HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Resolution No. 089RESOLr ;10N NO. a SERIF.5 OF 1996 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE PASSAGE OF AME.i'IDMENT 16 IN TW.: 1996 ELECTION WHICH PROPOSES TO REFORM THE STRUCTURE OF Tm; STATE LAND BOARD AND WHlCH BROADENS THE CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE GO VERNDIG MILLIONS OF ACRES OF STATE•OWNED LA,'IDS LOCATED THROUGHOUT COLORADO . WHEREAS, Amendment 16 w .. born of general concern about the preservation of open space, disputes over the sales of state lands for development in some areas ofthv state, and t he idea that the constitutional provisions currently governing the State Land Board are archaic ; and WHEREAS , the me .. ure changes the basic groWld rules that direct the administration of ove r 3 million acres of state-<>wned land located throughout Colorado, most of which is held in trUSt to s upport K·l2 education; and WHEREAS , the land board generates 1evenue from surface leases for agricultural and ranching operation s, oil and g .. royalties , interest income, and the occuional outright sale of property; and WHEREAS, the board ope rates with a single-minded co nstitutional mandate to "maximize re\•enue" for public schools ; and WHEREAS. approximately 60,000 ac res of state lands have been identified as being "urban " in chara cter; and WHEREAS . the Amendment changes the miss ion of the board from "maximizing revenue" to "prod ucing reas onable and consistent income over time"; and WHEREAS. the Amendment requires t he board to set as id e 300 ,000 acres fo r u se primarily as open space: changes the compos ition of the bo ard fro m three paid to si.J: vo luntee r members appointed by the govern or; and provides various specific methods to expand the manner in which the state lands and the moni es derived th erefr om can assist school s; and \VHERE....\S, this open space co mpon ent will complement effo rts at the municipal leve l to ach ieve the s am e purpose. to conserve a•gricu.ltural and ranch lands, and to maintain physical separatio n betwee n co mm unities; and WH ERE.AS . open space preservation has emerged at or near the top the agenda for mo re and more municipalities as an increasing number of cities and towns are earmarking ta.'"s for open space preservation . calling fo r assistance fr om the Great Ou tdoors Colorado Trust fo r this purpose. and forging relationships "ith national. state and loca l land co nservancy gr oups: and WHEREAS, other upecta of the initiatiw that an, of the gn,ateat municipal intereate include, a provision that would require the land board to comply with local land use regulations and plans in manarin, 1tate land. and a requirement that someone with local government experience be repreaented --. the board . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED av THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT: ~-The City Council oft!ie City of Englewood, Colorado supports trc ,1aasage of Amendment 16 in the November 1996 Election. ADOPI'ED AND APPROVED thia 21st day of October, 1996. g,~<f~ ODlas :i-.Mayor £~(!.~ Loucris.hia A. Ellis, City Clerk I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk fo£2!,e City of Englewood , above is a ttue copy of Resolution No .Q:/_, Series of 1996. (...L...Ial~~-(/k