HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 Resolution No. 043/ • • RESOLUTION NO . :13 SERIES OF 1995 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE WAGE AGREEMENT TO THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ENGLEWOOD POLICE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 1995 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1996. WHEREAS , the Englewood City Counci l of the City of Englewood, Colorado with the passage of Resolution No . 91, Series of 1994 approved the Collective Bargaining Contract with the Englewood Police Benefit Association effective from January 1, 1995 through December 31 , 1996: and WHEREAS, the Englewood Polic e Benefit Association Contra was a pproved by City Council with the provision of a wage reopener in 1995 to set wages fo r 1996; and WHEREAS , the City of Englewood and the Englewood Police Benefit Association entered into negotiations in May, 1995 in accordance with the Englewood City Home Rule Charter and a tentath·e agreement was negotiated: and WliEREAS, the members of the Englewood Police Benefit Association duly ratified, by a majority of the members , the te ntative wsge agreemtnt to the Englewood Police Benefit Association Con t ract: and WHEREAS , there were no significant changes to th e contract from the previous contract other than n change in the rate of wage increa ses. The wage increase for the employees cove red by th is Co ntract for 1996 shall be as follows: Effective January 1, 1996, employees who are covered by this Contract will receive wage rates based on the median up to a maximum of a two and one.quarter pe rcent (2.25%) increase effective January 1, 1996 and an additional one and one-quarter percent (1.25%) increase effective July 1, 1996 : ~OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENG LEWOOD , COLORADO, THAT : ~.l-The City Council of the City rf Englewood , Colorado hereby app rov e, the war,e agreement to the Co ll ective Bargai ning Contract between the En glewood Poli ce Benefit Association and the C>Ly of Englewood fu the period of January 1, 1995 through December 31, 1996 . The wage increase for the employees covered by this Contract fo r 1996 shall be as follows : Effective Ja'luary 1, 1996, em ployees who e re covered by this Contract will receive wage rate s based on the median up to a maximum of a tw o and on e-quart.er percent (2.25%) increase effective January 1, 1996 and an additional one and one-quarte r percent ( 1.25%) increase effe ctive July 1, 1996 ; AD OPTED A.'ID APPROVED this 19th day of June, 199 5. ,, ""'''""' ""'· c;o c,,. <on~• c,.~,.~-~ .,.. •• above is a true copy of Resolution No.~. Series of 1995. ~tf(/1( Loucrishia A. Ellis • • • • • • AMENDMENT TO EPBA CONTRACT The CITY OF ENGLEWOOD and THE ENGLEWOOD POLICE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION agree to amend Article 10. Compensation, Section A and the first paragraph of Section B of their 1995-1996 Contract as foUows : AR'TTCLE 10. COMPENSATION A The salary schedule that became effective on January I, 1995, is as follows: POLICE OFF1URS MONTHLY ANNUAL PRO BA TIONAR Y POLICE S2.4 50 $29,400 OFFICER IV Police Officer IV 2,595 31,140 Police Officer m 2.853 34,241 Police Officer ll 3,139 37 ,669 Police Officer l 3.452 41,425 B. Effective January 1, 1996, employees who are covered by this contract will r eceive wage rates based on the median as stated below up to a maximum of 2.25% increase on January I. 1996. and an additional 1.25% increase on J uly 1, 1996. For example, if the m edian were to come in at 3.0 %, the increase wo uld be 2.25% on January 1, 1996, and 0.75% on July 1, 1996. If the median were 10 be 4.0%, then the cap would apply and it wo uld be 2.25 % on January 1, 1996, and 1.25 % on July I, 1996. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Amendment to the Contract to be signed by their respective representatives and their signarure placed th ereon on this _ day of ____ ~ 1995 , at Englewood, Colorado. CITY OF ENGLEWOOD Mayor ATrEST: City Clerk City Manager ENGLEWOOD POLICE BE NEFIT ASSOCL". TION • • • COUNOL COMMUNICATION Date Agenda Item Subject June 19, 1995 Collective Bargaining 10 a vi Contract between the City and the EPBA for 1996 Initiated By Staff Source Depart •. 1ent of Administrative Services Randie L. Barthlome, Director of Administrative Services CO CIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNOL ACTION The Collective Bargaining Contract with the Englewood Police Benefit Association was approved by Council for 1995 and 1996, with provisions for a wage reopener in 1995 to set wages for 1996. RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff requests Council approval of the w3ge agreement to the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Englewood Police Benefit Association and the City of Englewood for 1996. BACKGROUND, ANA LYSIS, AND Al TERNA TIVES IDENTIFIED The City of Englewood and the Englewood Police Benefit Association entered into negotiations in May of 1995, in accordance with the City oi Englewood Charter. Cnder Arti cle 10, page 9, the approximately 60 employees covered by the Contract will recei ve wage rates , based on the median of twelve survey cities listed in the contract, up to a m axi mum two and one-quarter percent (2.25%) increase on tJi\e 1995 base wage rate effective Jan uary 1, 1996 anc. an additional one and one-quarter percent (1.25%) increase on the 1995 b ase wage rate effective Jul y l , 1996. For example, if the median were to come in a t 3.0%, the increase would be 2.25 % on Ja n uary 1, 1996, and 0.75% on Jul y l , 1996. Uthe median were to be 4.0%, the n the cap would apply and it wou ld be 2.25% on January 1, 1996, and 1.25% on Jul y 1, 1996 . FINANCIAL IMPACT The impact of the sala!'y increases will not be av :.,lable until after December, since it is based G on s urvey cities, and not all of the cities have finalized their pay increases at this time. However, ti1e maxim.um impact of wage :..'1creases for 1996 baced upon the 2.25% and 1.25% formula would be S70,453 (salaries b y approximately $54 ,600 and benefits by approximately $1 5 ,853). This represents about a 2.E'-3% increase on sal~ry and benefits. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS • •