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Tl m:rowrroo IIPP HOVING '11ll •: l'();,I'l'ICT; ()[,' 'lllll CITY Of l'NGLtl'A'.Xll 00 NT\TICW\L
l~IF.RFAS , the City of 11>CJ1Cl«xxl hils been i nvolved in the ILMr'j Landfi ll
Super f und Siln ; ;md
\·nlJillEIIS, the citize ns of the City of En9 lCl,O()('l ilre incurring great
ruq->c nBc f:or whnt ha s recn quant ified us le,,., toxicity nr:1ter ial in the fonn of
scwcr.r1rtc sludqc ; cincl
l~ll 'nF.115 , volunr:, r uther than toxicity i s t he driving factor in interim
1....:,J icy o f: c1;;1·~.,\ settleir-:?nt s i nvolving nuni cipalitics and munic ipcll. waste as
;,j I ('t"CCl by t he li:PJ\; nnd
1·n11::nEN;, t l1 c City of l'ngl.r.woocl needs the oc tive involvarent of the
N.itio n,11 Lec1ri uc o f Ci tics ; and
lo/ln ~uw.;, t l1c 1xili.cy o [ t he Niltionill l,:,aguc of Cities should nddress both
vol\11~ nnd t o:cicity ; nncl
MlrnF.JIS , tho policy o f t he N,,tionnl l.eaque of Cities should address
nn.111 .i ci p,11 chre~tic f.eWnqc ;o luc~JC' u,,q nu niclpal waste and encourage settleroont
wi t h :m 111 .i.cipc1 l ities ;
IK'/,1, Tlr :ru ,l'ORII , l.l~ I 'J' llll!',OLVU) DY '!llll CI'l'Y cxmcn. CF 'lllE CITY Cl,'
no,r:·OJD , a,r,011/\JJO , 111/\'J':
f=tion .l. 'l11c City Counc il ,wroves the Position of the City of
J·:1191°",:xxi On 1/ational Municipal Polley o f U1e Notional League of Cities and
11n1es mlnption of the Ci.t.y •~ rx:isi tion.
I\J"QP'l'ID Nm /\PPHOVl~J t h is 1s t duy of October, 1990.
lltL<',;t :
~ Pu tr.1c1n H. Cr.0.,1, City Cler k
I, Pntriciu ll . era.,, Ci ty Cl erk for the City of cnglCl!PQd, Colorado,
hereby certify U1e nbovc is " tn1e copy of nesolution No . ~, Series of 1990. yk;: #k
Patricia II. Crow
'. ' .•.
j ~;'!:1 ,,,f. •
City of Englewood ... i.:~t f;.: ... :
Septenber 27, 1990
3400 $. El1ti SlrHI
Englewood , Colorado 80110
Phont {303) 7&1-11.0
1301 PennsylvMia Avenue, ll.W.
1·7ashington, D, C. 20004
Dear C:lair.nan ,
There are several policy issues t '1 at the City of Engl"'-<JOd desires to
acllress at the National League of Cities 1990 annual business session. They
I. On Decenber 12, 1909 !::?.~ publishec its "lnteri.r.-, Policy of CERCLA
Settl=ents Involving Municipalitfos and !·!unicipal Wastes"
(hereafter "Interim lhlnici!')al Policy11 or 11 Policy11 ). Nhile this
Policy is an ir,p::,1ta."lt first step in addrassing ho-! t.l-ie .~gency
should treat ~micipalities u'ider CCY?Cl.M, in several respects it
does not go far en~ug~. T'ne City of Engl"'-<JOd would therefore
reco:Tt~r'ld that "t.i"ie national League of Citias (?&) develCJi? a
cooro.inated a7,>r0cc"I to encourage !'l'P. to address the inadequacies of
the Policy. Our o-.:tlir1e of issues concerning the Policy that, at a
m.L"'li"i'!'~, should ~ adc".ressed at our upcaning rreeting is:
1. The neeC for a S~atutory Ar.ena'i'Ent to D{enpt Municipalities
fr.m !..iR~ility in A;Jp~riat e Circumstances
2. nevisions to Interin PcliC)'
co:1 s ici':rrc.tio~ of cc.~rcie.l, indll strial, insti tutional
~urden c,f de,,onstrating ;iazardous r.ature of rnunici;,al waste
relief for ~ ni.nimis contri':mtions
National Leag, ·e of Ci ties
Page '!\lo
Se~te,ri,er 27, 1990
3 . 5'.!ttlement with Municipalities
special provisions for nunici!'al settlements
covenants not to sue
exenptions fran reopeners
bro.,d contributi on protection
in-k.! nd payments, delayed financial payments structured
active role of EPA in reaching settlesrents
consideration of non-hazardous nature of municipal waste
protection fran third-party actions
actually bccate involved in the settlement ·;,recess with
II. .'.n ar'oitrary distinction has t-een made between sewage sludge that
involves ccr.mercial a.~d institutional sludse asd d::r.estic s l udge .
~,'e ,:,ffer t.l-ie follcr,.;ing nrrcndnent to t."le National !-t.micipal Pol icy .
The lle.tional Polic-J s~d add:
Section 2. 04 F .11. "Interim Policy of C!:J:L.~ Settlerrents
Involving Se\.;age Sludge as Municipal t;astcs . 11
The :nteri.,n Policy as a.-u1ounced by the !:PA generally
,>rc,vices reco:;nition fo1· t'1P. nature aod extent of r.runicipal
contribution to t.~e ~..a:z:ardou s waste problem. One of the key
;,ro!>lems wit.'1 t.'le policy at the present tirre is t.'lat t.liere
is an arbi trM;' Gistinction between se-.. ,:age slud<;ie caning
fran POIW' s t.."iat accept only household waste anc:'! danestic
s".?".,.,rage and that sewage sludge caning fran POn·l' s t.."lat
receive oontriJ:mtions frcrn ccr:r:-ercial institutional and
i."ldJstrial precesses. In effect any carm.mity that has any
ccrnercial, i."lntitutional or industrial activity in its
!xr.lf!0Mies does :-iot ca;E u.,aer r.unicipal settleITent rx:,licy.
T.l~ ;r,licy finally a~o;,ted by t.'l<a CPA shoulc address
:,u,,ici;,Ali ties as 1:iuniciplll.i ties and delete t.'le cooraercial,
!J1sti ~uti~:.al and i. ,custrial classification fran t.7e Interim
Polic~, ,;if Ct:P.CV, Set4:l'300nts Involv ing t•~unicioali ':.ies and
;11.!nicip3.l \,',st'?s.
~1e City of Engle,.iood wMts to a-rphasizc its cx:mn.i.trrent to a logical and
faii: a!?,)rr.iach in de,aling with Municipal settlement . o.u-citizens and the
citizeng of each =•'="'r c,f t.'l<a NLC c.'eserve a well t.'lought out, t.'lorough
Olairman of EENR Policy Ccmnitt..e
Hational League of Ci ties
Page 'nu"ee
Septentier 27, 1990
We look forward to diacuasing t.,ese and other in{xlrtant envircmental
issues affecting nunicipalities aroulll\ the oountry.
Very tl. uly yours,
Meltber of El:lglewood City Council
Meltber of EENR Policy Ccmni ttee
City of Englewood
Tq;,ics to be considered:
3•00 $. El1II Slrttl
E~IIWOOd, Col011do 80110
Phon, (303) 71 1-11'0
1. The n<:ed for a Statutory hrenarent to Exerrpt Municipalities
fran Liability in Apprc:priate Circumstances
2. Revisions to lnterllil Policy
ccnsideration of oc:rm'!!rcial, industrial, institutional
burden of der.onstrating hazardous nature of municipal waste
relief for ~ minimis contrililltions
3. Settlement with 1-lunicipalities
special provisions for llllllicipal settler.ents
CO"' ;enants not to sue
exe!;)tions frOl\ reo;,eners
!:.road contribution ;,rotection
in-kine! ;,ayrrents, delayed financial payments structured
active role of El'.~ in reaching settlements
consideration of non -hazar<X>Us nature of municipal waste
protection fran t.'iirc!-;,arty actions
actually beccr.e involved in the settleirent process with
4. lnitrar,• c'.i.stincti.on between sewage sludge that involves
cCJ'rn!!nt an:': insti tut.ional sludge. \1a offer the following
additio~ to t::1e national stancard municipal policy.
Section 2 .0~ F.ll. "Interim olicy of = Settlerrents Involving
Sewage Sl uC.ge as ~1uni c ipal , io.-.tes. 11
The Interi."1 ?olicy as a'1!lounced by the E?l\ generally provides
recognition for the nature and e>.tent of rrunicipal contribution
to the h,.eardous waste proble:n. one of the key problems with
t.oe policy 11t the present tire is that t.'lere is an arbitrary
distinction bet\Jeen sewage sludge caning fran PO!W s thllt
acce)?t ooly hoosehold waste a.,d darestic sewage and that sewage
s l udge caning fran POITI' s that receive contributions fran
camercial institutional and inOJStrial processes. In effect
any camiun.tt!, that has any ca,r.ercial , institutional or
industrial 11Ctivity in i ts bouncaries does not ccr.e under
r:,unicipal settle:.-r..nt policy. The policy finally a(.opted by the
SPA should address rmmicipali ties as rrunicipali ties and delete
t.'le ocr.marcial, institutional and industrial classification
fran t.oe Interim Policy of cr.RC!A !.ettler.ents Involving
Muni ci!""lities and ~:unicipal :~as tes.
City of Englewood
OCTOBER l, 199 0
3'00 S. El1tl StrNt
Englewood , Coforado 10110
Phont 1:103) 711-1140
--1 ',
City of Englewood
3•00 S. Ela1 1 SlrHI
Engle wood, Co lo rado 1011 0
Phon e 1303) 761-11•0
CCla!m 1, 1990
•rt,e Interim Municipal Policy does not pr ovide an exenption frCJl\ CERCLA
liability for any party . Thus, the Policy does not prevent private parties
fran involving a municipality in a CT:RCI.'. matter, even where t.oc E?.l\ has
determined that such runicipality should not be identifieC: as a potentially
res;,onsi.':ll e party (!'P.P ) a':. a =a.l\ site .
secau~e of t.'1is t'1e ~rr.c must Su;>?Qrt a statutory ar:encirent during t.ie
~ext reauthorization of CERC!.'\. to exenpt =icipalities fran CERCL.", liability
i.r, ~""?rq,riate circurnsta'lc~s. Only a stctutory aii-enc:reJlt can provide ccriplete
and final r.elief for deserving lillllicipali ties. The NI.C should also lobhy the
M!:linistration ii.Cd E?A to support such an ar.endr:ent .
!n the rTP..anti~, E??. r.rust be encouraged to oorre::t or clarify positions
ta~e., in .1.ts Interi'TI ~lunicipal Poli~'. In its Policy, F:P.L. correctly
reco~i1.es that municipal waste, includi.'lg sewage sludge, is generally
characte::-ized by la!'q~ vo lumes of n::>r1 -ha 2ard:ms suhsta.,ces t.l-iat may contain
trace qua.oti ties of hoUSf'-'iold or other hazardous waste. In light of this, the
Interim Municipal Policy establis~es a ?res;.r1;:>tion that flUnicipal waste,
inc l uding 5~,•tai:,-e sludge, gen':!rall!' ~-.ill not trigger notification as a
;>otentially r~spons~l':! party (?RF).
EPA rT\1st be encouragecl to r,rovide that this pres~tion can !le rebutted
~ E!'.", deter.nines, based on site specific information, that a hazardous
SlL'lstnncc fou.11d in t~c rrunicii)ill \··aste ccnes fran a CXl'iTiercial, i:idustrial , or
i:ist i tutio:inl (C!I) source or activity a.,a t.~e hazan:lcrJs su.'::i5tance is present
in arra..ints sig:,ificantly greater thao wou ld be fcrJ.od in household waste or
deres tic sewag e and sewage sludge ~ing frcm a ?O!l·J t.l-1at doos not receive any
CII contribution . As currently drafted , the Policy would sir.l>ly require IPA
to have &Aa aeneral reason to believe a hazarcous substance is attributable
to a CII sourCe, •,:ithout n'1y nl?':'d for sit':! S:')eeific L'lfOl.'Ntion confirming
this. 1\1so, the ?olicy does not require a CCTil)arison with waste fran non-CII
PCllWs .
Page 'l\.o
ocrtmn 1, 1990
In additiou , EPA should incoroorate a de minimis exception for minor or
insignificant CII contributions . sue~ changes would ensure that all
=icipalitie.~ are treated evenly and that cnly rru.'lic ipalities responsible for
truly hazardou s waste are Slbject to E!'A action.
In addition to determining when municioali t i es shculd not be identified
as a PRP, t.lie Interim Munic ipal Poli~, addresses hcM municipalities that !1ave
been ne.i,ed as PRPs s hould be treat<ad in the settler.ent process . In this area
the Policy clearly has not gone far e."migh. I n addit ion, settlerrent issues
ray ultimately prove to be the r.ost i.n'portant to municipalities, because even
"1U!Ucipalities not nrured by EPA as a PRP ray still be brought into a site by
private parties. EP.n. must be-encoura~ed not only to provide guidance oo
provisions a'ld awroac"es that m,y be ap;,ropriate for settler.ent with
rnu.,i c ir,alities , hut also to tal<e a, a~tive role in reaching settlerents that
ai:e fair a"d -aquitilble t,:, rmr,icipalities.
The !:iterim l h.:nici!)c l Pcl:i.cy recognizes t.l-iat state stat utes and
constitutio:1s often i~s':? u:.iCJUe lir..itations on nunicipal pc,,-1eIS .
Mnnicip alities rr_-a.y be lir.dteC in t.1e arrcunt of func!s t.."le:1 can raise, t.i"le
ti.TI.U..,g of such efforts, and tiic a!:>i lity to enter L,to q,en--ended financial
c".rirnitrients . In li~ht of this , t.ie Policy reCCti'iienC.S t,;',e use of S?e<=ial
""\i:-ovisions such c-.s .lela;red r,a}'!!'l!:nts, stnictured settlements, and in-kind
!)ll.ytrents . \.:hil-e laurlabl~, s uch ?!'OVisions p!'ovite a,ly limited relief.
Gr'9ater c.se of mre innovati vl? a"ld fl!?'.>:ible settlement provisions should be
enco..u:-aged, such 2.s cove nants not to sue and exer.riti ons fran reopeners.
In i"dc.i.tion to ?.!"!)ro,riate tSJ.,ns for a settle::e.,,t, EP.; mu s t be: encouraged
to aa/lress t.'le, l."f)Ortant issca of allocation . .\t r.ost =cr.; sites , t.,.,e sole
or :'ri.nr.uy bas.is used f c i: tl'.:.cx:atintJ re5IX>nsibil ity ru:ong PRPs is the vollm?
o: ,,aste sal").t to il site . This .:..s :ecause it is t:"le factor for \.rtiich the rrost
:'..:1for.:-,ation usually e:-:ists or sln?ly becauge it is the easiest a::,proach . In
ack'.ition, it is. often tl-t~ ~:roac~ mst favored hy major r,>r ivate ?RPs, who
0ften contr0l priv atl? allocation nec;ot iations a'"IC. wis~ to coerce the greatest
assessr:~nt f!'X'I 0t!1er PR.Os.
'!."h':! Intet·i~ '.!'c-,ici7>Fll !'olicy ~c~~a.daclc;es that ::unicipa.l ,,·aste gener all y
: r.\'('l~.v.=ir. lru:-g~ V1"'1l·.res n f raon-h,;:zar&r~,s su!)sta.""lc es ·,:i t.', aily srall arrounts of
;lcusF:hoJ.d 3...T"lrl s:Mll c:ruantity ~~za:dous subs"tances. Allc,..;i ng volurre to be ussd
:-:tS t..l-i~ he.sis for :'::!.l oca tio:, i11 such circu:nstances i s grossly unfair to
rmmici!)c\liti~fi . Yet 1'1\IDici~alities o !:.:en !1ave little !!)ility to influence or
control. such allocation schemes whfrn pushed by po1-.,rfu l private PRPs.
To ;>r ev~nt such cle;:ir inequities, t-ie liunicij>nl Policy should provide
that ,-olume is rarely, if ever, an appr~riate basis for detel.1i\l.ning fair and
~itat,le ~llocati'>ns for PC'!lls. ."11 e"-plicit recognition of the
Page 'lhree
cx:rcBER 1, 1990
in11PPr~riateness of using volur.e is a first step ~d ensuring ncre
equi tahle settlement mrong PRPs.
lla,,lever, EPA must be encooraged to do more by taking an active role in
praroting equitable settlerrents mrong parties. One way in which this can be
accarplished is for EPA to beccr.e directly involved in developing allocations
of r>!!sponsibility omong PRPs that reflect the non-hazardous nature of
l'1Ullicipal wastes. In additi on, "~re private parties cannot reach fair
agr,;e,:rents, EPA must be willing to enter into independ!ant settlerrents with
l!IUrlkipali ties that take into ccnsicleration the non-hazardous nature of
mun.i.ci,;,al w11Stes. Mor,eover, all settla.ents reached with nunicipalities nllSt
pros'tde for bread contribution prot<>=tion, as aut.\iorized by CERCI..1\, to prevent
;:,riv~te parties frcrn undP..rcutting f air and equitable settlerrents reached
betwaan t.,e r.P.1\ a.~d rnunici?alities.