HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 Resolution No. 045u RE50WI'IOI NO. '/ 5 SERIES OF 1990 - A RESOWI'IOI l\I.Uffllli FOR A NEXlOTIATED a:tmU\CI' FOO 'lllE SWRRY SEAL PROORl\M 1990 INSTFJ\D OF 'lllE COIPETITIVE BID PROCESS UNDER SEX:TIOI 116(b) OF 'lllE 101E RULE CHARTER AND 'lllE mGLEl'OJO MUNICIPAL COOE 1985, SEX:'l'IOI 4-1-3, AND AWARDIN3 A NEXlOTIATED a:tmU\CI' FOR 'IBIS PRCGRAM FOO MAINI'ENANCE OF 'lllE ElliLEHXXl STREET SYS'lm. WHEREAS, the City of Engle-.ood is responsible for maintenance of approximately 120 miles of public roadways in the City; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works and Engineering and 'street Maintenance Di•isions have developed a system-wide maintenance program in which they have found slurry seal to be a viable, economic preventive maintenance alterna tive; and WHEREAS, previous construction experience and expanded product knowledge has caused the staff of this Department to believe that local contract.ors do not possess the specific product knowledge or construction expertise to construct a quick-set slurry acceptable to City standards; and WHEREAS, local emulsion manufacturers presently do not produce proven quicl:-set emulsions satisfactory to City needs; and WHEREAS, s taff of the Public Works Department has evaluated the abilities of and quality of quick-set slurr y utilizing a specific local aggregate and a quick-set emulsion from the Ergon Refinery in Vicksburg, Mississippi; and WHEREAS, Bituminous Asphalt Sealir,g Specialists , Inc. of Nor t ll Little Rock, Arkansas, has laboratory-tested and field-tested this product, and City staff has evaluated the abilities of this ccxrpany in placing quick-set slurry seal in our 1987, 1988 and 1989 Prograrr.s , and has discussed their ,.ork quality and product quality with other governmental agencies whict1 have had years of e,q,erience with this COO'('ar,y; and WHEREAS, section 116(b) of the Engle,,'OOd Home Rule Charter and Section 4-1-3-1 , Englewood !-tunicipal Code 1985, allow contracts for public works or J.nprovements to be negotiated, provided that contracts for which no cu,r,etitive bids have been requested have been approved by resolution which shall declare the reason for exception to the CCXTQetitive bidding requirement; Na·I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'lllE CITY CUJNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENiLENJOO, COLCIWlO , THAT: Sectiv,1 l. The Department of Public works is hereby authorized to negotiate a contract for Slurry Seal Program 1990 in an a<rount not to exceed $250,000 in lieu of the c:a,petitive bid process as allowed by Section 116(b) of the Englewood Home Rul e Charter and Section 4-1-3-1, Englewood itunicipal Code 1985. Section 2. The Deportment of Public Works is hereby authorized to prepa~roct fr"-the Slurry Seal Progrom 1990 pursuont to their investigotiona of loc l 6(Jgregote, quick-set etrulsion produced by the Ergon Refinery in Vickeburg Missiasippi, and construction of the product on Englewood streets by llit\¥1\inous Asphalt Sealing Specialists, Inc., of North Little ROC:k, Arkonsos. AllCl"l'm AND APPRJVm the lat doy of Moy, 1990. Attest: w,@y~v/~ Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk 1, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorooo, hereby certify thot the obo ,e ond foregoing is a true copy of Resolution No. '{5_, Series of 1990. W/4µ #.~ Potricia H. Crow DATE May 1, 1990 INITIATED IY STAFF SOURCE ISSUE/ACTION PROPOSED COUNCJ L COIIUIJCATJOH AGEIIIA !TEii 12 (h) Public Works Department SUBJECT Resolution to Negotiate and Award Contract for 1990 Slurry Sea 1 Program Ke 11 s Waggoner, DI rector of Pub 11 c Works Council approval of Resolution allowing for a negotiated contract (an exception to the competitive bid process) and awarding of a negotiated contract to Bituminous Asphalt Sealing Specialists (BASS), Inc. of Arkansas for the 1990 Slurry Seal Program . PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Resolution No . 23, Se r les 1989 , Ap r il 17, 1989, approving negotiating a contract and awarding a negotia t ed contract for the 1989 Slurry Seal Program. STAFF ANALYSIS During our review of slurry seals constructed In the metro area In 1989, staff continues to be concerned with the quality of workmanship and materials and with minimizing the Inconvenience to our citizens. In ou r three year experience with 'Englewood " Slurry and BASS, Inc ., our complaints have not been about str eet closures, but rather that more streets have not been Included In our program. We are pleased with our product performance to d~te . We reco11111end a negotiated contract with BASS, Inc . because they are the only 'proven • provide of this product. xtended pavement longevlt; from slurry seal applications looks promising. The fo 11 owl ng program 1s reco11111ended for 1990: 1) Continue to place the 'Englewood ' Slurry; negotiate a pr i ce with BASS , Inc. of Arkansas to place It In late Hay/early June . 2) Contact CPM of California , another out -of -state contractor who has placed a locally produced , anionic emulsion with Asphalt Paving aggregate, and If they are Interested In bidding on our work In the future, work out a way for the m to place ii test section of the "Englewood ' Slurry during the 1990 sea son . This wi ll give us ii chanc e to evaluate their abilities and workmanship wi th our cationic slurry. 3) Continue to monitor condition of the CPM Slurry of 1989 (placed in Lakewood, Adams County and Arvada) to evaluate performance and l lfe expectancy of a local anionic emulsion . 4) Continue to meet with Public Works personnel from other cities to stay informed about local slurry activities, including products and contractors. 5) Report results of our work to council again in 1991 with recomendations for the 1991 Slurry Seal Program. IACK&ROUND Since 1987, an annual average of $224,000 has been spent out of the Public Improvement Fund on contract street maintenance, primarily slurry seal . For the last 3 years, the City has negotiated with BASS, Inc. of Little Rock, Arkansas, to come to Englewood to do this work. This company has placed a total of 415,215 square yards of material (approximately 176 blocks or 22 miles). The cost of slurry placed by BASS in Englewood in 1989 was $1 .49 per squ.r s yard, for a total cost of $264,157 . Staff has been very satisfied with the quality of the product and workmanship. Also during the sumer of 1989, the ·area 's only local contractor, lntermountain Resurfacing, Inc., purchased a tank truck of Englewood's emulsion , a sup ly of aggregate and attempt ed to place the "Englewood" Slurry on streets within the Denver area. However, since It is such a quick setting emulsion, capable of being driven on ir. 30 minutes, Intermountain could not place the material because it set up too quickly . They returned essentially the full tank of emulsion, which BASS used to complete our job. Also during 1989, CPM Contractors of California placed a slower breaking slurry in three front range communities . Set-up time was 200% to 300% longer than the 'Englewood" Slurry, and streets were closed from 3 to 5 hours . Quality of the product 1s still being evaluated since 6 months is not adequate time for proper evaluation of this type of product . CPM bid the metro area work prior to evaluating mix designs, availability of materials and associated product costs . Bid prices in the $0 .70 per square yard range were for a product which was inferior to that specified. According to CPM, this cost was less than the actual cost of the product constructed . CPM did honor their contracts and completed the work . FINANCIAL $300,000 was budgeted in the Public Improvement Fund, Road & Bridge account for 1990. Out of this account, monies for the City 's ~hare of the Broadway/Big Dry Creek Bridge Widening project, and the annua 1 roto-mi 11 maintenance costs will be paid in an amount that will not exceed $50,000. Total project cost for the 1990 Slurry Seal Program will not exceed $250,000 and will cover an estimated 160,000 squAre yards of pavement.