HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 Resolution No. 058RESOLUT ION NO. 58 SERIES OF 199'2 • RESOLUTION NAMING ROY AND ETHEL ALTENBAOI AS ENGLEWOOD'S OUTSTANDING T!ZENS FOR 1992. WHEREAS, Roy and Ethel Altenbach have been devot ed and p rod uctiv e citizens of Englew oo d since movi ng to Englewood in 1946 and have been re cognize d for th eir continued involvement in co mmunity activities; and WHEREAS, Roy and Eth el Altenbach help ed start th e P.T.A. at Clayton Elementary Scr ool in 1950; and WHEREAS, Roy and Ethe l Altenbach hel ped start a Cub Scout group in Englewood in the 1950's and have be en actively involv ed in worki ng with th e Boy Scou ts ht this community fo r many years; and WH EREAS, Roy and Ethel Altenbach have been active memb ers In the En glewooJ Historical Scdety and have been instrumental in the collection and preparation of a book about the his to ry of this co mmunity; and WHEREAS, Roy Altenbach has been recognized and ho r.ored for his many tireless hours of vol unteer work with such community groups as lntP.r-Fai ~~ T,sk Fa m, Mtd the Englewood V.F.W.; and WHEREAS, Ethel Altenbach was an activ e me,nber o[ •i,s Englewood Public Library Board from 1946 to 1956 and later became a valu ed member of the 8\~law('()d Fu bHc Library reference staff; and WHEREAS , Roy Altenbach w,s involved in p1 para ti on of Uw Lion's Club Ba,mers and lettering of the Cherrelyn Horsecar for the annual Engl ewood Para<ie; and .,A WHEREAS, Roy and Ethel Altenbach were recognized by th" Englewood V.F.W. In 1991 fo; ~5 W,years of community servi C\!; and WHEREAS, Roy and Ethel Altenbach have long been recogn ized as pe op le who care for th is com muni ty and the welfare of others in this communi ty; NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED SY THE C'iTY CO UNCIL OF 1HE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO THAT : ROY AND E1Ri l ALTENBAOI ARE NAMED ENGLEWOOD 'S 0 U .'STANDlNG OT!Zl:NS FOR 1992 I 'JOPTED AND APPROVED this 4th J ay of May, 1992. u~~ Ri ta L. Hathaway, Ma yo rPro