HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 Resolution No. 076RESOLUTION NO .'&_ SERIES OF 1992 A RESOLUTION WHEREBY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO ENDORSES THE FUTURE OF FITZSIMONS INITIATIVE TO SECURE FUNDING FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A REPLACEMENT FACILITY AT THE FIT1.SIMONS ARMY MEDICAL CENTER. WHEREAS, tho Fitzsimons Army Medical Center has a long and distinlltlished hiatory serving the United States Armed Forces sine., it was eotablished in 1918 •• General Ho spital #21 and remained Fitzsimons O.,neral Hospitol in 1920 and rede1ignated in 1973 as Fitz1imon1 Army Medical Center; and WHEREAS, !,' .t,uimona is one of the world's largeat military mwe11I installations and bu treated hundred& of thounnds of military personnel C:uring its long tenure; and WHEREAS, tho preoent compl .. of282 buildinp and 99 other ■tructures ■its on 576.5 acres, including tho main hn ■pital building with over 41".0-bed ■ which was dedicated on December 3, 1941; and WHEREAS, Fiwimona i1 a self-contained Army i,;s:..llation, ■erving clo■e to 70,000 military personnel, retirees, and ~air families in a 4C -mile metro area; and WHEREAS, Fitzsimons employs over 2,100 military and 2,000 civilian employees, has an .annual payroll of over $150 million and apends over $32.2 million for local contracts; and WHEREAS, today Fitzsimons i■ a medical facility providing a broad range of aervices and facilities covering moat medical 1pecialtie1; and WHEREAS , Fitzaimon ■ ■erve ■ all branche• of the Armed Foree■ in addition to fumiobing specialty referrals from Army and Air Force bospil.als in 13 surrounding states; and WHEREAS, Fitzsimons receives approximately 67,000 visits each month to the facility's more than 150 clinic■, its laboretoriea process above 4 million teats each year, and its pharmacy fills nearly 1.4 ruillion pre scription ■ ,.nnually; and WHEREAS, Fitzsimons' mission is multi-faceted and foc uses on medical treinirit (utiliz ing long-standi;::-, affiliations with a number of area medical institutions, includi ng the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Children's Hospital, D•nvcr C..ner al Hospital, Mers-y Family Medical Program/St. Anthony's Hospital Systen.·, National Jewish Center for Immunology & Re s piratory Medicine, Presbyterian/St. Luke', Center for Health Sciences Education, fu>se Medical Center, SL Joseph's Hospital and Denver Veterans' Adminis tration Medical Center), delivery of services to a 13-state region (including assisting the Public Health Service in providir.g ca re to the Native American population), military pre paredness, and se rving as home to other Department of Defense tenants; and 12 bl WHEREAS, Fituimon1 haa and continue, to d•liver coat effective medical can in fulfilling ita hroadly defined mi••ion; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT: COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~-Tho City of Englewood endonea efforu underway, includir,r, thoae being led by members of the Colorado congreuional deleption and the Futw-e of p ;r.zaimone Initiative, to aee that the replacement of the Fituimona Army Medical Center ia completed in an efficient and coat effective manner while meetin& the military needa of the United State of America. Sei:tim.2, The City of Englewood aupporta that every efl'ort be made to enaure that plans to conatruct a roplacamont facility for the Fituimono Army Medical Center ore aggre1aivoly punued. And that every effort be made to -that the dea;,n of the new facility at the Centor be completed in u upeditioua a manner u po1alble. AOOPI'ED AND Al'PROVED thia 17th day ol Auguat, 1992. ATTEST: C?auw,d ~u Patricia H . Crow, Cit;y Clerk I, Patricia H . Crow, City Clerk for ln9 City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify the above is a true copy o( Reaolution No.:£(£ Series of 1992. ~i,P.~ Patricia ff. Crow