HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 Resolution No. 045RESOLlIT ICl'l llO . 15 SERI ES OF 1991 SPONSORED BY COUllCIL ~8 ·l&R Vl\.'I D'il<E A RESOLlITio:l SUPPORTING TriE l));ITID srATES CO.'IF8E!lCE: OF M~'iORS WHICH I\P PLAUD S cmGRESSia,iAJ, ACT ION O:-l MO1IT.<G 'ro-;;>.ROS _>;.;mD!-.Elil' OF T"r!E CI.FAN AlR ACT . i·~r!ERE."5 , the United St.ates Conference of Viayor s enact ed a =iprehensive Clean Air Resolution at its Annual :ieeting ; and l·:HERE."5 , it i s essential cities and states shall not relax any air quality benefits achieved prior to t.>ie enactrrent of Clean Air Act i\lrenarents and that they be permitted flexibility in inplerrentation of effective ~l!s ures; and ~ll!E!c:AS, r.easures have been aocpted by scrre cities and states to ensure ca;pliance with the intent and p=ovisions of the Clean Air J\ct and c ities believe that Clean Air Anenanents befoL·e Congress should respect the existing authority of local govern..ents to make land use decisions and should not in any way infringe upon that authority; and I~, outer cont!..nental shelf facilities and related F,upport activities are significant sources of air pollution which contribute to exceedences of the national and state ani:lient air quality £i:.andards in sare coastal areas, especially in California, 12 a ii NO-I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY a:xJNCIL OF THE CITY OF D!GLEN'.lOO, OOLCIWlO, Tl!.llT ENGLENJOO SUPPORTS THE UNITED STATES C00FERENCE CF Mh'iORS REAFFIRMING ITS CQ-IPREHENSIVE a.EAN AIR RESOUII'ICN, AND URGES THE CClGE35 TO CCMPIEl'E ACTICN CN, A.>m THE PRESIDENI' TO SIQI CLE.llN AIR l\MEMMENl'S THIS YEAR. BE IT ruRTHER RESOLVED that the United States Conference of !'.ayers st,pports provisions ,,hich allaw cities, states and air pollution districts wi th the approval o f the EPA Muinistrator to substitute an alternative control r.easure(s) for an existing control rreasure(s) if the alternative contr o l :-ea sur, will pr c vice a degree of emissions control that i s equal to or g:-eater than t.>ie degree o: emiss ions control that the f ull inplerrentation of the existing contro l rreasure (s ) would provide; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such provisions would require that the alternative cor,trol reac;ure(s) •..,·il l provide such degree of emiss ions control as expeditiously as sould t.>ie :ull i.nplerrentat ion of the exist ing control rreasure(s); and BE IT FURCHEH RESOLIIID that the ~dl,ries ,-,f areas with serious, severe and e"tr""" pollu·:ion problems be defined to include the entire Metropolitan Statistical !\rea .:,r Conso l i dated :-letropolitan Statistical Area (as the case :nay be ) ; a"ld SE IT F1BTHER ?ESOL\IEJ t.'lat St3:es !)~ required to work close l y wit.'l ci ties Lri the develQ?~n: c:1.nd ir;.>le-ent atlion cf state i~le-:entatio n pla:1(s) I SI?); anc o:. IT Fl.JRTI{rn, ?.ESOLV'ED t.~a t :.he st o:e trar:sportati on i.nprcve:ne nt plan f'i'I?) t aken as a whole ~ rev ie-.~-ed 1:1 orC.er to determine conformitv wi th the s:ate i'"l)l e,entation plan (SIP) ~er ai r qu a lity; and • BE IT FURTHER RESOLV!:D that the Un ited States Conference of Mayor s urges that nothing in the Clean !Ur Anenanents will constitute an infringerrent on the e.xisting authority o f cities to ?l ~ er control land use, and not.~ing L11 :.~e .~rrenttrents will provide or tr~.ns:er aut.l-\ority over such land use; an d BE IT !'l.TRTHER R£SOLV!'D t.'iat tailpi;,e stancards for cars an d light-duty U'Ucks s.>iou ld be tightened again after the year 2000 (tier II), when e.'lvironnentally necessary; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLV!:D that ~:ayers s upport the stronger useful life :-e<!filre:rent s for cars and light duty -U'IJCks under c.iscussion in Congress; and BE IT ruRTHER RESOLVED that california be permitted to set standards for California Clean-fueled vehicles that are nore stringent than the feder;,l standards; •nd SE IT FURTHE:R RESOLV!'D that the establisllrent of cold start standl.rds be required, with 10 grams per mile at 20 degrees Fahrenheit taking effect ~ soon as possible but no later than 19 94; and SE IT FURTHm F.ESOLV!'D that a strong clean burning fuels program, which establishes emissions liJ\,itaticns, re adopted to reduce ozone, carbon ronoxide, and toxic air pollution in the nation's cities, and that any non attainn'ent areas for ozone , carbon r.onoxide or particulates should be able to opt L~to any clean burning fuels program established, and that clean diesel should be considered arong the clean bu."lling fuel options available to urban ~Js q,erators, s o l ong as clea"\ c'iesel n, .ts the s ane emissions standards set ~o r clean burning fuels; and ~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED that 300,000 clew fuel vehicles per year after 1997 be made available annuall y in California and ince.'ltives for =rercialization o f such vehicles be ccmrensurat e with the potential of such \-ehicl es to reduce eni!:,sions i and BE IT l'URTHER RESOLV:D that a federa l program should be established to develop a plan in coordination wi t.'1 ethe r government agencies to foster joint public-private developrrent of ultra-clean vehicles an d encourage their gradual i~trocbction; an d BE IT FURTHER RESOLV!'D t.'1at air pollutio,1 fran outer continental shelf :-i l ~ac 1l1ties and related acti v:ti.es shou ld be regulated by the £:--vii'onne..,t~ ?rotection Agency and should te sur~ect to t.))e sar.e air ~ollution cx:mt:c-!. :-equirere.nts as ~ly in the ad jacent on shore area, e.xce?t f o r A.l~)a!M. :...ou:.~ia:,a , Mis sissippi, and Texas; and -2 - r.:: IT F"l.J:";.~ R£50LVID that S?w'1 Cti:-ns aot i,clude a ban on drinking water ~.:clar;:,s , con st.n:c tion bans on ~.ajar rotu·ce s o::' pollutants , t.~e l oss of Clean .:..i r Act qrn.nt~, o r t.1e · ... 1ithhol ding of hig!i·,iay fu.,d.s fer pr oj ects wh ich ,,,,.i ll lJT?!"cve air qu ality ; and BE IT Ft:!m-::::R RESOLVED that Congress should reject any e;:plicit or ir;:,lic i t pr~tion o f state or local air ~?.l ity authority to establish sui~er sta.11 c!:rds t.1an provided in fede!"al law . . >...l"\'.'?TID _,;m .".??ROVED this 20th day o : 1-!ay, 19 91. Attest: 04.«&~~ Patricia H. ere,,,, City Clerk I, Patricia H. Crc,,,, City Clerk for the City o f Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify the above is a true copy of Resolution No. 'JS[, Series of 1991. ~kL ~ ~ ~r Patricia H. Craw