HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 Resolution No. 028RESCLUTIOI NO. Ji SERIES CF 1991 A RESOWfIOI E.STABLISIIING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE KEEP AMUUCA cn+!ISSictl OF ENGLEKXlD, COI.aWlO; WHEREI\S, the Englewood City Council passed Ordinance No. 50, Series of 1990, which established the Kr ~ J\nerica Beautiful carmission with a neti:>ership of fifteen (15 1 ser s; and NCM , THEREFCflE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CXXJOC IL CF THE CITY CF ENGLENXlD , COLORZ\00, THAT: Section 1. The Englewood City Council hereby appoints the following rreitiers to serve on the J<eep J\neri ca cannission, whose terms shall be as designated: Terms to expire llecemler 10, 1992: l. Mr. 'Iliad Carson 2. Mrs . Ruth Cole 3. Mr. Gerald Greenwald 4. Mr. Charles Grines 5. Ms. Helen Rief 6. Mr. cardell Webster 7. Mr. Doug Wertz Terms >..:, expire llecemler 10, 1994 : l . Ms. Deborah Alexander 2 • Ms. Rhonda Davis 3. Ms. Susan Fouts 4. Mrs. Clare Harris 5. Mr. Richard Hartman -Olainnan 6. Mr. Ken Hoagland 7. Ms. Beatrice Kitchen 8. Mr. Lee Means -Vice-O!ai.nnan l\lJCPI'ro AND APPIOVID this Att"ft: t --t'I G f fl,~,/~ w /4 ,.(L-{.,(, "Patricia H. CrCM, City Clerk r, Patricia H. Crc,,,, City Clerk for the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify the above is a true o::,py of Resolutioo No • .J.d'.., Series of 1991. ----, Patricia H. Cra., DATE April 1, 1991 INITIATED BY STAFF SOURCE ISSUE/ACTION PROPOSED COUNCIL COIOCUHICA'.r!ON AGENDA IrEM 11 • SUBJECT commun ity Development Department Ap i ntmant of the Keep l\mer1ca Beautiful (Kl\B) Conwn1u1on. Richard s. Wanuah, Director ot Corrrnunity Development Dana c. Gl ,,:r.ier, Wa ■t• Management/JC.AB Coord inator lt: is propos ed t hat City Council app:,int the following peraons, with the da ■ignated length of term, to the XAB Commi ssion: Term Expirat i o n: December 10, 1992 December 10 , 1994 Sugge ■ted Appointee Hr . Thad Carson Hre . Ruth Cole Hr. Gerald Greenwald Hr . Charle ■ Grime ■ Ha. Helen Rief Hr . Cardell Webster Hr. Doug Wert:r. He . Deborah Alexander Ha. Rhonda Dav is Ha. Susan Fouts Hrs. Cl are H arr i ■ Hr . Ri chard Hartman Hr. Ken Hoagland Ha . Beatrice Ki tchen Hr. Loe Haan a Additionally, it is also proposed that Counc:ilmember Rita Hathaway be appointed to the KAB Commiss ion as an Adv isor between Cit y Counc il and the XAB Comm i s sion wi th non-voti ng status. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION C1.ty Council approved Ordi n ance 1'5 0 , 1990 , which created the KAB Commission llnd establ lshed the l ength o f te rm !o r ea ch member. nur AIIALYSU The KAB coordinator ha ■ consulted ■everal member ■ of City Council and City ■taff about the propo ■ed member ■ of the JtAB Convni ■aio n, and we feel etrongly that th••• candidates are committed to the goale of KAB, and the City. Additionally, the Xl,B Coordinator haa met wit h the candidate ■ on both an individual ba ■i• and a ■ a group, a n d feel ■ c om fortable with the mix and corrrnitment of all fifteen member•. 1't the fl.rat m£:;,tlng of the XAB Corrvniaaion, it wa ■ propo ■ed t.hat the r ,8 Coordinat or a ■k for volunteer• to ■erva •• Chair and Vice-Chair of the Corrrnl ■aior . The XAB coord i n ator wo uld t hen interv iew each volunteer and in t urn propose the b e at cand idat e f or each positio n t o Ci t y Co uncil . All candidates agreed that thi ■ wa ■ t h ~ bes t and mo at efficient manner t..) expedite the proce ■a of getting the MB Cotfflliaaion e ■t abl i ■hed. Therefo re, it i s also proposed that Mr . Ri chard Hartman and Hr. Lee Hean ■ b e appo int e d Chair and Vice-chair, respectively, to the KAB Commission. a . was also a.greed t h at in March o f 1992, tha KAB commia ■ion would ■ele c t it ■ Chair a n d Vice-Ch a i r a s d i rected in Ci t y council Ordinanc e #50 . BACKGROUND See "Previou s Council Act ion". FINANCI AL No impact.