVISION 0,0 JEFFCO, INC . UNITED CABLE TELEVISION OF SARPY COUNTY, INC. UNITED CABLE TELEVISION OF WESTERN COLORADO, INC . VALLEY CABLE TV, INC . WENTRONICS , INC . WESTMARC CABLE HOLDING. INC . Sincere ly, ~ Sco rt E. Hiige l Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer cc : Barry Mars h :.1 1 EXRmIT A 11 A license granted to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and replace an underground fiber optic cable across the City of Englewood 's easement for the City Ditch located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 32 . Township 5 South. Range 68 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. County of Arapahoe . Star e of Colorado, along the following centerline: Beginning at a point on the southeast line of the City of Englewood'• easement for the Ciry Ditch which point the North l /4 comer of said Section 32 bears N -i8 °34'30" Ea distance of 602 .8 5 feet more or less; thence N 69 °39 '25 " Ea distance of 53 .21 feet more or less to the point of terminus on the northwest line of said City Ditch easement . Bearin gs are based on the North line f the NW l/4 of Section 32 being N 89°29'4 l " E. ~p~5+J 1:h1/7s- David D. Steck F L.S . 14 157 NW 1/4 SEC. 32, T. 5 S., R. 68 W, 6Tii P. M. -AaM'AHOSOCIUNr\' - . ·.r.T-~1 NOTE: TiilS DRAWING WAS~:• ·-··-··-··---·-··---··-··-·· : --·-··- FROM Rl:COltD INFORMATION ANDDOII ~ NOT RI:P!tESEST A M0NtlMEN'rl!o ~,d; IAND St.-.VEY. / ~/ / ~, / / ,,. / I' // ,/ // ,,, ·.IQ,1r, / .,· ~ ~.fp~ / / / / / f.l.Ali SCALE: 1°•100' CITY DIT CH I -I I I NOm BEAIUNOS AR£ BASED ON n!E NORTI! LINE Of THE NW lJ4 OF SECTION 3l IIBING N 19"29'41" E. I I I --CT)-l I --I. •·Ml,. I BORE (2)2" ~7-"""":l"----,t-•--. -- CO~Oli!TS y FOR TV CABLE. I EXIJPl!I A A li=isc granted to con1truct, operate, maintain, repair, and replace an underground fiber optic cable ,1Cro$$ the City of Englewood's easement for the City Ditch Jocat.xl in •he Northwest Qnarter of Section 32, Township 5 South. Range 68 West oflhe Sixth Principal Mr:r:idiao. County of Arapahoe. State of Colorado, along the following centerline: Bcgir.ning at a point on the southeast line of the City of Englewood 's easement for the City Ditch which point the North 1/4 comer of said Seeton 32 bears N 48°34'30" Ea distance of 602 .85 feet mon: or less; thence N 69 °39 '25 " W a dislllJlCe of 53 .21 feel more or Jess to the point ,_,f terminus on the northwest line of said City Ditch casemenL Bearings are based on the North line ...,f the NW 1/4 of Section 32 being N 89°29'41" E. David D . Steck P .L.S . 14 157 7