HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 Resolution No. 066RE.50Wl'ICN 00. '2J,
WHEREAS, City Council finds it necessary and prq,er to establish
fonnalized 1'1\les of Order and Prcx:edure; and
WHEREAS, it is ai:prq,riate to have a known manner of acting;
Section 1. Council hereby approves the attached Rules Of Orm':' And
Prcx:ecliireForThe Englewood City Council Englewood, Colorado.
l\lXl'TID AND APPHO\11:D this 20th day of Augus t, 1990 .
~t, ~yor Pro Tern
~--~/I~ %'M-~i.A
Patricia 11. cro,,, C1tyej'.er
I , Patricia II. cro,,, City Clerk for the City of Engl<!'.ood, Colorado,
hereby certify the above is a true copy of Resolution No . ~ Series of 1990.
~~ #&,ar
Patr1c1a H. cro,,
Adopted: SeptEl!ber 4, 1984
Revised: Nove1iler 17, 1986
Revised: July, 1990
I. City Council Meetings
A. Regular Meeting s
B. Special Meetings
C. E><ecuti ve Session
II. The Presiding Officer
A. Mayor
B. Mayor Pro Tan
C. Chairman
III. Roll call
Page . Nllltler
r.v. ()Jarun 3
V. Officers and Eliployees
A. Elect ion of Offi<Y .s and oath of Office 3
B. /\ppOintnents by ,ie Mayor 3
C. City Manager 3
D. Ci ty Attorney 3
E. City Clerk 3
F. Of ficers and Ellployees to Attend Council Meetings 4
VI. Duties and Privileges of Counc il Meet i ng s
A. Sea ting Arrangerrent s 4
B. Presiding Officer 4
c . Gett i ng the Floor 4
D. Interr,pti ons 4
E . Privil ege 0£ Closing Debate 4
F. Remarks Entered Into Minu tes 4
G. Right of AweaJ. 4
H. Voting 5
I. Synops is of Debate 5
J. Per sona l Privilege 5
K. Dissents and Protests 5
L. E><cusal During Meeting 5
VII. Council Pr ocedure
A. Order of Business 5
B. Precedence of Motions 6
C. Motions to be s tated by O"lair -Withdraw 6
D. Division of Questions 7
E. Amand -To Strike Out, etc. 7
F. Arrend an Amandrent 7
G. Motion to Postpone 7
II. Ayes and Nays 7
I. Recon sideration 7
J . Emargency Ordinances 7
Page . lilllltler
K, Procedw:e in Nleenc:e of Rule 8
L, l\nonymoUll 0:tml.lnications 8
M. Tie Votes 8
N. ordinances, Resolutions, l-tltions and Contracts
1, Introcb:ti oo 8
2, Review 8
3. Prooedire of Passage 8
4. &lbstitute ordinaoce 9
5. Spau1orship 9
o. Mdressing the Cooncil
1. written o:mrunications 9
2. verbal o:mrunications 9
3. Reading of Protests 9
P. Manner of Addressing/Tine Limit 9
0, DecoI'IIII 9
R. SUspension of Rules 10
s. l\nel&ent of Rules 10
T, Public Hearing lC
VIII , Cooncil Procecmre
A. A step-by-step Process -ordinances
B. A Step-by-Step Process -Resolutions
I. City Council Meetings
~arMeet~ ar rreet gs of the City Council shall be held in the City Hall
on the first and third Moodays of each rronth at 7:30 P.M. or at such
other time and day as City Council may, fran time to time,
designate; provided, ho.olever, that when the day fixed for any
regular rreeting falls upon a day designated by law as a legn.l or
national holiday, such rreeting shall be held at the sarre hcur ai the
next succeeding clay not a holiday.
~ial Meetin!s
Mayor slia! call special meetings of the City Counc-J.l whenever
in his /her opinion the public business may teqUi.re it, or at the
express written request of any three (3) nerl:lers of the City
Council. Whenever a special meeting shall be called, a B1mrcns or a
notice in writing signed by the Mayor or City Manager shall be
served upon each nerber of the City Council, either in person or by
notice left at his /her place of residence, stating the date and hour
of the meeting and the purpose for which such meeting is called, and
no rosiness shall be transacted thereat except such as is stated in
the notice. Notice of a special City Council meeting ma_ be
announced by the Mayor at any regular City Council n-eeting and when
so annourx:ed, a written notice shall not be teqUi.red. Notice of
special City Council meeting, whether written or oral, shall be
served, at least twenty-four ( 24) hours before the special n-eeting
is to be held, upon each Council Meiroer not absent fran the City or
fran the regular City Council meeting when announced; provided,
always, that i f, after diligent effort i s made to give notice of any
such meeting to all neriJers of City Council, notice of the sane
cannot be given due to an inability to locate any nerber, a majority
of the entire City Council may waive notice of special City Council
rreetihg in writing or by affirmative ballot, and such waiver shall
be specifically noted in the minutes of the rreeting. Notice may be
waived by the entire nerbership of City Council in any case.
Executive Session
An executive session may be convened on call of the Mayor or by a
majority vote of the nerbers of City Council. Attendance at the
executive session shall be limited to the nerbers of the t:ity
Coorx:il, and Coorx:il may invite such other persons as may ,. ,
required for advice and information.
The City Council may call an executive sessioo to deal wit:h the
following items:
( l) The sale or purchase of prq,erty far public purpoaes;
(2) Attorney/client privileges;
( 3) Special security arrangements;
(4) Negotiations with Ell'ployees or Ell'ployee organizations;
( 5) Personnel issues.
Under executive session, no formal VCJte shall be taken oo tmy matter
under discussion.
II. The Presiding Officer
~r presiding officer of the City r..ouncil shall be the Mayor who
shall be elected by secret ballot by the nemers of the Ci ty Council
at the second rreeting in Noventier after each general nunicipal
election. The presiding officer shall preser"e strict order tmd
deoorun at all regular and special neetings of the City Council.
He/she shall state every question caning before the City Council,
anno'.lnce the decision of the City Council oo all subjects, and
decide all questions of order, subject, tv..ever, to an appeal of the
City Co\lncil, in which event a majority vote of those Council
Mo.ntlers present and voting shall govern and conclusively detennl.ne
such questions awarded. He/she shall vote oo all (Jlestions, his/her
narre being called last, he/she shall sign all ordinances aa:.pted by
the City Council during his/her presence.
Mayor Pro Ten
iffie Mayor Pro Ten shall be elected by secret ballot by the IIB1tlers
of the City Council at the second meeting in Novarber after each
general nrunicipal election. The Mayor Pro Ten shall serve as Mayor
during the absence or disability of the Mayor and in case of a
vacancy in the office of the Mayor pending a selection of a new
C. Chainnan
iffie Mayor, or in his/her absence the Mayor Pro Tern, shall call the
City Council to order.
In the absence of the Mayor and Mayor Pro Ten, the City Clerk or
Deputy City Clerk shall call the City Council to order, whereupon a
terporary chainnan shall be elected by the nemers of the City
Council preS"~t. SUch terporary chainnan shall serve as presiding
officer of the City Council until the arrival of the Mayor or the
Mayor Pro T<m, at which tine the terporary chairman shall
imrediately relinquish the chair upon the oonclusion of the business
imrediately before the City Council.
Before pra:eeding wi th the bus iness of the City Council, the City Clerk
or his /her deputy shall call the roll of the l1BliJers, !llld the nan-es of
those present shall be entered in the minutes.
r.v. Quorum
Five (!;) mentiers of the City Council shall constit ute a quonin at the
regular or special neeting of the City Council. In the absence of the
quorum, the presiding officer shall, at the instance of !lily three (3)
mentiers present, ca,pel the at tendance of absent rreitiers.
V. Officers and Ellployees
A. Election of Officers and Clath of Office
A majority vote of all neibers of City Council shall be required to
elect a Mayor and Mayor Pro Ten. A ll"B1tler of the Judiciary shall
administer the oath of office to the Mayor, Mayor Pro Ten !llld the
City Council no later than the next regular neeting following the
~ts by the~ the Mayor s ts an appointnent to be made with the advice
and consent of City Council consideration of such appointnent, that
appointnent shall be deferred until the next neeting, or except that
by general consent or majority vote of the City Council, the
appointrrent may be effective imrediately.
c. City Manager
~City Manager or his designated representative shall attend all
,reetings of the City Council unless excused by the City Council.
He/she shall keep the City Council fully advised as to the financial
conditions and needs of the City. He/she may make :reocrmendati ons
to the City Council and may take part in discussions m all matters
concerning the welfare of the City but shall have no vote in the
neetings of City Council.
D. City Attorney
~City Attorney, either in person or by assistant, shall attend
all neetings of the City Council. Any ll"B1tler of the City Council
may at any tine call upon the City Attorney for an oral or written
opinion relative to any nunicipal matter or for the preparation of a
bill for an ordinance upon any subject.
E. City Clerk
~City Clerk shall be ex officio Clerk of the City Council and
shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of the neeting; and
either the Clerk or a deputy shall perfOI1U such other and further
duties in the lt'eeting as may be ordered by the Mayor, City Manager
or City Council. On the 'Ihursday before each regular City Council
neeting, the Clerk shall hav.:, delivered to each Council Mentler a
copy of the ccrrplete sunnary of minutes for the preceding neeting.
F. OffiCtirS and El11)~ Attend Council Meetings
The head of an~t or MY officer or any enployee of the
City, when requested by the City Manager, shall attend MY regular
or specia l .,.,.,ting and confer with the City Council oo matters
relating to the City.
VI. D.lties Md Privileges of Council Memlers
~Arr~t B shaloccupy their respective seats in the Council Qiarber
assigned to them by the Mayor. But MY two or nore lll!l1ilers JMy
eia::hange, seats by j oining in a written ootice to the Mayor to that
effect .
Presiding Officer
The Mayor or such other namer of the City Council as may be
presiding, may rrove, second and debate fran the Chair, subject ally
to such limitations of debate as are by those rules .inposed oo all
namers Md shall oot be deprived of any of the rights and
privileges of a Council Melrber by reason of his acting as the
presiding officer.
Gettin~/loor Every desiring to speak shall address the chair and, upon
recognition by the presiding officer, shall oonfine himself/herself
to the question llllder debate avoiding all personalities Md
indecorous language.
A ooce recognized shall oot be interrupted when speaking
llllless it be to call him/her to order or as herein otherwise
provided. If a namer, .ttile speaking, be called to order, he/she
shall cease speaking lllltil the question of order be detennined and
if in order, he/she shall be permitted to proceed.
Privilege of Closing Debate
The Council Meirber nov1ng the adq>tion of an ordinance or resolution
shall have the privilec;-of closing the debate .
Remarks Entered into Minutes
A Council Meirber may request through the presiding officer the
privilege of having an abstract of his/her statement en MY subject
llllder oonsideration by the City Council entered in the minutes. If
the City Council oonsents thereto, such statement shall be entered
in the minutes.
Right of l\ppP.al
Any nerber may appeal to the City Council fran a ruling of the
presiding officer. If the appeal. is sea:,nded, the nemer making the
appeal. may briefly state his/her reason for the sane. 'l1le presiding
officer IMY briefly explain his/her ruling; b.Jt there shall be oo
debate oo the appeal and no other nemer shall p.lrtici pate in the
discussion. 'l1le presiding officer shall then p.,t the questicn:
"Shall the decision of the chair be sustained?" If a major ity of
J .
the nerl:>ers present vote "Yes" the ruling of the chair is sustained;
otherwise , it is overruled,
A vote shall be taken by recording "Aye" and "Nay" votes by use of
voting lights, with the "Aye" and "Nay" being read into the
permanent record by the City Clerk or a deputy. A vote shall be
taken upon the passage of all ordinances and resolutions, on the
appointrrent of any officer, on all n'Otions concerning the
expenditures of funds, and entered in the minutes of the City
Council proceedings. Every ordinance shall require the affinnative
vote of the majority of all nerl:>ers of the City Council for passage.
No nerl:>er of the City Council shall vote a, any question in which
he/she has a financial interest other than the ccmron public
interest or on any question concerning his/her am conduct but a,
all other questions each nenber who is present shall vote unless
excused by the unanimous consent of the remaining nerl:>ers present.
Any nerl:>er refusing to vote except when not so 1'!!<.r1ired by this
paragraph shall be guilty of misconduct in office. Applicatiai to
be excused fran voting nust be made before the votes are called for.
The nerber having briefly stated the reason for his/her request, the
decision thereon shall be made without debate,
~sis of Debate
Clerk may be directed by the presiding officer with the consent
of the City Council to enter in the minutes a synopsis of the
discussion on any question oaning regularly before the City Council.
Personal Privil~
nie right of a to address the City Council a, a question of
personal privilege shall be limited to cases in which his/her
integrity, character, or nntives are assailed, questioned, or
Dissents and Prote~ts
Any irei&r shall have the right to express dissent fran, or protest
against, any ordinance or resolution of City Cowtcil and shall have
the reason therefor entered in the minutes. SUch dissent or protest
nrust be couched in respectful language and presented to City o ·mcil
not later than the next regular rreeting follCMing the date of
passage of the ordinance or resolution in question.
Excusal During !£et~
No neiber may leave City Council Cha1mer while in regular
session withoot permission fran the presiding officer.
VII. Council Pr.oce<"...ire
A. Order of Business
All neetings, except executive rreetings of the City Council, shall
be open to the public. The matters to be deliberated by the City
Council shall be oonsidered and disposed of in the follCMing order
except where otherwise decided by a majority vote of City Council
nerbers present at said rreeting:
(1) call to order.
( 2) Invocation.
(3) Pledge of allegiance.
(4) Roll call.
(5) Consideration of minutes of previous sessioo.
(6) Recognition of pre-scheduled citizens and visitors.
(7) Recognition of oon-scheduled citizens and visitors.
(8) Camlllnications and proclamations.
(9) consent agenda items.
(10) Public hearing items.
(11) Ordinances, resolutions and notions.
( 12 ) General Discussion:
Mayor's 01oice.
C.0WX:il MentJer I S Choice•
( 13) City Manager report.
(14) City Attorney report.
( 15) Adjournnent.
'ttle business of all regulai: lll!etings shall be transacted in the
order provided for above unless City Council, by a majority vote of
all ment>ers present, shall suspend the rules and change the order.
on the Thursday preceding the regular City Council lll!eting, or at
such other day as the City Manager, £ran time to time, shall
determine, the City Manager will have delivered to each Council
Mentler an agenda sha.ring the order of business and indicating the
public hearings to be anticipated as a result of previous action of
City Council, planning or other ccmnissions. Also listed will be
ordinances for first or second reading, petitions previously
presented to the Clerk' s office and a list of the reports of special
can-cttees, the City Manager or City Attorney. At each lll!eting it
shall be asked by the presiding officer if there are ci>jections or
are corrections to be made to the S\1111\aiy of minutes of the
preceding lll!eting as published. If there are oo ci>jections, the
sumnary of minutes shall be approved.
B. Precedence of r-txions
Mien a question 1s before the City Council, no notion shall be
entertained except:
( l) 'lb fix the hour of adjourrarent;
(2) 'lb adjourn;
(3) 'lb lay on the table;
( 4) 'lb ask for the previous question;
(5) 'lb postpone to a certain day;
(6) 'lb refer;
( 7 ) 'lb 1111e11d; and
(8) 'lb postpone indefinitely.
'ttlese rotions shall have precedence in the order indicated. Any
such notion, except a rotion to amand a notion to postpooe
indefinitely, shall be put to a vote without debate.
C. Motions to be Stated by Chair -Withdraw
Any iiei£er may demand that a notion be put ir. writing. A notion may
rot be withdrawn by the rover witlmut the approval of City Council.
D. Division of QJestion
If the question contains blo or nnre divisible prq,ositions, the
presiding officer may and upon request of a nerl:Jer divide the same.
E, l\lrend To strike <Xlt I Etc.
On an ,nenanent to strike OJt and insert I the paragraph to be
amended shall be read, as it stands, first. 'l1len the words prqx,sed
to be stricken o.it and those to be insert.id shall be rea.d; finally,
the par~graph as it would s tand, if so mended, shall be read.
F, l\lrend an l\lrenarent
An arrenaiient of a nntion shall be in order, but a,e to amend an
airenarent shall not be introduced. An 1111enarent 11'0difying the
intention of a 11'0tion shall be in order, but an arrenarent relating
to a different matter shall not be in order.
G. M:,tion to Postpone
Ali 11'0tions to postpone, except a 11'0tion to postpone indefinitely,
may be amended as to time . If the 11'0tion to postpone indefinitely
is carried, the principal que stion shall be declared lost.
H. Ayes and Nays
On the passage of every ordinance or resolution, and on the
appointment of any offict<r, on all 11'0tions ooncerning the
expenditure of funds, the vote shall be taken by Ayes and Nays and
entered in full in the record. Every nerl:Jer present shall be
required to vote unless excused for cause by unanim:,us consent of
the remaining nerl:Jers of the City Co<mcil present . 'Ille vote shall
be for or against a pending ordinance or resolution and not the
report of the ocmni ttee thereon.
I. Reconsideration
A 11'0tion to reconsider any action taken by the City Cowlcil may be
made at any tine subject only to the folla.,ing limitations.
Passage of an ordinance may be re ,1Sidered at any tine prior to the
tine such ordinance becanes effectsve. Any action of the City
Council having as its ul tirnate purpose the vesting of any
contractual or quasi-<:entractual right may be considered at any time
before the actual vesting of such right. A nntion to reconsider
nust be made by a rrerller of the prevailing side but may be secooded
by any nerber. A nntion to reconsider may be made at any time and
have precedence over all other nntions, and while the maker of the
nntion has the floor, i t shall be debatable. Nothing herein shall
be construed to prevent any rreooer of the City Cowicil fran making
or remaking the sane or any other nntion at the subsequent ireeting
of the City Council.
J. ElTerqency Ordinances
arergency ordinances WHICH ARE necessary for the imnediate
preservation of public prcperty, health, peace or safety, nust be
unanim:,usly approved by a quonrn present at any ireeting of the City
Cowlcil. 'Ille facts shC7wing such urgency and need shall be
specifically stated in the ordinance. ~ ordinances shall
take effect imrediately upon final passage and shall be published
within seven (7) days thereof. No ordinance making a grant of any
special privilege , levying taxes , incurring indebtedness,
a uthorizing borrowing rroney, or fixing rates charges by any
city-owned utility shall ever be passed as an energency ireasure.
Procedure in Absence of Rule
Rdlerts Rules of Order Revised shall govern the proceo.ire of the
ireeting In all cases wfiere applicable and where consistent with the
Charter or the rules of prcx:eedings herein fixed by the City
l\nOn~ carrnunications
Unsi ccmnunl.cations shall not be introduced at City Council
Tie Votes
In case of a tie in votes oo any prq,osal , the prq,osal shall be
considered lost.
Ordinanc~solution, Motions and Contracts ti> In Ion
All ordinances and resolutions shall be introduced to the City
Council in printed or written fonn. Ordinances, resolutions,
and other matters or subjects requiring iction by the City
Council must be introduced by a nerber of the City Council
except that the City Manager or City Attorney may present
ordinances, resolutions and other matters or subjects to the
the City Council, and any City Council nerber nay assuire
sponsorship of an ordinances, resolutions or subjects.
(2) Review
All prq:,osed ordinances shall be reviewed by the City Attorney
and bear his/he r certification that they are in correct fonn.
'l1le City Manager shall attach to each prq:,osed ordinance a
hrief cil gest of the provision thereof and where it is prq:,osed
to airen,1• an existing ordinance. said digest shall indicate the
change s ,ught to be made and shall also shaw the naroo of the
departme .1t or party at whose request the proposed ordinance was
(3) Proced!re of Pass~e
An ordinance may introduced as a bill at any regular ireeting
by any nerber of the City Council. Upon introduction, the bill
shall be read or printed a first tine in full and City Council
may set the day and hour at which City Council shall hold a
public hearing thereon. A bill, before its final passage,
shall be presented at ooe additional ireeting of the Ci.ty
Council, which ireeting nust be held no earlier than seven (7)
days after publication of the bill for an ordinance in its
final aire!lded fonn, except in the case of an errergency
ordinance. After final pa.r,sage, every ordinance shall again be
published by reference or in full as City Council may
( 4) Substitute Ordinances
If an ordinance ls proposed as an ll!lellchent to an existing
ordinance, it shall be reported as a substitute ordinance. A
substitute ordinance shall be accarpanied by an exhibit sln<ing
the part of the original ordinance to be ll!lellded, properly
identified bY page, section, or paragraph, referencing tC' the
original ordinance , and having a line drawn through the parts
stricken out and that part added shcMn in italics or in a
different colored ink or underscored. Copies of the exhibits
shall be furnished to each 11'81ilP..r of Cit y Council.
( 5) fllx>nsorshil
ll-a Counc l person ha s requested an ordinance that per,;ons name
should appear en the ordinance.
o. Addressing the City Council
Any person desiring to address the City Council shall first secure
the permission of the presiding officer to do so, and speak at the
awropriate tirre listed on the agenda.
(1) written canrunications
Interested parties ma~· addre$S the City Council bY written
camrunications in regard to matters then under discussion.
( 2) Verbal carmunications
Forniai verbal ccmnunications are allowed only ,men scheduled en
the Agenda. Interested parties may address the City Council l)y
verbal ccmnunications en any matter concerning the City's
business or any matter over which the City Council has control;
provided , hc,wev,>..r, that preference shall be given to those
persons who may have ootified the City Manager in advance of
their desire to speak in order that the san-e may appear en the
agenda of the City Council.
( 3) Reading of Protests
Interested persons may address the City Council bY reading of
protests, peti tions or ccmnunications, relating to zoniJ,g,
sewer and street proceedings, hearing en protests, appeals and
petitions, or similar matters in regard to subjects then under
P. Manner of Addressin~/Tirre Limit
Each person addressing the City Council shall give his name and
address for the record and shall l imit their address to a reasonable
tirre. The length of such remarks may be specifically limited bY the
presiding officer. All remarks shall be addressed to the City
Council as a body and not to any menoer thereof. No persons other
than the City Council and the person having the floor shall be
permitted to enter bto any discussion, either directly or through a
J1'e1t>er of the City Council, without the permission of the presiding
officer. No question shall be asked a City Council Men'ber except
through the presiding officer.
Q. Decorum
wnIIethe City Council is in session , the 1Tel'b3rs nust preserve
order. and decorum. A irenber shall neither, bY conversation or
otherwlse, delay nor interrupt the proceedings, nor the peace of the
City Council, nor disturb any ITl!ffi'.>er while sp,,aking, nor refuse to
obey the orders of the City Cour.cil or its presiding officer.
R. sw.pension-oLaules
'Any provision of these rules not governed by the City Olarter or
City COde may be ts,porarily suspended at any neeting of the City
COUncil by a majority vote of all !!8Tbers of the City Council. 'lt.e
vote a, any such suspension shall be taken by ayes and nay s and
entered in the record.
S. Amell<m!Dt -oLaules
'ffiese rules may be arrended or new rules aoopted by majority vote of
all neti:lers of the City COUncil . 'Any such !lrel'latent(s) shall be
sul:rnitted in writing at the preceding regular neeting and shall be
placed a, the agenda of the City Cowicil.
T, l!Ublic-Hearin~
ii11 those desiring to be heard on a particular i.ssue at a regular
public hearing before City Council may list th6ir nan-es, indicating
on which side of the issue, whether for or against, they wi sh to
speak. '!his list will be handed to the presiding officer who will
have all thr,s., who are listed step forward to attest by sworn oath
that all evidence they present will be the truth. If both sides of
the issue are represented by one or rrore individuals, the City
CoWlCil will set the length of ti.me to be heard. Each side will be
given an equal ti.me to present their case. '!his will be a total
ti.me within which all those des' ~ing to be heard will be confined,
Following the presentations of those in favor, then those q:,posed,
the petitioner will be given a few minutes for rebuttal. At any
stage in the hearing, either side rray cross-examine any witnesses
heretofore presented , but the ti.me for this wi.ll be included in the
original ti.me allotted, Following the rebuttal of the petitioner,
the presiding officer will declare the hearing closed and the
questions remanded to City Cowicil for consideration. If any City
Council rrenber wishes rrore information fran any individual who spoke
at the hearing, he/she may direct questions cnly through the
presiding officer, to the individual and the response will be
limit-,d to the answer of the question as stated,
VIII. Passage _Procedure
ordinances are used pnmanly for the passage of legislative matters
and penal in nature . In addition certain agreerents nust be
approved by ordinance and certain bua:,etary matters likewise require
ordinance approval •
'!'!IE Pl\SSAGE OF AN CIUJINI\OCE -a step-by-step process:
At the first reading, the ordinance is "proposed" and is known as a
"bill for an ordinance." It will have a previously assigned CO\ll>Cil
bill mmber on the docunent. There are several reasons for this.
First, the mmber is assigned so that it can be mmerically
identified by all parties involved. 10'!en it goes to Council, it
beoc:rres an official docunent which nust be dealt with in sate
manner. That manner is approval, failure to approve, tabling, etc.
To be effective, ordinances require boJ readings.
I ask that the City Clerk read the iten or Cm;ncil Bill.
On Englewood's agenda , Bills for Ordinances are dealt with under
Section 11. A Bill for an Ordinance is individually dealt with in
this section; that is, each iten in Section 11 is taken separately
and by itself.
At a Councilperson' s request, the City Clerk reads the title of the
bill out loud and Council reads the bill silently (generally, this
has been done prior to the rreeting to keep the neeting rroving
Should a Councilperson desire to sponsor a bill, he/she would state
or an alternative I ~0\/E AGE2IDA !TIM • .••.• Another Councilperson,
if he /she war.ts to discuss or seek approval of the bill, may second
the notion. This is done as follaws: "YOUR llCX'lOR, I SEXXNJ THE
At that point 'n time, the Mayor would request if there is any
debate. Just because a person sponsored or seconded a bill does rot
rrean that they necessarily have to speak in favor of the bill. It
may be awkward for a person to sponsor a l ; : 1 because their narre
then appears on the ordinance, and if they vote against the bill or
q,pose the bill , their narre would then be associated with approval
of the bill.
Once a call for the question is made, such as, 11 I CALL THE
QUESTIOO," the Mayor would then request a vote, vmich is
electronically recorded. The City Clerk then advises the Mayor of
the vote, 'dentifying the ayes and nays, the Mayor will announce
;.nether the Ordinance is passed or defeated .
The Bill for an Ordina~ce is published in full. Thereafter, at a
subsequent neeting (n-ore than 7 days after publication in final
arrended fonn) , the Ordinance is presented for second reading under
the Consent Agenda approval itens. Approval may be done in mass,
that is, all itens previously approved may >,e approved in batch, or
they may oe rerroved fran the Consent Agenda. Ordinances approved
under the Consent Agenda are automatically assigned a nunner by the
City Clerk and are rot individually read by title.
Raooval £can the Consent Agenda allows debate oo the subject, For
lnstance, under the Consent Agenda (which appears under sectioo 9 of
the Council Agenda,) the Mayor will ask, 11 IS THERE ~ CN cau;n.
At that point, the Councilperson would state, "I Rl!X;(lEST THAT ITEM
BE REM)VID FIQ,I THE CCNsmr ~-II 'Ihle does not require a
iii5ITon or vote. Merely requesting :reroval fr st<fficient. lhlll an
item is rerroved £ran the consent J,genda, the items ranaining should
be l!A>roved in mass. AsSIIIPtiOn is that theY would all be llpprolled;
otherwise, a councilperson would request :reroval. 'nlose items
rerroved are oonsidered after all other Consent Agenda items have
been l!A>roved, The procedure should be to deal with the itaas in
the same order as theY appear oo the agenda, each to be debated and
voted upon separately, except for those rerroved.
~ it cares til!e to approve a Council Bill oo second reading which
has been withdrawn £ran thP Consent Agenda, it is still identified
with its eoun,il Bill Nlmber, but it is in prq,osed ordinance form.
At sate point, usually before discussion, a councilperson would ask
that the Clerk read Council Bill NO. , or Agenda Item NO. ;
The Clerk then reads the item by titl~A Councilperson wouldtlien
state as foll.:,ws: "YOOR 11:tlCR, I !UJE FCR APPROVAL CF CCXJOCJL BlLL
, 11 Cl\ "YOUR IDKR, I !UJE FCR APPROVAL CF l\GmllA ITEM 00. • 11
A second is made, discussion follows, and then the vote is taken,
nuch as in the case of the first reading.
Publication by title then occurs after final reading and passing.
(1) After first rea.iing or even at first reading, a Councilperson may
desire to anend an ordinance. A rrotion nust be made to im,nd the
ordinance with the specifics of the a-renanent identified and stated
in the rrotion whic h would be nuch like the following: "I !UJE TO
l01DING: ·-." If the Council Bill has already been
assigned an Ordinance nillm"..r, then the rrotion would be: "I !UJE TO
.AMElID CI\DINANCE NO. , ••• 11 There l!llSt be a second and then
debate can occur. 'nie" anenanent is first voted on and then the
ordinance is voted on.
( 1) There may be rrore than two readings of an ordinance. Where an
ordinance is anended, it l!llSt first be ?Jblished in its final
anended form before last reading.
(2) Publication dates and notice requirements may dictate that an
ordinance not care back at the next rreeting of City Council.
(3) Ordinances are always dealt with in the positive the 11rrotion is to
approve. 11 The rrotion is always mace to ai:prove not to disapprove.
Besol utions are used f or f ormal approval of nonlegislati ve neasures.
The Proce&lre f or approval is:
I ask that the Clerk assign the Resolutioo a N\Jl'ber an.:l read the
~lution by Title
Alternative -I move it:EIII • The Clerk assigns the Reaolutioo a
nlltber and states the llllltler~ reads the title.
I move the passage of Resolution No. __ , Series of 19_.