HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Resolution No. 032RESOLUTI ON I o.3b--- SER IES OF 1994 INTRODUCED BY COU NCIL MEMBER MA BE ICHT A RESOLUTIO ~IETROPOLIT A SUP PORT! G THE NOM INA TIO OF JESSIA N FA ISCA FO R THE MA YORS A , D COMMISSIO ERS 1994 YO UTH AW A RD. W H EREAS . the youth oi to<lo y ore the l,nders of tomorrow md the City of Englrwood \,•ishes to recognize the yo uth of our community who a re the unsWlg heroes ..1.n d who make a diffe rence in their co mmunities. 'vVHERE AS. the ~letropolitan ~layers .:md Commiss ioners You th A ward s :1;re presented e"'ch yea r to those youth w ho h.t\"e overcome pe rso n.ii difficulties :rnd who are be.hi.nd-the-sc ene helpers. the youth who gwe se n ·ic e to the ir community, their f.i milie s , to other y ou th , or to them seh·es; and \VHERE AS , the ~l ayers .1nd Comm issioners from eight countie!l ·.\<'is h to honor vo uth .1ges 13 to 18 ye:u s of age ; e:-ch Ci ty recognizes its no minees who a ,t? then nomin.1 ted to the county le\·el Jnd finall~· to the ~letropoli tan A w,ud le\'el ; and \\I HEREAS, Jess i.in F.1i sc.1 h.1 s been nomiruted to receh·e the Metropol it,:in ~Ll yors .m Commissio n ers Youth Aw.1rd ; .m d \. H EREAS , Je ssi.in is ~ .1c tive member of her school. where she is in the le J.dership cLl.ss , J.n d .1c ts as a mentor to new students in h er school; and W HERE . 5, Je ssian is a s uccessful student, mointo ining good g rades w h ile being irwolved in mnn y other activities, such J.S Student Council, drJ.ma productions, sports, the gender equity group ot school, and ,so member of the group STA N D {Students Toking A ~ev,,, Di rection -...\g.1in st Drugs J.n d Vi olence); and WHEREAS, Jessian is active in church o , o member of the youth group , ond ,s , \'Oi unteer in the nurse ry every Sunday; and W H EREAS, Je ssian hos o,·e rcome the trials of the mo n y chonges life h,1s thrust upon he r . .1.nd shows g reat CJ.ring an d support for her fa mil y; NOW, THER EF O RE. BE IT RESO LVED BY THE C ITY COU. C IL OF THE C ITY O F E:-.:GLEWOOD, C OLOR.ADO, TH AT : Th e Englewood City Cow,ci.l wishes to recognize Je ss1a n F:ii sc.1 J.nd sup ports her nomuution fo r th e Metropolit,m ~1a yors And Commissioners 1 99➔ Yo th Aw~rd . ADOPTED A:-.:D A PPROV ED th is 21st d,-· of ~lorch , Loucrishio A. Ellis, Deputy City Clerk I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, Deputy City Clerk fo~~e City of Eng ce rti fy the above is a !Tue copy of Resolution :sio..:?.-6., Series of