HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 Resolution No. 105RESOLUTION NO /~'; SERIES OF 1992 A RE SOLUT IO N APPROVING THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ENGLEWOOD EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY l, 19 93 THROUGH DECEMBER 31 , 1994 WHEREAS, the previous Collective Bargaining Contract with the Englewood Employees Association effective time period was January 1, 1991 through December 31, 1992; and WHEREAS, the City of Englewood and the Englewood !:mployees Association entered into negotiations in May 1992 in accordance with the Englewood City Home Rul e Charter and n tentative agreement was negotiated ; and WHEREAS, the members of the Englewood Employees Association duly ratified, by a majority of the members, the tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement; and WHEREAS, there were no significant change, to the contract from the previous contract other thnn a change in the rate of wage increa ses. The wage increase for 1993 and 1994 will be 3.75 percent each year; and WHEREAS, approval by the Englewood City Council of the Collective Bargaining Contract between the Englewood Employees Association and the City of Engle,·•ood fo r the period of January 1, 1993 through December 31, 1994, is hereby given; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Oi!' THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO , THAT: ~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby approves the Collective Bargaining Contract between the Englewood Employees Association and the City of Englewood for the period of January I, 1993 through December 31, 1994 . Silli!uL2. The Mayor and the City Clerk are h ereby authorized to sign and attest the Collective Bargaining Contract between the Englewood Employees Association for the period of January 1, 1993 through December 31 , 1994, for the City of Englewood, Colorado. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 21st day of December, 1992. AryST: . L4dt-ta1-r JI a~,---- Pat,ici• H. Crow, City Clerk I, Patricia H. Crow, City Cle rk fort~~ y ity of Engl ewoo d, Co lorado, hereby certify th e ab ove is a true copy of Resolution No ./C:J Series of 1992 . A 4:ltPtd-< vl/1 {~t:(l r Patricia H. Crow CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AND THE ENGLEWOOD EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION FOR THE YEARS 1993 AND 1994 Th i s re p rod uct i on of the 1993 and 19 94 Contract has been prepared by t he City Administration for distribution to all covered non - emerg en c y e mp loyees and City departments so that e v eryone will be a wa re of t he right s and benef i ts contained here in. f.MI ARTICLE l INTRODUCTION l ARTICLE 2 DURATION OF CONTRACT 2 ARTICLE RECOGNITION 2 ARTICLE 4 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS J ARTICLE 5 HOURS OF WORK J ARTICLE 6 OVERTIME WORK 4 APTtCLE 7 ACTING PAY 4 ARTICLE 8 MERIT INCREASES 5 ARTICLE 9 COMPENSATION !5 ARTICLE 10 LONGEVITY COMPENSATION 5 ARTICLE 11 PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES 6 ARTICLE 12 ANNUAL LEAVE 7 ARTICLE 13 PERSONAL LEAVE 9 AR TICLE 14 DISABILITY --TEMPORARY (NON-JCiB RELATED) 9 ARTICLE 15 ON-THE-JOB INJURY -DISABILITY 11 ARTICLE 16 MILITARY LEAVE 12 ARTICLE 17 FUNERAL LEAVE 12 ARTICLE 18 JURY DUTY AND WI TNESS SERVICE 13 ARTICLE 19 HOLIDAYS 13 ARTICLE 20 UNIFORM CLEANING ALLOWAN 'cE 14 ARTI CLE 21 TU ITION REFUND 14 AR TI CLE 2 2 LIFE INS URA.>;CE 1 4 ARTICLE 23 DENT AL INS URANCE 14 lAil ARTICLE 24 HEALTH INSURANCE -EMPLOYEE/RETIREES 15 ARTICLE 25 RETIREMENT BENEFITS 15 ARTICLE 26 LAYOFF 15 ARTICLE 27 LEAVE OF ABSENCE (WITHOUT PAY) 16 ARTICLE 28 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 17 ARTICLE 29 LETTER OF CORRECTIVE ACTION 18 ARTICLE 30 DUES DEDUCTION 19 ARTICLE 3l ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES 20 ARTICLE 32 STANDBY PAY 20 ARTICLE 33 CALL BACK 20 ARTICLE 34 EXCLUSIVENESS OF CONTRACT 21 CQlm\ACT BBTWBBN TH! CITY or BNOLEWQQP BNOLPQQP BMPLQXBBS ASSOCIATION ARTICLB 1. This contract entered into by the city of Englewood, Colorado, and the Englewood Employees Association has as its purpose the promotion of harmonious relations between the city of Englswood and it ■ Employees, a fair and peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences; the establishment of rates of pay and hours of wo r k, and other conditions of employment as set out i n the City Charter . Except where limited by express provisions elsewhere in this Contract, nothing in this Contract shall be construed to restrict, limit or impair the rights, power ■ and authority of the City aa granted to it under the law■ of the State of Colorado and the City' a Charter and Municipal Code. The r i ghta, power ■, and authority include , but are not limited to, the following: A. Determine the overall mission of the c i ty aa a unit of government. B. To maintain and improve the efficiency and effectivenP.ss of City operations. c. To determine the •~rvices to be rendered , the opera tions to be performed , t he technology to be utilized , or the matters to be budgete d. D. To determine the overall methods, processes , means , job classification ■ or pe r sa onne l by wh i ch city op erat i on s are to be conducted . E. To direct, superviae, hire, promote, transfer, assign, schedule , retain or lay-off employees. F. To suspend, d i s cipl ine, d i s c harge, or d emote f o r just cause , a l l f u ll-time r 11rm anent c l a s si f i e d e mploye e s. G. To r el i e v e e mp l oyees f rom dut i es becaus P. o f lack of wor k or funds, or und er c ond i t i ons wh e r e t t.e Ci t y determines continued work would be inefficient or nonproduct i ve . H. To take wha tever other actions may be necessary to carry out the wi shes o f the public not otherwise specifie d he rein o r limited by a c ollective b argaining Co ntract . I . To t ake a ny and all actions to carry out the mission of the City in cases of emergency. J , Nothing contained herein ■hall preclude the City from conferring with it ■ employees f or purpose ■ of developing policie ■ to effectuate or implement any o f the above - enumerated rights . The Ci ty retains the right to char•ga any past practice which ia not i n violation with thi ■ contract . In the event a past practice is sought to be changed by the City Manager or Department Head ■, the Englewood Employees Association will be provided reasonable written notice of the intended change. The Englewood Employees Association retain ■ the right to grieve any change in practice which is in violation with this Contract. ARTICLE 2, DIIRATIOW OP CONTRACT A. Thill c o'ltract will take effect on January 1, 1993 and shall continua in force to and including December 31, 1994 . B. Thia Contract, or any part of it, may be terminated or renegotiated at any time by mutual consent of both partiea. c . If any article or ■action of this Cort'.:ract should be held invalid by operation of law or any Court of competent jurisdiction, or if compliance with or enforcement of any article or section ahould be reatrained by such Court, the remainder of ·this Contract shall not be affected thereby and this Contract ■hall remain in full force and effect, and the parties shall promptly meet and negotiate f or the purpose of atteapting to arrive a t a mutually satisfactory replacement for such article or section. D. The partie ■ agree and understand that provisions relating to employees covered by this contract shall in no way displace or modify present or futu,:-e statutory or ca ■• law of the state of Colorado. E. The partie ■ acknowledge that during negotiations wh i ch resulted in this Contract , each had the unl imited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter appropriate for Contract negotiations and that the understandings and agreements arrived at by the parties after this exerci se of that right and opp~rtuni ty are set fort h in the contract . ARTICLE 3 , RECOGNITION Th e City recogni zes t he Eng le1o1 ood Employees .>.s sociat ion/AFSCME Local #303 as the sole organization certif i ed by t he Caree r Service Board of the Ci ty of Englewood as the exclusive representativ e fo r t he pu blic e mpl oyees wit hin the f oll owi ng barga i n i ng un it: Included : All full -tim e , c lass ified non -<'· . .a r gency employees of t he Ci t y. -2 - Excluded: All ■upervi ■ory, !l',an11ge ·dal, contidl'lntial, part- time, temporary, ■ea ■onal, and contractual employ•••• st~1dents, and ull employees hired through the uae ~t Federal, ■t~t~ or other ou t side tunding sources tor special projects or programs, and all others who may be determined by the Board of career service commissioners prior to or during the lite ot this Contract as provided under ~he city Charter. NOTE: For legal authority see City Charter 137:1, 137:2 b, c, m, m 1-6, n, o, and 137:3. Al ■o see 1)7:2 (k) re: employee rights of association. ~RTICLI 4. EKPLOYII RIGHTS A full-time claBBitied employH who is not a confident~al employee, a managerial employee, or a supervisor shall have the right: A. To form, join, support or participate in, or to retrain trom forming, joining, ■upporting, or participating in the employee nrganir.ation or ita lawtul activities; and B. Bargain collectively through their certified employee representative. c. No employ•• shall be interfered with, restrained, coerced or discri111inatad against because of the sxerciee of these rights nor a :,all the right of an individual employee to discuss employment conceine with the City be infringed ~pon. 1!Q11.1 For legal authority ■■e Employee Right ■ of Assoc i ation 137:2 (k) of the City Charter. ARTICLE 5. BOORS OF WORK All departments, functions or activities shall observe office and working hours necessary for the efficient transaction of their respective services. Such have been determined for non-emergency employees as follows: A. All employees covered by this Contract shall work at least forty (40) hours per ~~0 ~. or in the case of shift work, an average of forty (40) hours per week. The work week shall consist of five (5) eight-hour shifts, or other work schedules as determined by the department head with approval 0 f the City Manager. All e mployees shall be scheduled to work e regular work schedule and each work schedule shall have a regular starting and quitting time. Should the work schedule be changed, affected e mployees wi ll be notified as soon a s poss i ble. -J - B. Employ••• ■hall b• entitled to two (,) rest periods not to e xtJeed fiftHn (15) 11 J.nut-■ or one (l) thirty (30) minute rest period for each work scl,edule. Rest peri,,ds sha .l l ba under the control of the aupervi ■cr or department head. c . When po ■aible .. e11ployaea who work beyond their regular quitting time into an overtime situation shall be eligible for a fifteen (15) minute rer,t period before they begin the overtime work. When poa ■ible , additional rest periods shall be granted u nder the control of the aupervisor or department head s i milar to ,:e b~ ;,eriod,s granted under subparagraph l! above . O. When necesaary, employees shall be £ Anted a fifteen (15) 111 .\r.ute personal clean-up period prior to tne end of each work schedule , The clean-up period shall be under the control of the supervisor or depart.ment head. E . All employc,ee shall be granted a lun ch period during each work schedule, Wh ,,never possible, the lunch period shall be ■cheduled at the middle of each work ■chedule. ARTICLB 6. OVERTIHB WORK A, For all employees covered by this contract, except as specified below, duties performed over and above the assigned work schedule shall be con ■idered overti•e . overtime ■hall not be computed nor compensation allotted on previously accrued overtime. B. All personnel ■ubject to overtime ■hall b• compensated for overtime work at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the normal pay rate or compensatory time off du~ing normal ~ork hours, computed at the rate of one and one-half (l-1/2) times. The City retains the right to assign overtime work to any employee qual.l fied to perform the work. ARTICLE 7. ACTING PAY All persons in acting positions will be compensated at the A step of the acting posit:l on or 5\, whichever is greater , as approved by the appointing aut.hority, namely the City Manager. The employee must have worked in the position for a period of fifteen (15) consecuti ve calendar days before said employee becomes eligible for acting position compensation. Such pay will begin a fter the fift~enth (15th) calendar day said employ ee assumes the responsibi ities of the acting position. -4 - AJlTICLB I, If.BRIT INCllP.ABH All merit incr~aae ■ provided fo r the employee will be considered upon the anniversary date and shall not be considered automatic, but rather, based upon performance . Said merit increase may be granted or denied to any indi vid11?1:i employee upon recommendation of the department head and with th~ approval of the City Manager upon notice to auch individual employea. The date in which the merit increase ie approved shall determine the new merit anniveraary date. AJlTICLE 9, COMPENSATION A. Each employee in the clasaif ed ■ervice shall be paid at one of the rates set forth in the pay plan for the class in which they are employed. B, At lenst t'1e minimum rate of pay for a class shall be paid to an employ~• ho is ■tarting hi• employment with the City. c. When a regular full-time poaition not under the claseified aervice is brought into the clasaified ■ervice, the rate of pay of the incumbent may be ■et by the City at th• step closest to hi ■ current rate in the grade establi ■hed for the class. In such case■ there will be no reduction in pay. D. A change in anniver■ary date will reault when: (1) The employee i• on laave without pay. The previous anniveraary date •hall be adju■ted one month for each twenty-two (22) working days of leave without pay in any twelve (12) month period. (2) The employee terminates his employment and later is reemployed. The new anniversary date shall be determined by his new employment date. (3) When it is determined that the employee merits an increase, the date of the increase will determine the new anniversary date. E. Employees of the City of Englewood represented by the Eng l 7wood Employee s Association and covered by this Contract shall receive a three and three-quarters percent (3.75\) increaae on the base wage rat e effective January l, 1993 and an additional three a nd three-qua rters perc:ent (3 . 75\) inc!'ease effective January l, 1994. ARTICLE 10, LONGEVITY COMPENSATION In addition to an empl oy ees mo nthly sa:~ry, the employee shall be eligible for longev ity c omp e n s a t ion based upon the number of -5 - year ■ of continuou ■ service with the City and ■hall be derived from the following schedule. Yeara of s,rvio ■ 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-.l.9 20 or mc,:cr., M1211M of comp1n11tion Nona $12 par month for $144 per year, except for those amployaaa who ha ve not completed 6 full years of continuous aarvice on December 1 of any year, which employee s shall receive an amount equal to $12 for each full month of completed continuous aarvica after completion o f 5 years of continuous s~rvice up to December 1, $24 per month for $288 per year, except for those employee ■ who have not completed 11 full years of continuous aarvice on December 1 of any year, which employees ahall receive $144 plus an amount equal to $12 for each full month of completed continuous service after completion of 10 yaara of continuous service up to December 1. $36 par aonth for $432 par year, except for thoae employee ■ who have not coapletad 16 full yaara of continuoua ■arvica on December 1 of any year, which emplcyee shall receive $218 plua an amo11nt equal to $12 for each full month of completed continuous service after completion of 15 yeara of service up to December :t. $48 per month for $576 par year, except for those employees wt,o have not completed 21 full years of continuous aervice on December 1 of any year, which employee aball receive .~432 plua an a111our ,t equal to $12 for each full month of completed continuous service after completion of 20 years of continuous service up to December 1. Effective January 1, 1984, and thereafter, all new hires shall not be eligible for longevity compensation as provided for under this Article. ARTICLE 11. PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES The probationary period for all newly appointed employees shall be twelve (12) months from t he date of hire . After completion of the probationary period, the employee shall be given permanent status. -6 - A, A promoted City employ•• ■hall receive a minimum ot one step increase in pay and serve a twelve (12) •onth probationary period in the new position ; provided , however, that after having aatiafactorily served in ■aid new posit.' on for a period ot at least aix (6) months, the head or th• depart me nt to which the employee was promoted may recommend permanent stBtus in the new position for the employee prior to the expiration of the twelve ( 12) month period. Any substantial time served in an acting capacity by the employee will be taken l nto consid eration by the department head when recommending th,r; 'engtn of he probationary period to the appointing authori•,t• ~·t,.,uld the appointing authority approve permanent status for ~h ~mpl otee prior to the expiration of the twelve (12) month probationary period, the employee shall be considered to have perinanent status. Upon attaining permanent status in the new position, the employee ■hall receive a one step increase in pay; provided, however, that the additional step is available in the new grade. B. Any permanent employee in the claaaitiad service upon being promoted to a new position in the career Service ~y■tem shall have probationary status as set out above in any pos ition to which he was promoted, but ■hall retain permanent status in hi ■ prev l.o·.is classification and may transfer back or be returned to that previou ■ position at any time during the probationer/period a t the discretion of th• appointing authority. c. Employ••• rehired a ■ provided under the provisions ot the City'■ admini ■trativ• procedure ■ with lase than one (1) year ot separation from the City shall be ■ubject to a probationary period. The department head with the approval of the appoint i ng authority ma y modify or waive the probationary period, 1!QU1 For legal authority see 3-lE-l of the City Code. ARTICLE U. ANNOAL LEAVE A. Employees hired prior to January 1, 1984, and covered by this Contract shall accumulate annual leave each pay period at the rate of 4 .62 hours per pay period of active service. Annual leave shall not be granted to any employee until atter completion of twelve (12) months consecutive service with the City unless otherwise authorized by the department head. In order to qualify for annual leave credit during the pay period, tha employee must have worked for at least one-half (l/2 ) of the working days of that pay period excluding authorized paid leave. For those employees having le~s than ten (10 ) years continuous service, the maximum accumulation of annual leave shall be thirty (30) daye. B. Afte r ten (10) years of continuous service with the City, employees shall accumulate annual leave at the rate of 6.15 hours of annual leave per pay period of active serv ice . In order to qualify for annual leave credit during the pay period, the e mployee must have wo r ked for at least one-half (l/2) of the working days of -7 - that pay period excluding authorized pilid leave. accumulation ahall be 40 daya. The ~,.-·dmum c. Employee ■ hired attar January A, 1984, and tharaatte , covered by thi ■ Contract shall accumu la :·, annual leave ',d e n pay period aa follows: l. 2. 3. 0-4 Year ■ 5-9 Years 10+ Years z. 08 b · s/ Pay Period 4.62 Hrs/Pay Period 6,15 Hrs/Pay Period JCa:irimum ~ 160 Hrs. 240 Hrs. 320 Hrs. D. Accumulation of annual leave shall neither be authorized nor computed for any purpoae after th~ maximum accumulation has been reached. The schedule for use of annual leave ahall be determined by the needs of the Department. Annual leave ahell be taken at the time convenient to and approved by the Department Head or supervis,,r. ,:owever, the City will aake reaaonr,ble efforts to accommodate the reques t of an employee to use annual leave where a genuine emergency sit uation exbta. Allnual Leavt Pay The rate of annual leave pay shall be the employee•• regular s t raight time hourly rate of pay tor the employee•• regular job and charged on a working hour basis, excluding holidays and regular days off, Annual leave shall be all,wed only to the total hourly amount accumulated at the beginning of the leave, as verified by the department heed, Employees aay receive their annual leave pay no earlier than three (3) da;,s prior to the start of their annual leave, prc-vided the employee ■ make a wr i tten request to their aupervisor fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the start of their annual leave. •ork During Annual Leav• If after the employee has begun his/hei-annual leave and the City requires the emp:oyee to work during the scheduled annual leave period, the employee shall not be charged with vacation time for the number of hours worked. How Charged Annual leave for employees shall be charged on a work-day basis excluding regular days off, -8 - Annual LtaVt Pay Qp2n ltP 1mm Any employee who i• .,parated from t h -; service of the City , i .e ., retirement , termi nat:.on or layoff , shall be compensate d for the unused annual leave t i m• acc\llllulat•d at the t i me of separation . ARTICLE 13, PERSONAL LEAVE Effective January l, 1988, ~1 1 e :r.ployees covered by this Contract shall be granted 48 hours of personal leave time wi th pay which an e mployee is entitled to use for the following purposes: A. Time lost a ■ a ro ■ult of i llne ■■/injury to the emp l oyee or the e~~loyee•a immediate family, B, Attend personal bus inas~. c . Leisure time . For any employee who haa not uaed the 48 hours of personal leave time ending November 30 of each year or any portion thereof, the city will compensate said employee for the unused time at the employees regular wage rate to be paid during the month of December of that year , Pareon~l l4av~ ti•• ehall not exceed 48 hours nor shall ~t be accumulated or c ox·riad over from one year to the next, Personal leave shall be soheduled and administered under the direction of the departaent head or supervisor. In the event of illness/injury in which personal leave is requested, shift work employees shall notify their supervisor at least one (l) hour prior to their scheduled reporting time, all other e mployees shall report at the bsginning of their schsduled report time. Personal leave shall be prorated for employees beginning and terminating e mployment with the City during the calendar year. ARTICLE 14, DISABILITY -TEMPORARY (NON-JOB RELATED) Definition Temporary disability is leave granted connect.ad i njury or illness of an employee prevents the em ployee from perform i ng his/her e mployee. Prov i s i on for non-service which d i sability duties as a Ci ty For e mployees hired pri or to January 1 , 1984 , the City agrees to pr ovide temporary d isability leav e with pay fo r employees absent as a r esult c f illness/in j ury at the rate of l00 t of the employee 's r e gula r wa ge up t o 69 3 work ing ho urs of disab i lity . For employee s hired prior t o J a nuary 1 , 1984, temporary disability l e av e s hall not be acc umulative except that on January -9 - l ot each yea r i:he ci·~y b l'>!ll ~ , •.a tore l00 t of the number of days A used by an employee dl1ring '·•· pr Aceding year up to a maximum of W 347 working hours. For employees hired afte-c-January 1, 1984, and thereafter , and covered by the terms ot this Contract, the city agrees to pr ovide aaid employees temporary disability leave with pay for emp l oyees absent aa a result ot illness/injury a ■ tollowa: o-4 year• 5-9 years 10+ year• 347 working hours 520 working hours 693 working hou r s For employaas hired attar January l, 1984, and thereafter, temporary disability leave shall not be accumulative except that on January lot each year the City shall restore l00t ot the number of days ussd by an employee during the preceding year aa follows: 0-4 yeara 5-9 year ■ 10+ years IJtilintion up to a maximum of 173 working hours up to a maximum of 260 working hours up to a maximum of 347 working houra A. Authorization tor temporary disability leave with pay shall only be granted after the first 4ay of diaability. B. Authorization for temporary di ■ability shall only be granted for the following reason ■: l. Personal illness or injury not service connected, including maternity. Bick Leave option All sick leave _acrued by permanent empl oyees prior to January 1, 1980 shell vest with the e mployee, and may be used in the following mannsr: A. After the 120 days as described above, have been used, u:,less the e mp loyee is entitled for retirement as a result of disability. B. By cashing in all accrued sick leave accumula ted under the previous plan up on no~al retirement from the City at the rate of one hour 's pay for each two hours of accrued sick leave or one hou r's pay for each four hours upon separation from the City. -10 - c. By cashi ng in accrued sick leave under the previous plan, once each year at the conversion rate of four (4) hours sick leave for ona (l) hour pay, not to exceed a conversion of more than 400 hours each year . Reporting or Ttfflporary Pi1ability The employee or a member of the employee's household shall notify the employee' a ■upervisor prior to the employee's scheduled reporting time. No temporary disability leave will be granted to an employee who tail ■ to notify their supervisor prior to the beginning of the employee's work schedule. verification of Dieability It shall be tha responsibility of tha department head or ■upervisor to determine the validity of eligibility of the temporary disability. His signature on the leave reque.at form noting temporary disability entitlement shall indicate such determination. An attend ing physician•• statement will not be nacaaaary except when required by the Department Head or i111111ediate daaignaa. N?v•• or Tomporary Dieability Abuse of temporary diaability occurs vhan an amployae misrepra ■ant• tha actual reaaon for requesting temporary disability or when an employee uaaa temporary disability leave for unauthor .l.zad purposes. An amployea who makes a false claim for temporary disability laava shall be subject to disciplinary action or dismissal. ARTICLE 15 . ON-THI-JOB INJURY -DISABILITY A. For any on-the-job injury which causes an employee to be abse nt from work as a result of such injury, the City shall pay to such employee hi ■ full wa~es from the first day of his absence from work up to and including the 90th calenda: day of such absence, less whatever sums received by the employee as disability benefits under workmen's compensation. The City reserves the right to requi~e any employee on injury or disability leave to subm i t to an examination(&) by City-appointed physician(&) at the City's expense or under the i rovision of workmen's compensation. The employee ••ill not be charged sick leave for disability under this Article. B. All injuries that occur during working hours shall be reported to the employee's supervisor within 24 hours of the injury or before the employee leaves their department of employment. -11 - ARTICLE 1,. MILITARY LU.VE A. Any permanent or probationary employ•• who enli•t• or 1 ■ inducted into the military, nav a l, air or the armed aervioea of the United states in time of war shall be entitled to a leave nt absence without pay for the duration of auch war or until honorabl~• discharged, whichever occurs fir ■t, and tor one (l) ye r thereafter. B, Any employee who ahall be a member u f tha National aua r j or any other component of the military force» of th• State. now or hereafter organized or conatituted under the ~• ~t• or federal law, or who shall be a member of the reaervad t ;re•• of the United States, now or hereafter organized or oonatitutad under federal law, shall be entitled to leave of abHnc• from hh employment ~ithout loas of pay, aaniority, wtatua, efficiency rating, vacation, aick leave or other benefit ■ or all the item ■ when he ia engaged with auch organization or com~onent in training or active service ordered or authorized by proper authority purauant to law, whether tor State or federal purpose ■, but not exceeding fifteen (15) daya in any calendar year. such leave ■hall be allowed in c a se the required military ••rvic• 1a aatiafactorily perforaad, which ahall be prea\llled unl••• th• contra~y i• e ■tabli•hed. c. Such leave shall not be allowed un:esa th• employee return• to hi ■ public position iuediately upon beinq relieved from - such military service and not later than th• •xpiration of the time herein limited for such leave, unl••• he i• prevented from ao returning by physical or mental diaability or other cauae not due to his own fault or ia required by proper authorities to continue in such military ■er.vice beyond the time herein limited tor such leave . D. Subject to proviaion A, B end C above, the City •hall provide full pay to an employee granted military leave, less whatever compensation th• employee may have rece i ved by the military for such aervice. ARTICLE 17. FUNERAL LEAVE The uepartment Head shall grant leave with pay to an employee to attend the tuner.al of a member of the employee's family. The number of days granted ■hall ba govern ■d by the circumstance ■ of the case, but in no event shall they exceed rive (5) work.ing days. For the purposes of th i s section "employee's family" shall mean the employee's spouse, or the children, grandchildren, parents, grandparents, brothers and s i sters of the employee or the emplc,yee' s. s pouse, or the employee's stepparents, stepc hildren, stepbrothers and s t epsisters . Annual leave may be grante d by the Departm ent Head if addi t i ona l t i me off i s deemed appropriate. -1 2 - ARTICLI 18. JORY DUTY AND WITlll!SB S!RVICE Leave may be granted to an employee for serving on jury duty or a a a witness in his official capacity in obediencs to a subpoena or direction by legal authority . He shall be entitled to the difference between his regular compensation and the fees received for jury duty or as a witness. When he is subpoenaed as a witn••• in private litigation to testify , not in h i s official capacity but aa an individual, t l:e time ab ■ent by reasons thereof ahall be take n as annual leave or leave without pay. ARTICLE 19. HOLIDAYS A. The following days shal l be considered official holida a by the City: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 . 9. 10. 11. New Year's Day: January l. Washington's Birthday : the third Monday in February Memorial Day: the last Monday in May. Independence Day: July ,! Labor Day: the first Monday in Sept•mbe r . Veteran's Day: November 11. Thanksgiving Day: the fourth Thursday in November. Fourth Friday of November following Thanksgiving Day. Christmas Eve: Chriat•a• Day: New Year•• Eve: December 24. Decel!lber 25. Decembu 3 1. B. Any employee covered by thia Contract who does not perform duty scheduled on the working daya or have approved paid leave immediately prior to and following a holiday ahall not receive pay for the holiday unle ■a otherwi ■e authorized by the Department head. c. Eligible employee a other than shift work employees rt the Wastewater Treatment Plan ■hall rec eive on~ day's pay or equivalent time off at the discretion of the department head for each of the holiday s on which they perform no work . Employees required to work on an official City hol ida sha l l receive one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regu l ar rate of pay for all hours actually worked in addition to the employee's regular pay for the h oliday or time off at the rate of on e a nd one-half (1 1/2) times the number of hours actual l y worked at the d iscretion of the department head. D. When one o f the foregoing holidays fall on a Sunday, the following Monday s hall be observed as the legal holiday. When any of the foreg oing holiday s f a ll on a Sa t urday , each employee sha l l b e e nt i tled t o a d ay o ff f or such ho l iday , which day off shall be schedul e d a s th e City Man ager determine s, ~ut no specif i c d ay s hall be observed a s a holida y f or purpose o t clos i ng City o ffi ces and f unc t i on s. -13 - ARTICLI: 20. ONil'ORK CLllJIINQ ALLOWAIICB It an employee i11 required to we ar a uniform, the employee shall we~r the uni t orm only aa authori zed by the department work rules . Th a City will continue to pr?viGe uniform•, cleaning and replace~ents. The City will provide ~o, of the coat of required work shoes up to a maximum ot $65 per year except with department head approval. All e mployee• •hall 11aintain a preaentable appearance while on duty . The employee i ~ re u pon ■ible for any damage to the uniform by negl i 9 e nce ~r deliberate act , TUITION 21. TUITION REl'UHD Upon recolll!D&ndation of the depai·t11e ,,t head and after prior approval of the City Manager, the City of Englewood 11ay reJmi.,urae employees cover~d l:,y this Contract upon eucceasful completion of an approved courae or cour••• in education or vocational t .r .. ining at the pub. ic in ■titution rate, The courae or training mus L be related to the work and be deaigned to improve competence in the job , and be of value to the employee'• aervice to the City. Thia ~hall include all tuition, and required text ■• ARTICLE 22. Lil'E I SIJRA!ICI A $30,000 Term Lite Inaurance will be ~rovided by the city for employees who have completed one (l) year c,f continuou11 employment with the City. A converaion privilege upo1, retiremen'c of 50\ cover age payabl e by the employ~e will be made e.vailable by the city for 11aid retired e mployee. ARTICLE 2 :1. DENTAL INBIJRA!ICE For the term of this Contract, the City shall pay 85\ an<!. the employee shall pay 15\ of the premium co11t for the City Der.tal I"l.::ur1111ce Plan. or other plan which may be selected by the City as a substitu te f.or the City Dental Plan for eac.h single and depende nt policy holder. The above benefi t shall be allowed only to employees who have completed one (l) year of continuoua omployment wi.th the City. Any d i spute concerning the interpretation or application of benefits under the Dental Plan shall be subject to tl:e dispute re solutio"I procedure only. (It is expressly understood that this provision i s a non-grievable item und e r t his Contract,) •. 1 4 - ARTICLI 24. BIALTB INIURAlfCB -IMPLOYII/RETIRll8 A. (l) For the term of this contract, the City will pay eighty-five percent (851) per month of the premium cost for dependent and eingle coverage for the City's self funded health insurance plan. (2) For the term of this contract, employees will pay fifteen percent (151) of the monthly premium coat for dependent and single coverage for the City's self funded health insurance plan. B. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of bene f.its provided under the Health Insurance Plan shall be subject to the dispute resolution procedure only. (It is expressly understood that this provision is a non-grievable item under this Contract.) c. Reti rees prior t o January 1, 1980, will be provided health insurance coverage by the city on a non-participating basis. The coverage will coordinate with Medicaid and Medicare wherever applicable. Retirees after January l, 1980 will be gue.rantead conversion privileges to the Health Insurance Plan dVailable through the City. The City will pay 501 of the coat of coverage of the conversion plan up to a maximum of $50 per month. ARTICLI 25. Jll!TIRIHDT BllllffIT8 The retirement benefits for emplo:•aea covered by this Contraci: are eat forth in Title V, Chapter 9, Retirement, of the Englewood Mur.icipal Code. The following changes shall be made January l, 1980. A. For prior service: • 751 of the members final average month l y compensation, multiplied by the number of years of credited prior service. B. For current service: 1.5\ of f i nal monthly compensation, multiplied times the number of years of credited current service. ARTICLE 26. LAYOFF A. Whenever ther ' is lack of work, lack of funds, or under conditions where it is determined that contim::ed work would be inefficient or nonproductive , requiring reduct i ons in the number of employees , the appo i nting authority shall designate the department and positions in which the layoff is to be made. Up on such determinations, the required numbe r of employees in the affected department and position shall be placed on a recall list or tran s ferred by the appointing authority, each in order of his relative l ength and quality of service as shown by the personnel recor d s. All other factors be i ng equal, seniority shall preva il. -1 5 - B. All other factor ■ being equal, employee ■ on layoff shall be recalled in the order of relative length of service as shown by the parac.n~el racorda, provided that thoae recalled have the demonstrated ability and 11ama qualifications to perform the available work aa determined by the City. No new employees ■hall be hired until all employee ■ on layoff ■t~tu ■ desiring to return to work have been recalled. The recall liat aha11 terminate after one (1) year. AkTICLI 27. LEAVI OF ABBINCI (WITHOUT PAY) Eligibility Permanent em , Joy••• may ba granted a leave of abaanca without pay for raa ■on ■ of education which are allied to the duties of the City, settlement of an estate, child care, ■erious illness of a member of the employee'■ family, or to attar,d Englewood Employees 1 Association activities, but ■hall not be used for the purpose of obtaining employment elsewhere. Leave withmr'.; pay ■hall not exceed ■ix (6) months of any year but may be extenrted upon request tor an additional ■ix (6) month ■, The total leave time shall not exceed one year. Upon return from approved leave, th■ employee will be ra ■torad to their former position if available, .or to a companble position for which the U1ployee is qualified. During periods of unpaid leave, the employee ■ ■hall not continue to accrue service credit or be eligible for any City benefit■• However, an employee who has been granted a leave of absence, aay participate in life, dental and health insurance pr~~rams under Artir.les 22, 23, and 24 at his/her own expenae for the period of the approved leave; monthly premiums must be paid in advance in order to maintain such coverage. Application for L•ave A request for a leave of absen -:e without pay shall be submitted in writing by the employee to the employee'■ department head. The request shall indicate the reason the leave of absence is being requested and the approximate length of leave tima requested, ~11sideration of Lea •;e Request The d epartment head shall grant or deny leave requests, ta~ing into consideration the department's work force, work load and the employee's request. F1ilure to Return If an employee fails to return by the date of leave expiration, the e mp loyee shall be considered to have v olunta rily resigned from the service of the City. -16 - ARTICLE 28. GRIBVUCB PROCEDURE A grievance i• defined a ■ a cl~lm or dispute by an employee covered by the terms of this Contract concerning an alleged violation of a specific provision of this Contra ct. The employee shall be required to follow the procedure a ■ ■e t out below. A general grievance ia defined as a grievance that cr ~cerns a group of employees or the bargaining unit in general. > general grievance can only ba filed by the Association within t he time frame apecified in Step 1, and the initial review will occur by the department head at Step 2 below. A, "Work Day" means calendar days exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and City recognized holidays. iUlLl I ! the employee is unable to settle th• grievance or ~ispute orally and informally through his/her immediate supervisor within five (5) working days of the data of the occurrence of the grievance, or the employee'■ knowledge of it, the eaployee may, within the succeeding five (5) work day ■, file a written grievance with hia/he1· ■upervi ■or. The supervi ■or ■hall attempt to adjust the matter and ehall re ■pond in writing to the ••~loyee within five (5) work daya, rulL.1 If the answer is not satisfactory, the matter shall be presented in writing by the employee to the department head within five (5) work days following receipt of the supervisor's response. The department head shall re ■pond in writ ,,,~ to the nmployee withit; five (5) work days. ilil...1 If the grievance still remains unadjusted, it shall be presented by the employee to the City Manager in writing within five (5) work ti ,ys following receipt of the response of the department head. The City Manager or his/her designated repr·1entative shall respond in writing within ten (10) work days. I f the grievance is st i ll unsettled, the Eng l wood Employees Association or bargaining un i t employee, within ten (10) work days after the reply of the City Manager or his/her designated representative, may, by written notice, request the matter be heard by the career Service Board. The career Service Board shall be requested to issue a decision wi thin thirty {30 ) days after conclusion of testimony and argument. Each party shall be responsib l e for c om pensation to its own representatives and witness e s . Fai l ure by the Eng l ew oo d Emp l oyees Ass oci a t ,o n or an -1 7 - employee to comply with any time limitation shall constitute a settlement of the grievance. Should the employer not respond within the prescr ibed time, the grievance wi ll automatic ally proceed to the next step. Au t hority o( car••r serviot Bo ar Q The Career Service Board s hall have no power to add t o or subtract from or change the terms of this Contract . The wr i tten decision of the Board shall be final and binding upon the parties. The Board shall limit its decision strictly to the grievanc e submitted, which has been properly processed through the grievance procedure outlined . Gri,vanc• Qptin\l It i ■ agr eed that should the appeal procedure a ■ provided under 138:4 of the City Charter or applicable city ordinance is uti '.iced, recourse to the grie·;ance procedure i.ncluded in this Article shall b~ waived. Proc111ing grievance During Jortinq Bour• Grievance• may be invustigated and processed by the employee or designated employee repressntative during working hours, within reasonable time limits, without lo•• of pay, provided notice is given and the work load permits. 127I1 For legal authority see 3-2-l, 2 and 3-lM-3 of the city Code. ARTICLI! 2,. LBTTlll or COIUll!CTIVB ACTION •r itt•n corr,ctiv• Action A. l:'llen the supervi sor de termines that a written corrective act i on is appropri ate and necee ■ary, the corrective action shal l be Pddressed t o ths employee and shall include t he violation; the speci f ic behavi or and the dateA of the behavior (when appr opr i ate) that auppurt the charge; the w"rning that continuance o f this behavior will result in d i sc i p l nary act i on; and an offer o f assistance 1 ;, correcting the beh a v ior . B. A s i gned copy of the correc tive a c tion by the superv isor shall be included in the employee's of fici al perscnne l f ile i n the Em ploye e Relations Office, and t he employee shal l have the opportuni t y t o submit written commants i n r esponse to the correc t ive a c t i on t o be i nc luded in the fi le . After a per iod of one (l) ye ar from t h-1 date of t he f iling o f the writte n correct i ve action, t he supervi s o r shal l review s a id let ter a nd provide a f o llow-up letter i nd ~cating th e sta tus of the wr i t t e n corrective action. -18 - c . If the corrective actions wa ■ for unacceptable behavior such as absenteeism, tardiness, or rulea violations a nd no similar violations were committed by the employee during the following one (1) year period, the corrective action shall be replaced with a written statement by the employee's supervisor that no similar violation has occurred during the one (1) year period and that the corrective action has been removed from the employee's personnel file. D. The employee retains the right through the Association to an adm inistrative review of the written corrective action. A re- quest for auch review must be filed with the Director of Admin i s- trative Services within ten (10) working daya of receipt of the letter of corrective action by the employee . An Administrative Review Board consisting of two (2) representatives of the City appointed by the Director of Administrative Service ■ and two (2) representatives of the Association appointed by the Association President shall make up the !\dminilltrative Review Board. The Director and the Association President will conaider members of the Team for Quality Work Environmr,rit for appointment to the Board. This Board shall be advisory to the Departmental Director, and its written finding ■ ehall be placed in the employee•• peraonnel file. This Article shall not be grievable undsr this contract. ARTICLE 30. DUES DZDUCTION A. The City agree ■ to daduct the Englewood Employees Association dues •~ch pay period from the pay of those employees who individually ~e~ueat in writing that nuch dedu~tions be made, subject to the garnishment laws o t the State of Colorado . The amo unts to be deducted shall be certi.fiad to the City Finance Director by the Treasurer of t ho! Association, and the aggregate deduct.ions of all employees shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the Treasurer by the 15th of the Gucceeding month, after such deductions are made. The• authorizati on shall be revocable during the term of the contract, upon a thirty-day (JO) written notice by the employee to ths City Finance Director . B. If no wages are paid an authorized e mployee on the last pay period of a given pay period, deduction for that pay period will be made from any wages which may be paid to him/her on the next succeed ing final monthly City pay period. It is expressly understood that the City assumes no liability and shall not be liable for the collection or payment to the Englewood Employees Association of any dues during any time that an employee is nnt actua lly working for the City and actually on the payro l l of t he city. In the event of error on the check-off list, the City will not be respon3ibl e to make ad j ustments, until notified by the Treasurer of the Eng lewood Employees Association. -19 - c. The Englewood Employees A ■societion ■hall indemnify and - hold the City herml••• again ■t any and all claim ■, ■uits, orders, or jud<fiOenta brought or i ■euad against the City a• a result of any action taken or not taken by the City under the provi ■ion of this Article. D. Changes in ths dues amount to be deducted shall be limited to two (2) changes each year, providing a thirty (JO) day written notice is provided to the City Finance Dire~tor. E. Should the change in the deduction amount or method require a computer progra111111ing change, the Englewood Employees Association shall be responsible for the cost of such change or changes, at $30 per hour with a four(4) hour maximum. Payment from the Englewood Employees Aasociation shall be 11ade to the City Finan~~ Director within ten (10) days of receipt of billing. ARTICLE 31, ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIBS The City agrees that during working hours on the City premises and without loss of pay, Englewood Employees Association members may be allowed to: attend Englewood Employees Association and/or management meetings; post Englewood Employees Association notices on City designated bulletin boards; ■elicit Englewood Employees Association member~hipa during employee'• non-work time; and represent employees on grievances and negotiations. One (1) employee representative from the Utilities Oepar.cment and one (1) employee representative from the Wastewater Treatment Plant will be allowed one (1) hour time off from work with pay each month to attend monthly a ■aociation meetings. ARTICLE 32. STANDBY PAY All employees c ivered by this Co11tract and assigned standby duty shall be compel" ,tad at a rate equal to eight (8 ) hours at his/her regular r at~ of pay for one week of standby duty. ARTICLE 33, CALL BACK Any time an employee on off-duty status is called back to work he/she shall be credited with a minimum of two (2) hours pay at the rate of one and one-half (l 1/2) times his/her regular hourl y rate. -2 0 - ARTICLE 34, EXCLUSIVENESS or CONTRACT The City and the Association agree that the terms and provisions herein contained constitute the entire contract ~etween the parties. The City and the Association agree that all negotiable items have been discussed during the negotiations lead i ng to this Contract and , therefore, agree that negotiations will not be reopened on any i t em during the life of this Contract, except by mutual agreement of the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF' the partie,; h l\Ve caused this Contract to be signed by their re spective repr esentatives, and their signatures placed thereon, on this __ day of _______ 1992 at Englewood, Colorado, CITY OF ENGLEWOOD Mayor ATTEST: Ci ty Clerk City Manager ENGLEWOOD EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATIOt! AFSCME LOCAL #303 -21 - Date December 21, 1992 INITIATED BY STAFF SOURCE COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Agenda Item 11 i S•i.hj •;ct 1993 Compensation Plan br EEA Members Department of Administrative Se rvices Randie Barthlome, Director of Administrative Services ISSUF./ACTION PROPOSED Staff seeks Council support for a Resolution apj>roving the compensation plan for the year 1993 for members of the Englewood Employees Association and authorizing the Mayor to sign the Agreement. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION The previous Collective Bargaining Contract with the Englewood Employees Association was approved in 1990 and was effective for the time period between January 1, 1991 through C'ecember 31, 1992. STAFF ANALYSIS The City of Englewood and th e Engl ewood Employees Association entered into negotiations in May, 1992 in accordance with the City of Englewood Charter. The tentative agreement represents a good-faith effort of both parti es to negotiate a coll ective bargaining agreeme nt. The members of the Englewood Employees Association duly ratified, by a majority Jf the members, the tentative Collective Bargaining Agreem e nt. Th ere are no significant changes to the contract other th an a change in the ra te of wa ge increase s . The wage increase fo r 1993 and 1994 will b e 3.75 percent each year. " FINANCIAL The attached contract outlines the proposed compensation schedules, overtime compensation, personal leave, holidays and settlement of disputes. The approximate financial impact is as follows : Annual salary Benefits 2 year cost of salary 2 year cost of Benefits 1993 Increases $198,349 57,521 $255,870 $404,136 1.l1J2Q $521,336 1994 Increases $205,787 59,679 $2,65,466