HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 Resolution No. 106RESOLUTION No./Qf,,•
WHEREAS, the previou s Collective Bargaining Contract with the Englewood Police
Benefit Associ ation effective time period wa, January 1, 1991 through December 31, 1992 ;
WHEREAS, the City of Englewood and the Englewood Police BenefiL An ociation entered
into negotiation s in May 1992 in accordance with the Engle wood City Home Rule Chari.e r
and a tentative agTeemenl wa1 negotiated; and
WHEREAS , the members of the Englewood Police Benefit As9"ciation duly ratified , by a
majority of the members, the tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement ; and
WHEREAS, there were no significant changes to the contract from the previ ous contract
other than minor changes in language to clnr ify purpo ses: and
WHEREAS , the City did agree to review with the EPBA the retirement medical benefits;
WHEREAS, the median pay form~la remained the same aa in the previous contract; and
WHEREAS, approval by the Englewood City Council of the Collective Bargaining Contract
between the Englewood Police Benefit Association and the City of Englewood for the period
of January 1, 1993 through Decembe r 31, 1994, is hereby civen ;
Sfwgnj,. The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby approves the
Collecti ve Bargaining Contract between the Englewood Police Benefit Association and the
City of Englewood for the period of January 1, 1993 through December 31, 1994 .
~-The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to sig · and attest the
Collective Bargaining Contract between the Englewood Police Benefit Association for the
period of January 1, 1993 throu~li December 31, 1994, for the City of Englewood , Colorado .
ADOPTED AND APFROVED this 21st day of Dece mber , 1992 .
A'")'EST : 7 '6/ai~~ ~-{,,t,H&-
Patricia II . Crow , City Clerk
I, Patri cia H. Crow , City Clerk fo r t)l ; .y of Englew oo d, Colorado, hereby ce rtify the
ab ove ,s a tru e copy of Res ol ub on No/L.; Series r' ;~ . . J
12tft.e?( ,(_,, wa /-(,!'
Patri cio H. Crow
1993 AND 1994
Th is reproduction of the 1993 and 1994 Contract has been prepare~
by the Ci t y Admini stration f or all distribution to all c ov ered
Pol i ce officer.s S J t hat everyone will be aware of the rights and
bene fits conta ine d h ere i n.
AkrI CLE 22 Jl!RY DUTY 19
-i -
This contract ent ered into by the City of Englewood, Colorado ,
and the Englewood Police Benefit As ■ociation ha ■ as it ■ purpose the
promotion of h a rmon i ous relations between the city of Englewood and
its e mployees , a fair and peaceful procedure for the resolution of
differences ; the establishment of r,tes of pay and hours of work ,
and other conditions of employinsnt mutually agreed upon.
Except where limited by express provisions elsewhere in this
contract, nothing in this Contract shall be construed to restrict,
limit or impa l.r the rights , powara. and authority ot the city as
granted to it by constitutional provision, statute, ordinance,
charter or special act, the exclusive power, duty and rights to;
A. Determine the overall mission ot the City a ■ a unit of
gov ernment.
B. To maintain and i mprove the efficiency and effectiveness
of city operations.
c. To determi ne the services t o be rundered, the operat i on s
to be performed, the technology to be utilized, or the matters to
be budgeted.
D. To determi ne the overall methods, processes, means, job
c lass ific ations o r p ersonnel by wh i ch City operations are to be
E. To d i rec t , s upervise , hire, promote, transfer, assign,
schedu le , r e tain or l ay -off employees .
r. To suspend, discip line, discharge, and demote for cause ,
a ll fu ll -time perm anent classified.employees.
G. To re l ieve e mplcy e es f r om dutie s because o f l ack o f work
or funds, or un de r c onditions wh e re t he City determines continued
work would be i n efficient or no nproduct ive .
H. To take whatever other a cticns ma y be n e cessary to carry
out the wishes o f the public not ot ': .,rwis e speci f ied h e rein or
limited by a collective bargaining c rmtract .
I. To take a ny and all actions to carry out the mission of
the City in cases of e mergency.
J. Nothing contained herein shall preclude the city from
conferring with its employees for purposes of developing policies
to effectuate or implement any of the above enumerated rights.
A, This Contract shall take effect on January l, 1993 and
shall continue in force to and including December Jl, 1994.
B. This Contract , or any part of it, may be terminated or
renegotiated at any time by mutual consent of both parties.
c. If any article or section of this Contract should be held
invalid by operation of law or the District Court, or if compliance
with or enforcement of any article or section should be restrained
by such District court, the remainder of this Contract shall not be
affected thereby and this contract shall remain in full force and
effect, and the parties shall promptly negotiate for the purpose of
attempting to arrive at a mutually satisfactory replacement of such
article or section.
D, The parties agree and understand that provisions relating
to employees covered by this Contract shall in no way di~place or
modify present or future statutory or case law of the state of
E. The parties acknow l edge that during negotiations which
resulted in this Contract, each had the unlimited right and
opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any
subject or matter appropriate for negotiat :·:m discussions and that
the understandings and agreements arrived at by the parties after
t his exercise of that right a nd opportunity are set forth in th i s
Co ntract,
The City recognizes t h e Englewood Police Benefit Association
as the e mployee orga nization certified by the Board of career
Service Commiss ioners o f the City o f Englewood as the exclusive
representat.ive for s wo rn Police employee;; within the following
ba,:ga:.n i ng unit :
Included : All f ul l -time , class i fied sworn po l ice off i cers
below the rank of Se rgeant of the City Pol ic'l
Departme nt.
Exe uded: All others as determin ed by t he Board of Car eer
Service Commissioners.
-2 -
l. l, full-time classified employee who is not a confidential
employee, a man agerial employee, or a supervisor shall have the
A, To form, join, support or participate in, or to
refrain from terming, joining, supporting, or
participating in any em~loy ~e organization or its
lawful activities.
B. Bargain collectively through the i r certif i ed
employee representativ e.
C. No emp l oyee shall be interfered with, restrained,
coerced or discriminated against because uf the
exercise of these rights or shall the right of an
individual employee to discuss employment; concerns
with the City be infringed upon.
2 . The City and the Englewood Police Benefit Assoc i ation
mu tua lly agree t hat a fair and impartial i nvestigation of officers
is deemed appropri a te a nd necessary. A written policy ha ■ been
dev eloped and included in t.he operations manual specifically
addressing the issue of administrative and criminal investigations
and employee rights. No changes will be made in this policy
without prior consultation and review with association
For the purposes of this Contract, seniority shall be
det ermined first by length of continuous full-tima service with the
City Police Department -.~cording to rank and second by length o f
continuous full-time ~ervice with the City Po lice Department from
the firs t date o f. hire, pr ovided the employee successfully
completed the prol::ationary period . In cases where two or more
employees have the same hire d ate, the badge number as issued by
the department shall e stablish priority of position on the
seniority list.
Th e f i rs t t welve months of employment constitutes the
probat i onary period, during wh i ch time seniority will not apply,
After an employee s ucce ssful l y completes the probationary period ,
t heir na me shall appear on the seniority list as o f the fir st date
o f hire.
-3 -
The seniority of an employee shal l terminate under any of the
following conditions:
1. Wh ,~n an employee has been laid off for a period of one
year or more.
2 . When a laid off employee ·fails to give notice of the
employee'A intent to return to work within seven (7)
calendar days after the City haa aent to the employee's
last known address on file with the City a certified
letter requesting the employee's return to wo1·k.
3. When the e mployee gives notice but fails to r eturn to
work within seven (7) calendar days after the aforesaid
letter has been sent to the employe·,.
4. When the e mployee's employment with the City is
terminated or any reason.
s. When an employee is on leave of absence as provided under
Article 23.
If an employee is abaant for three (3) con ■■cutive
regularly scheduled working daya without notifying ·the
Director of Safety Services or immediate supervisor prior
to such three (3) days' absence without good cause as
~etermined by the Director of Safet y Services .
Failure to return to work after expiration of a formal
leav e of absence.
a. An employee rehired but whose absence from City
employment was less than eighteen (l.B) months will have
their prior accrued &eniority with the city restored.
A. The probationary period for all new l y-appointed Police
employees shall not be less than twelve (1 2) months from the date
of hire . After c ompl etion of the probationary peri od, the employee
shall be e ligible for permanent status.
B, Any permanen t e mploy ee covered by this Contract upon
being promoted to a new pos i tion !.n the career service system shall
have probationar y status as set out above in any position to wh ich
he/s he 1o.•as prom oted, bu t sha 11 retain permanent status in his/her
previous classi fication and may voluntarily transfer back to the
pre vious position at any time, or be returned to that pos ition by
t he appointing authority during the probationary per iod.
c. Employees rehired as provided under the provisions of the
Ci ty's administrative procedures with less than one (1) year of
separation from the City shall be subject to a probationary period.
The Di rector of Safety Services, with the approval of the
appointing authority, may modify or waive the probationary period .
The Police Department shall observe office and working hours
necessary for the efficient transaction of their re spective
A. Work Week
A work week is a regular recurring period of 168 hours in
the form of seven consecutive 24-hour periods. The work
week need not be the same as the calendar week. The work
week may begin on any day~f the week and any hour of the
day and need not be the sam~ for all employees.
B. Work Schedule
1. The work schedule for officers assigned to the
uniform patrol bureau, including roll call and meal
periods, shall consist of five (5) eight (8) hour
and fifteen (15) minute work d11ys; four (4) ten
(10) hour and fifteen .(15) minu'~e work days; or
other work scheduls as determined by the Director
of Safety Services.
2. The work schedule for ofticers assigned to the
investig~tion bureau or other special assignment,
i ncl '1ding meal periods, shall consist of five (5)
eight and one-half (8-1/2) hour work days, four (4)
ten (1 0 ) hour work days or other· work schedules as
dPtermined by the Director of Sa fety Services.
J. Any chang e in an officer's bid or assigned schedule
(starting time , quitting ti me, scheduled days off)
will be mad e in accordance with paragraph C except
schedule changes may be made without not i ce if the
af f ected officer agrees.
The Ci t y a g rees to rev iew with Ass ociation representativ es
i ssues and c oncerns regarding t he method and poss ibl e compensation
associated wi t h schedul e change s.
-5 -
c. changing work schedules
The work schedule may be changed by the Director of
Safety Services provided a minimum five (5) days ~dvance
notice is given. Work schedules may be changed 1.ithout
advance noti=e in the case of emergenc ies as detr,rrnined
by the Director of Safety Services. When an em~loyee's
work schedule is changed for purposes ot training,
special instruction, etc., the supervisor shall make a
reasonable effort to accomm odate the employee's interests
concerning the scheduled change.
D • ~
The need for an appropriate level of mann i ng is
recognized by the City for the purpose of efficiency nn d
safety. The Police Department will addreu this issur. in
departmental policy.
E. Meal Periods -Patrol ottig?-rJi.
Officers assigned to the un iform patrol bureau shall be
allowed a paid mer.l period of forty-five (45) minutes
each full work day. The meal period shall be authorized
and c ontrolled by the employee's supervisor. An employee
may c onduct personal business during the meal period.
Mea l Periods -Detectives
Officers assigned to the investigation bureau or othes
special assignment shall be granted a paid meal period of
thirty ( 3 O) minutes for each full work day. Employees
working a ten (10) hour work ahift shall be allowed a
paid forty-five (45) minute meal period. The meal period
shall be authorized and controlled by the emp :oyee' s
supervisor .
G. Rest Periods
Employees shall be granted a paid rest period not to
exceed fifteen (15) minutes during approximately the
first one-half of the employee's regular work day and an ·
additional fifteen (15) minutes rest break approxittately
i n the second one-half of the work day. Rest periods
shall be author i zed and controlled by the employee's
-6 -
H. Missed Meal Period -Additional comp,,nUQn
If an employee is denied a meal period as described abov e
and no alternate meal period is provided, the emplo ye e
shall be paid an additional one-half (l/2) the employee's
regular hourly wage rate for the missed meal period, I t
is understood and agreed that missed meal pe~i ods are a
non-grievable i tem under this contract,
A. Seniority appl i cable to the seniority b i d process will be
det ermined in accordance with the. total length of continuous
employment as a Police Officer with the City of Englewood. Prior
city employment in other than a Police Officer capacity will not
apply towa rd seniori ty . Probationary employees will not be
included i n the bid process .
Bidding for watches and pays Off
B. The seniority bid system will be a~plicable to personnel
assigned to the uniform patrol bureau only, and will not be
a uthorized in any other bureau or special assignment .
The uniform patrol bureau commander will develop and post a
schedule prior to e a ch year for a twelve-mon t h period.
A patrol officer in the un i form patrol bureau will bid once
each year in November for assignmen ts within four (4) three (3)
month intervals .
There will be a t otal of five (5) non-biddable positions wh i ch
shall consist of one (l) non-biddab .e position on Watch I and two
(2) non-biddable posii:ions on 1-ach ot Watches II and III. Th e
bidding proces~ will begin wi th the most senior Police Officer
bidding the pos itions of their c hoice. In the descending order of
seniority, each remaining Police Officer will have choice of the
remaining biddable pos i t ions . All specialized positions such as
motorcycle officer, crime prevention o ffice r, traffic officer, etc.
will n ot be open to bid . If the motorcycle program is
discnntinued, the motorcycle positions wil l become biddable. The
~~~~ialized assignments along with a ny no -bid posit i ons on a watch,
will be in addition to the biddabl e position on each watch.
Officers may request non -biddable positions and an attempt will be
made to accommodate them, but s uch positions will be assigned at
the discretion of the uniform patrol bureau comm ander.
-7 -
If an employee fails to submit a bid in accordance with the
bidding procedure, the employee will rel i nquish the opportunity to
bid by seniority, and will be assigned at the discretion of the
uniform patrol bureau commander.
An employee in an other assignment, who is reassigned to the
uniform patrol bureau will occupy the position vacated by the
e mp loyee they are replacing . If other positions are available, the
employee may request assignment to such positions, but may on ly be
as s igned at the discretion o f the patrol division commander . The
offic er will t hen be allowed to bid at the next bid process.
It is further understood that should a schedule change for
unforeseen emergency circumstances arise, officers may be assigned
by the uniform patrol bureau command'er from one ■hift to the other
to handle whatever emergency situatic ~ exists during the duration
of the emergency.
Effective January l, 1988 , the Department will establish a
written process for selection and ~Grvica including performance of
employees for special assignments as identified below.
The Director of Safety Services wi ll consult with the
Association regarding any fut~re changes to the selection process.
Crime Scene Investigati on
Motorcycle Officer
Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
Field Training Officer
Range Officer
Personnel Investigator
Tra ffi c Officer
Department Armorer
DARE Officer
Whenever there is lack of work , lack of funds, or un der
conditions where the City determines c ontinued work wo uld be
inefficient or nonproductive, t he appointing authority shall
designate the position s in which the layoff is to be made .
The order of layoff s hall be determined by the City Manager on
the bas i s of the quality and length of service prov ided by t he
e mployees in t he affected araas. Quality o f work will include t he
'm ployee's total e mployment record. Th i s record includes a nnual
performance evaluations, c ommendations, disciplinary a ctions,
ed ucat ion , t r aining , etc. An y employees "ho have not yet achieve d
-8 -
permanent o r regular status or who have less than eighteen (18)
months of full-time employment with the City shall be laid off
first, regardless of performance. Permanent employees who are laid
off have the right to be reemployed in their respective class, in
inverse order of layoff, provided that such recall occurs within
one (1) year of layoff , The City's obligation to reemploy an
employee shall be satisfied if it makes an offer of employment to
an employee within a classification for which the employee is
qualified . In the event the e mployee fails to accept the offered
employment, the offer will be deemed as denied and the employee's
rights with the City s~all in all respects be terminated at the
time. In the event the quality and length of service are equal,
seniority shall prevail, An employee in a higher rank if laid off
may transfer to his/her previous lower rank provided the employee
had permanent status in the lower rank. An employee so transferred
shall have the first right of refusal to the former high level
position that the employee had held, The recall list shall
terminhte after twelve (12) months,
Employees shall not continue to accrue service credit,
including seniority, or be eligible for any City benefits during
layoff, In the event of a layoff, affected employees will be given
as much advance notice as possible.
A, The salary schedule that became effective on January l,
1992 is as follows:
POLICE OFFICERS tlmITfil,i'. Afil!!.Wi
Probationary $2,400 $28,900
Police Officer III 2,639 31,668
Police Officer II 2,906 34,872
Police Officer I 3,193 38,316
B, Effective January 1, 1993 and January l, 1994, em ployees
covered by th i s contract will receive compensation developed from
the median base monthly salary for Police Officer I from the
following Denver metropolitan police departments.
Arv ada
Boulde r
Comm~rc e City
Lakewoo d
-9 -
Wheat Ridge
The methodology used in determining the median wage rate is
set forth below:
(l) The monthly straight time wage rate excluding all
other fo rm s of compensation for Pol i ce officer I from
each of the departments listed above will be arranged
from highest paid to loweat paid and the median wage rate
wi ll then be determined,
(2) Once t h e median wage rate for Police Officer I is
determined, that rate will then be used in establishing
the City of Englewood's wage rate for Police Officer I,
(3) In order to accurately determine the wage rates from ·
each of the above cited cities, wags data will be
collected by the City by November l, 1990 and 1991. All
wage data collected will be aubject to verification by
the Association by November 15, 1990 and 1991.
(4) Should a dispute arise between the city and the
Association concerning the accuracy of the wage survey
data, the dispute shall be aubject to the grievance
procedur e contained in this Contract,
Base Salary
For the purposes of determin i ng an employee's base wage, the
employee's regular straight time hourly wage rats and longevity
s hall L~ used, excluding all other forms of employee compensation.
(The above provision shall be used only for the purpose of
determining pension benefits under the City and State pension
plan.) In order to comply with Fair Labor Standards Act, longevity
will be used to determine overtime compensation and calculated at
t h e end of each year.
Merit Increase_
The wage increase provided for Police Of ficer 4th Class
through 1st Class s hall no t be con s idered automatic, but rather
based upon merito r ious service. Sa id me rit increase may be grant e d
or denied to a ny individual Police Officer upon recol!lltl endation of
the Director o f Safety Se rvices and with the approval of the City
Manager upon wr itten notice to such individual Police Offi cer . The
date in which the merit inc rease i s approved shall determine the
new merit anniversary date.
In addi tion t o an e mploy ee's monthly salary, the employee
shal l be e ligible fo~ longe vity co mpensation based upon the nu mber
-1 0 -
of years of continuous Hrvice with the City and shall be derived
from the following schedule.
Years of
serv ice AJnQilll.t or Comp ensat i on
20 or
$12 per month for $144 per year, except for those
etnployees who have not completed 6 full years of
continuous service on December l of any year, which
employees shall receive an amount equal to $12 for
each full month of completed continuous service
after completion of 5 years of continuous service
up to December l. ··
$24 per month for $288 per year, except for those
employees who have not completed ll full years of
continuous service on December l of any year, wh i ch
employees shall receive $144 plus an amount equal
of $12 for each full month of completed continuous
service after completion of 10 years of continuous
service up to December 1.
$36 per month for $432 per year, except for those
employees who have not completed 16 full years of
continuous sarvice on December l of any year, which
employee shall receive $288 plus an amount equal to
$12 for each full month of completed continuous
service after completion of 15 years of service up
to December 1.
more $4 8 per month for $5 7 6 per year , except for those
employ~es who have not completed 21 full years of
continuous service on December l of any year, which
employee s hall receive $432 plus an amount equa l to
$12 for each full month of completed continuous
service after compl etion of 20 years of continuous
service up to De c ember 1 .
A. Empl o yees covered by this Con ·:ract s~all be comp ensa t ed
at time and one-half ( l 1/2) the e mpl oy ee's r e gular
hourly rat e of pay for all ass i gned hours wo r ked ov er and
a bov e the i r regular work schedule.
B. Overtime shall not be pyramid e d , compoun ded or paid t wice
for t he s am e ho urs wor ke d .
-11 -
c. The City retains the right to assign overtime work to any
employee qualified to perform the work.
Un s c heduled Overtime
Unscheduled overtime is defined as overtime where less than
t wenty-four (2 4 ) hour s notice is given to the officer. Overtime
wil l be offered on a voluntary basis first with the most senior
of fi cers given first choice. If there are no volunteers, the least
seni or officer will be required to work the overtime; unless an
accomm odation can be made as authorlzed by the employee's
supervi sor.
This provision will be subject only to the watch going off
duty and t he watch corning on duty.
scheduled overtime
Scheduled overtime is defined as overtime where more than
twenty-four (24) hours notice is given to the offic~r who i s
assigned overtime work. Scheduled overtime will be offered on a
seniority basis first with the most senior officer given first
choice, and the least senior officer required to work the overtime .
Th i s overtime is limited to the affected watch only.
Co moensatorv Time
Employee• who have worked overtirn& hours may take time off in
lieu of overtime pay upon mutual agreement between the employee and
the employee's aupervisor. If there is no mutual agreement, the
e mpl oyee shall be paid . Compensatory time off in lieu of overti me
pay shall be taken during the pay period in which it was e~rned and
shal l be paid in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards ~ct.
A. An employee on off-duty status who is called back to duty
shal l be credited with a mi nimum of two (2) hours o f pa y
at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2 ) the e mployee's
r e gu l ar hourly wage rate .
B. An em ployee called back t o work during the fi r st t wo (2)
hours pr i or t o t h e s tart o f the i r regul a r shift s ha ll be
pa id at t h e ove r t im e rate for a ll hours actually worked
up t o the s t arting t im e of their r e gu lar s hift.
c . Should any e mpl oy e e be requi red to t e stify before a ny
court or departmental admini strative h earing as a result
of his/her official duties with the City, the time spent
by such e mployee in prov i ding such test im ony shall be
-12 -
consiciared to be work time. If such appearance for
testimony is at a time when the employee would otherwise
be off duty, the employee shall be paid as provided under
Section A above . The employee shall pay to the city all
witness fees, and ot·ner compensation paid to the employee
in conjunction with so test i fying excluding mileage fees.
An e mployee who is called for witness duty shall present
to t he i r s upervisor the original summons or subpoena from
the court or at the conclusion of such duty, shall
prov ide a signed statement from the clerk of the court,
or other evidence indicating the amount of time his/her
person was required .
D. When an employee is subpoenaed as a witness in private
litigation to testify, not in his/her official capacity
but as an individual, the time absent by reasons thereof
shall be taken as any accrued leave or leave without pay.
Employees a ssigned to standby duty shall be credited with one
(1) hour of pay at the overtime rate of pay for each twenty-four
(24) hour period, or porticm thereof, during which they are on
All acting positions will be compensated at 100% of the pay
for the position in which he/she is acting as approved by the
Director of Safety Services. The employee must be in the position
for a period of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days before said
e mploy ee becomes eligible for acting position compensation. Such
pay wi ll be retroactive to the f i rst day said employee assumes the
responsibilities of the position.
A. Th e Ci ty shall furnish, or bear the cost of un i forms,
incl udi ng l e athe r gear , insignias, shoes and cloth i ng, requ ired
while on d ut y, and s hall pay all c o s t s of maintenance, repair and
cl e aning the reof . The Ci t y s ha l l provide the ne c e s sary c l e a ning.
All e mployees a ss i gned to the invest i gation bu reau for a peri od o f
th i r t y (3 0 ) days or mo re a nd not requ ired t o be i n un i f orm d uring
wo r k , s hall re c eiv e a monthl y clothing allowa nce of $6 0 . All
employees ass ign ed t o the Police Adm in istrativ e Divi sion (e.g.,
Int ernal Affa i r s and D.A.R.E . Off i cer ~) for a period o f thirty (3 0)
days or more s hall r ece ive a mont hly c l e ani ng a l l ow a nce o f $40 .
Th e emplcyee shall be re s ponsible for all l ost or s tol en i tems
identifi e d a bove, or damag e to t he s am e, as a re s ul t of neg ligence
or delibe rate act .
-13 -
B, The City will provide on a replacement basis a high
quality bullet p1·oof vest (flack jacket). Replacement shall be
made once every five (5) years. In the event of specialized or
customized vests, the City will pay the same dollar amount for the
City issued and autJ-.orized vest with the employee paying the
differences in cost.
A, Employees hired prior to December 31, 1983, and covered by
this contract shall accumulate annual leave monthly at the
following rates.
of service
20 and above
per Month
13, 33-
14 .16
per Year
The maximum accumulation of annual leave shall be aa follows:
Length of service H2l.ln
0-9 240
1 0-19 320
2 0 and above 340
Employees hired January l, 1984, and thereafter shall
accumulate annual leave at the following rates.
of Service
0 -4
2 0 and abov e
per Month
1 0
1 3 .33
p_e1: .. :i!~
16 0
1 7 0
The maximum accumulation of annual leave shall be as f ol l ows:
Le ngth o f service l:!Q;l,;.,§
0 -4 1 9:1
~-9 240
l 0 -19 32 0
20 a nd above 360
.. l4 ..
B. Annual leave shall not be granted to any employee until
a::ter completion of twelve (12) months consecutive service with the
City unless otherwise authorized by the Director of Safety
Services. In order to qualify for annual leave credit during the
month, the employee must have worked for at least one-half (1/2) of
the working days of that month excluding authorized paid leave.
c. Annual leave shall neither be authorized nor computed for
any purpose after the maximum accumulation has been reached, The
schedule for use of annual leave ■hall be determined by the needs
:,f the department. Annual leave shall be taken et a time
convenient to end approv ed by the Director of Safety Services.
Employees shall not lose accumulated annual leave after the maximum
has been reached if the employee ha!!. requested use C)f annual leave
prior to maximum accumulation, and has been denied use of annual
Annual Leave Pay
The rate of annual leave pay shall be the employee's reg•Jlar
straight time hourly rate of pay for the employees regular job and
charged on a working hour basia, excluding regular days off.
Annual leave shall be allowed only to the total hourly amount
accumulated at the beginning of the leave, as verified by the
Director of Safety Services. Employees may receive their annual
leave pay not earlier than three (J) days prior to the start of
their annual leave, provided the employee makes a written request
to their supervisor fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the start
of the ir annual leave.
work During Ar •nual Leave
If afte:.: the employee has begun their ann:.ial. leave and the
Ci ty requires the employee to work during the achaduled annual
leave period, the employee shall be compensated as follows :
A. The employee shall be paid for all hours worked a t the
overtime rate.
B. The e mp loyee shall not be charged with vacation t im e fo r
the number of h o urs worked.
There shall be a one-week mi nimum on use of annual leave t ime,
unless otherwi se authorized by the Director of Safety Services or
his/her designa t ed representativ e .
The maximum u se of annual leave shall be no greater than the
a mount acc umulated by the e mpl oyee prior to the startiny date of
the e mployee 's annual leave request, and in r.o event F<hall the
-15 -
annual leave exceed four (4 \ consecutive week~ unless otherwise
aut horized by the Director of Safety Services .
l\,nnual Leave Pay Upo n separation
Any employee who i s separated from the service of the City,
i.e. , retirement, terrnir:at i on or layoff, shall be compensated for
the unused annual leave time accumulated at the time of separation
at the employee's regul .,r hourly wage rate. In the case of
voluntary separation, the ~mployee shall be required to give two
(2) weeks notic e to the City .
How Charged
Annual leave for employees shall be charged on a working hour
basis excluding regular days off.
Bidding for vacations
Each officer will bid one vacation, by seni,.,rity, for the
year's period, January 1 through December 31. Additional vacation
periods will be granted, on a first requested basis, only after all
seniority-bid vacations have been ceheduled.
The bidding process for vacations will take place in November
as scheduled by the uniform bureau ~onunander after completion of
all bidding for watches and days off.
V.~c ations are expected to be scheduled in good faith by each
e mploy,1c and shall specify the exact dates desired.
In the uniform patrol bureau, not more than four (4) officers
per watch will be scheduled for vacation or holiday leave at the
same time, unless approved by the Director of Safety Services.
Within the bureau , not more than two (2) o~ficars will be ~cha~uled
fol v~cation at any one time unless app ;::,ved by the Director of
Safet~ services. Vacation within the investigations and
administrati:in divisions will be scheduled ):;v their division
commander according to senior i ·;y.
A. All officers covered by this Contract shall be scr.aduled
{or ten (10 ) days off with pay at the discretion of the Director of
~af ety Services or designee. Scheduling will be dependent on tha
work load of the department. Upo n mutual agreement of the employee
and the Director of Safety Services, a maximum of five (5) holidays
v ay be cashed out for pay in lieu of time off . At the ~mployee's
option, one (1 ) hol iday shall be guaranteed t o be cashed out for
pay in lieu of time off. The r ate of pay sh~ll be at t he
employee's regu lar hourl y wag e rate .
-16 -
In th e uniform patrol bureau, not more than four (4) officers
per watch will be scheduled for vacation or holiday leave at the
same time, unl ess approved by the Dlrector of Safety Services or
designee .
Hol i days will be b id after all vacation s have been bid by
seniority with vacations taking precedent over holidays. The bid
time for holidays is the same as vacations according to bid
schedule, except that any holidays not scheduled or used by
August 1 of that year may be assigned.
If after the employee has begun their holiday and the City
requires the employee to work during the scheduled holiday period,
the employee shall be compensated a~ follows:
l. The employee shall be p a id for all hours worked at the
overtime rate.
2, The employee shall not be charged with holiday time for
the number of hours worked.
B, Officers assigned to the investigation bureau or other
special assignment shall be allowed the regularly observed City
holidays and may be allowed a floating holiday option. They may be
allowed to exchange any of the below listed holidays for any other
day in the year he/she is normally scheduled to work, Scheduling
will be made with the approval of the Director of Safety Services
or designee. Holidays which may be exchanged are the following:
Washington's Birthday
Veteran's Day
Friday after Thanksgiving
Labor Day
Memorial Day
Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve
If a holiday falls on a detective 's regularly scheduled day
off, he will be given an alternate day off.
This provision shall also apply to police officers regularly
assigned to special d uty by the Director of Safety Serv.tces.
Adm inistrative leave wi t h pay may be granted an employee at
the discretion of the Director of Safety Services or designee .
This leave is used when circumstances regui:·e in the best interests
of t he Ci t y a nd /or employee that the employee should temporarily be
reli eved from d uty .
-17 -
A, Any permanent or probationary employee who enlists or is
inducted into the military, naval, air or other armed services of
the Unit ed States in time of war shall be entitled to a leave ~f
absence without pay for the duration of such war or until honorably
discharged, whichever occurs first, and for one (1) year
B, Any e mp loyge who shall be a member of the National Guard
or any other component of t he military forces of the State, now or
hereafter organized or constituted under the State or federal law,
or who shall be a member of the reserve forces of the United
States , nor or hereafter organized _ or constituted under federal
law, shall be entitled to leave of absence from his/her employment
without loss of pay, seni ority, status, efficiency rating ,
vacation, sick leave or other benefits for all the time when he/she
is engaged with s uch organi zation or component in training or
active service ordered or authorized by proper authority pursuant
to law, whether for State or federal purposes, but not exceeding
fifteen ( 15) days in any calendar year. Such leave shall be
allowed in case the required military service is satisfactorily
performed, which shall be presumed unless the contrary is
C. such leave shall not be allowed unless the employee
returns to his/her public position immediately upon being relieved
from such military service and not later than the expi ~ation of the
time herein limited for such leave, unless he/she is prevented from
so returning by physical or mental disability or other cause not a
due to his/her own fault or is required by proper authorities to
continue in such military service beyond the time herein limited
for s ue leave.
LJ . Subject to provisi ons A, B, and C above, tho City shall
provid,, full pay i:o an e mp loyee granted military le,w e, less
whatever wages the e mployee may have received by the military for
s uch service.
E. Any e mployee who is requi red to attend a weekend reserve
d uty may request that his/her scheduled duty days be rescheduled
d uring the same pa y period during whi ch the requested weekend
falls. Th is request may be approved if such rescheduling can be
accomplished at the convenience of t he Police Divis ion. such
request must be submitted to the Director of Safety Services as far
i n advance of the requeste d we ekend as possible, but in no event
s hall i t b e s ubmi tted less t han s i x (6) weeks in advance of the
reque s ted we ekend , and t he Director of Safety Services sha ll
r es;,=nd wi t h in t wo (2 1 weeks after t h e requ est is received. Suc h
request f o r res c heduling shall not arbitrar ily be denied .
-1 8 -
The Director of Safety Services shall grant leave with pay t o
an employee to attend the funeral of a member of the employee's
fa mily. The number of days granted shall be governed by the
circumstances of the case, but in no event shall they exceed seven
(7) calendar days. For the purpose of this section, "employee's
fa mily" shall mean the employee's spouse, or the children,
grandchildren, parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters of the
e mployee or of the employee's spouse.
Leave may be granted to an empfoyee for serving on jury duty.
The em p loyee shall be e ntitled to the difference between his/her
regular compensation and the fees received for jury duty.
Permanent employees covered by this Contract may be granted a
leave of absence without pay for reasons of education which is
allied to the duties of the City, settlement of an estate, child
care, serious illness of a 11811\ber of the employee I s family, or
other good causes, but shall not be used for the purpose of
obtaining employment elsewhere. Leave without pay shall not exceed
six (6) men ' 's of any year but may be extended for good cause upon
request for .dditional periods of time. The total leave time shall
not exceed one year . Upon return from approved leave, the employee
will be restored to their former position if available or to a
pos i tion com p arable for which the employee is qualified, During
periods of unpaid leave, employees shall not continue to accrue
serv ice credit, or be e l igible for any City benefits.
bPPl ication fo r Leave
A re qu est for leav e of absence wi thout pay sha ll be submitted
in writing by the e mploy ee to t h e Di rector of Safety services. The
r e quest s h a ll i~di cate the reas on the leav e of absence is being
r e que s ted a nd t he approximate l ength of leave t i me requested .
Consideration of Leave Requ est
The Di r ector of Safe ty Se rvices may gra s '• o r d e ny l eave
r equests, taking into c on s i derat i on the de partment's wo r k f orce,
work load and t he e mp loy ee's r equ est.
-19 -
failure to Return
If an employee fails to return by the date of leave
expiration, the employee shall be cons i dered to have voluntarily
res igned from the service of the City, unless the appo i nting
authority determines that unusual circumstances exist.
Beginning January l, 1986 , all employees covered by this
Contract on an eight (BJ hour work day shall be granted 48 personal
leave hours wi th pay and those on a ten (10) hour work day shall be
granted 50 personal leave hours with pay which an employee is
entitled to use for the following purposes:
A. Time lost as a result of illness/injury to the employee
or the e mp loyee's i mm ediate family,
B. Attend personal business,
c. Leisure time.
For any employee who has not used the 48 or 50 personal leave
hours ending November 30 of each year or any portion thereof, the
City 1,ill compensate said employee for the unused time at the
employee's wage rate to be paid during the :month of December of
that year. Personal leave time shall not exceed the 48 or so hours
as designated above nor shall it be acc umulated or carried over
from one year to the next. Personal leave shall be scheduled and
administered under the d i rection of the DirectoL' of Safety Services
for personal bus i ness and leisure time. In the event of
illness/injury in which personal leave is requested, the employee
shall ~otify their s upervisor or other person designated by the
super.v isor at least one ( 1) hour prior to the ir scheduled reporting
Defi n ition
Tempo r ary disability is leave granted for non-service
c onnected injury or illness of an em p loyee which dis a bility
prevents the employee from performing his/her duties as a City
e mp _oy e".,
Provis i on
January l , 1984, the City agrees t o provide t,mporary
c::isa::ility leave with pay for employees absent a,: a res ·ilt of
-2 0 -
illness/injury at the rate o f 10 0% of the employee's regular wage
up to 120 calendar days o f disability.
Temporary disability leave shall not be accumulative ex c ept
that on January 1 of each year t he CJ.ty shall re s tore 100\ of the
numb e r of days used by an employae d·.1ring the preceding year up to
a maximum of 60 d ays .
For the employees hired after January 1, 1984, and thereafter,
and covered by the terms of this Contract, the City agrees to
provide said empl oyees temporary disability leave with pay for
employees absent as a result of illness/injury as follows:
0-4 years
5-9 years
10+ years
60 days
9 0 days
120 days
For employees hired January 1, 1984, and thereafter, t e mporary
disability leave shall not be accumulative except that on January l
of each year, the City shall restore 100% of the number of days
used by an employee during the preceding yea~· as f o llows:
0-4 years up t o a maximum o f 30 days
5-9 years up to a maximum o f 45 days
10+ years up to a maximum of 60 day,;
A. n.1thorization for temporary disability leave with puy
sha ll only be granted after the first day o f disability .
B. Authorization for temporary disability shall c-nly be
granted for the followir,g reasons:
1. Personal ~llness or injury not service connected,
including maternity .
Sick Leave option
All sick leave accrued by permanent employees prior to
January 1, 1980 shall vest with the employee, and may be used in
the following manner:
A. After the 120 days as described above have been used
unless the employee is entitled for retirement as a result of
B. By cashing in all accrued sick leave accumul ated unde r
the previous plan upon no rmal or disability retirement from
the City at t he rate o f or e hour s pay f o r each two ho urs of
accrued sick leave or one hours pay for each four hours upon
separation fr om the City .
-2 1 -
C. By cashing in accrued sick leave under the previous plan,
once each year at the conversion rate ot tour (4) hours sick
leave for one (1) hour pay, not to exc~ed a conversion of more
than 400 hours each year.
Reporting of Ternporary Disabiliiv
The employee or a member of the employee's household shall
notify the employee's supervisor at least 30 minutes prior to the
employee's scheduled reporting time. No temporary disability leav"
will be granted to an employee who fails to notify their supervisor
prior to the beg inning of the employee's work schedule unless
circumstances beyond the control of the employee would not permit.
verification of Disability
If the Director of Safety Services requires a physician's
statement of disability, the City shall bear the cost of such
physician's statement.
Abuse o f Temporary Disability
Abuse of temporary disability occurs when an employee
misrepresents the actual reason for request i ng temporary disability
or when an employee uses temporary disability leave for
unauthorized purposes. An e mp loyee wh o makes a false claim for
temporary disability leave shall be subject to disciplinary action.
A, For any on-the-job injury which causes any ~mployee to be
absent from work as a result of such injury, the City shall pay to
such employee his/her full wages from the first day of his/her
absence fr om work up to and including the 90th calendar day of such
absence, less whatever sums received by the employee as disability
wages under workmen's compensation. After exhaustion of th-. .iinety
(90) days if the employee is still disabled, he/she can utilize
leave under the provisions of Article 25, Th e City reserves the
right to require any employee on injury or disability leave to
s ubmit to an examl.nation(s) by City·•appointed physician(s) at the
City's expense or under the provision of workmen 's compens a tion or
t he ret i rement/pens i on provisions as prov ided under State Statute.
B. All injuries that occur during working hours shall be
re por•:e d to t he e mployee's superv isor within 24 hours of the inj ury
or before t he e mp loyee leave s their department of employment unless
c ircumstances b~yond the contra~ of the e mployee would not permit.
-22 -
Te rm life insurance will be provi ded by the City for employees
cov ered by t hi s Contra r.t of $30,000 for each e mp loyee . The City
shall continue to make its best effort , subject to acceptance by
the insurance compa ny, to maintain a conversion privilege upon
retirement of 100 \ coverage payable by the employee.
A, During the term of this contract, the City will pay
e i ghty-five percent (85\) of the premium cost for dependent and
s:.ngle covsrage for dental insurance and employees will pay fifteen
p i rcent (15\) of the premium cost for dependent and aingle coverage
for dental insurance.
B. The City agrees to continue to provide each employee
covered by this Contract the same. level of dental benefits as
provided to them as of January l, 1980, except the City shall
improve said benefit• ac~ording to industry atandards each year and
for the duration of this contract.
The City will review orthodontics coverage to determine
whether the levels of coverage can be increased taking into account
the premium l~vels for all employees and the group of employees
that desire such increased coverages. In addition, the City will
review opportunities to provi de orthodontic "riders" at an
additional premium cost for employees who participate in such
additional coverage.
c . Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application
of benefits under the Dental Plan shall be subject to the dispute
resolution procedure only. (It is expressly understood that this
Article is a non-grievable item under this Contract.)
D. In order to promote a better understanding of the City 's
procedure for resolving employee disputes concerning tt,e
interpretation and application of the City's heal th and dental
insurance program, the following procedures shall be utilized in
those instances wh ere an employee feels that their health or dental
insurance claim has not been processed or paid in a manner
c onsisten t with the City's insurance plan.
1. If an employees feels that his/her heal·:h or dental
claim has been incorrectly paid or denied, the employee
shall fir st contact and inform t he City's Benefit
Coordinator in the Employee Relations Department a t Ci ',y ,
2 . If the disputed claim cannot be reso:i., ,d by the
-23 -
Benefits Co o rclinator, the ch.im will be resubmitted to A
the insura n~e administrator for further review and W
3. If the claim cannot bt> resolved to the 11atisfaction
of the employee by the insurance administrator, the cl.aim
will be forwarded with all pertinent information to the
City's insurance consultant for further review and
i nvestigation and who shall attempt to resolve the
dispute through information ~nd ~~diation.
4. The written decision of City' v il\surance consultant
concerning claim disputes invnlv:lng out-of-pocket
expenses to the employee c;,f $50 or l ;,ss shall be final.
Claim disputes involving out-of-pocKet expenses to the
employee of more than $50 unless resolved by City•s
insuran ce consu ltant to the satisfaction of the employee
shall be forwarded to the Coloradn Foundation for Medical
Care for a complete review of t.ne pertine1:t facts giving
rise to the dispute and shall submit ' · the city a
written decision which shall be final. .'ne cost for
employing the Colorado Foundation for ~~di~al care shall
be paid for by the City.
A , During the term of this contract, the City will pay
eighty-five percent (851) per month for the premium cost for
dependent and single coverage and the employees will pay fifteen
percent ( 1 5 %) of monthly premium cos t for de;,endent and single
coverage in any of the health plans offered by the City.
B. The City agrees to continue to provide to each employee
covered by this Contract thr; same level of health benefits as
prov ided to them as of January 1, 1980, except the City shall
im prov e said benef its accordi~g to industry standards each year and
f or the duration of this Cont~act .
c. Any disput-~ co ncerning the interpretation or appli ·,.tion
o f benefits provi ded under the Health Insurance Plan shall be
s ubject to t he dispute resol ution procedure only. (It is expressly
understood t.,,.::':: t hi s articl e is a non-grievable item under this
Co n t r a c t.)
D. In o rde r to p romote a better understand i ng o f the Ci t y 's
p roc e dur e f or res o l ving e mplo yee d i sputes concern i ng t he
interp r e t a tion and app l i ca tion o f the City's health a nd de nta l
i n s u ra nc e p r ogra m, t h e f o l l owi ng p r ncedu re s sha l l be u til i zed i n
t ho se i nstanc e s where an employee feel s t hat t h e i r h e a lth o r dent al
ins u ra nce claim has not b een processed or paid i n a ma nner
consistent with the City's insura:nca plan .
l, If an employee feels that his/her health or dental
claim has bean i ncorrectly paid or denied, the employee
shall first contact and inform the City's Benefit
Coordinator in the Employee Relations Department at City
2 . If the <lisputed claim cannot be resolved by the
Benefits Coordinator, the claim w:11 be resubmitted to
the insuranca administrator for further review and
3. If the claim cannot b.e resolved to the s <1'1:isfaction
of the employee by ',;he insurance administratc:c, the claim
will be forwarded with all pertinent information to the
City's insurance consultant for further review and
investigation and who shall attempt to resolve the
dispute through informati~n and mediation .
4. Tl-.e written decision of City's insurance consultant
concerning claim disputes involving out-of-pocket
expenses to the employee of $50 or less shall be final.
Claim disputes involving out-of-pocket expenses to the
employee of more than $50 unless resolved by the City's
insurance consultant to the satisfaction of the employee
shall be forwarded to the Colorado Foundation for Medical
Care for a complete review of the pertinent. facts giving
rise to the dispute and shall aubmit to the City a
written deci ■ic,n which shall be final. The cost for
employing the cc,lorado Foundation for Medical Care shall
be paid for by the City.
A, Retirement benefits shall be provided for as stipulated
under state statute, In addition, the City shall continue to
provide t~a same level of benef its as provided for in the Englewood
Municipal :::r.:le ,
B, E.mployee contributions will not be increased above the 5%
to employees hired prior to April 8, 1978 and 8% for employee s
hired after Apri l 8 , 1978 contr ibution levels unless requii:·~d by
s t ate statute.
c . It is understood and agreed by b o t h pl'-rt l.es that any
referral to heal th insurance for retiree& or :,.,:,\!T< ·. ,,tirees is not
t o b e construc.d as a part of this Co n,.Y~,.-. ·r:,,, City agrees
outside th is contract that it will contim.,' .• :iw retirees and
future retirees a conversion privil e g.a t ,. •,e 1th i nsu rance
-25 -
convers ion plan available through the Ci ty. The City alee agrees
to pay sot of the cost of coverage of the conversion plan or other
plan selected by the retiree up to maximum of $75.00 par mont . In
recognition of the citywide growing concern regarding health
i nsurance for future retirees, t he City agrees to organize a
committee to evaluate costs, ber,e fit level and premium payme nt
schedules a pplicable to retirees. This committee s h all be comp osed
of a representttive group of employceJ a u determined by the city
and shall have as members no fewer t.han one (l) member
elected/appointbd by the Englewood Police 11,,ne!it Association. The
above-mention ed commi ttee shall commence operation no later than
January 1, 1993.
Except as limit£d by the express terms of thie Contract, the
City retains the right to promulgate reasonable rules, regulations,
po licies, procedures and directives. Said rules, regulations,
policies, and procedures and directives which are an alleged
violation of this Contract shall be subject to the grievance
procedure .
Upon recommendation of the Director of Safety services and
after prior approval of the Employee Relations director, the City
of Englewood shall reirnburae a permanent, full-time polic~ officer
upon successful completion of an approved course or ccurses in
education or vocational training at the public institution rate.
Th e course or training must be completed at an accredited college
or univ ersity, mu st be relat~d to the work, be designed to improve
competence in the job , and be of value to the police officer's
servi ce to t '1e City. Thi s shal l include all tuition, and required
texts .
A. Th e City aq:ees to deduct t he Association dues once each
pay pe riod from t he pay of those employees who individually request
in wr iting that such deductions be ma de, subject t o the garnishment
laws of the State of Colorado. The amo unt s to be deducted shall be
certified to t he City r :nance Director by the Treasurer of the
Associ atio:,, a nd the aggregate deductions of all emp loyees shall be
remi t t ed togecher with a n itemized statement to the Treasurer by
the 15 th o f t he ucceeding mont h, a f ter such deduc tions a r e made.
The authorization shall be revocable during the term of t he
Cont r act , up on a t hirty (30) day written notice by the employee to
t he City fina,ce Director .
B. If no wage s are paid an authorized e mployee on t he last
-26 -
pay period of a given pay period, deduction for tha ~ pay pe iod
will be made from any wages which may be paid to him/her on the
next succeeding final mont hly City pay period. It b expressly
understood that the city assumes no liability and shall not be
liable for the collection or payment to the Association of any dues
during any t im e that an employee is not actually working for the
city and actually on the payroll of the city. In the event of
error on the checkoff list, the City will not be responsible to
make adjustments, until notified by the Treasurer of the
As sc,ciation.
C. The Association •hall indemnify and hold the City
harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders, or judgments
brou ght or issued against the City as a result of any action taken
or not taken by the city under the provision of this Article.
D. Changes in the due a · amount to be deducted shall be
limited to two (2) changes each year, and provided a thirty (.1 0 )
day written notice is provided the £ity Finance Director.
E. Should the change in the deduction amount or mt:thod
require a computer programming change, the Association shall be
responsible for that cost of such change or changes, at $30 per
hour with a four (4) hours maximum. Payment from the Association
shall be made to the City Finance Director within ten (10) days of
receipt of billing.
The City agrees that during work i ng hours on the City premises
an~ without loss of pay, Association representatives may be allowed
t:Q: attend Association-management meetings; attend negotiation
sessions: post Association notices on City designated bulletin
boards; solicit Association memberships during employee's non-work
time; and represent e mp loye~s on grievances and disciplinary
matters provided the work :i.oad permits as determined by the
Director of Safety Services or designated r epresentative and
requ ires no overtime pay.
A. oral corrective Action -Whenever grounds for corrective
action exists and the supervisor determ i nes that the incident,
act i on or behavior of the employee is such that more severe action
is not immedia tely necessary, the supervisor should orally
c om mun i cate to the employee the supervisor's observation of the
problem and offer ass i stance in correcting the s ituation . When an
oral corrective action is given , the supervisor should ensure that
t he e mployee 's departmental personnel file is documented to show
-27 -
the d a te o f the corrective act i on a nd the nature of the corr, .. ctive
act ion . Th e employee should be advised that the corrective a c tion
wi ll be documen t ed i n the employee's departm ent al file. Ex mple s
of reasons that may res ult i n an oral correct ive a c t i on a re listed
under Englewood Mun ici pal C~l e, Sect i on 3-lM-4.
B. wr itten Corrective Action When the supervi sor
determin es that a written corrective act i on is appropr i ate and
necessary, the corr ective action shall be ad dressed to the em ployee
and s hall inc:l ud • the v iolation; the speci fic behavior and the
dates o f thA . f;hav ior (w h en appropriate) that support the charge;
the warn!.ng '· '-· c ontinuance of this behav i or will result in
disciplinat y a c"i on ; and an offer of assistance in correcting the
A signed copy of the corrective a c tion by the s upervisor shall
b e included in the employee'■ official personnel file in t he
Employee ~elations Office, and the employee shall have the
opportu nity to submit written comments in re~ponse to the
correct ive action to be included in the fil e . After a period of
one (1) year from the date of the filing of tne written corre cti ve
action, the employee's current and regular sup ervisor shal l rev i e w
said letter and provide a follow-up letter indicating the stat~s o f
the written corrective action . Examples 01• reasons that may result
in a written corrective action are listed u11der Englewood Munic i pal
Code , sectio,, 3-lM-4 .
c . The employee retains the right to request an
administrative r .iview of the written corrective action. The
Di rector o f Safety Services s h all develop this administra tive
review procedure which shall at a minimum consist of a board with
equal representation of coll\Inand staff to be selected by the
Director of Safety Services, and Associa tion ir,-embers to be selected
by t h e e mployee. This board shall be advisory to the Director of
Safety Servi ces, a nd its f i ndings shall be placed in the employee's
pers onnel f i le . Th i s Article shall not be grievable under this
Cont ract. I f t h.is procedure .i.s not observed , at the request of t h e,
l\ssoc i ation a n e et i.n g may be held betweer the Department , the City
Manage r's o ffi ce a 1:-:! t he Asso ciati on to address this issue .
Disci p l i na ry a ctions a re those personnel actions admini ste~~d
aga i ns t a n e mp l oy e e for an offensive act or poor :'.ob performance,
which acti ons a dvers ely affect the c urrent pay, current s t atus, or
t enure of t he employee .
1, Oisci pl inary act L >n pena l ties includ e suspension,
demotion , and d i s cha r ge of an e mploy2e .
-28 -e
2 , Disciplinary action m!I}' be adm iniste red c o1 ,:urrently with
corrective actions.
3, Reasono for disciplinat y a ction are de fined un d er 3-lM-•
of the .!1u nicipal Code .
An e mploy ee shall be allowed at his/her dis~retion one (1)
~ssociation representative to be present during predisciplinary
meeting s, This provisi ,, shall apply only when an em ployee desires
the assistance of an ~ ·, ci ciation r..,;-,-r esentative and only when the
e mpl oyee believ es t hat , .is ciplina ry action as defined above may be
t aken against the e mp lc,y ee .
A grievance is defined as an alleged violati on concerning the
interpretation or application of a r,pecific provision o f this
Co n tract. The employee and the Association shall be required to
follow the procedure as set out below.
If the emp l oyee/Association is unable to settle the grievance
or. dispute or.ally and informally through his/her immediate
s upervisor wi thin seven (7) calendar days c•f the date of the
occurrence o f the grievance, or the employee's knowledge of it, the
e mployee ma y within the succeeding seven (7) ,:alendar days file a
written gri evance with his/her supervisor. ~he supervisor shall
attemp t to resolve the matter and shall respond in writing to the
e mploy ee wi t hin seven (7) calendar days. An Association or general
grievance shall be presented directly by the President of EPBA or
his designee to the Director of Safety Services.
If the griev ance s till rema ins unresolv ed, it shall be
presented by t h e employee to t he i vision Chief in writing within
seven ( 7 ) calendar days following receipt of the supervisor's
~esponse , The Division Chief s ha l respond in writing within seven
(7 ) calen~ar da ys.
Stec 3
If the grievance still remains unresolved, it shall be
presented by the em~loye e to the Di rector of Safety Services in
writing wi thin seven (7) calendar days followin g receipt of the
Division Chief's res ponse. Th e Director o f Safety Services shall
res pond in writ ing wi th in seven (7) calendar da y s .
-29 -
If t he grievance still rem ains unresolved, it s ha ll be
presented by t he employee to the City Manager in writing with i n
seven (7) calendar d eys following receipt of the Director of Safety
Services' response. The City Manager or his/her designated
representative shall respond in wri~.ing within fourteen (14)
calenci a r days.
If the grievance is still unresolved, the employee within
fourteen (14) calendar days after the reply of the City Manager of
his/her designated representative, may by written notice request
t.he matter be heard by the Beard of· Career Service CollUll issioners.
'l'he Boa rd of Ca rP-er Service Commissioners or its designated hear ing
officer shall be requested to issue a decis i on within thirty (30)
days after conclusion of testiir,ony and e-rgument. Eac:h party shall
be responsible for compensation to i ts own representatives and
wi tnesse s. If e ither party desires a verbatim record of the
proceedings, i t may cause such a record to be made, provided it
pays for the record and makes ~opies available without charge to
the other party and to the Board of Career Service Commissioners or
its designated hearing officer. Failure by an employee or the
Association t .o coropl l' with any time limitation ■hall constitute a
settlement of the gri,avance. Should the employer not respond
within the prescribed time, tho grievance will automatically
proceed to the next step. At the employee's option, the employer
may be allowed add i tional time to respond.
Autho-;·ity of Board of career service commissioners
Th e Board of career se2~ice Commissioners or its designated
officer shall hav e no power co add to or subtract from or change
the tenns of this Contract. The written decision of the Board or
its des i gnated hearing officer shall be final and binding upon the
parties. Th e Board or its designated hearing officer shall l imit
its decision strictly to the grievance submitted wh.i.ch has been
properly processed through the grievance procedure outlined .
Process ing Grievance puring Working Hours
Griev ances may be investigated a nd processed by the employee
a nd o ne (l ) on-duty a ssociation representativ e at the employee 's
request du ring working ho urs within re a ·son a ble time limits without
l oss of pay provid ed notice is given and the work load permits .
The City and thP. Association agree that the terns and
provisions herein c ontDined constitute t~e entire Contract between
the parties and supersede all previous commun ications,
representatives or agreements, either verbal or written, between
the parties witl, respect to the subject matter herein. The City
and the Association agree that all negot iable i -:ems have been
discussed duri•1g the negotiations leading to this Contract and,
therefore, ag:ee that negotiati ons will not be reopened on any item
dur i ng the life of this Contract except by mutual agreement of the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have cauaed this Contract to
be signed by their respective representatives, and their signatures
placed thereon, on this day of _________ , 1992, at
Englewood, Colorado. --
City Clerk
City Manager
-Jl -
December 21, 1992
Agenda ltem
11 j
Subject 1993 Compensation
Plan for EPBA
INITIATED BY Department of Administrative Services
STAFF SOURCE Randie Barthlome, Director of Administrative Services
Staff seeks Council support of a resolution approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement
and authorizing the Mayor to sign the Collective Bargaining Contract between the
Englewood Police Benefit Association and the City of Englewood .
The previous Collective Bargaining Contract with the Englewood Police Benefit Association
was approved in 1990 and was effective for the time p~riod between January 1, 1991
through December 31 , 1992.
The City of Englewood and the Englewood Police Benefit Association entered into
negotiations in May, 1992 in acco rdance with the City of Englewood Charter. The tentative
agreement represents a good-faith effort of both parties to negotiate a collective bargaining
agreement. The members of the Englewood Police Benefit Associati on duly ratified, by a
ma jo rity of the members, the tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement.
There are no significant changes to the contract. Some changes were made to language for
clarification purposes and the City did agree to review with the association the retirement
med ical benefits . The medi an pay formula remained the sa me as in the previous contract.
The attached contract outlines the proposed compensation schedules, overtime
compensation, personal leave, holidays and sett lem ent of disputes. The fina ncial im pact is
not presenUy assessable for compensation in that the median formula is bei ng vse d and all
survey cities have not yet set their rates .