HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Resolution No. 049RESOLUTION NO . d3 SERIES OF 1994 A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDS FROM THE GENERAL FUND OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD TO IMPLEMENT A CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR THE ENGLEWOOD BY DESIGN COMMUNITY VISIONING PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City of Englewood by and through L'ie Community Development Department has entered into a Consultant Agreement with Joe Racine; and WHEREAS, the Englewood Consultant Agreement pertain• to the Englewood By Desiga Community-Based Visionin ~ PToject; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS : ~-The follo-..ing change in appropriations is hereby made to the 1994 Budget of th e City of Englewood , Colorado for appropriating funds for implementation of a Consultant Agreement with Joe Racine for the Englewood By Design Community Visioning Project . SOURCE OF FUNDS · General Fund USE OF F\JNPS : Community De velop ment -Englewood By Design ADOPTED AND APPROVED thi s 16th day of May, 1994 . $28,600 $28,600 I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk for the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify the above is a true copy of Resolution N"4f, Series of 1994 . ~ _ 4 ·c/,~. Loucrishia A. Ellis ENGLEWOOD BY DESIGN COMMUNITY-BASED VISIONING PROCESS CONSULTANT AGREEMENT COMES NOW the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, a home rule municipal corporation ("City") and JOSEPH A RACINE AND ASSOCIATES ("Consultant") to enter into a consulting agr-eement a, follow,: WHEREAS, in 1993 Englewood began the process of developing a strategic plan for the community to be used as a citizen initiated foundation for the update of the community's comprehensive plan ; and WHEREAS, much groundwork has already been done by the Initiating Commitue in reviewing and evaluating the experiences or other communities which have undertaken similar efforts: and WHEREAS, the consulting team in this proposal brings to the project a strong background in public participation techniques; and WHEREAS, successful community strategic planning provides a meaningful and accessible opportunity for open discussion of values and interests among people from vario us sectors of the community; NOW THEREFORE the C;ty and ",onsultant enter into the following &Trangement : PROJECT OBJECTIVES I . The objective of this proj ect is lo facilitate a meaningful community strategic planning process for the people of the City of Englewood, Colorado. 2 . It would also provide a tool for all sectors of the community, i.e. the public , private, and nonprofit sectors, to positively influence the course of change toward a commonly held vision . SCOPE OF SERVICES Throughout this project the active participation of the City is implicit. The Consultant's role, will be to facilitate the process by offering suggestions, observing and critiquing the process , facilitating the various public involvement opportunities, preparing draft reports, and otherwi se supporting the process as needed. An estimated time commitment by the "Consultant" in support of each task is set forth after each task. Unless otherwise noted , meetings with the Consultant will be served by only one member of the "Consultant Team" (Joe Racine and/or Gail Hermsen ) so that costs are minimized. Ta1k 1.1 -Str1tcric Planning Troi!ll.DI . ' This task wm seTVe to betur acquaint the City of Enctewood with the "Con ■ultant Team". Prior t.o becinning the final design of the public input proce .. , the Con1ultant will conduct a training 1euion in ■trategic planr,ing. It is Important throughout the proce11 that there is a consistent underatanding within the City of Englewood of the principles end the effectivene11 of stra.tegic planning. There are baaic principles that lhould carry through the effort, and int;o the ongoing action planning and monitoring. In addition t.o preparing a strategic plan for the community, it is important that the process followed by the City of Englewood in developing the plan is done in a strategic manner. The session will include discua!ion of technique! to use in carrying out the project in a strategic manner. The Consultant Team will prepare for and conduct a training seHion for the City of Englewood . Tuk 1.2 -Pronom Evaluation . Much of lhe ground work for the project has already been laid. This task will provide for a review and evaluation of the propo sed program prior t.o proceeding . The City of Englewood will provide the Consultant with documentation of all work done to date . The Consultant will review the City of Englewood 's work to date , offer sugge,tions, and raise iss ue s for consideration relative to the proposed program design . Estimated time : 8 hours. ' Task 1.8 -Pt,:ign of Final Product OntJine . A major problem can be avoided along the way if there is consensus as to the content, style, and format of the final product. E ■pecially if individual topical areu and tasks are del egated to subcommittees, a format adopted by the City of Rnglewood early in the process will ensure a com plete and consistent product ,.;th a minimum of final editing. The Consult.an! ,.;11 meet ,.;th the City of Englewood to discuH and develop a consensus of the conlen·, and general format of the final reporl(s), and will prepare an outline of th e rep,;rt(s) fo r use during the process. Estimated time: 12 hours. Task 1.4 -Deve lo pment of a Long Term lmnlementation/Monitorinr Strategy . The Consult.ant will meet with the City ofEnglewe>id to develop the strategy and will prepare a report and process outline. The City of Eng !,1 wood ahould prepare plans early in th e process as to what will be done with the Strategic Plw, when it is completed. "·;timaled time : 12 hours . Task 1.5 · Id entify Su · ilioldrr and Design on Active Involvement StrettfY - The core of s community slrJtegic plan is the input rec:eived from those in the community who are interested in, affected b)', or needed for implementation of the plan . 'l'hese are the stakeholders. Involvement of th,, stakeholders brings their values , perapectives, and ideas into the process, and fa cili tates implementation. The list of stakeholders may vary depending on th e topic bei ng discussed . However , in all cases it is imperative that all stakeho ld ers have a real opportunity to learn about and participate in the process, and that all stakeholder groups are in some way represent'!<! and heard in the process . . 3 . A publ ic meeting 1chedule, publi1hed in the new1paper, may &eem like a rea&0nable a pproach to obtaining input. In mar.y ca&es it may be rea&0nable. However, in other cues the particular schedules or needs of people may not fit the City of E11ilewood"1 plan ■. The re1ponsibility for obtainin11 inp11t goe1 beyond providin11 opportunities for participation . Th e process will only be 1ucce11ful if the input ia aggre11ively &Ought, e1pecially from peopl e who may be to &0me degrH diae nfranchised or who may not typic ally become involved in public processes. Th e Con sultant wi ll facilitate a brainatorming 1eaaion to identify 1t.akeholder group • for each topical area , and wi ll assist the City of Engle wood in designing effective public partici pation method s that may be appropriate. The City ofEnglawood can u&e the list to identify and so li cit partic ipation from key contact peo pl e within each group. Est imated time: 16 h ours. Ta1k t.6 · Conduct Strengtb:s(Wcalcoessca{Opportuniticafl'breats CSWOTl Anelv sis . Strategic planning models emphasize the need for an understanding of internal and exte rnal environments within which plans will be developed and implemented . This is often te rmed a "'SWOT"" analysis, an ac r onym for ""strength s, weaknesses, opportunities, an d th reats . Thi s is done in a meeting with th e City of Englewood, along with other selected participants from key organizations. Wh en co mpl eted, th e analysis will provide lists to be used in deve loping strategies later in the process. Strategi es should build on the co mmu nity 's strength s, overcome we akn esses, t.ake advantage of opportunities. and ove rco me th reats. The Consultant. will cond uct a meeting and prepar e a summary report. Estima!Pd time : 6 hours. Task 2.1 · Facilitate Public Mce ti nn . Public meetings will probably be th e most comm only use d public in put technique. At these mee tings any of a numbe r of formats cou ld be used, depending on th e desired result. Brai ns tormi ng, affin ity d iagramming, and/or fo cu s groups might be used . A total of six topical areas, explored over six month s, with an assumed two public meetings each month is expected. There i• also an anticipated need for two addition al general public me etings for introduction to the proce1s , and for mid-process reporting. (A total of 14 three-hour meetings) If larger public gro11ps are expected, and the City of Engl ew ood decides to use ""bre ak ou t" groups, th e Con sultant will provide a briefing for voluntee r small group facilitato rs in advan ce of the meetings . In addition , the Consultant will a ssist th e ::ity of Englewood in a ssi milating the in pu t from the public meetings. Esti mates in cl ude preparation time. Estimated ti me: 90 hours. Task 3.t -Comoile and Edit Strategic P1an . In this task , the Consultant will compil e the draft final strategic pl an, including the vision s, goals, and slro tegies devel oped throughout the process, meet with the City of Englewoo d to edit and refine the plan, and produce a cam era ready master of the draft. plan . The City of Englewood sho uld circulate t~e draft. to appropriate stakeholders from -4 - comment pri n"" to the final editing proce11 . The Consultant wilJ provide the edited draft. on computer di skette to the City of Englewood for their use in developing the final producL Estimated time: 80 hour,. Ta ■k 3.2 • Set Prindtiea nod Pcvoloo Yenr 1 Action Plan - The input received from the public procesr may include items that are specific enough to be taken to identified implementing organi&ationa for development into act.ion plana. In other caaea, the City of Englewood will identify those strategies from the atrategic plan that are the highest priority, and which should be implemented in the neareat time frame , and work with pos sible implementing organizations to develop detailed act.ion plans. Once de vel oped the action plan s should be summarized in an act.ion plan supplement to the strategi c plan and communicated to the 11ublic. The Consultant will facilitate a proce11 with the City of Englewood to set priorities, and will participate in up lo four meetings with implementing agencies lo brainstorm methods of turning the strategi es into actions. The purpose of the fou r meetings will be lo demonstrate the proce ss of developing an action plan with possible implementing organ izations . Additional action plan meetings will be the responsibility of the City of Englewood. Th e Con sultant will assemble th e t 1nal action plans into a drat\ document for discussion with the City of Englewood, and will edit and prepare a final action plan docum ent. Es timated time: 36 hours. Task 3.3 • Final Public Presentation of the Strategic Pion. Keeping mom entum throughout a lengthy process necessitates celebrating the small successes along th e way. Likewi s e, it is important to bring closure to the strategic planning portion of the projec t by staging a public acknowledgment of its success, using the opportunity to r,.:ognize every one who participated , and to familiarize the public with the plans recomm e ndations. Both members of the Consulting Team will assist in the preparations for a final public meeting, and will attend and facilitate the meeting. Est imated time : 20 hours. PRO,JECT TEAM Th e Consultant work will be performed by Joseph Racine. The work will be divided between Mr. Racine and hi s subcont ractor Gail Hermsen as appropriate, according to th e t ime es t imates in th e SCOPE OF SERVICES section . RESPONSIBILITIES It is impl ici t throughout th is project that th e members of the City of Englewood will work in clo se collabo ration with the Consultant. Th e followin g are the gen eral responsibilities of ea ch . -5 - Respgosihilititt of the Commltent : The Consultant will be responsible for work as outlined in the Scope of Services. Training and advice in most cases will b. ,. -ovided at regular meetings of the City of Englewood . However, City of Englewood members are free to contact the Consultant as needed with questions or to make arrangements. Any reports prepared by the C'.onsultant will be in one copy, and will, if requested, be provided on computer diskette in WordPerfect formal. Reports will be provided to the City of Englewood in a timely fashion in ord'-•r to facilitate review and reproduction in time for s ubsequent mtttings. Reso onsibiJi tie s of the Citv of Enrlewood : The City of Englewood will be responsible fo r all me eting room arrangements and logistics, reproduction or working reports, mass ma:ilinga, pnss releases, publicity , public r elations, and publication of final documents. PRO,JECT MANAGEMENT AND BUDGI.'T Oreooiz:ntioo : Th e Consultant will be availe.ble al mutually agreed upon times and with ,-easona le notice to meet with the City of Englewood or subcommittees and to fa oilitat.. ;,ublic input meeti ngs. SJ:ht.d.w..e : Th e project is anticipated to be completed within on e year of the date of agreement to proceed . .Elu.i.b.ili.l.: It is very important for all parties to understand that the development of a broad-baaed plan such as this is a learning process. Thi s implies that the approach to any of the tasks ma y chang e and that the project outline and the scope of Consultant services may need to be adjusted fro m ti me to time. Said changes shall be made in writing and signed by both parties. Within the time estimates outlined in th e SCOPE OF Sl:.RVJCES, the Consultant will work with the City of Engl ewood to accommodate changes to the scooe aa needed. -6- lliJ.lill&: The Consultant will present bills at th e end of each r,,onth for ~•ch task completed durin g the month and for the direct expenses incurred during that month. Lump Sum Prices hv Teak Task 1.1 S 1,350 Ta•k 1.2 700 Taa!< 1.3 1,000 Task l.4 1,350 Task I.ti 1,350 Task 1.6 500 Task 2.1 9,500 Task 3.1 6,800 Task 3.2 3,000 Task 3.3 __ uw Subtotal $27,250 Est. Dir. Expenses @ fi ~ _l.J5!l T otal $28 ,600 ~jl,fr io nel Work Additional wo rk requested in writing beyond th e scoµe of services and approved in writing by th e City will be billed at the following rates: Principal Cl erical Mileage Other direct expenses ' MISCELLANEOUS $ SMlow- $ 3Miour $0 .30/mile actual 1. Thi s Aj;,ee ment wi ll be construed under the laws of Colorado . 2 . Thi s Agreement maybe terminated without cause by the City of Englewood or by the Consultant by giving th e oth er party thirty (30) days written notice at the following addrP :;;.;: City of Englewood 3400 South Elati Street Englewood, Colorado 80110 J oseph A. Racine 2485 W.st Main Street Littl et•.n, Co lorado 80120 -7- 3 . Payment Upon Tenninatio~ or Nonappropriation. Payment shall be made in full for those tasks completed. Payment shall be made on a percentage basis of completion for a task begun but not completed. Payment will not be made for more than one uncompleted task. If there is more than one uncompleted task payment shall be based on the chronological order of the incomplete tasks. 4. Consultant and his subcontractors shall not be considered to be employees of the City . 5. No na ppro pri ation of Funds. Th e fina n<ial obligations of the City payable as set forth he rei n, aft.er the curr ent fiscal year, a re contingent upon fund s for that purpo se being appropriated , budgeted and oth erwise made available. Th i ■ Agre ement may be terminated if fund s arc not appropriated. The City ■hall giv e 30 days written notice of such nonapproprialion . 6 . Seve rability . Should an y provision of th is Agreement be determined by a court of compeLentjurisdiction to be un constitutio nal or otherwi se nu11 and void , it is th e inte nt of the parties h ereto that the remain ing provisions of this Agreement shall be of full force and effect. Dated---------- CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO Lee Merkel, Director of Community De velo pment CONSULTANT By : __________ _ Joseph A Racine .g. Date May 16, 1994 INITIA TI:D BY STAFF SOURCE COUNOLGOAL COUNOL COMMUNICATION Agenda Item 11 a Subject Supplemental Appropriatior;i for Englewood By Design Facilitation Services Department of Community Development and the Englewood By Design Initiating Committee Lee D . Merkel, Director of Community De velop ment Community Interaction -15.SUE/ ACTION PROPOSED The Community Development staff seeks Council support of a resolution amer,ding the 1994 Annual Budget to finance the Englewood By Design Community Visioning Project's Facilitation Services . PREVIOUS COUNOL ACTION On December 20, 1993, representatives from the Englewood By Design Initi ating Committee requested and received from Council authorization to proceed with the i. •uance of a Request For Proposal to engage a facilitator for the community involvemei1t pc•~ ·on of the visioning process . BACKGROUND In 1992, the Community Development staff began preparatory work for updating th~ 1979 Comprehensive Plan. A part of the background research that was carried out ind' ,,1ed a review of curre11t methods and trends in comprehP-'1Sive planning. This research, ,._. well as our experience within the community, pointed out that there are a wide range of issues facing Englewood that were not addressed by a traditional comprehellsive plan. Comprehe.-1si ve plans ge11erally contain a land use eleme11t (reside11tial, commercial, and industrial), a central business district element, a public facilities element (including sewer and water supply), a transportation eleme11t, a housing eleme11t, and a parks and open space element. Thus, the comprehensive plan only addresses the infrastructure and physical development of the community. Today however, there are broader social, cultural, and economic issues, confronting the community that are not addressed by the con'Prehensive planning process. This is not due to a shortcoming of the planning process but rather because these issues fall outside the scope of comprehensive or physi al planning. Due to changing needs and expectations within the community, the City is being looked to more and more to address many nontraditional issues. In the past there were some attempts to address these issues by categorizing them as "quality of life" issues and applying physical planning solutions. However, most often they were relegated to agencies outside of the city. Today, it is rt (-ognized that these iss1,es deserve their own platform, within the city, from which they can be debated and addressed by the community . The visioning process provides \hat platforrr, so that the issues which are oitical to defining and shaping t.1-ie future of the ci ty can be adequately identified and dealt with. Determining the pref• ed future for the Gty is the primary goal of Englewood By Design . It will provide the fr ew ork upon which the comprehensive p lan will be built. The visioning process is not designed to replace the comprehensive planning process nor is Englewood By Design intended to usurp the role of the Planning and l.on1..1g Commission to oversee that planning process. Rather, the visioning process is designed to identify, in the broadest tenns possible, the type of community that Englewood should become. Defining this vision involves gain ng input from aeyone who has an interest in Englewood. Using this information, the PlanriJ..~g and Zoning Commission will have a general - framework from which to craft the substance of a new comprehe "5ivc plan and .iulfill its duties prescribed by Englewood's charter. Toward that e,,.d , tl Engle ood By Design project began in June, 1993 with a solici 'cation from the ~.fa ,·, · wh lch requested leaders and interested citizens to join together to farm an Initiating C~rau1 ,•tee This committee was charged with the responsibility of defining a general framework tor a community involvement process . After analyzinl', v arious processes that have been used by other cities, the Committee defined a p · ,cess based on the particular nee s of Englewood . The Community Involvement Process that the Comm:ttee defined contains the following elements· 1. Identification of SWceholders Identify all potential stakeholders in the community. This :;h ould be foll owed by identifying specific grol\ps within the major c;itegories and the key contact people within each of these groups or organizations. 2. Issue Identification and Con,;olidation Create a process that provides all stakeholders an equal opportunity to participate in the community-wide discussions that are focused on the future of Englewood . The process must recognize and accommodate the various stakeholders to ensure equal A access for all. An open and frank discussion of the issues must be guaranteed so that W all sides of an issue can be considered . All points of view must be given equal weight. 3 . wue ANlysis and hnplementation Rnponsibiliti,'1 When all issues have been identified they are categoriz.ed under a major topic area. These major topic areas become the focus for the formulation of solutions or action steps that specifically address the individual issues within a topic area. Finally, the parties responsible for carry ing out the action steps are identified . These parties may be public and/ or priv~te . This is the "vi sion" of the community along with the steps necessary to achieve the :r:sion and those who will be responsible for the implementation of the steps . 4 . V1Sion Assessment With the vision defined , an ongoing process of assessment must be included to periodically review progress and make course corrections based on community need . This allows for the vision to be flexible and respond to changin ,: n~s and trends within the community . PROS AND CONS OF OPTIONS RE~1:D The Englewood By Design process is now at he point of beginning this community involvement phase. In order to most effec ti ~1y carry this out, th~ Initiating Committee determined that an independent consultz,~· would be necessai) ·o provide objective facilitation services . The Committee reasot"'P.d that 1f staff were b, excl usively perform this function, the results may be viewed as being "filtered " by staff perspectives or expectations . Thus the credibility of the process could be called into question. To avoid this potential problem, the services of an independent thir d pa.rty were sought to serve as process facilitator. The process for consultant s, :. cti on involved the issuing of a Request For Proposals on Janu:uy 24, 1994. The follow -,,g are the firms that responded and their contract bid: Athena's Consulting Network, Inc, $56,000; Center for Public-Priv~te Cooperation, $1 ,000/staff person/full day facilitation ; David C. White ~nd Associates, $50,000; National Civic League, $41 ,400; and Joseph A. Racine and Associ ates, $28,600 . The Committee conducted interviews with these firms c,n March 2, 1994, and after deliberations made its selection on March 25, 1994. SfAFF ANALYSIS When the 1994 budget was developed during the summer of 1993, the Englewood By ~ign Initiating Committee had ~ in existence for only one, month. At that point the Comr:uttee had not explored all possible options for conducting a community visioning project and was unable to recommend a budget amount. The Initiating Committee has now completed its required tasks by completing the design of the community involvement process and the consultant selection process . The Community involvement phase has begun with the Initiating Committee turning over its responsibility to Steering Committee. This Committee is currently seeking additional members to insure broad community representation. The Steering Committee anticipates that community-wide meetings will begin in the fall. FINANOAJ. IMPACT This amendment will reduce the general fund 's unappropriated fund balance by $28,600 .