HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Resolution No. 024f."'SOLUTION NCP<~ Si::RIES 1994 A RESOLUTION s ·JPPOF.TING THE EFFORTS OF TIIE COLORADO ASSOCIA TION OF COMMERCE AND IND STRY AND THE COLORADO MUNlCil'AL LEAGUE TO ADDRESS ISSUES OF STATEWIDE CONCERN REGARDING PRIVATIZATION AND UNFAIR COMPETITIO IN A PROACTIVE , POSTTTVE MANNER . WHERE AS, local governm ent exists to serve the needs fits citizens and business community ; and WHERE AS, local go,·e rnment is the leve l of government closest to the people and most able to respond to the needs and concerns o f its citizens; and WHEREAS, local go vernment o//ici e'· at the county , municipal , special district, an d school distric t le,·el s are intereste i ,dding servi ces in the most cos t-effective , efficient manner possible; and WHEREAS , local ele cted official s are cha rged with the re ~ponsibility of making service deliv ery deci s ions to meet a broad sp ectrum of demands by their citi ze nry; and WHEP-EAS , the fle xibility for local elected officia ls to determine ho,·, 'Jest to meet the needs of their citizens should be preserYed; and WHEREAS , the issues of pri vati zation and unfair competition have been raised to the State of Colorad,,'s General Assembl y as issues of concern; and WHEREAS, the 1993 Governor's Stateh ouse Conference on Small Business has identified privatization and unfair competition as an iss ue of particular concern; and WHEREAS, I ·al officia ls su pport pri vatization as a management tool; and 1 WHEREAS, most loc al govenunents utili ze the private secto r in the deli very of public services; and WHEREAS, se rv ice de li,·e ry effi cienci es are ach ie ved through co mpetition; and WHEREAS , a vigorous priva te sector en vironment is ne cessary to ensure the vital ity and long·trrm health of th e commu\\ity; and WHERE AS, it is of general benefi t to a community for loc al officials to consider the ecor.omic health of its bus inesses; and WHEREAS, th e Colorado Assoc iati on of Commerce and Industry and the Co lo ra do ~lunici pa l Leagu e haYe collaborated in developing a publication to as sist offi cia ls ,,nd th ei r bus in ess co mmunity represe ntati,·es in developing a positive business- to,government di alogue on unfai r competitio n and the use of pri vatization for ser,·ice delivrry; 12 bi NOW, 11-IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TI-IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT: I. The Ci ty of Eng lewood will con tinue to consider the expanded use o f privatization of existing public services. 2. The City of Engle wood will evaluate the impact on businesses and the ewnom y of the provis ion of ne w public services in -house and to explore the opportunity fo r new se.rvices to be prodded by the private sec tor when of equal quality and ava ilab ility, and a/fordable to the pu bli c. 3. The City of Englewood will cons ider the views of the broadest base of interests in making sen·ice deli ve ry decisions. ~-The City of En gle· 100d belie ves that all segments of the community, inclu ding businesses, ha,·e a respo ns ibility to keep info rmed about local gove rnment issues an d to partici pate in the decision making process of go,·emment at the local level. 5. The City of Englewood wi ll so li ci t in,·olve ment fr om the local bus in ess commwtity r'!garding the p ro\'isi on of a new se n ·ice or a significant expansion of an existing serv ice . 6. The City of Englewood su pports the efforts of the Co lorado Assoc iation of Commerce and Industry and the Colorado Municipal League to address iss ues of s tatew ide concern regarding priv~tization and unfai r competition in a proactive, positive manner . ADOPTED A:--rD APPROV ED this 7th da y 0f February, 19'),f. ATT EST : Patri cia H . Crow, City Clerk I, Patricia H . Crow , City Cle rk for the c;ity of Englewood, Co lorado, hereby certify the abo,·e is a true copy of Re sol ution No . i1':£, Seri es ~94 .. _ lc$;frcc t~ M1 {lkA/ Patricia H . Crow e