HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Resolution No. 055RESO LUTION NO. $' P:ERJES ')F 1994 INTRODUCED BV COUNCIL MEMBER HA~.tlAWAY A RESOLUTIO N IN SU PPORT OF THE INCLUSION OF THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF TH E US 285/B ROADWAY INTERCHANGE IN THE 1995-2000 TRA.i'IISPORTATION IMP ROVDIENT PLAN. WHERE AS , the City ot' Engle wood has been an active participant in the planni ng of tra ns port.otion needs in Englewo od ond tl1e Denver Metropolitan Re gi on ; and WHEREAS , the US 285/Broadway interchonge projec t wa s included in the 1992-1996 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP' as required a nd ide ntified by the Denver Region al Council of Gov ernmen t s (DRCOC ) ond the Co lorado Division of Transportation (C OOT ); and WHEREAS , as a result of new federal legislat ion creating the l ntennodal Surface Transportation Effi cie ncy Act (!STEA). th e proJect was moved ,nto the 1995 -2000 TIP acco rd ing to priority ranking by th e DR COG in the Safety project category: and WHEREAS , the L'S 2 5 'B roo d" ay int erchan ge has co ntinu ed as a listed project in th e TIP until recently : end WHE REAS , t he US 28[>,Broa dway interchange is on integral part of a regional transportation network passmg through th e City of Englewood: and WHEREAS, the Englew ood Citi r timely construction of the US 2 ~ cil acknowledges the long term benefit of the ~ wa y interchange p roject . NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T HE CITY COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , CO LORAD O , THAT: The City Cou n cil of the City of Engl ewood suppons th e design and con struction of the US 285/or oadway Interchange as originall y propos ed in th e 1992-1996 T!l' :md strongly urges the re-inclusion of the US 2S5/Brood way Int erchange project. in the 1995•2COO Tran sportation Im provement Pion . ADOPTED A.i'I/D APPROVED this 6th day of J un e, 1994 . I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Cler k for;.11,.e Ci ty of Englewood, above is a true copy of Re solution No .~, Se rie s of 1994,.