HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 Resolution No. 066•
WHEREAS, to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the
City of Englewood, it is necessary to make street improvements on Yale
Avenue; and ; and
WHEREAS, there is a public need to acquire additional real property to
construct the improvements; and
WHEREAS , negotiations for the purchase of the property herein
necessary have been unsuccessful.
~-The City staff is h ere by auL'iorized and directed to negotiate for
the purchase of the following describe i par,:el , and, should the City staff be
unable to agree ,,.,,jth the owner of the parcel as to the fair market value, the
City Attorney is authorized to commence action in eminent domain to
condemn the following parcel of real property as authorized by law :
South 30 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 21
Southlawn Gardens, except the west
5 feet of said Lot I, City of Engl ew ood,
County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado .
~-The Director of Financial Serv:ces is hereby authorized
and directed to a ppropriate, set aside and hold for all necessary judgments
and awa rds sufficie nt sums to be paid as just compensation to the owners of
th e property to br• t.aken, and such appropriation not be less than the highest
appraisal value for the parcel in question .
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 6th day of July, 1993 .
~t,>4 ~ ~
Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk
I , Patricia H . Crow, City Clerk for the City of Englew,P9d, Colorado,
hereby certify the above is a true copy of Resolution No.(&!., Series of 1993.
(;i!-;tuu~ Ji IL -ar
Patricia H . Crow
Jul y 6, 1993
Agenda Item
Subject Pw chase or
Condemnation of certain
Yale Properties for Street
City Attorney and Public Works
Rick DeWitt, City Attorney
A))prova l of a Resolu ti on authori zing the taking of property for Yale Avenue Paving
C ouncil ha s approved the widening of Yale Avenue by approval of Paving District No. 37 .
In the course of improving the street, it is necessary to acquire additional right-of-way. All
of the property owners except for one ha ve accepted fa ir market value for the properties .
Extensive conversations have been held with the owners of the property. Attached is a
summary of the negotiations starting on May 18, 1993 and going through the date of June
11 , 1993 . You should note that additional discussi ons have been held since June 11 , 1'1'l3 .
At the prese nt.-time, it is necessa ry that the Ci ty consider condemnation of this property in
order to keep on th e construction time schedule for this project .
The City ha s made an offe r of fair market value based upon appraisal. We ha ve in addition
conside red certain expenses and costs that th!\ City may incur, and, likewise, these have
been offered tu the property owners.
• At the present time, the property owners do n ot believe th ey have been offered a fair sum.
It should be pointed out that the property owners have made no co unter offer .
Pnoted on Re c.,.cled Paper ~
There have been some discussion concerning the scope of th e ap praisal by the City and
there may be a need for additional appraisal work . The owners of the property have
requested sums for doing ar appraisal and pursuant to law we are required to authori ze
the same . We have authori;·ed reasonablP fees for this service . There has been some
discuss ion concerning what the reasonable fees of the appraisal for th e property are .
The financial impact of this project is consistent with that previousl y addressed in th e
Paving District approval.
1'11.0l'ERTY OWNER:
MAILING ADDRESS : 4115 West Floyd .,v=, Deaver. Co1ondl> 80l36
(]03) 93'"6111 TELEPHONE NUMBER:
LEGAL OESCRlPTION : Soulh 30 feel ofLDcl 1111112. Bloclt 21 , Scialblawn Cudeas, esu;,t we.<15 C,,,
5/18 /93 M:lilwi~1-r
5fl51'13 I mc:t wilb Mr. w.im al biJ bam, al 4115 West Floyd Aveaae in Denver. Mr. Wail:uba<.
pre,iou.<ly ohwuod a c:upy or du: apprai,sal m,m lli<;Jr. ltlltm ur Ille City and wu a,._ 1bit
du, City's otr.r -.Jd be bued Oil tbc value rellecrcd lbmiD. I provided bim will> Ille
estimmd ,pecial ~ amoun, ...i briefly disclls.scd Ordinanc,: 32, Scrios 1988 , wbich
relaies Ill th: nxo,,ay of die City '• COIII for n,ht-of-way lbrau,ti a doYdr,pmem flee .
However , I wld bin, tlw., most likely, he 'NOuld not be allcacd by ll1iJ 01 Wllllll>: sw..: hi.,
property -a1Rady ~doped.
Mr . Walhr indialed !hal be k it th: llpl!Tliscd valu, Wti low dui: tut)-.., t.&ct tb:lt lb, pmporry
wu asscucd "' ii llipcr value by dlc Coumy . ID support of chi.<, be 1,mvidcd me willl or copy
of biJ 1993 111 bill Wblle apllmiJII 11w messed vall.lC$ du DUC .......rtly ,..... mzm
"'1u,;, I IOld hira .. I -1d diJialst &his lll&IICr wicll Ibo Chy 11111 caaracr him wbc:n I 11111 a
rosponse .
Mr. Walm _, ollD cOIICUIIOd about dniaaGC and die lcpl cumumwr.:c of mo baildq aAcr
the &:14. WJ.i tiua. 1 r....,....i by D:llinc bim dw di< Ory 111d LDdialcd 10 me lhal dley wcn:
PlanlliDa .. .:ama. .. tlloiT ~ daimp prublems -by Ille acqwshi"'\, 111d dlat,
ba,;cd DD my prdimim,y di.ci<Siom widl Harold Slill of Ila: City 's Plamiins I><panmo,11. ii
l!)PCOl<d tbat llis ~ wuuld amwm after CDIISlnltlion or lbc meet. &w,m;r, I
wid bim I wmld fllllber rearth tlltle itons and providl bim widl mot< dcfiDite ~.....,. a.,
"'°o u I hod lbc:m.
5125 /93 I telephoned Rick Kalml of Ille City illld w.........t wilJI bim die owucr'1 respoNC f1'0GI my
initial """'"°L Mr . 1'.abm i.o!t,nncd me 11w die City ,:ould nuc jllSlify payini a price (Dr 1hr.
prq,crry '"""'1 on _.... vahwiom, lillce lboy are uo< colllidmd """'"" value . H1.: circd an
eump~ wbore di< Ciry ra:c:miy sold a Fin: Si.iion property !or nearly half or iL• .--.!
value . Mr. Kalan reamimended that I reqiat ID Cllpl&Dllion f;om die appru&<.'f iD Ibis
Wilh re,p,a 10 ~ in the vieinity of Mr. w.in,•s propcny , Mt . .l..ahm iadi.-1 Iha< du:
City WIS piamtin, Ul imtall • chne leClilia alllllll the IOUlh side of the buil~inl ID divcn
illaim&e Ul 111': DDnh, I[ their DWD .. pcnoc . AJ.u, be aid tlw Ibo City would provide = pad., for die dooa 011 dao soudl side uf 111': buildina 11111 11W. a\lcr COftSU1a;dou , lbc
p..i, would be oDly slightly below bock-of-walk gnd<:, thus , elimillati a, lbe O«d rnr sail:< .
Robert T . ..ad J-, R. W.dur
S/2 71(1J I t<lq>honal Mr . W.:U.t 111d !clayed die City', pn<ilUlll on -..acu v.hwiom and infonncd
him tllat I _, aacmp-.iJic to o!>ala M1b<r cxplamcioa 6ora die appmiaor. Aloo, I zaamd
lrim to the liuinp rACXIIICII ill tbc appnisal as i>llli=>n of tbo 11J111C? limit of value, widl
which t: •~ Hnwever , I ,aid dw I wc,'!IJd be wlWDt 10 l)re9Cllt to 11-.c City arrd/ar tbc
ll)proli,cr any udwr ,ale1 l1aD dw he could offl:r,
1 also i.adialed t1w It appcxn,d dw bod! die ,ize or die rm['ffl}' ana the [ffllllCwd ,cqomldnn
area as~ ID 111.e appnisal ,.... wnnqr llDll dlll I would comact die llllffl'l-ID dilc1III
lhis ma11er.
Allhou&h awlied with w Cioy'• rian foe dai""lc, Mr . W:~br wu wry ooncemod about dio
l,:pl cu llfllllllll>CO of lliJ bu:klia,, rtfmills to a IWrlllOIII ht die appraisal which indicaa=I dw
die improvCDICllS would be a "lci:aJ OOt><Onfumtilla -• .&r tlle ocqui,itioa. I cold him dw
I thought that this SWC111CD1 was mcom,;t, bus that I wonld =nl!ml this with Ill< C!.ty .
I i:all,.J Harold S011 uf tk City Pl.mDiJli i)q,"11Dalt. wllo <oa1im>cd my SUl[liciom ahow dtc
swonent bdng WTODC, ml c;alled Mr. Wallcet bai:k to relay my lilldi.nJ,. In dw ~r. Wall.er
ue:dcd saitt<tltiJta ill writill& 10 mis cffca, I told him dw I would sClld him • <opy of Ibo
zo ru ns onliDm.>o. Huw..-.r, Mr. Walbr said dw he would pick up a copy of the onlinance
from tbc City bimacl f. While wurui, bim !Ital tltc ll'IJni:iaJ WU not a lqally bindlai
dncwncru. I al-, Did that I wwld cunc;,a llte appraixr to ltall'C this stltemr:W cbaaacd-
3/2!/9J Actonting IO Derrick Sblmiln uttbo Dtlramlc Pammllip. Mr. Wal~ IIICffded a ....,;ng
aloaa widl Mr. Papi 111d Mr. Sc:hodb,orpr at Mr. Shllmoa's olllu, ill which 111,.-
muru.lly q,--1 ID , I) I price nf 5'.00/SF for dtc w,d only, baa.I primarily OD Slit~ ill tbc
appai,al . whicll rclla:tcd ID Wl&lljwral pr;.. uf 5'.20/SF, l) claaiDp u 10011 u pnait.lt, 3)
of&etti11¥ tile estiiiwi,d special -llllOlllV apina cornpctlmioa fbr die risitl-<lf•MY,
wilh a 5 ll cmlit 10 be .....,;v,.J • doc time uf Ibo 111111 --· 111d. 4) a leau rrom Ille
ci ty aclmow~ tbe legal coafumma af thoiT ~ after lite KqllilltioL
I i.lcpi,omd lliol: ICahm of the Ci<y 111d n:laycd ID him the prii:o 11111 iams iDdicat<d by Mr.
Slwtllno no hehllf of tbc Dmumac Parmmbip 11111 lite oiher foar ownon , 1Dcludiot1 Mr. Papi.
Iii., iapoosc .... ,..,.,.Uy L• follows:
I) Tbt City is obli~ co base lbcir olfcs to pun:lwc prcp:ny mhject III emlne111 domain on
~ ID wure -oaly thal lltey do DOC poy IDO llctlc, but a1'u that dlcy do DOC pay IDO
mllclt . Aa:ordingly, dley obtain:d appamla frum a qlWilied apprai.<U (MAI), wll iclo SUU<St
• fair priu or SJ.CO/SF for cacll of lite suhjccs pan:d.,. ~ °'"""' hlvc appareody relied
on the uudjusud sale pri « of Wily one cm,puahle ill dte 11'1"'"&1 . which i, ,ignificand y
smaller ill siz, dw1 dte <ubjccs large· ::..-eel < a,.J not i-1 widliA dte subject nolphncbond.
Funitmtloa,, wcy llave pruvidcrl nu t 1har IUIJl>nrtive sales daa utd bave i&oorcd tbc fact 11w
tbc Cilfs appalaJs c;in: ~l< ;,..;np in tile immodiara ...._ wtw:.lt clea!ly imj,l y a
~ hclow tb<.i r ""lllCSlw 6,ure o! S..00/SF . In dtc event tbcy won: w oblain llteir O'MI
iiprr.ww. tbcir apprailOr would be obli_pwl to aclmuwloc.11• tbcse listitip. u wel.l .
2 ••
• llobm T . aa"1 J_, ll. Walm
S"8/93 l) While Dill ~ lbclD rram IIIWDC offcn, Mr. XMm1 w-.i 10 caution Ille a-rs
(cont.) ai;:un:;; "°"""'h'I --I• in lllcir i<queaU. All of dMw in dli• "°"" wam:d llli• pmj,:cl,
...i. in fw. ..,.,., ~ ,villi., 10 pay for 11. 'Ibc Clcy bual die llouihility of lilil pmjea nu
beillJ abl• ID °""\W" Ibo ......ary ript-of-way al marbt pnga, aa ~ by their OWll ii,.
b.>wle S1JOCialisu . Tbese 1,ooplt have reuotllbly aoocl owpr. as 10 ua valu .. 11111 ue f:mJiliar
=el> wldl I.lie I ,:pl pra:cu a, le.now tbat • low Cllimue -"I be fllll~css . M01oover, llley
have no ino;oniill!J ., ~ :o buy ~ ., boluw ffllrbl lcvc4. Bod, tho petilionin,. by
own<rs and !he "l)Pl"O•al by die City Council of thia pn,ject wu. Ol bes. marginal . lf right-of•
w-•y acquiiiliu• ""'11 (iDc ludina tho GJIOIIII' of llldirian.J ,ppniulil become ux, hiah. the City
may J>Ot he able 10 ju.'llify lbc,e ,aoot improvemenu .
3) All nf the ,Wt u::mi: wen: accep1lille IO Mr. Kabm . bowc,,v. be WV1IOII tu olarify that lho
~ of a lcllor '"P-'WIII Ille COllfmmity of tho impn,vemtua 1hr the acquL<ilion ·vnuJ.d
b&ve IO be hllldlcd oa 111 individual buis.
6/1/93 j I u:lc:phoncd Mr . Walker ID sec ifbc lwJ pic:ml up• cupy utdio maiJI& ordiDuiu, lllll be
infumu:d me be did DOI. I Slid dw I WClll!d Clld bim a copy 111d u1<d if dill would Sllisfy
!ii., concem, repnling confonnance of <he in,p,uv-. aftlr a:quisitiua. Ho illdical<d thal
1,i • .aun,cy 1h;u wanltd • wpy of "l'l'lii:abl• IICCllom of Ille baiJdlll& code.
I briefly ~iS<.-u..al die City 's ""!'OrK ID th, offer pl'C<OJltod by the ownen aw:nding Mr.
Sham10n's mc<:linj:, 10 which Mr. Walur re,-poauod lblt he ,my "'ltlC" bi., mm appni.<al . 1
decided th>~ mher lllan d!SCIISSlna the maaer funhcr by tdcpbos, a wri-rornmnnicariou • tu all uf the owocn wbo lll<Dded Ibo DCWI( l'lipt be IJIOff appropriat, w ,iakr k• Wllin&aiu
612193 Mailed ..spome leuet of IIIIIC dale along with & copy of ldcaod porlioJI of tbtt 2iOIWli
unlimDce .
6/3/93 I coan=I Harold 51il1111d 8ocky Baar of die Clty's Plaaaiaa ..i Baildllll Dcpanmcnts,
rc:spcclively, in otdor ID obcai4 wdU... COIWllllaUOll of lbc _,Mllllllo:c u(tllo, lllbjt,.~
imp..,..,....,.. am:r acquisitw11 uf 11w 30 fuuc strip alonJ Yale A.....,. Neithet an&lciplled any
problems iD i.'iSlli.a& a lcuer ID this cff~ however, Mi. Bw:r sailJ dw slit: aocdcd a dnwiu«
sbowin; die lucariou uf die impmw:mc,11 wilh 1<111JCC1 to w. riabt-of-way, bcllh bt:6m; ml
after acquisition , in onlcr to coalian dii.,. I <allal Jony ~ of the Cily's Public Worlts
Depo,cme111, who -,reed o, provide me wid1 die ~ dra.,;,,g .
I callw Horold Stiu aud Becky 11am of lh< Chy, 111d hocll reconfinned lhc cunq,U...:. of tho
subjccl lll•,mv,_ allct "'IVisition 111d li!ccd to provide .,.. with lear:rt a, lhal dra:I.
6/8 /93 I briclly .me! wilh Pllll IYpaw>, field engineer fur tho City , wbo illdicau:d lb.u. illllCld of
bdni sllsJ>tly bclnw. It now ~ lhol unc uf tbc beildina's 11,,1111 side doors would be
CSJ01llially level with . IDJ tbc udll.-r only &lightly lbovc, rho blck-oC-.....U. pdc after
I .;on.~on of the sam..
·1 picked up die letter fnXD Harold S011 swiDg lbc confomt&DCC of 111c buildin, w tm11:1 of
zoning after acquisition llld net wirh Becky BaJr.cr ill on,,'; to ollWA a limilar luu:r with
rcgpcct 10 its COCllpiiance 41 th< buildinr cod.,. Ms. 8~ waa pl&nnial ,., be out of IDWU
Ulllil 6114 /9'.l . but said tl w ~!:.°'."'ulJ pn:pan: this ltaer when she an< hock .
Robm T. ADd 1,,_ R . Walku
6/9/93 I ld<plloued Mr . WIim Ill lnfonn lrim of dlOx ..... tunn-. late-, 1111d ID "'IMII• • wu, 11w
,.. could moe1 to dilcun 111 offa for his prop,ny . However, Mr. Wal b:r infurmou me lh>I
he had wrncd tbl! mmcr UYl:r tu hi, """"'"Y """ dw I WU ID dl=r Iii t'wther
communicatiou rn :
Malcolm Mumy or Debbi B.IIDl.11
CioTsuch . lwJi,,, umpboll, Walw and Grover
I-IOI 17th.....,, 11th Floor,
Denver, Colonao II0201.
(303) 299-8900
I called !',Ir. W.im's lllOITCy . Malcoltn Mumy, Ill tli SCUSJ die mam,rs I had plumed 10
di'ICUSS with Mr. Walla:r, Mr. Mamy aid 11111 be~ 0DIWderable dlmaacs 10 du:
improvcmcms u a rcsull or lhe Pf0PO$Cd 1e4ulsition, rcfcrriJ1V tu Ulldlw!& ahnut the "1lllh
.siJ<: doors OOJ1i only 4 ficc, hl&h a!IU COllllN<IK>U of we ou=i. Tu ..i.litiu11 tu au:miuuinc the
leum from the City's 7..olliaa aDd Buildiq Ilepanme,,ts. I in£mmal bim Lhot dwir field
CIiia= II.Id iadlc.ucd l0 me that IIQ: door.< wuuld be ..-..mially lcvd with the blcl.-of-wall.
grade of lhe now -. HoW<Yer , Mr. Munay still illsistcd 011 a new apprwaJ ID be paid lot
by lhc Ci ry alld um! Iba< l ohWD a lcucr fruru du: Ci ry ¥Jviaa them pa:misuon to proca,d
wi11llheappraJal .
T ca ll ed Ric:k K.abm of the Cily 111d i.nfollll«I him of the si walion . Mr. KWD n:li:md me 10
D111 ilmaman, Aaiszanc City Allt!TllCY, wlw adviad me thal, .UX:O Mr. Wall.er has c:lcacd W
pvrsw: the ai;qulsitloo proca& lhrool,i, bis won,ey, all fuaarc m:i,otia1iutw 011 bc:JWf at Ille City
of Eusl.,._J in lhia caoo wwld be haDdled by lbeir -"'">'· Mr. Brotzman i""'11Cl<d mo to
scad Mr . Walt.er a lcacr C>J)laiaiaa tllil fl,;t, alon, with the City '• wriUt:D nffcr and a,,y ·,rth<r
pemncnt infunnati011 dll1 I bad.
611 1/93 Mailed• sip,d oa,iMI a,py of the City's oll'a-, comaed appnia1 pace :20, -.I th< zoning
confunnarc:c lom:r, a1o111 with III upwa&ioa user from myldf.