HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 Resolution No. 085RE.50LUTIONNO ;{::;. SERIES Or 1992-- Spon so red by Council Member Hobcnlchl A RESOLtmON DECI.ARING THE ENGLEWOOD c; -y CO UNCIL'S OPPOSmON TO AMENDMENT I . WHICH WILL APPEAR ON THE NOVEMBER 3. 1992 GENERAL EL ECllON BALl..01'. WHEREAS . a propose d constitutional amendment h as bee n pl aced on lh e Nov ember 3 . 1992 general election ballot as Amendment No. I , whJ ch would unreasonably limit state and local government revenues, spenc!Jng. and servic es: require numerous expensive elecUons on state ond local finance Issues: and Impose addlllonal cosUy requirements. thereby diverting public revenues from critical publlc services: and WHEREAS. because the amendment addresses spending as well as revenues, It ls much more confusing. complicated . and onerous than any prior local government llmllatlon proposed to the Colorado electorate: and WHEREAS . the amendment will have Immediate a nd long term adverse ~«ects on the City of Englewood's operations and consequently on Its ability to continue to proVlde services to Its clUZens: and WHEREAS , the City's current shares of state collected, locally shared revenues In the form of motor fuel tax . cJgan:ttc tax. energy Impact funds. and lottery funds are also at risk due lo the amendment's restrictions on state revenue and spending; and WHEREAS. the combination of revenue. spending, and other reslrlctlons wtll Impair the conununlty's ability to lnVest In economic development. Job creation and Infrastructure and to gain the resulting community benefits; and WHEREAS. even though recreational and other actlVltles arc lln anccd primarily by fees paid by users. the amendment will make It dlfllcull to maintain and Improve existing services or to expand or add new services: and WHEREAS . even though munic ip al wat er. sewer. electrical gas. and airport uUUU es a re financed by fe es paid by users, the amendment's "enterprise" aemptton ls so vague that these operations may be unable to serve cons umer needs even though utility service dem a nd levels and envtronmcntal manda tes arc not within the control of th e municipality a nd eve n thoug h priva te utilities a re not s imil a rly affec ted ; a nd WH EREAS . the amendment Vio la tes th e princ ipl es of representa tiv e gove rnment In th a t dec isions re garding gove rnmenta l programs and poli cies whi ch relate to th e expenditu re of public funds will ofi en re qu ire vo ter a pprova l rathe r than be de termlned by members or th e City Council who have been du ly ch ose n by th e c itize ns of Uie Ci ty of Englewood to ma ke such decisions: a nd WHEREAS . the a mendment undem1l nes the principles of local co ntrol a nd home ru le by subjecting day-to-day gove rnm ental decisions to arbitrary s tatewide lim its without the consideration for local nee ds and condit io ns of th e City of Englewood and Its residents: and WH EREAS. th e a mendment Imposes a constllutlona l straJghlJacke t on every local ~ovc m ment In Co lorado with out regard fo r the complexlly of loca l govenuncnl ·1 · s1n1clures and restrictions and provides no opllons for clllzens of a local government lo adopt nltemallve local llmlts consistent with local needs: and WHEREAS . loc al governments are already acco unlable lo the ir constituents through reg ular elections, tnttlallve. referendum and recnl! proce dures. a nd a variety of fin a nc ia l controls : and WHEREAS, tf a local government e,cperlences a revenue and spcndtng shortfall In any yea rs. Its revenue and spendtng limit a nd Its ablllly to provid e services arc pemianenUy reduced even though rev enues recover : and WHEREAS , because of the cycllcal nature of government rev enu es and spending a nd the delays Inherent In the amendment's revenue and spending llmltatlon, local governments will be unable to respond to economJc condlllons ln n Um ely manner: and WHEREAS, the effect of the amendment's re quirement of vote r approval of a wide vcrlety of finance and service Issues a l ele cuon s held a maximum of three {or twol times ln each two year ballot at the same ttrne . prevent timing of bond elecUons to take advantage of fa vorable market condlllons. substantially restrict citizen lnlUatlve rights. a nd preclude timely responses to emergency condlllons which arc not defined as emergencies ln the amendment: and WHEREAS , the amendment establishes costly, cumbersome. and confusing election procedures a nd requirements. with legal Jeopard,v to the citizens tf required pro and con statements. flscal estimates or notices are la ter determined by the courts to be mistaken or Inadequate: and WHEREAS, the amendment requires addlUonal election to spend the proceeds of truces approved by the voters at previous elections; and WHEREAS , the City of Englewood and Its citizens will be forced to absorb additional election. finance, admlnlstratlon. and legal costs In order to comply with the amendment's requirements: and WHEREAS . the amendment rcqutrcs local governments to divert funds from needed public services to create special reserves available only for extremely limited purposes: and WHEREAS . passage of the amendment Will require c."Clenslve and cosUy lillg a llon In order for citizens and government offic ials to be confident about Its meantng and lo comply with Its terms: a nd WHERE, 5 , tf a local gove rnment ma kes a mi s ta ke tn tn terprell ng and com plying "1th the amendment. the loca l government and ll s clUzens are subject lo paying a 10% penalty for up lo four years, plus refundtng the c.~cess a nd paying the costs and a ttorney's fe es of the pl a intiffs and of the local governme nt: NOW, TH ERF.f ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE cm COUNCIL Of THE C ITY Of El\"GLEWOOD , COLORADO. THAT: ~-Am endme nt I Is h ereby opp osed because ll would be severely dctrtment al 10 th e Clry of Englewood a nd !ls citize ns. Stl:J.ll2n.2., Citizens ai, enco uraged 10 become full y Info rm ed abou l Ille amendment and lls effec1s on them . their community. a nd their stale before vottng on :'\ovember 3 . ~. The cttl7.e ns or the City or Englewood arc encouraged to vo te "No" on Amendment No . I . ADOPTI::D AND APPROVED thlS 19th day or October. 1992 . Attest: 0 ~mdl~ ~ia H. Crow, City Clerk I. Patrtcla H. Crow. City Clerk for the Clty,!>(.Englcwood . Colorado. hereby ccrtlfy the above IS a true copy ofResoluUon No. io . Ser1cs of 1992 . Cdi+t(l. vO' a t'-Ctr Patrtcla H. Crow -3 ·