HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 Resolution No. 041RESOLUI'ICN NO. ../ I SIBIES CF 1991 - A RESCLm'ICN ADOPTING A GENmAL REVENUE POLICY FOO THE CITY CF ENGI.J:NJOO, ~, it is a specific responsibility of the Engle-.ood City Council to detennine the quantity and type of revenue the City shall oollect; a nd WIW.<FJ\S, the City Council desires to establish SCITe general lX)licies pertaining to City revenues; and WHERF.AS, a camti.ttee of Council has deliberated possible revenue policies and certain policies have been prq:,osed; IOI. Tl!EREFl'.llE. BE IT RESOLVFl> BY THE CITY cn.JNCIL CF nm Cl'l'Y OF f;lG.EH:x:0 • CQLCru\00 • AS FCJLLaoiS: Section 1. THE CITY CF E2G.El'iCXJJ HEREBY AllCPl'S THE FOLI.OllOO: GJ'l,IEl1AL Pi.VENUE POLICIES: The City of Ehgl.....aocl desires to provide, at a min.inun, the essential services of public safety, adequate i:nysiCll.l infrastructure, and library services. To that end, the City will estimate and oollect adequate revenue for the City's general fund and various other funds through taxes , user fees and other appropriate charges that are broadly based, f airly adninistered, aggressively enforced and econanically feasfrle to oollect. The City will aggressively seek grants, intergovenunental agreerents, adverti sing incare , public/private partnerships and sources of volunteer tine or funding that will reduce the need for funding fran the City 's n-ore rout ine revenues . The City will attent>t, ..tierever possible, to reduce the need for City revenue and funding by pu:rchasing services fran the private sector when it can."10t be sho.m that the City can provide the service for less cost. The City Manager will, in each departnent and division, constantly seek ano evaluate alternative rre ans of providing City servi ces for tl .e e ;\))·ress purpose of minimizing the cost of providing service to o..rr ci ~ ~ ; 'Pn!l . The City will aggressively pursue the highest possible accounting standards when estimating, collecting , disbursing and monitoring tl1e funds o f the City . The City recognizes the dependence of t he School Di s tricts a, prcperty ta,ces and will not approve any c xe,rption o r t,,ke any action that ..::iuld reduce School Di s tricts revenue without cons ulting with and seeking the concurrence of the School Dis tr icta . The City of Engle',K100 will define user fees as any fee assessed to an individual or group for a specific service by a governnent agency. Persons who choose not to use the service are not users, and will not be assessed the fee . The City will not collect fWlds in oxcess of foreseeabl e needs, nor retain a general fund balance in excess of a,e third of the current general fund expenditure budget. LEVELS OI? SERVICE: City Council defines Essential City Services according to the follc,,,ing priorities, and directs that f unding and r esources be applied ac:x:ording to these rankings, to provide the highest level of service at the la.est possible cost. Priority l: Public Safety water and Sewer Priority 2: Infrastructure/F.conanic Develcprent Priority J: """1cipal Court Priority 4 : Quality of Life, parks, recreation, culture and Library. Pric ·ity 5: Adninistration and Legislation POLICY STATll!ENI': The foregoing Revenue Policy is a stal:erent by the City of Englewood and is rot in and of itself legislation. All ta>ces, user fees and negotiated contracts shall be in full COTpliance with the U.S. Constitution, the Constitution of the State of Colorado, the U. s. COde, the statutes of the State of Colorado where applicable, the Charter of the City of l:))glewood and all applic abl e court clecisi.ons . In and of itself this policy statement is not intended t u ~ an adq:ltion of a t ax , fee , user charge , or contract. This Policy stdtes the City's desired course when dealing with matters of financial i.npact in the City . l section 2. FVIURE POLICY srATJ:lllENI'S: It is the intent of Council that the General luevenue Policies may be supplerrented on a regular basis and that the developnent of a revenue policy for the City of Engle.ood will be an ongoing process that will be refined in the caning n,:,nths. ADCi'TED AND APPROVED as ..rended this 6th day of May, 1991. ~-4-susaiivan D'j~r I, Loocrishia A. Ellis, Deputy City Clerk for the City of Englewood, COloracb, hereby certify the above is a true copy of Resolution l<O. ±L, Series of 1991. ~ • ~nrk-El~/14 -3 -