HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 Resolution No. 042' l RESOUJTION .~0. 42 SERIES or If)~?. A RESOLtmON OPPOSING PROPOSED REAPPORTIONMENT OF LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the Reapp ortionment Commission has proposed a pl a n rcdra\\'lng the boundaries or Colorado's 100 le~tslatlve di s tricts whic h dh'ldcs the Cit y or Englewood lnlo three leglslall\'e Jtslrl cts: No .s 3. 37 and 38: and WHEREAS , within the City 1.f Englewood there exists a community or ~,terest In which th ere ts srared ethnic , economic , cultural. demographic, trade a nd ge og rap hi c co nsiderations: and WHEREAS, prcsen·attor, of munlc.lpa l boundaries and communities or !merest a re amcng the most crll lca l or federal a nd state criteria for a p pro,·a l or a redis tric ting plan: and WHEREAS, the proposed District #3 would Include portions of Denver and Englew ood which historically have had differing views on such Important Issues a s water policy. land use. transponallon, emergency sen 1lc e prO\·Isl ons and other slgn!Ocant Issues. This are l does nol embody a community of Interest , and ts In conmct \\'Ith basic rcdlstrtcltng concepts: and WHEREAS, the proposed House Districts 3, 37 and 38 dMde the City of Englewood which has existed since May 13, 1903 Into three (3) parts pollUcally: a n d WHEREAS. the City of Englewood has over 60 agreements with Arapahoe County governmental entitles: and WHEREAS, the City of Uttleton 1,asscd Rcsolut101, No. 21. Series of 1991 on August 6, 1991 opposing the proposed reapportionment plan: and WHEREAS , the Englewood Public School District has opposed ihe proposed legislative red tslrlcllng plan: and WHEREAS. the City of Sheridan unanimously gassed Resolution No. 19, Se11es of 1991 on Novembe r 12 , 1991. opposing tile proposed reapportJonment plan : and \IIJ-i ERE.\S . the City of Englewo~d h ,.,; developed as a commu nlty w,Lh a perspective that Is uniqu e and tndlvldual unto Itself, and th is ts a result of Its long hlstOI)' a nd Its en :•lcunmental, social, and historic Independence: and \l'HEREAS , the diversity that exists betwee n Den ver a nd Englewood Is In esca pab le a nd will exist reg a rdless of the actions of th e commlllee, a nd this dl\·erslly In a h ou se di strict ts In a ppro priate a nd unlawful; and \\1-IEREAS . the City and Cou nty of Denver ts large enough :o tin ,·c a broader dl\-erslly beca use Us large s ize a nd many n eighborhoods c reate d 1,·c rs,t y wl•hl n Ilse ![: and \lliEREAS, Englc\\'ood has dtversll y \\1th Its ne igh bors . , , !Je m·er In this Distri c t 3. the dh·e rslly that e.xJs ts rega rdles s of th, d il uted and essen tiall y wllh out representa tion : and 1~ with ·• tr wou ld be WHEREAS, th e Englewood Public School Dlslrlcl hos a COIT rnunlty o r Interest nrfec ted by leglsl a th·e acti on : and WHEREAS. the Englewood Public School Di s trict Is se n ·ed by numerou,: advisory comm ittees a nd a Board or Education not elected on a direct distric t basis but by all voters at la rge: and WHEREAS . the residents or the Cit y of Englewood ll'Ould not be able to conti nue thei r affl llallons In Jo in t erforts wh en dealing with legtsl allve and other crtttcnl Issues: and WHEREA S. the elderly or 1•1e City of Englewood h as ll s own soc ial and demograph ic base tn the E lsie Malley Recreation Center: an WHEREAS. the children of Englewood ·have a social and demographic base In the Englewood School Dis tric t : and WHEREAS . the children or Englewood hm·e a social and demograp hic base tn Englewood recrcr11 Ion pr og rams , and WHEREAS . the cltl7.ens of Englewood hm·e created and enjoy the benents or It s s cn·lce orga niza tions, Lion 's Clu b . Rotary Club, and many church and socia l organi 1 lions: and WHEREAS . Lhe business community In the City of Englewood has Its own Chnmbe1 of Commerce: a nd WHEREAS . the proposed redistricting would cause confusion as a rcsul: <•f split dist ricl and prectncts: and WHl::REAS . the election process already causes confusion by requiring elections on the same dat e on offices and issues which are pertinent to dlffcrent precincts and pans of the City . a nd a dMston of the City Into more than one legtslallve district would compou nd th l~ confusion : and WHEREAS . Lhe County Clerk of Arapahoe County and the County Clerk of I he City and County c f Denver wo uld b oth have to be consulted In the election process and development of precincts a n d the !Ike: and WHEREAS. the elecuon process wo uld require residents of the City of Englewood to leave the cit y fo r ,·at.I ng purposes: and WHEREAS. the Ctty of Englewood desires to presen•e within one lcgtslattve district Its municipal boundaries and those of other lJmmunltles wit h which the business community of the Ctl y of Englewood has had long standing agreements: NOW, 11-IEREFORE. BE ITRESOL\ D BYTl-lE CJTI' COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. AND THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF ARAPAHOE CO UNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT !\'UMBER ONE (EN GLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRJcn. 11-IAT: ~: The Ci t)' of Englewood and Arapahoe Co unty School Distric t Nu m ber One (Englewood Pu blic Sr.hooll oppose the proposed leglslallve redl s lrl etl ng plan deve loped b)• the Reappontonment Commission. Sect Inn 2 : The City of Englewood urges th e Renpport ,o:unent Commission to dr\'rlop a lc~I lath·e red ist ri cti ng plan which would prescr\'C tlie"c omnwnlllc.; of ·2· Interes t and the municipal boundaries of Jh e City of Englewood . ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 18th day of febn,ary. 1992. I. Lo ucr1sh la A. Ellls. Deputy Clly Clerk for the C~ Englewood . Colorado. hereby certify the abo\-c ls a true copy ofRes;ilutlon No.-=:::...._, Scr1es of 1992 . c¼t~~tl Wio Lou crl shta A. Ellls .3.