HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 Resolution No. 027• • • RESOLUTION N0.4 SERIES OF 1995 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE NOMINATION OF CHRISTINA CUNN ING HAM-BORJAS FOR THE METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS 1995 YOUTF AWARD. WHEREAS , the Metropolitan Mayors and Commissioners Youth Awards are presented each year to youth from the ages of 13 to 19 who have risen above persona l difficul t ie s and created pos itive change in their environments , and are unsung heroes who have served their co mmunities, the ir families , other youth , or themselves in a beneficial and car ing way ; and WHEREAS , the City of Engle,·,ood wishes to recognize the young people who make a difference in our community ; and WHEREAS , Ch ri stina Cunningham -Rorjas . an Englewood High School student, has been nominated as a ca nd idate fo r t he Metropoli ra n Mayors an d Commiss ioners Youth Award ; and WHEREAS , Chr ist in a has managed to trans cend personal adversity to bec ome a self- assured young woman w ho is an important memb er of her fam ily , a positive lea der of other young people , and an active, successful student ; an d WHEREAS , Chr istina , the eldest of sevP.n chil dren , has demonstrated commitment to her t· rr.1ly by provid ing supp ort to her mother an d si ~ling,s; and WHEREAS , Chr istin a t ook the initiat ive to sec ure an appren tic~ship through the Job Tra ino g Partnership Act as a Teacher Aide at the Arapahoe Community College Child De vel r,pment Center , manag ing to keep up with he r sc hoolwork whi le working long hours ; and W HEREAS , Christina , t hro ugh the apprenticesh ip, earne d va luable work experie nce and marketa bl e job skills , ga ined high school cred it s !or her work th at applied to her graduation requ ireme ts. and became a va lued leader and ro le -model whr. helped train and supervise other Teach er Aides; and WHEREAS , Christ ina is inv olved at t-er high school with a group called "True Colors ," a mu lticultural group whose mission is tc edu~ate an d raise awareness about people with diverse bac kg rounds ; and W HEREAS , Christ in a, accordi ng to her nominator , is a l ine example of "what's right w ith the yo uth of today ;" NOW, THEREFOR E, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CI TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEW OOD . COLORADO , THAT : The Englewood City Council wishes to recognize Chri~tina Cunnn,~ham-Borjas and support her nomination for the Metropolitan Mayors and Commissioners 1995 Youth Award . ' ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS 6th day of March , 1995. v~W~ I, Loucrishia A . Ell is, City Clerk fo!,We City of Englewood, Colorado , here by cert ify the above is a true copy of Resolution No . Li./.• Series of 19 95 . • • •