HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 Resolution No. 067•
SE RIES Or 1995
WH EREAS, th e Gothic Theatre, At 3263 South Broadway is locoted on the west side of
Broad \,ay betwetn Eastman a nd Floyd Avenues in downtown Englewood : and
WH EREA . the Gothic Th,nt re opened as o mov ie thentcr in 1929 : and
WHE RE AS , thi s frpf .. tnnd mg hr1 ck mn o n ry buildinc underwent ex t e n sive
mode r n1Znt1on 111 19-t9 . nnrl 11 <'u rrrntl." rt-toin, th e mnjo r des iRO e lement s from thi s
proj ec t t hat \\3S intended t o modernize the theatre, nnd
WHEREAS, th e Gothir Then tre l'-signifirnn t ns n d own tow n Englewood example of o
movi e th eate r dating from a peri od of mtens1 \'e th cnt er ro nstru ction : and
WHER EAS the Gothic Theatre is a lso 1gn ificnnt as an exa mple ofun intact post-World
War II facnde modern 1zation: and
WHEREAS. such pos t -Wor ld \\"nr II modcrn,zotion projects we re com m on in olde r
dow ntown c-o mmerc1al distric t s. bu t intact exam ples are rare : and
WH ERE AS . in Engle \\Ood , the Got hic T t-n tre. a ltho ugh cu rrently not in u se, re:nains
a s n r e min de r of tht popu l.int.\ of m o \·ini,: ll turts. and
WH EREAS . buldm~ .. thrit rH run thei r po ,;1-World Wa r II modernized facad es a re
mcrea;"'lingl.'' rnrt: end n:, such it 13 nn importan t piece of Engl ewood 's a rchitectural
histo r.':
Eil:GLEll'OO D. <'OLO R.-\D O. T II AT
~ Thi> C n, Counril of t ht• CH.\ of Englewood he reby rec ommends and supports
tht: nomm,n a u un of tht:' Gut h1 l T ,·.1lrt· to t ~t:" Stme lfog1st e r of h1 st unc properties.
AD OPTED AX D APPR Ol'ED tlm 20t h dny of :--lovember . 1995
I. Loucri s hin A. Elli . City C lerk for th e City or Englewood , Co lorndo, hereby ce rtify th e
..... ". ""' • ., • ,. ''"'''" x,u ...... ,~ !'J!t,
ucrishin A. Ell is
Novanber20, 1995
NeigN,orbood and Bulinea l>evelopmei:,t
20 a f1
STAR SOuacl:
Harold J. Stitt
Community Coordinator
City Council Go~I · Economic Development
Pn:vious Council Action : There has been no previous action on the pn:-pos ed Gothic Theatre
hist oric designation .
City Council is requested to adopt a Resolution supponing the nomination of the Gothic Theatre
to the Colorado Historical S'o ci ety State Register of Historic Propenies .
The owner of the Gothic Theatre , Acts on Broadway , Inc ., hes pla ced the Gothic Theatre in
nomi nati on for de signation as a historic building on the Colorado Historic Suci et y State Registry
of Historical Propenies . If so designated , preservation of .•.n imponant pan of the architectural
he ritage of Englewood wi ll be assured . Additionally, this designation increases the chances that
restoratio n funding can be obtained through the State Historical Society .
Built in 192 9, the Gothic Theatre was typical of smaller neighborhood moving pictures hous es
built in the Denv er area . Th ere are seve ral such neighborhood theaters still in existence in th e
metro area, man y of which ha ve been restored to their original state . The architectu ra l
significa nce of the Gothic , on the other hand , is the result of its 1949 "modernization ." The
present facade , the result of this renovat ion , is one of the few remaining e~ "<lples of the post
W.W TJ commerci al ren ov ation . The designation as a historic building is based upon this 1949
reno vation .
The proposed historic building designation of the Gothic Theatre will not have a direct financial
impae1: on the City . However, if this designation is obtained, the chances that the Gothic will once
again become a integral and contributing component of Downtown Er,glewood, both financially
and historically, arc greatly improved
Historic Propcnics Nomination Form
Can-em ~--f◄is lbocc
2. Addraof~
S!rea Addrm 31.63 S Bmadway
City Ealewood County ,\rghoe Zip..J!Ul2..
3. lApl Dac:ripll8R of Propat, P.M . .Ji!b_ Towmhip~ tw,ge~
Jm__ 1/4 of ...$L 1/4 of _.tm. l/4 of~ 1/4 of Seaioa ...JL.. Qua! M1') E;,lowogd CO
Loc(a) NIA Block NIA Addition..__.N .. t .. A ______ _
UTM a.c..:.: Zaie_ Enring ........ · ..._ ____ Notdaing ..... ___ _
Verbal lloaadary Delcripaon
(dacrlbe Ille boudlria of tbe DOmillaled property oa a collliaualion sheet)
4. "'-110.... ol Pr,ip,rty
NIIIIC Acg 9P Bo!IIY<,l'.JIL ________ _
Address 3375 S Bagpo PIKme 003) 782➔744
City Emlewood Sllle~ Zip 801 JO
(d the propony is iD lllllltiple ownership, please &ive the names aad addresses
of each owner Oil one or more coDlmllllion shecu )
5. ~ol~
Name J• 0 XredDPP DIie 7111/95
Orpamlioa Acq 1J1 Bral:f!ay Jnc
Addnu 3375 5 Bewet 1101 Pbon~ OQ3l 78H744
Siae~ Zip__lOlll!
'-ON::'ff11d -,,n,.v 250
Type l•l baiJdlls(IJ I I dblricl I I sire I J SlnlCIW• 11 object I I ara
U. Im proper'!)' tellli...S local h.lsloric dal&natioa?
(1) DO ( ) yes -( )Indiv idual ( ]la dillria
cludellpaed ___ _
-,-d by _______ !fol ...,. ofmunicipal irJ or couoty)
.,, Omoldaa., Pratm7
[ I mtclll• I I p,d [•I fair I I damott!ad I J n,!u;;
[s) oripal 1oa1ioa I I moved (dale of mo••--·
•• V.olP'nplnJ
Omal v.,., -!'m2M1 Live Mll'BIYIPIW Vonuo
9. OripaalO-.---JlsnlllilluBl!liol&blailllL-----------
Soarce ot ~ A,...... oC IQ~ Co!PnM yd IP Qrcmcw qi ft. J•n, C<daJIL_ pffl
10. Yw o1 c-;-J929 wjdp l'HS> M11YMiPP
Soarc:e of Illi>rmak>D .\ BWea qi,,.,.,.,,,.., Cokn1M M4 u lbw:rirw ,c ft, Jee O!l!odo
p,l57 • ....... IYll4R Pmall 07.,,;, itrml :'{l,W9,
11. Ardlltct, .....,, Jtaci-, Anl5I or Dalp,e
Byild,n -Br BPlsbc Pl E4w;rd Evca
Source of lllfnnNrinn A BISea o[ f.aJcwood. Cefqrado and an Qvec!lcw or fl, J mo, cglgndo,
pp lS7 301.
u. ~~type
(desaiba the =nmt CODdilion aod appearance of the property on one or mu,e col!WlllatioD sbeeU)
(dllcdbe al ewe sipif!Cllll cban&a made to die oriJia,al property on one or more colllinuatioa sheets)
I."..,, 1111'""'17
[ll) a · Pl'Oplfty ii aaxi..s wllb -Iha bave made a liplftcam comlbulioD ID mllDr)'
[ I b • property ii .-.ad .. penolll lipifiaal in billory
(x] c • propeny bal dilliDctive c:haracterislica or• type, period , lllllbod or COIIIU\l<lio11 or &rtisaD
( J e • pn,pei,y 00lllalas die poua"bilily or ia,p;,rua diuowri• rtlllld ID pnillistory or bialory
Arm at Slpillcaca
(aplaiD die ~ of die property 011 one or 111Jre COllbllllllioll sbeels)
17. 8111 ........ 1
(die die boob, articl•. 11111 ol!lef SOUrteS used ill preparillc dlis ftma on oae or a:n coatimlati011 sbeea)
Colorado House Dislrict 1..1... or Name of Rt9raeoUtive W;i)'.11• N Knox
Colorado S-'lllle Dislricl , ...16.. or Name or Senator Tom Bjcieoldetftt
19. SlolldaMap
20. PllalDcDpr ol USGS Map
21 . lllad< a: WMte PMcOI
22. Colar Sida
(IIDda lipal 111d aouriml c:omeat from -.I> o"'oer or property • see next pa,e)
Sl'Ant UGli.-m& OF IIISJ'OUC l'llOl'D11.IS
l'nplr1y Nw Q<Ofc ])an
s.sl• Number _ll.JL_ Pap _L_
~IP110N OF PllOPfllTY
lbe Godaic 11icare, II 3263 S<,ulh Bioadway is locad 011 die wes1 side of Broadway bclween Easunao aad
Floyd A.m,,a ill dowalowD EA_pawood, ll lint opaa as a 1mvie tbealer in 1929 . This free staadiag brick
~-~~ildinc UDderwmt ~• imderclz:alioa in 1949 , aad ii CWTallly rmins die major dellp tlcmcms
6'om t.,.'· f.<Oiecl lml was ~ w :dbdllralu lbe tbcllw. llle thmcr scm 500 OD the main level 111d 300 io
Ille b1h:0D) . I! IDcl~ !WO ralru,• ,,.,., & p~eclioa room, & small offlcc off the lobby, aad I aa,alJ sec:ood levd
dtaliq n,om o!'f Ille 111p. 'Ilic~ provides space fur slurage and mecballical equipmmt . Aldlougb die
bowdiac is ill poor cosmmc COlldltloa, die 11rU1:111re is rq,oned IO be IOUDd .
0,, die ar, •1 1 .. aMr1 die orisimJ trick facade which eihibiled lbc "archirccmral fuwies" COIDIDOII IO lhe so
called "dlaae lheam" such • Omv.'1 Maye and Aladdin. lbe lile is gr-below the yellow aad red
..-qua. willl venical panda of pw,,. cram, 111d brick red tile above . The marquee enends over the sidewalk .
lbe llass in die emey doors ba been lb-.! and replaced wilb plywood . The east f.lcade a1Jo indudes •
doable window lite opmi,,c, desipal IO bold advertising .-erial, soo1b of lhe entry door>. Similar single aod
doable opeaiDp are IO die ll0flll of the box otrlce . Portiom of lbe bo• office area are bricked io .
lbe oriJisia1 brict OD die aortb, west, IDd soud, facades 1w been paimed . Parkin& sips aad graffiti are obvious
oo die IOlllb facade, alooi wilb 0111 major cnct. Emergency ails doon are loated 011 each end of the west
fa<ale .
lbe Gothic 1bearre ba 6,000 linear r.t of oaoo locaaed io die lobby, ceilio&, walls, suge, and cove arus.
lbeseori&iml red, peen, ydlow, a'Dbcrllldroaeaeooligbls dllefrom 1949. On lhe main levd lhesaeea las
beat rCIIX>ved, alone wilh approximately 2015 of lhe •eaiio&-The nmaiDina main level and balcony seatS are
m place. '!be Ullerior alao iDcluda a IUlpllldcd plaster ceiling IDd many omare wall aad ceililla fixiwm al so
daiq from die 1949 mod«niz.alioo .
ID 1949, the Clolhic UDderwem extemive remodeling . The east f.lcade received its tile facine and a new marquee .
and the box office and mtry wue recollllprcd IO tbelr cumat poailion . At the same time , as the same time , the
ilDrior received its SUlf',eoded plaster ceilinc, 111100, and oew wall and ceiling fixt=s .
lo 1990, the saeen 1111d front rows of lbe main floor seating were removed . An extended suge was in.stalled ,
1111d portions of the box office enc:rior wen bricked ill . Plumbing was also replaced .
'STAU lll!GISl'D CW IIISl'OmC ......nES
Propa1y ~ Gpd,jcl),ce
• SodiGar,..,.....JL. Paae_L_
lbeGoddc Tbtmel11iplfkam Wldff crilaioa ·•·••do-Eapcwood eaampleda movie dlear clalin1
6-a period of illaDh'9 dlaror a111111'UC1ion. & is alao 1ipificoat under critetiov "e" a m aample or an
l::DCt pmt•Warld Wrr D tac.le modeniiulloL Suda poll-World Wa U modmuzatloa projecu were commoo
ill oldlr do-~ disUiCII, but illlacl eumpill 11'1 rare.
111e lflWlll III MoTle 1btai.. C-...alaa
ID Dasvor blmre 1900, :leveiopmal 10111h aloaa Broadway wa, 0110011r1&ed by early IOWO promota, c..ier to
Mil laad duoup Ille -ioll of rail lnlllpOrlaioa illlo new arm. As a rault, Broa,;lway pilled early
-~ ■ a major ~cal llrip . Fladm IOU!h, Eqlewood's lint commerial ......,. bqan Ilona
Broeliwly • ..ty • 1114 widl die lllab~ of Ille Cberrelya Hone Car LiAe . By 1~: die bone drawo
can wwe n,placed will! !be cable can of die Denver Traway Company . These cars were followed by die
ll«mc lrOIJays Iba ramilled as a viable trasit syta,m wa the 1950s wbon Ibey fiAally •=eodered to die
arowiDI popularity of die allDIIIObile. Tbe flm balf of !be 20th aaury uw major ind1111rial development along
Somb Broadway, b«wem lOU1benl Deaver IDd l!ailewood.
Meaawllile., durm, die arly 1900s, as IIIOVUII piclurel became more popuw , die number of theaen continued
ID ,row. 113 Dmvu't popwlbOD comillued to sn>W ..S ..,.i. IIIOVie dlelhn were comtructed in
~ away from dowlllXlwD's "lb-Row" oa Canis Street , Tbe peat COIIIUIICliOD ran were
~ 1925 111d 1930. Ill ,-al, neigbbodlood ~ 00lllll1IClioD occuned aloa, llllblilbal tnmponatioo
roma, IUch ■ Broadway at Colm Aveaae. Broadway's arty promiDence u a llll)or lrllllpOIQlioa row
0lllllllmed ID pow ■ it bealed IOadl a:roa Omy Cnlt, p■aaf lllroucb die emorp111 iDdtlllrial complex
surroaadiJls Saudi lkoldway 111d MbslalilJpi. aad oa tbnlup die srowinl commericial 111d raiderllial disuicu
of IOlllben Doavor as Ibey a.pl iDlu l!allewood's already lilllblisbed downtown .
1be new aeicbt,odlood tbcalln were usually amaller vorsioas ofdiooc found io dow1110wn Duiver. Like those
clowim,,nl, die earliest wore used fbr vaudeville 111d other live eaunaimnl!Dt . By 1920, aei&bborbood !healers
wore beiD& built for die primary purpose of sbowiD& tDDVinl piai&R:s . Today Ilona Broadway in Deaver. die
Maym at 1111-114 Broadway, allboup sulldivided with mllltiple ICRlerlS, still featunol tndiliooal movies . The
1919 Webber a 119 Souda Broadway, oow lmoW11 as Kitty's Soulh, features >dull live einenainmeat and films .
Tbe Jewell II 1912 Somb Broadway, oow lcmwn as Tbrillseekers, bas beeo coovertrd to an atbelelic facilit y
famriDg indoor climbillc , Ill En&Jewood, die Gothic lbaltt, altbougt, currently DOI in use . remains as a
nmiDdet of die popuJarlly of moviD& piClutl'.II 111d a a symbol of tbe 00111inuing spread of tbe commerical strip.
A smaller tllear at 3460 S. Broadway waa danolish<d ill 1956.
New GGdlic Thalll' FK&tle
lbe updllm& or moderoizllioll of bulldbl& facades bas been a part of udliteaure for centuria . Cbqinl Wtes.
-do,,eloi-tJ ill buildin& iueriala, evolVUll lmerior use, ud llnancial opportlltlities are only some of tbe
b<:lon tlllllinllq bulldlll& ownm ID apply a !nab face to tlleir ocberwisc serviceable property. Tbe financ ial
dq,caaiaa of !be 19'.lOI, foUowed by die mataial ud llllllpoWU sbonaees durinl World War II, left IDIDY
property OW!ml willl diqy bulldiltp ill -1 of rsorllion or modenizalion . Durinl die Depression, die Gothic
lib 1baall -die -r. ~ a vlrilly of bellefits . TIie lbeller closod al vari0111 limos durinl tbe
194111 . BllildlDI pemlill for the Godlie's IIIOderninlioo were islued ill April , 1949. Widl grell fanfare tile
• "New" Clodlic Tbeatre eeldnlal its ,rml re-opmina oo November 9. 1949.
As a,;, decada paaal maay bwlcliDas ~ after World Wu D ~~ 10 projecl a dated look of their owa .
i. t-..;e.st ywa, 6-.....ivy flQdel ~ oftllll bml rq,IKed ,;!u, yi:I °""II dedlDJ . IDcreuiaa illw•1 in
'.;:"l1Dric plll«YSioll 1111 Id -y owam 1111 -moclniad r.:.111 aad ratort dleir bulldll>f 1111 • oar
,'4tml ~-Buildlql lllll AlliD dllir puc-Workl Warn ID0deruizal rac.i. ace iDcnaia&IY rare, 111d
/.11&1 -opponuailill 1111 -pllyaically wldl In lltbllllclunl apraaioa are milllmal . n. 1949 Golllic
Tllece t.:D a.11 a a virlually illlKI eal!IPle ofdae -1111 upda commerlcal facilitiea after World
Wa D. Al 11<.da ii ii m lmpoltam piece of Enclewood'1 an:bilec:lliral history .