HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Resolution No. 044• • • RESOLUTION NO . !L!L SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A NEGOTIATED CONTRACT FOR ENGLEWOOD'S 1996 MICROSURFACING PROGRAM INSTEAD OF THE COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS lJll,'DER SECTION 116 (b) OF THE HOME RULE CHARTER AND SECTION 4-1-3 OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 19S5 . WHEREAS, the City of Englewoo<l is reaponBible for maintenance of approximately 120 miles of public roadways in the City; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public WO"ks and Engineering and Street Maintenance Divisions have dev eloped a ayetem-wide maintenance program in which t.hey have found Microsurfacing to be a viable and economic preventive maintenance alternative; and WHEREAS, previous construction experience and expanded product knowledge has caused the ataff of the Department of Public Works to believe that local contractors do not possess the specific product knowledge or construction expertise to conBtruct Microsurfacing acceptable to City standards; and WHEREAS, the staff of the Public Works Department has evaluated the quality of Microsurfacing utilizing a specific local aggregate and a quick-set ERGON emulsion; and WHEREAS, Bituminous Asphalt Sealing Specialists, Inc . (BASS) of North Little Rock , Arkansas, has laboratory-tested and field -tested this product, and City at.all' has evaluated the abilities of this company in placing Microsurfacing, and has diacuased their work quality and product quality with other governmental agencies which have had years of experience with this company; and WHEREAS, BASS, Inc . has now placed a total of 1,500,000 square yards (approximately 77 miles of roadway) in the City of Englewood over a period of9 years; and WHEREAS, Section 116 (b) of the Englewood Home Rule Charter and Section 4-1 -3-1, Englewood Municipal CM ,· 19 85, allow contracts fo r public works or improv ements to be negotiated, provided that .'oJ L.tracts for which ro competitive bids have been requested have been approved by resolut, , which shall declore t h e reason fo r exception to the competitive bidding requirement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT: ~-The Department of PuHic Wo rks is hereby authorized to negotiate a contract for Englewood's 1996 Microsurfacing Program in an amount not to exceed $320,000 in lieu of the competitive bid process as allowed by Section 116 (b) of the Eng lewood Home Rule Charter and Section 4•1-3 -1, Englewood Municipal Code 1985 . • • • ~-The Department of Public Worb ill hereby authorized to enter into a contract for the Englewood'• 1996 Microwrfacing Program punuant to their inveotiptiona of local aggregate, quick-aet emulsion produced by the ERGON Refinuy in Vicbburg, Miaaissippi, and comtruction of the product on Englewood ■-by Bit.uminous Aaplu.!t S.,a!illg Specialists, Inc., of North Little Rock , Arkansas. ADOPI'ED AND APPROVED this 15th day of April, 1996. ,. "'"'"··· ~ ""·· ,,, _ ..... ·-~---L-"" above is a true copy of Resolution No .~. S.,ries of 1996, -. d//4 - Loucriahi• A. Ellis 2 Dallt April 15, 1996 INIT1A TED BY Department of Public Works COUNCIL CC>allJNICATION Agenda ... 10 a lubject R8IOlulionloNegotilaandAw.-d Contrlc:I for 1898 Micro-eulfaclng I STAFF IOURCE Chlrtn Esterly , Oir9dDr of Pubic Works COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Resolution No. 35, SertN of 1995, Raolution No . 40, Series of 11194, ReaoMion No . 39, Seriel 0 1 1993, Resolution No. 52, Series of 1992, and Raolution No . 38, S... ol 1991, approving negotiating contractl and awarding negotialad contracts for the 1995, 11194, 1993, 11192, and 1991 Micro-aulfacing Plogl'lffll rapec:tiYely. RECOlallENDED ACTION We .. aeeking Collncil approval of a flesolution allowing • negotiated contract with Blturrh>ua Asphalt ~ Spec:illlilla. Inc., a.Ila ., BASS , Inc., ., ., amount not lo excaed $320,000 for our 1996 Mlcn>4urfac:lng Progrwn. • BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED • Micro-surfacing is a cost effective malnlanance allamalive tha ,xovides rut filling, leveling of existing pavemetits. a surface seal and a new wearing ~-The finilhed product is jet black, MStheticaly pleasing , and exhibits mon, traction than the original asphaltic concrelll (improved aalaly). Slaff introduced 'Enelewood" micro-surfacing in 1991 . Our objective was to develop a maintenance altematlve to address the maintenance needs of roadways subjaclad to exceulYe traffic volume,, resulting In pavement rulling and lanes requiring leveling trealmt!nts along with new wearing COUIHS and surface seals. BASS, Inc. has satisfactorily participated in a partnership arrangement with the City for the last nine years to construct our sluny and micro-surfacing programs, having now placed a total of 1,500,000 square yards of our design products (approximately 615 blocks , or n miles of roadway). Micro-surfacing requires highly specialized constr~.:tion eq....-it From our last five years' experience , we ~ that the use of continuous micro-surfacing equipment produces a superior product compared to that applied - truck mounted type machlnet . Continuous equipment provides consistency of application and minimizes HM'II by reducing equipment stops and starts. Truck mo!Jntad equipment was used in the construction of our earlier slurry products . Continuous micro-surfacing equipment can apply standard slurry products while standard slurry machines are not capable of applying micro-surfacing . The number of continuous micro-surfacing mach · es continues to grow throughout the country ; BASS , Inc . owns and operalal 2 of these machinea . BASS, Inc. ha successfully constructed micro-surfacing on selected -.;aJs, cottectors , industrial and local se!Vice streets in our 199 1, 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995 micro-surfacing programs . Sta ff continues to monitor slurry seal and micro-surfa ci ng activities in the metro area . The workmanship of BASS , Inc .. particu~•rly with micro-surfacing , ap~Ja rs to rema in superior . Milch inconsistency exists In the mix deslgns used by othe r,.· in the metro area, although many jurisdictions are again requiring !!le gray granite aggregate that we have rocom."8nded and specified since 1987. Many Olher user agencies continue to modify their specificati ons , su~g• sting that they are not completely satisfied with earlier products . We have noted areas of localized failure in ,,iicro-surfacing products placed by others during 1992 and 1993, indicating only marginally satisfactory resu lts. It IIPIINIS lhal nw,y olher dllla continue ID MIiie lor atandanl 1U1Y prodllcla lr-.cl of ffllcn>.IUlfacl . Tlw can be partially llllribu1ad ID local connc1Dr1 l9COfflfflll idilig and Mdlng loww prtced, i.tor qua111y ~II under compelilive bid condlllona . Also , molt lluny produds wil land ID be mare -frilndly during 00l1llrucllon than micro-lUlfllc:ing. Re.nember, rnicrHurfaclng ha CDnllrucliDn advlnlagea CMN" alurrtel In that It can be UHd lor rut filling and leMlg In addition to providing lhe IIUfface MIi and ,_ ~ aurface lhln II ot111ined with standard lfuny appicaticnl. Throughout our nine year experience with "Englewood" lluny, micro-aurfaclng , and BASS , Inc., citizen mponse contlnun to only queation our not Inducing fflOIII 11reeta In our annual micro-eurfaclng programa. Experience with constructing our product is critical . We will continue to monitor and eva!uale aluny and micro- lUlfacing contractors In the Denver area, and we may choosa to recommend alhelw for future years wortc, depending upon their performance on other projects . However, our local cholca remain extremely lirnllltd al this time. Vance Bros., Inc. has similar equtprr,ent In Kansas and had Nlablilhed a Denvw office . In 1993, Vance cons1l'UCted a Littleton mlcro-sulfaang demonstration project that -marginal. Additionally, Vance Bros . had some less than satisfied sluny customers In 1994 and their key Colorado coordinator left their employ In earty 1995. Vance Bros . closed their Den-office in late 1995. lntermwnlain Resurfacing , In.:. (IMR) remains In lhe slurry market Englewood had a contract dispute with ti• COfT4J8llY In 1986-1987. 'MIii older truck mounted equipment. their micro-sutfacing experience with the Color .do Department ol Transportation (COOT) on Belleview A-was less than satislactory . In an earlier COOT n,":ro- surfacing project on 1-25, In Pueblo, IMR sublet product application to another contractor, with ~ discouraging results. \Nhile we will continue to monitor the activities of this company , we have not been Impressed with any of lheir performance to date. Quality Resurfacing COl'l1)ll1Y ol Corrrnerce City II lhe -llurTy contraclor in our area. This company was established In 1994, and lhe principals appear to have many yen expertence In the general paving lndullry . This company has late model truck mounted type equipmant and • ~ that 1hey successfuly ladded _.., smldard slurry projects during the 1994 and 1995 seasons. They do not have continuous rric:ro-surfac: equipment or experience placing our temperamental Englewood micro-surfacing product Also, many of their key employees came to them from IMR In 1993. Ti-lolks _. major players In the COOT micro-surfacing projects mentioned above . We wiU monitor the performance of this company and n ,:,y, depend ing on their work on other projects, wish lo consider them for future years work in Englewood . We prefer to use the only proven contractor with demonstrated successful applications utilizing the products and mix designs that we have deve loped , and that ach ieve our de si red results . We are sa tisfied with product pertonnance lo dale and are pa rticularly pleased with perkirmance on our local service streets . The contractor, BASS, Inc., is available to accomplish our 1996 project in late May or earty June th is yea r. Our 1996 Micro-surta :Ing Program will target local sarvice and minor collecto( streets . We continue to specify micro-surfacing over s.andard slulT)' because of its fle xibility of use. SlulT)' ~'321 is a single h1ickness application producl Micro-surfacing has the capability of be ing appli,td in whatever tt-· .i<ness is necessary to address our maintenance requ~ements . Micro-surfacing is used for rut filling anrl :.v ,ling as well as for overall roadway sealing . In earty years , chemical makeup caused a 17 seconn break time with our micro-surface specification . Mod ification in product chemistry in 1993 , 1994 and 1995 i1x.reased break lime to about 40 seconds . Th is greatly improved the workability of the mix wh ile ma inta ining our ab ility to open stree ls to through traffic in 20 to 30 minutes , ii required . • Our design continues lo specify the quality custom crushed , gray gran ite aggregate from Asphalt Pavi ng Cornµan y, Golden , Colorad o. We will conti nu e to use the improved ERGON emu lsio n, as developed for our 1993, 1994 and 1995 prog rams . However , our speci fied ERGON emulsions are no long er manufactured in th e Denver • area . In 1996 , as in 1995, "n ·,lslo ns will be tra nsported ~'OITl 1 Jxas . • • l'IIIANCIAL •ACT Bidl a llandlrd 11urry In the melro na, wilh local contran and kMw qulllty camponna than our ......... (appaximltely 5 hour 1raffic limN), lhould range tom S0.70 Ill S0 .85 per 11qU119 yard In 1996. Quick NI, polymer modlfted, llurrioa with chnc:llrilllcl llrrolw III our epedlkallol• (2 1113 ~ trafflc Umea) wlll likely bid 81$1.25111$1 .35 per square yard . The City of~..,.,_.. ID be the only Front Range City lfllClylng produda linilar to ourw . Their 1119(; bid price-$1.23 per 1QU81e yard . A~ bid for a micto- lUlfacing demonllrallon project In 1993, In the Cly, 'f Ullelan, -In the $1 .65 per 1q1ae yard range. With our ,,ipecilied quality enuaion, agg,.i., and application equipment, our co1uparable c-.e COit In 1993, 1994 ood 1995 was $1.20 per equara yard . PralinNry c:on..-.ationa with BASS , Inc. suggest a wllingrwss to return lo Englewood In 1996 and construct rnicrcHurfllcin II a 111111 price c:ort.,arable ID IMI ,-,a cionnct ($181 .111 per Ian). I-In the price of aggNgata and emualon could raau~ In a MgOlilad price of2% lo 3% ovw 1995. The 1"1 contract was for $2110,000 (lj)j)ia.i11 ■lel)' 160,0001q11119 yards oreo blocb • 51.71 penquara yard-and Included heavy ~, ra1e on South Bioadway), Funding a 1N2 -lmllld ID '2II0,000 for micnHurlaclng (approxlmately 185,000 square yards or 70 bloc:ka • $1A1 per....,. yerd). In 1ffl, we oonstructed approximately 201,000 aqia,e yards (76 blocka) II a COIi of $305,000 • $1.12 per aquaN yud. In 1993, rut ftlllng , surface leveling and slighlly Increased appllclllon rain gene,allld a higlllf per squwe yard oonstruction COil than our 1992 uperilnce. Our 11M uperienc:e wu again~. l1e $1.50 per aq-yard range, baled upon 207,000 1,quare yards Ill product and • oontract price of $315,000. In 1tN. wilh major Increases In coata of materials and an apprcmmately 20% increase in application ram IO do heavy rut filling and laYellng , we ~ 209,000 :;quare yards Ill micto-surfacing at• total cost of $339,000 • SU2 per aquara yud. This cost remu,s In the magnitude ol 4°"' of the cost of asphaltic C01icrete overlay while stil allDwing ua Ill conect many of the IITegularities within a slructuraly sound roadway surfac(,, lncreues incurrad In 1996 mlcto-aurfaclng construction and malarial costs would also be rer.ected in construction costs lor asphaltic concrete CMrlays in 1996 . For 1996, we are 111C01Mlending a oontract with BASS , Inc. a lll)plQllm81ely 200,000 square yards of micro- aurfacing at a untt price comparable to that negolilled In 111115, lalllting In a oontract in the $320,000 range. $507,000 is available in lhe Public lrnprovenwlt Fund, Road and lltldge account for 1996. The balance of funding In the 1996 Road and Bridge PIF account wil be utilized for aaphaltlc concrete overlays by Englewood loroes, and associated maintenance program administration, lllm1g, pn,gram studies and Inspection . Additionally , In 1996 , EngiMering will initiate discussions with BASS, Inc. and CcbitDo to l)IOfflOle the development of new slurry and micro-surfacing product designs , including utiliz.ng some local asphalt products. This ellort Is to provide Englewood with qua lity , cost effective slurry and mictO-surtac.ng products for future years prognms. Note : Due to the vary ing app:icatlon rates of micto-surfacing , with fM!I' changing roadway conditions, micro- surfacing is contracted by unit. weight applied (tons). LIST OF ATTACHMENTS For your inlonnalion, the atta ched lists streets and aventMS proposed for indusion In our 1996 CMlflay and micro- surfacing proscams . They are Intended to m, repn,sentative of the proposed programs and are, of course, subject to your review & id comment. Since 1987, we have addressed 1he maintenance needs of some 77 miles of our approximately 120 mile roadway system . The 1998 program will add about another 10 miles to that tolal. Consequently , many deserving mainlenance cand idates exi5t within our street system . A progressive slurry seaVmicro-surfacing program would address all of the streets with the •Y i tam over a seven year period , suggesting that the annual budget for this activity rema ins at appro xi mately 50% of Ideal funding levels . Cily ol Englewood --~ • °"""' --·-sear.:.dUX>S. .... ....., Layton Chonongo • • voo• --3500• '611fk:.=n;=;;:;~~.l.l,,l,N-il+i'YY'ttrtllt't:!?7i':~;'""!"~~ i City ol Englewood lldlffi't't!l'IM"'i"i'i/'ffl-""'"· °"°"' .,..,.., ~~*Hittil1Himttm•- Slcriord 4.503 S. Tull1 f Note: Overlay + vr -· 12'adjacent to curbs only. Broadway Is scherju\ed for widening reconstruction, In ISTEA In 1999. 21'l0 S. 2700 1. i City of Englewo~d ROPOS&D\,0Jlllltlft1118 f I I J GOad ~~/.c.;:;,;;,;;a;;:~~,~~U,lmri-h-!~~r~~~~m ---• -.... ,. """"' l'lrcoton 0.--CV -Sklncwd4SCX>S. '"" Urion ,_ OWnongo I • Note: Overlay+ or -12 adjacent to curbs only. • Brcadway Is sc heduled for widening reconstruction. In ISTEA In 1999. l STREET DIVISIOII 1996 MICRO-SURFACING LIST AVENUE/ Sl'REET NUMBER FROM TO OF BLOCKS AMHERST 2.50 EMERSON LOGAN BELLEWOO;J DR 1.00 LOGAN PENNWOOD CIR CHENl\MGO 2.50 IRVING LOWELL CBEIIANGO 2.50 BROADIIAY PENN CHENl\MGO 1.00 CLARKSON PEARL CORNELL 3.00 ZUNI SHOSHONE CORNELL 1.00 BROADWAY BANNOCK CORNELi, 2.50 DOWNING FRANKLIN CORNEuL CIRCLE 3.00 CORNELL CORNELL CORNELL PLACE 1.00 CORNELL CIRCLE CORNELL CIRCLE GRAND 2.50 IRVING LOWELL • GRAND 3.00 hCOl'l\ HURON HILLSIDf. 2.00 TEJON ZUNI LAYTON 3.50 WINDERMERE HURON MANSFIELD 3.50 JASON CHEROKEE Hl\NSFIELD 1.00 ACOMA BROADWl\Y PEIIIIIIOOD CIR 2.00 LOGAN BELLEVIEW RADCLIFF 1.00 JASON CUL-DE -SAC STANFORD 3.00 GALAPAGO JASON TUFTS 0 .50 KNOX CT KING YALE 3.50 TEJON PECOS l\CO, 2 .00 BELLEVIEW CHENANGO ACOHll 1.00 YALE AMHERST BANNOC , 1.00 CORNELL DARTMOUTH DELAW AAE 1.00 KENYON JEFFERSON E PLATTE. R DR 2.00 DARTMOUTH . FLOYD ELATI o.so TUFTS CUL-DE-SAC GALAn ;:;o 4.00 STANFORD Ci!l\NANGO GALAPAGO 1.00 GRAND BELLEVIEW IRVING 2.00 BELLEWOOD DR CITY LIMITS IRVING l. 50 PIMLICO CITY LIMITS JASON 1.00 QUINCY Rl\DCLIFF JASON l.00 STANFORD TJFTS JASON CT l.00 QUINCY JASON L•'!"AYETTE l.00 GIRARD 'll\HPDEN • LAfAYETTE C'r J.00 BATES PARKWAY BATES PARKWAY LAFAYETTE DR 2.0ll BATES CORNELL LOGAN l.00 GIRARD Hl\HPDEN LOGAN 4.00 BELLEVIEW STANFORD MARION l.00 DARTMOUTH CUL-DE-SAC OGDEN 3 .00 CORNELL YALE Pav• No. 2 O4/OS/96 AVE?IUE/ STREET OGDEll PEARL WINDERMERE ZUNI l/2 WIDE TOTAL BLOCKS STREET DIVISION 1996 MICRO-SURFACING LIST NUMBER FROM OF BLOCKS 2 .00 OP.RTMOUTH 3.00 LAYTON 4.00 KENYON 3.00 'LALE [ 99 . soJ TO P'LO'ID STANFORD OXFORD EVANS • ST'll!ET DIVISION 1996 OVERLAY LI~T AVENUE/STREET NUMBER FROM TO OF BLOCKS AMHERST 2.00 BROADWAY . LOGAN BATES 2 .00 BROADWAY LOGAN BELLl:VIEW 2.00 FEDERAL LOWELL CHENANG O 1.00 DECATUR FEDERAL KING 2 .00 CUL-DE-SAC CUL-DE-SAC KNOX COURT 2 .00 CUL-DE-SAC CUL-DE-SAC LAYTON 1.50 DECA'rUR FEDERAL OXFORD 2.00 FOX JASON RADCLIFF 1.00 KALAMATH CUL-DE-SAC RADCLIFF 1.00 NAVAJO WINDERMERE SARATOGA 1.00 DECATUR FEDERAL STANFORD 1.00 NAVAJO NINDERMERE STANFORD 0.50 BROADNAY LINCOLN TANFORAN l. 50 DECATUR FEDERAL UNION 1. 50 FEDERAL DECATUR • BROADNAY• 6.00 FLOYD YALE CLARKSON 1.00 GIRARD HAMPDEN LOHEi.L 2 .00 MONMOUTH CITY LIMITS MARION 2.\•0 DARTMOU"';i BAT ES MARIPOSA DR 2.00 LAYTON TUFTS WINDERMERE 2.00 TUFTS RADCLIFF TOTAL BLOCK S l 37 .ooJ • Note: Overlay + or -12' adjacent to curbs only. Broadway is scheduled for widening reconstruction. In ISTEA in 1999 . •