HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 Resolution No. 035I
SC'ril'~; of 1988
WllERE:\S, the City of Englewood h as establ lshed a nd c1dopted deferred
comp<'IIS.'.llion and mone y purchase plans to provide> a retirement prog r :un benefit
for its <'mployees;
WHE REAS, the ~i ty Council of th~ Ci ty of Enr,lewood. Colorado . has
previously approve d ti.at i ts Mon ey Pur c h ase and De f e rred Compensati ,)n Plans be
administered by the ICMA Retire:ment Corporation; and
WHEREAS, the City Co uncil of the City of Engle1..•ond, Colorado, desires
t hat the investment of funds he ld t.mder its deferred compensation and money
purchas e plans be administered by the IO~ Retirement Corporation, as Trustee,
with the understanding that such funds will be held by the JCMA Retirement
T ru st, a trust established by public employers for the purpose of r ~presenting
the: interest of such employers with re spect to the collective inves:ment of
funds held under their deferred compensation and money purchase pla:,s;
NOii, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City o f
Englewood, Colorado, as follows:
Section 1. The City of Engle·...,ood hereby executes the lCMi-\ Retirement
Trust , attached hereto as Appendix A.
Section 2. The City of Englewood hereby adopts the trust agreement,
attached hereto as Appendix B and ar,points the 1Cl1A Retirement Co rp,nation as
Trustee the reunde r, and directs the 1CMA Retirement Corporation, as Trustee,
to i nvest all funds held under the deferred compensation and money ;:,urchase
plans hrough the lCMA Retirement Trust as soon as Ls practicable.
Section 3. The Director of Finance shall be the coord inator for this
program and shall receive necessary reports, notice s , etc. f rom the 1CMA
Retirement Corporation as Administrator, and sha ll cast , on behalf .,f the City
of En g lewood any required votes unde r the program. Administrative duties to
carry out the plan ma y be assigned to the appropriate d epa rtments.
ADOPTED A~D APPR OV ED th; 6th d ay of June , 19 88.
,, / ·-C1L
Susan Van Dyke , ~layor ,
City Clerk
l, Patri c ia H. Crow, C ity Cl e rk of ttw C ity o( Eng l e wood, Color,1do ,
d0 h0 rcbv cert i [j that t h e c1h ovC:: n nd for egoi ne i.s a Lr uc , acc urat e n 11d
comp l ete co py of Resolution No . -~ Se ric>s of 1988.
Y-r · Jl ((AII
~({1( •~.(. \ /V I
Pat ri c ia IL Cr ow
Stc1ton , 1 N•me: l"f Na"T\e o' 1tie l rus: a ; amenaea 1 rx:1 res.ta1ed hereb'/
,, '"-! ,:1.•:, ~('1 ,1 t me 'I\ l1us1
Ste li o n 1.2 D1 tlnlllon 1: Wnereve i L'le1 a rt useo here,n lhe IOl+r.,,.,,OQ itrms
It, :,,,,~•·e:1 Co.,,Pt'"'sa·,:,n Plan '-oeit·•e:I compensa1oo,, pla n e-stat:11,sned
,i·,: -.., ~:, --.etl b) a ii ,.,:,,,:. Em.Jio,e• lo• t"t py1c,ose d Df0,,1d1ng ret ,r e•
-~-•,:::r,, ano ot"t' oe!e11eo be nt!,ts 10 11s emoi ~es ,n acc oroarce
... •· ··~ :,,11.ns,ons r:I s~t Ol'I A5 7 Ol tn e l"'l!t1na1 Re,-e nve Cooe ol 1954.
,H a-~•,:,~:l
:.-:i:.,ees !rio" t'"';lli>)·ees -,,-tio oan.c ,po1e ,n Ouahheo Plans
1:: t-:-,.o,.e· Tiusl A 11us· crea1eo ou•~a.,, 10 an 1g•eemen1 t>e1....een RC
a·.::: a ~u::>I< ~mp,~· to• lhE Pv'OOU r:/ 1rwesi,ng and .ito m1noste11ng 1r-e
1..,•,c1 ,~ a!t-o e ~ s...c~, Em ;:,l o;'e' ,n co..,~:t,Of' .,,,,►.11s Oele,,ec Comper,.
w-:,-a;re-e--ie-,:s wit' ,:, ,,.,_p1oytts 0' ,. con:-,ec:1,onwr1h l!s Oual l,ea Pia ,
1e G~·a-iteeo lnvu·-.e"'I: Co.,11a :1 I. ,o.,uact e n1e•eo ,n1 0 Dy 1ne Ret,re
,..".,. r.:s: ... ,: ... ,nsu1a-i.:P comoa .,es 1·a· p rov,o es lo• a g ua ia-.ieeo ra 1e
cJ 1r " .• o., ,nve s:-.e r,11, nade p u'lul "I'. 10 l !JCh c o nu a:1
(f} ieu.:. lr,e 1n1e,r,a1 ,::i.,,• C,1~ Ma i,~neni As10t,11ion
t!,l 1C t..1.;, q : l rustees l'lOSE l rvSlet'S e1~1eo bylht Pubic Emplc,,-e rs ...,ho
,. K:.:,,:an:e ..,,,r, 1ne PICMS •oris cJ ~;,on J11a) t">t•eol are a iso mem,
ce·~ ,;f l',t Boa•o 0: D,•e:1:,•,-o1 IC MA 0' RC
,~ 1 ... ~,·--en1 1..:,,-.ser l "t l~Slme 'I! A.O ..,,,, 1h11 t'l'l1trs 11'110 a COl'llfi\CI
..,,.,.. l"t i:.e,,,eme l'l1 l•us: 10 o •cr-"ce ao~ce W111'1 resoe:t 10 •1'111!S1mt l'll OI
1r.e Tr.s· Pio::>t'\1
! 1 C>:,.-:,; os lne Po"110l•os o' ,nves1:"'te"I'! tslabl,Shfoo by tht 1n...es1men1
,l,,c..-1.f • 1c m e Re t•r eme r,: l•us: unaei 1ne s u pe•v•SoO"I cJ lhe l•ustee!o. IOI
re r-.1'. e ol p,ov,o,n;i •~SlMtl'IIS 10' tne l rusl P1 open v
~, "'..o-:: ~IT\ployo:!'t lrus:tts Tnose Tr vst ffi tlectl!1:I ti) the Put,1,c EmDIDl't"'S
"'"'O " a:co•oal'ICe .....,,n 1ht 010'/ls,orts o' Sec1 ,on J 1ta ) hereol ar e tu~ 1ime
lemo&~t'S ol P ubl,C EmolO)'!•S
{k ) P1.1:it -C [mpleyer lrullH!S Publ< Em:1!:,o,-e11, .... 110 "h't' as tr ustees ol
the OJ I ' I co Plil "'IS
01 Pu:>1i: f mplo~· ,. 1,1r,,,• O! s111e o• 1oca1 gcwcinment 01 any agenc, or
•"IS:rV"'lt~a 11 ,.,e,eOI tna · ha s aooo•e::i I Dete11eo Com pensat,on Pla n OI
a OIAJ,I e::i Pia n a t\O nu e ■ec u1 ea tn ,s Oec.ta•a toon ol l 1us1
tm10u.a1 t,e,e Pian J. o&a ri I DO"'I SO reO 0) I P1,1 1)11(. Empl~•er !or the pur pose
r:J. p ,o,.-.o "; rc11eme~ ,ncO'fle 10 ni tl'"'IOl~es wh<h sat si,es the a ual 1,
1•,or-•eOJ"tme n11 OI Sec1ton 40 1 rJ. the ln1ema l Ae-"'nu e Code u
1n1 AC lr,e 1n,e 1na1,ona1 C,1 , Mana~e..,el'II ~10t,a1 ,on Re 1,,emeni Cor0<>
10) Re1+1emeri1 l1us1 Tr,e l1u" crea1ea by thos Oec1a,11,on r:J. l1 1.1s1
(Pl 1,,.,1,1 Prooen;· lhe amou n1, helO ,ntrie Re,uement lr us: on bfh11t cl, 1ne P1.10l ,c
Em pl~"C•S ,n connec1<0n .,.,,,r, Dete11e0 Comoerisa1,on "'i1ns a no on betlalt ol ll'le
P11bl,c Empl oyer l1 ustees IOf lhe t•cluswe bene-1 ~ al S:mpl0ytes PU'Sul'll 10 Qv1 h• ,,,o Pians l ne l rusl P,openy srian tncluOe •nv ,nr,011\,: resuh,ng l1om 11\e ,rwesi
men1 of 1rie amoun1 s so he!CI
tal T11.1stees The P1.10l,c Emp1 ~e l1us1ees ano ICM~C 11 uS1ees eie..:1eo b-i 1ne
Pu bl< [mployers 10 se rve u membe•s ()I the Boar d r;J. l rus,ees rt the Rt1 1eme"11
Sec tion 2.1 C~11lon: Trie Ret utmeni irusi ,s crea1eo a no er.abl s'lt::: c,y
the e ~ec\11,on al 1n,s Dec.J1ra1,on al l1 us1 by lrit 1,ustees a no tht P u:il<t
S e c tion 2.2 PurpoH : 11'\f pu,oose r:J. the Re1 tr~r'II lr\lS! "le P'0\'1:,t b'
1r,e comm,ng1e :1 1rwe s1"flen1 ol tunos riet o t,,,, lht P ubl< EmDl:ite•, ,n conne:•
1,on ...,,n 1ne,1 Delerreo Com:-enu1•0"1 l 1'0 Oua!ll,eC P11.,_, l r,e T•u,t P100
en~ snail be ,n..esreo ,n lht Porttol,os 1n G u11 1 nteeo lnvtSl l'"'ltrt: Con:•ac·s
ano ,n O'ne· 1m..es1me 1"11, 1eco-nmendea o, 1he 1n...es1men1 A..::J v,se• ..,.,:,,, ,.,,
SUPeMM)l"ldlt,e Boa,orJlrUSIHS NcP1fld thelrUS1P1apeit, Wll!De •'Wt'SI~
m 1ec1.1r"•e s ,nueo by P1.1b11C. Employers
Stcllo n 2 .3 Owne rship ol Ttutl Pn:,perty : Trie T,ustees sn1~ ria...e legal
1,11e 101he 11 1.1s: P1ope11y l ht Pu bl,c Emr;,ov,~,s stia n be 1he be-:'11!1,c,ai O,,.,ht 'S
OI 1ht oori ,o-. rJ. 1r,e T,,.,,1 Pr ooeflt alloc ac,e to lhe Deterr e ::: CO"Tl:>tn sa:•0"1
Pla ns ine oon,on ol ine l•ull Prooeit· a~oc ·1ble 10 tht Ova~•,e:, P,a-.s ¢;an
be r,e 10 to, 1ne P ubic Empl0),'!1 l•ustee, lor '"' ••;::.lu!ovt tie'\t':,: Ci 11'\e
S ecllon 3 .1 Number and Quall l lcallon ot Tru1teH.
11) lht Boa10 ol l rusiees stian cons,51 ~ """' TruSlees F,ve o' \ht 1h,1s1et1
Sh a" be lull •hme emplO)'tl!S ol a P ubl,c Employe r (Int PuOl,c fmplO)'l!t
lru~1tts) who a •e avthOf,zea by such P uc,l,c EmDloye< 10 se•ve as l 1ust ee
lht rtml•P\tng t0u1 Ti uslees shall consi11 ol 1wo ~aoiti ..,, . .,i:; ai 11'\t'l!'nt of
e1e-c1,on 10 lhe B~•d ot lrustees 11t memt>etJ of lhe Bca·o o' O,ec101 , ol
ICMJ. ano1 .... n r,erwn, .,.,'flO 11 met.me Ole'~t,on 11tme:no.11oltht 8oi'CI
o1 Dr1ect 01 so!AC (tl'le lC M~C l1u11tn) One clttielr1.1S1HSwt'lo1SiO-rector
ot ICI.IA. a nd O'\e ol lhe l1uS1ttS .... hO ,, I dolKIOI Cl RC sna!I a: lht lffll!
ot el«toon be luli -hmt employees ot a P1.1 bl,t. EmOIO)'t''
(0) No pe11,on ma y ser~e as a lr1.1Sll!t 1or m()f f lti.ln one It/~ ,r. 1n1 Jen yea r
Stclion 3 .2 Eltcllon 1 nd Tum.
(a) E-cepl IOf the l•uS1etS a ppoinle(I lo loll 'liCl l'IC•H purs1.1a'"I: 10 Sl!:t•O'l 3 !,
rie,e()I the l ruSlffS 11'\1" be e 1ec1eo b') a vote ol a ma,011:t IJ. tl'II Publ:c
Em p1aver s ,n ac..cor oan:e Wflh tt,e J)f oteou1e1, se1 11),:r, ,n lhf Br"L W<ll'S
o1 AJ :ri c r ·st eirc1 on 01 T•uS!l'P!. 1rure T1uslf'C!S shall oe e1 ec1ed !Of a 1erm
r:/ l""'l' 1cars lh•rt l•us1ees sr.a~ t.ie elf'.:1 1'0 ror a [{'rm of tiNOyears 31'10 lh1 ee
l•ur.ters sto all l>t elt"C lec IOI a term r:I ol'\f' 1·1:w A.I each su tH,eouen1 e1ec 1,on
""ef' i·us1 res snan oe,, e'l'C1f!O 10• a 1e1m o! three )'e ars and unl,1 1115 01 he,
i..JC:essor ,s t'll'C1ed ,1 no c.i uahl,eCI
S•clio" 3.3 Nomlnallon1: The Tr us1 tt1 who a,e lull -tome emplo,ees cJ Publot
Er-pio,ers shall M"Yf as 1he N om,nator,o Comm,nee to• the Public Emp10ye 11
;. . ~-~, n1'f! l~r,.,,11.t1 "9 (c,nrn,r.c,e Shal chOCY..e canct,c1 aies IOr Pufllc EmOlo,-ee
L, ~s·ees ,n acco•a arxe ... 1r 1ne p•oce::.i•es se1 lo'1n ,n lflC! By Laws
S•cllon 3.4 Rulgnallon and Removal .
il l .:..-,., Tr.,s1 rr ma; •es•g" AS Trus1ee ( .. ,1nou1 <'l.('('d IC!' p1r01 01 &ubseQut>nl
a,:~..,1,n g) O)' an ,n s1i.,men1 m ..,,,, -.g S•J "C'J o~ 111e lrus1ee ana del •.-e•ea
IC t•t olher i<uSI~ al'ld sv:t> •es.,t.,"'11•0!'1 sr . .i.t, De eHu,:lvt up()r\ WC:h Ot'l•llt'ry,
:,,, a, a ,ater oa1e accoio,..,g 10 trie 1e•>r1S O! tnt ,n!,llum ent .\ny Of 1ne Trustee s
-a1 :-e ,eno~a ro, ca1.SI" by a wo1e of a ma101,!y cJ. tne Pu IC Emp10yer5
1::: i;a:r "'uoi.c [r-r,10-.ee T•usiee s·ah 1,.s,on 11,s 0t rie, pos,hon as Trus1 ee
,. .. ,. s ,·, oa,o;r:Jt"'e a.a1eon ... ti.ct,r,eo,, s11c cea!oe!.looe atuA t.me~oic.,,,.tt
::J a ~..,01oc [Mp1r,e1
Se c11on 3.5 Va c 1nc1 e1 ; r..,, 1e,m ol 011,ce or a Trusiee Shall ie,m,f\ate a,c,
a • !':.tl'IC! sr,an occ ... , ,n 111e e...1!nt ol me ct-ath •e !.t gria1oon. ,pmc,,.al . ao1ud1•
:a·e1 •"C OMr>e le r,c e c,• acne, ,nc aca.:,1 110 pe 110,m 1r,e out•es cJ. lhe ollice of
a ·•.,\'"t' 1n11,r c,neofa,acaflC, 1rie •l'f'"l ,111,"9 Tr us1eessna!l aooontsuc11
~~•;,y a\ lh ('\ ,n t'le I Cl sc•C!1 •01'l srar M'l' 1,1 {"'ut>1<-:11 0 the l,m,1a1•ons !.e: IQl'th
r 1~ ~ ~cc1 •0..,) to se'\1' 101 me u"e,o,iec, 001,on ol the ter m ol !h e T1us1ee
,.u, ,15 •e~ ;neoo• otrie,,..,•s e cea seo 10 1;e a Trusiee The aopo,n!ment snaH
J!' -.,:,e t'i a "'"r.en ,.,s:rvm e'1: s ~'ll'Cl D\ a rn a10"1, OI 111e Ti usrees Tn e Del·
sO" a;:oon1 ea m1.51 oe 1'1 e sa-n e 1,oe ot Tru s1 ee f, e Pubhc Em~oyee Trus•
iee c· 1(•.1:.. qc T•,.s1ee1 as trie oe·son ... rio has c.e ased to be a Tr ustee An
a:::,, .. ••t" ,.,1 o! a i•~stee ma, oe ...-.aoe '" ant,c pa1 ,on ol a vacancy 10 occur
a·a a:e·::ateO'>•us,..,cl•e:1erner1or res9'\cl1,on p,o.,oea 1hal suchacoor1•
-, ... ~ra11 •:;: t>e-:O-'"'! e'!ecl•vt onor 10 suc n ,e,,r emenl o• resigr.a1ron Whe,...
e .e · a .aca-v.:;· ,n rr,e ..,u...,be• ol 11us·ees sr1a11 occu• unM such \'atancy ,s
'J.fC as ~1:,.,,oeCI 1i"I 1n,s Sec 1,on J 5 tri e 1rus;ees ,n ot!ic e reQitldless QI the,,
.,.J..,:,e1 \".all r.awe al' 1ne oowe•s gra.,1eo 101he T,u stee s and snall d•s.c harge
aM 1ne o .. : es •"T'IDOSeJ uoon me Tr\;s1ees o1 111,s Oec 1ara1,on A wune n ,nwu•
-.,n1 eel'!.., "il me t!• s1enct! ot suen ,acar'IC\ s•gr'lt!O by a ma10f~y of th e
i•us1ees sr a11 c,e conciu $t ~e ev,oerxe o: the ,.,s1ence of 5UCh vacancy
St'clion 3.6 TrusleH Serve In ReprHtntall ve Capacity: B; e,ecu1,ng
. ., s Df-:,a·a :'tln eac ,, ""DI< Emp1aye• a;rees r•.a 1 tne Publ< Empl01ff Ttvsiecs
e-e-::1e ... '.J) 1ne Puohc EMP'o•,e1s a•e a..itnor ,2eo 10 aci as age nts ana rep1esen-
:ar,~es O! 1ne Puoi,c £mp1 0,ers cotier::to;~y
Se ct ion 4 .1 Gen•1'111 Powers : Tne T•vsiees sr.all 'l al'e 1ne oo,,,e, 10 col'lOucl
tr.e :>us,-.eSl c,• '"'t' Trvs: a"ICl 1c carr, on 115 ooera1 ,ons Such p:y.,.er sriaJt ,rcluO@.
!O) erter ,n10 a corm ac1 w,tn a11 tnvt!st men1 A.cl111ser p10..,c1,11g amon,g oc ner
t",n;s lo• 1"" es:abl,shmen! ana ape1 11,on o, the Portlotios se!ect,on ol the
G,.,a·a·,:eeo ll'vl"s:me!"ll Con1rac1s ,n """""ri lhe lr uSI Prape,iy may be •t'IIIE!S1ed
~ec:,on d other ,ri..estmeru tor tne Trvs: P,oc,e,iy arwJ 1he oavmert r:J ,easona·
Ole It-e s 101ne 1,,ves1men1 l<(I V1 se· ane 10 any suo mves1me n1 aa~,se, ,e;a,neo
!C) rev •t"'· annually th e oerlo•M ance ol lht! ln~stmeni AoV1 se• ana a001ove
ann,.,,1•1 1 !"e co n:,ac: w•I" sucn ln~stmenl t.C,111se1
!::I t•~~ a'IO •e,l'T,eS: the lruSI PrOOIJl'TY ,n ll'lt Portk)l,os the Guaranteeo t11e1cst
Cc,r,,,,c" 1-.0 "' I ")-acne, ,r,.,esi~,,i lf!C:Ql"fYflefl:,00 C,,, l'i.e l,,....,Qmtf1 Advrsef.
w "0! ,'l(luC,."9 sec u1~,es ,ssue<:1 o,, "'utK E,.,tJI0,1!'1. pro,,,oea thal II a PuOI<
f...-pr o,.e · na~ do1ec1eo 1na1 ,1s mon,e\ be ,n,esiea ,n spe,c.,heO Porttot,os 01
'" a Gua 1an'N!d tn~sir-,en\ Con1•ac1 rne l•us1ees ol 1he Rewcmen1 T,v~ V . .t~
,n ,eSI sucn mon,es m accorcance W<!h such C1,rec11ons.
1e1 •.reo suet> oort•on ol lht! T1us1 Prooeny m casri 01 cash bala ric es as the
T1us1ers ho,r, 1,,ne 10 1-rne ma~-oee"' 10 be '" the besl ,n1e1eS1 ,-J the Rel"e·
me"tt 1,us1 c•e1 1eo he•eby ... ,inw. 1,at>l ,1y lol ,nte,eSI 111e1eon.
(f) ,1 ccep1 ana re1a,n IOI suc h t,me u ;ney rnay oeem aov11a1J1e any t.eeu u•
1,es or ocner p•ooerty rocr•vcd or acauoreo by 1ne,,, u T1u1.te111 11er 1runae,
wnelhe• 01 no1 such secm~•es or othe1 p,opef1 y WO.ilo l"IOl'm<1Ry be putt.ha ~
(g) cau se any sccu111 ,es 01 Olher p1ope f1y heLa as p,rt Ol lhe T1u S1 P1oper1y
to~ reg,stered 11'1 the name ol 1he Rt1 ,remen1 lfusi or ,n lhe name r:J • flCJffll·
nee and 10 hotO any ,n-,-es1men1s ,n be a,e, lolm bul 1ht booltl a nd rec;or j1
ol :ne fi uSl ees 5'1alt at au 1ome1. sr,cw, 1h11 alt sue., •l'hl1!Sl men1, a•e • par1 ot
1he l•u51 ProD('fTy .
(h) make e•ecu1e ec i.r,o_..!edge and deli ve r any and aN CkX:umenis a ,,ai•
re1 a"Clc.onveyarce and any I nd 111 Olhe• msirumel'l!s 1h11 may oe neceua
or 1op1op,,a1e 10 ca11y ou r the oo,,,e rs he1e,n gra,itea .
(,) .-oie upon a~ SIOC k bonds. or Oll'lel secunl,eos g,~ ge,ierat 01 spec,ai p,011
or pawers o! ar:o,ne..,-,..,th or WllhOUI oo,,.er ol SubSMul•on. tt•e•C•M a,., C
11trs,on p11 v,1eg es sub!oC 1,p1 ,on ,,ghts 0t Olher opc,on s, and make any PIY·
men 1s ,nc,a ental 111e,e1 0. uooose 0t consent 10 01 01ner.onM! pa r1 ,:1p,1e ,n.
co•DOt al e •eorgi\n,:;it,ons or Olher ch ang es e11ect,l'IQ c01po,ate $f!CV1~,n and
Ot'lrgale d•!.C •etrona ry pe,we,s ,1 no oa, an-f asse n.ments or charges ,n con-
nec1 ,on 111e,e-,,,1n anc 9ene•all1 e,e,c,se any Ol 1he powe,s ot an owne, 'lll'lth
1esoect 10 s1oc1t.1. oooos. 5ecuflt,es 01 ome, prooent helO u pa,, r:J ll'lt Tt uSI
Propen y.
I.I) r n1e• ,n10 cont•ac1s or ;ir ri\ngements !or goods or s,erv,c es ,eau,r l'Q ,n con,
nec1oon ,.,111 tne ooer a1,on 011t,e .::it1 ,r emen.1 lfust ,rcluO•l'IQ . but :1011im<•ec
to con1,ac1s With cus100,ans ana con11 ac1s IQ( the p,o,.,sion 01 1c,m,r.si1:,t,11t
1~1 ocvr o,v o• •a•s e money tor 1ne ou•ooses r:J me qet,remef'II lf1," ,n sueh
amO\Jnt af\O uoon suc.h !erms al'(J CO'\Ol!,ons as the Trus:ees Shall oee,n ad;11s,
able PfOVrOl'O lhal lhe a;grega1e amou rn OI sucri OOl •OMngs srian r,o, "c~
30% ol me value ol me l rusi P•ooen.,, No pe,son le no1rig mor-.!y 10 !tie Tr1,1s1tt1.
sn an oe Dou ncl 10 !>le the appt,t.11 ,on ol tne mon~ 1en1 01 10 •naun e ,nto ,1s
fl) ,rcur 1e;,s:>na0ie e,oenses as rtoa u •eel ro, lhe o;>e1a1,on ol trie Re1,ie,,,ent
T, .. sl anc c.eouc, such e,oen ses hom tne Tr usl P•ooeny .
(m) ~ay e•oel'lSes p1oper1 y all oca oi e 10 the Trv SI Pro:,e~~ ,rxuned ,n connec •
1,on With the Dele r•ed Compe nsa11on Plans Oval ',eo Pl ans 011he Emolaye·
Ti usts ind ceouct suc h e\penses !r om 1r,a1 0()t't 1on r:J the TruSl P100fr,Y 10
wht)"T'I sucn e,penses are o•ooerty all xable .
tn) pay ou1 ol ll"e T1us1 P,or>e rt; all real ano oerwria1 p,opert,,• ta ,es ,nco-ne
ta~es arlO 01rie, :a•es o1 all) a/\CI a~ i.,no s wf'l,ch ,n rne ap,n.on ol the i uSlttS .
a,ep,ooen, ~ or a~vnot' e.us:,rig OI' M u•e~'SuPO'l 01 ,n1esoect
of . 1ne Tru51 P,ooeny and al!oca1e al'!)· such 11,es to lhe app,opnate accou nts.
(o) ao oot . amencl and •epea l the B;·•Laws p,Ol/'CeO that such By·l.aws are
a1 an ,,mes cons,stenl wrth the 1erms ol 1h1S Oectl,at,on of T1uS1 .
IOI employ pe•sons to make ava,1aOle ,.,,eres!S ,n the Re,n.,-nel'II Tru st 10
emproye1s ei,c;i ,ble 10 ma,nra ,n a Oeleueo Comee• u 1oon Plan unoe1 Sec1,o ,,
457 o, a Oua~t,eo Plan unoer Sec.1,on ,01 ~ the ln.:unlll Revenue C.>ae as
amenaed .
la ) ,ssve the Anouai RePOO or tne Rei ·ement T1usi a:i l the o,s.c:1osu1 e aocu·
ments af\O ot he1 111e,a1ure usec b) tn e Re1i•emen1 lroJSl .
tr ) make loans ,rxluO,l"IQ the our cr,as e OI oeOI obloga1ions. p,e>,,,oea 1nat all
sucn loans sha ll bear ,n1e,uS1 a1 lhe cu uent ma,~ rate .
(SI c.on11ac1 t01 anc oell"Q.t1l' ,1 r,y [)Ov,-er S gran1ea ne•euno e• to such otr.c.e,s,
age nts emOlo,fts auo,1 ors ana anO'"l')-"i as me lr !J51ee5 may select. pr:I
that tri e Tru stees may not c elegaie me powe•s set tMI' ,n paiac;ir apt,s fb), I
al"IO 101 of 1h,s Sec1,on 4 , al"IO may n01 oelega ie any po,o,-e,s ,I suefl Oeleg
1,on wouto 111olaie 1he,1 t.cuc,ary du1,es .
(ll p,CN.ae 101 lhe ,noemn,t,ca1ron ot 1ne r;Jt,cef!. al'ld ltu5tees ol the Rt'lneme
TruSI al'ld ou •chase t,c,uc ,a•y ,nsu1anc.e
(u) ma,nta,n boOks anc ,eco,cs ,nc lutJ,n g seoa•a1, accoun1 s lo, fac !'I Pu bloc
Employer Public Empra,,•er 1,usiee or Empl0ye1 Tr uS1 Incl such aodrlional M!P,
ara1e accounts as a•e reQ uu ec ul'lOer al"IO consrS1el1 With. lhe Oele11eo Com·
penr.ahon 01 Oua l,r,ea Plan of each Pu bic Emplc>yef . 1n11
(v) oo all such aclS. take an sucri oroceeo,r-gs. al'ld eierc,se Ill such rights
ancl pr ,....ieoes al1h0.,gh not soec,l,canr mert1t0ned l'le,e,n as IN! lruS)H'S may
c,eem necessary 01 app1op11a1e 10 aom,nrster lht 1tvM P,oper1 )' ancl IO u ,ry
out the purooses o! 111e Re1ueme11 lfust
~:t+on , i D11\rlbutl on ol Truat Pro1M r1y : O,st11tM,1Y1• d !he l,usl P1 op
•• , •• a, t,f m •Of 10 o• 01"1 beh,111 d !hf Pubhc (mplO,,,f'I or Put,l,C [mplCM lt
".."'t '" accoioaxf' with t11e 1erms c, lhe ()ete11i,o ComPtn\al Of\ Pla n s
a • t-:J Pia n• o• [mplOff!' l1 us,s Tt1 r T,u slCt'S d tne Re1uemen1 lrus1 Shall
.-t • ~ , :VOI Kit:J ,ri m.>~,rog r.a~•"ent, ,r, accoroanc , wilt lhe ~•ec.l•ons OI
-<t ;: J:,.,:. t mt.'I ~~ Pvtk [n•O'':l)'e' 1'vSIN"5 0' t(hef lfuSlt't' rJ 11~ [mpi0,1!1
., .-i:.1 •-:l "IO.Jl as.:r r,a,,~llQ whe1t,e, 111C" N;-ments 11e ,n comohance 111,t1h lli.e
p-:,. ... ::..... c, r ,t Ot1t1•N:l Compe"ls,110'1 or Ouai.t~ Pll,r,i 0' 1he 1g1H ments
• • ..,.1ne EmDIOt l'' 1,,..sis In .t .J Euc ut ,on ol lnalrume nts : Tne l1ui1r e1 may unanrmo,,.iSly
,;·.a·t ,...., o .-.e 01 n10•1' o' 1ho Trusiee, '0 e •e<.11tf' lrty ,n51•uinen1 01 d OCu
ry t,ehl" ct 1 11 ,nc1uc,,n;1 but r>OI 1,m 1ed 10 lht 5,gning or e n001semen1
.. , :~• l "l :J l'lf ~•gn,ng ?I II") 1opl,c1t•~.ns ,nsur a nc:e I ncl Ol tle• con
... , ~-..:, int I Cl•0" ol !,vCti de!>-Q l'\o\1t'O lruS1t>e or lru.iees shal1 ha.,, 111e
u-~ •:~:e 1 '\Cl e'le.:1 as ,, 1a~e" o-, 11 ,ne l•us1 ees
S e c t,o n 5 . 1 Dul y ol C1re : 1n e,e1c,5-r,g 1ne oc,wer!lo nere,n beloie ,;,·antco 10
.. t ·. ~~·~· t°'f' 'ir.:,·tts 5"1,tll perl01m a d I C!S Wl!htn the,r authOUI)' ~· me
e,: .!. .,. Pu'OO\t C:I r,,c,v,o,ng be"lf1 •1• tor lht Public [mplayers ,n COl'lnct·
• ·/ ..... Dt1t·•NCCJl"loens.a1 ,()(I Pia~ 11\0 Pvblie [m plO)"tf lruS1f!t!'5 our1uan: •: ·#•• • eo =»11n1 af\CJ S"l al per1orm suc:h acts Nttn 1rie ca•e ,i..u pru:,rr-ce
a·,: :, ;;•"IC I' '" 11"11' c,rcur-i 1,:1nces 1nen p,e,.,ao1a ng ll'lal a pruOenl person a:1•
•: • 1 •t c:ac ac,1 1 ano la-n11,1 • w •I" SJCl"I maners WOUICI u se ,n 1ne c:ot\Ovc:1
: 1 • r't''Pr !.t' c,1 a 1,-.e cna•ac1ei ano ... ,m i.i.t a,ms
Sect,on s 2 Ll a bilily : Tne T1us:e-es sr,a1· ~ oe l.atlle to, ar,, m,s:a ~.e r:l ,uo~
-'!"' ,. :-.," ,, a:; y :a-en ,n g.:.:>a ta 1r a"IO ,o, a-., ac,,or, :a ~,n or om,neo
~ ·t •·•:'! ,n ~x,o 1a 1n v:itl" 1ne t>OO•.s ol a:co,,.inl or ot ner 1ec01ds ol !~e
:::t e-,e"" h:st v::>:>" 1ne op,rir:,r, (ll cou"sel o< ..roon re;:,oni. maoe 10 the
~e· •e-,.,. T•us· D) a.,, ot ,:s O11 ,.:e1 s em ~o(ffS o• •-en1 s or by 1r,e ln.-eu
-~-se• O' a'tj SJ :> ,n,es•Men: 1OV'Se1 a ccov-;:1 n1, a::i:i11 sers o· otne,
. t ·~ 'l co·s ... -:1,a se e,--ee ,.. .. •euo·.aolt ca•e c,, !l'le T•us1~s on,ce·s
~ .,-:.,,:i.ees O' 1r,e Ae1 '!'..,e,: l•usl ;,.e tr ustee~ sr,111 a,so 1"1()1 toe l,able 101
a·. :H sJs:a,.,to e,. tl'l e l •JSI Prot>!"'I \ ~. ,eaSO" d •~ 1n11t s1men1 ,..,aoe
• ;·,_,; •.11·· l "\C •"l a;;c:r.Ja X f .,.-,ntr,t s<.a -.oa•d rJ c.a ·e ~ lo,'l"I III Sec1,or, ~,
Sr ct ,:>"I S.J Bo n d : Ne 'h.1 s1ee sr,aN Of c,t:,1,g a1e::, 10 g ,e any bOna or Ol"t'
se:. • •, ''. t"t oe-:o•-a,;e o· i ", Ci "s or rier dut •e~ tie,e,,r,!Jer
l ht lru<;tee!. shall IMull!v wtJm,, 10 the Pvbl<. Emp1c,ye15 ilf"ICI Publ<r [mpl0ye1
ltusseei I wunen 1epo11 ol 11..e lrM\M:l,ons ol the Re11romtl'II l ru51 •l"Cludi"Q t.f\11\-
c,a• ,1a1em(!n1s ""''llC:h shall be cenit,eo t>v 1rodepenoent publ,c. 1cco,,.in111n1, cho
se n by lhe 1ru51ees
Secllon 7 .1 Wll hdniw1I : A Publ< [mploVt"• 0' Publ< Emple>ytt l ru,tee may
., any lime. Wt1h011 ... -!tom lhlS Rtblamt'n\ l1uS1 by oel .. ,+e ung 10 the e a.,o ol
l1u,1ee1 • w11ne,, ,t11emen1 ol "M1h011.,.·a1 In 1,uch 11a1emen1 1111 Publ<
(mU10t·er or J"u l)hc [mplc,ye1 lo uS1H "1111 ac 1tno,,,-tec,ge that 1t1e l1us1 Prop.
M y aHoc able 101nc PJbl,c. Emplc,yer ,s derilt't!d horn tomoe:nw.1 ,O"' o,teued
b) employtts !JI suet, Pu bl< [mplo('• pUr~an1 10 ,ts Oete11e:, C(ln'lot"W
hon Plan or t.om COl 4!1bu1+on1, ,o 1r,e ICCOUnlS ol EmplO)'!:e. P,.)fS1.11n: 10 I
QuaM,ee P\ar, and 5hall dHrgl\il\f the hr,ano11 •l'ISl ~UIO'l 10 ,Ntl(;l'I 5.C.h P,o:>e'\f
ltlall be uanste""° by the Trustees ol 1ht Ret11ement Tru s1 or by 1ne l1usrte
d lhf [mpl0)1!r l1 u51
Sec lion 7 .2 Dunillon: l ne Rt111emen1 'trust shin cont inue unt,I ,e,1rn1r.a1td
b) trie VOit ol • ma,orrty d the Publ< Em p10ye~ eaen c.1s1ing one 'o'Ole uoon
1t rmr r,at,on. '" ot the T1u1,t Prooertr wn be pa,d OUI tolhe Pvbl< [mpl0ye•s
PuOl+C [mplOyel 'trustees or lhe lrvstees ol lhe Em ploye• lru\!S H 100'0P'lllt
Stcllon 7.3 Amtndmtnl: l l't' Re1 ,1emenl llu~maybe a"'tndtO tJt lhe vct.e
r:J a m1J0u11· ol the Publrt Emp10ye,,. each cas1 1ng one Yote
S ection 7 .4 Proctduni: A reSOIU1101'1 IO tertn1n,1t c,, amena 11\f Ret,•e~,n:
11..r<;t O' 10 l(!ITl(M! I TtuSlee Shall be s.t.)m.lleCI 10 I voce d lht Put,!< ['"lplo~-,
,t f•l a maiou1y ct. !l'le T1 us1ecs so c,,,ect 01 111) 1 oe111,on 1e::i 1.1es1 "~ a v0·e
"gne., bi' no! less tl'lan 2 Sl¼i ol ll'le Pvbl< Em:>10-,e•s ,s •ubml!tec 10 lht
t,u stces
Section 1 .1 Govtrnlng Lliw: E11tt:>11s 01h,-1wise reau"ec n, state 0" ioca'
!a·.., 111,s 0tc11ra1,on ol l1us1 ano lhe Ath•emt!nt HVSI nert b, c•ea1t: 1,,".1' bt
COh St•ued anO ,eoulattd by lhe laws ol lht [),1,\IICI o! Colwmt,.1
S ec lion 8.2 Counlerpart1: lhls ~11111,"I" may be e•ec u!eo ~ 1'\f P _:, c
Emp10ye,, a r,c, Tr1.1ste es ,ri !WO o, moie cou r,1e roal\s U C"' d wh,c r r :al' t,f
oe~to ,,.. 01•~ n.-1 bul 111 d ... 'h,cr 10vetne· V\a!I cQM!,;_:, or.t-lr\;l Iri e u-e
AG REE MENT maoe t1, I ncl ber~1he Em~o;er l\lmed 1nlt\f1ltlC.fleCI rcso
lu'C0-"1 1-.::: tt\e 1nie1nai t<Ol'lal City Ml r'll ,llment A.uoc,11oon A etuem•nt C01por1 ,
loCY (',e•t--..fter me '1rustet or "Re:u ement Cot oo1a1oon/. • nonprol,1 COI POr a•
to"l ~'\ma ano ea.illlng undef N ~ r:J me ~\e r:J Oela· ... -a1e. b the purD015e
r:, ,.~ .,, ana O(herv.·,u 1:>mini s:e11 n1,1 th e h.ma, u t 11side b)' Em ploye rs ,n
~ .,-,.,.,r, oeteu ed co,mpe'lsai t :ll\ plan!-er.at,l !,l'\p(I unc,e, leehon ,1 57 ol
~ 1"1e·~ r:le~ Code rJ 19!,,I (l'le -C~) Th,~ A.g,eemen: ~•~ :alo.e rtleci
1.iOO"' 1~eP'J1rct1 t)\, 11'9 l1 uslff rJ 111 1 ppc,nw-.en1 b)' lhe Emplcr,,e r lo M!tve
IS lruSl!t '" I C.COl'tll"Ct hfle,,Mlh H s.et t()tl h trl lf'lf l ltKhe<I 1H()lu1t0n
WHEREAS , !ht Emplo,,e i has eslA l.)•sheO I ~err e<J :.om pe ns.a 1,on p!,1 n under
M!!C1 0"" ,51 rJ lhf' Code fl l'le "Pli,n).
WHERE.AS , ,n oroe: ll'lat 11'\f'te ,,,,11 be w tl,c,en: ti.mos a.-a •laOle 10 01s.cha1ge
N Etr:,l!)'fe', cor,1 11c1 u1! oa,gat,ons unoe r the Pia n the l:mOI O't'91 desires 10
,e t,tn~h~ amounts ec3 ua1 IO lhe 1mo..in1 d compensatoon oete11ed.
1EAS, the hinos se\ Htde. togetri., wit h any a na all as.sets oe uve<J trom
1hf ,~s:merc the!!OI are 10 be e.clusi...ety .....,t l'lin 1hr domir.on coi,1rol . ano
cwnte"\. p rJ, the EmCIO)'ef, lrcl Wt>,r.1 10 11'\f Empl:,1-e r l l bSOlult righ1 ol writ',,
c,11 ,,,.t r"() emplo,-ets t\lVl ng any 1r1e1est Wflltsoe'.-e r lhe rem,
MOW, THEREFORE , tl'lrs A.Q •eemefll IMl"'tSUI"' ll'lll !a) lhe EmDlc,,oer w,H pay
"ionoet 1:. tne T11.,rSl tt 10 be pla:eo •n CW.e rr ec CC,,,N!"SclltOn I CC.OUlltS !or l he
l m.clC')'ef (b) lhe Trust et CoYen.lntS 11\a! II .....,G hOICI s.a,o sums 1 1'\Cl • ....,. Olher
h.rOs ,.1'ICJ'I r. ma~· 1Kei'II! tie,eunoer 1n lr ull tor lhf' us" and ou1 p oses and
v,,::,n h lelffll &nCl tor'O'l•0"5 ne,e.~ite, staled ano IC) the par1•el hcreio agree
rf!U'-~ ~ 11 hetfl.ll'IOfl r ...-hoel'I IOQC!hfr -Mt h l"f income tt1r1ehom sha11 con-
SI IIU'l r me lruSI Funo" ll Viall 10mrrwS1er lhe lfVst Funas. cotiec, ir,r income
ttiertol. ,no ma~ P1y1T1ents U''lf rrtrom. atl H htre<naflrr Pf(1.110e0 The Trus•
llll!f! ~ alto hOlcl afl Tn.,sl Furns ~ 11e 1,anstrirec, IO II as success,o, Trvstee
t,,, !tit Empl<))'f! 1,om e,.1st,ng oele11ecl compen~t<on a111ngrmtflls wilh 11s
[m ~,.,roef C11ns0e1enbed 1n sec,,on cS1 d~Cooe Sucti Ttu~ Furv.,s
L"\al' be SJb,eC1 10 an o1 lhe terms and prCMs-0"5 rJ. thi s Agieemern
H'I 2.1 lnwrtrnenl Powert 1/WI Outln of the Ttu1tN: Tne t,us·
•• ~ ~>-e !tit oo,,,,,e, to 1nr.9~ and re,~SI Th'! punc:1p&11na ,nc:ome ol
N lrus: Funm Incl l,,ee p lt'>e lvss Fvnc,s •NHl.0 "'1!ho.J1 di~•l'CIO"I between
prtrooll l"(j ll"CO'T'4 If\ NCV'C.el 0' ti'\ Olhef pt()Oe/1~ FHl ()I ~I. whet·
""1e" 11#>:.11«1 .n::::1u0no bl.II ro limllad 10 ~ ccmmon or p,ate11ec, t>oncti.
rewemel'II annu!ly 11'10 1nsur 1ncr ooic,es mor1g1gu 1na Olhf• ~nces ol
1nc:1eblf':1'1fS.S 0/ ()Nfl,8r,1'wp •~stme rt compar.n. CO'l'lfflOn ()I QIOUP bllll turcb.
or ~paratr and d,Nrren, l,'De 5 of lunas (•ncludirig equit y. ti.ea income) -,o;h,c,h
utl1II recuir ements ol s-,1tr I nd loc.11 gover~ntll 11""' prCMOtd , t\or,r,lfyl1, 1n11
ire Empie,,~• ma-,• d11ec1 ,rwestment by lhe Trustee 1mong 1vatllblr ll"t"911mtl'II
nnernah.-H ,n such prooon,ons H thto [mployei 1uthof'lles ,,.. connect,on w,tr1
l\s oe1r11Pd comoensai.on eg,,emer1s wrth 111 emP'Ot-ffs For trie w pu1p01e1,
t hese tiust Fur,c,s may be eomm, ... gtr o ""itTI lrua Funas HI 1S1CSt by 01tier
EmplDfC" ~11 to lht teims d \t'lt IC M A Re11remt"'! lrua 1"4'Slmenl po,,ir11
veSIPd ,n 11\f l1usiee t,,· lf'lf Sec.1 ,on m a;· be ~eglt~ i,, the Tr us,er 10 any bilrwl .
1n-sur1nc:e 01 1,us: compa"'J 0' any ,M,.filmef'II 1 dV1.et man.?,1t r 0' 1ger1 W!!IIC1ed
S.Ctlon : : f dm lnl1trttlY1 Pow1,-ol lhe lh11IH: The Trvsitr &t\111 hl..-e
tt'lr~r ,n1t:s0rscre1 ,on
(I ) To purchase or subsc1 1be 101 a ny secu111,es or ocrier p,openy and to
rrtain !he ~me 1n lruSI
(b) To sel. e:ccriange, co:,,.,e,,. tr ansler 01 oc herw,s.r dispose ol any aec uu,
hrs Of other P'OC>fl'1~ Nia by I\. by PI IVlle conlr•ct or 1! Pl.Ible 1uellon
No pe~on oeal!n;i with U-.e T,us-~ WII be bound IO $ff !hf IPol<&lrOt"I
r:j t~ put'Ct\lH ~ QI 10 lf\QUl!e 11'\10 IN val1ony, eapedrency. Of PloC)f"
ety of any s..,ch 51 le Of ot:-ie r QTSD0$11,on
(c) To vote upan enr' stock..\ bor'IOs. n, other secu1 11,es , 10 0''11! genera! Of
spec:111 P4'0 •1el 0' ~ll of AMO'l'ley With 01 Wltl'IOIJ1 powt1 r:j 1Ubsl11u1101'1 ,
10 r .erose any cor'lll'trsron puv.leoe,s. 1Ubsc11011on rtghts, or 01~ opcions,
and kl make•"',' payments 1nc:,cieru1 thereto , 10 00C)Olt or lo COf\Mnl to.
0' (thfrw,se part,cipr11r ,n. corparate le01'Ql"-Dlor'S O' Olhtr Ch.lngrs aflecl.
,rig corporatt secur11ies aria lo ~roll! o,scretionary p()l4'S I nd lo pay
1r,-assessments or Cha 1g,!s 1r, connect'°" ltiefPl'l!th. 1nc:1 grnera11, 10 uer,
c,sr any of ll'le po,o,,ers rJ. 1n °" "Cl' ...,lh •esoecl to «tockS, bonclS. 1eCur11,e1
or other p,0pel'ly l'le!0 IS PIH1 rJ. the TruSI Funcis
(d) To cause any securd~ 1)1' otfitr •ooerty held ts part rJ thfi 'Trust Funcis
ltl t,e rrgrsieredrnrts ownn.a,N? ••;t;:o hOI01r,,-1~merts •• bu1eilo,m,
~ lhe bO()l,ts and 1ec01os of lht TruSlee N U a: an 1imes lhor,o, 1h111 /J 1ueh
1n-.-es1ments are I par, t;;J 11\f Trus1 Funo1
{e) To borrow °' 111se mane-,· Jor the pu1oosr cl the Tr usi 1n wen amourtt,
af'IO uoon such 1er'Tl• ana r Of\CI 1,ons u lht llu~et! Shall OttlTI 1dV1Mlblt,
,no t01 any sum '° bi ·•°"""o to is.sue 11s P,Offllssory nott as T1ustff and
to sec ur e the iepaym.em 1ht11Jd by pleCfQ'ng 1.11 , or •"'I par,, ol lhf-lrust
Funds No person ieno,no money 10 lhe lrustet n u be bOu:'10 10 lff lhe
1pphc.11,on of the ~ 1er1 or 10 1nQ tJ1r t u·110 RI ,...,,c,,i~ eaped,ency or
propurly cl any 1uch bor10,,,,ng
{~ 'Jo ~p IUCh potl10l'I er! 1hr T,u11 Func:is '" ~ or tHh bllal'ICH IS
lhfl T,us.:~-,. lfom 11me 10 \!me, ma) dN!m to be 1n 1hr be5t 1nlertf! ol the
1rus1 cr ea1~ ne,eby Wl'thOIJI l<tbllrty tor 1rttr 1eS1 ther eon
(g) To accept and 1e11m tor wet-lime 1s. 11 may OMm advr .. ble any MCu,,.
W 01oct'9fp,c,oerty r11C,84Cloraco,..,td~lasl\lSINher-.Jneler whlltw
or nol lvCh M!Cll'd1e1 or othtr propeny IIIOJI0 f'IOffl\lny bt PJl'thtstd 11
,r,.,es1 m er\lhel8lf~I
,. 1c mal.e e,eclJ!c aci..no,,,1ooge af\d ooh...er a~ ano an Ooc umenls ol
1•1 -..pe,1 1r-o c~nce 1nd ll "'f I nd all 0111e1 ,nst r~nu tha1 may Loe
~,~,.,. OI IPP'OPfolllt' lo C,AIIY C>Jl \hf pe,,r.,er1, he1e1,i g1;1nted
"' 1o loefl le comp,vn•s.e 01 wbmi1 to 1rbo11 11<on 1r,y cJ1rm,. debls or
0.-.1~5 Ou• OI ow,ng 10 01 horn 1t1e lruSI Funds toc01nmerce 01 dt!lend
-.J'l o-ie-oai 01 1esm ro~it11•Yf'" IYOCC!t'ding~ or.a 10 1eptesert the lruSI Fu1ia,
"' a,r 1,u,is ind lf'QAI and ac,m1n,st ·11,ve prcx::N'<J,ngs
Q \-c>.'.I 3'I IUC ac15. 1,11~ all s..,ch r,,~ngs and ai,eccse &II such rights
I: p,1.-ileges aNho,.,gh not spec,lun, mtn\>0,'"led here,n H the T,u,1ec
, oe,em '1'CCC!SM,Y 10 ACJm,nrst er lhe lrust Fuoos and to ca1ry OUI lhe
':--.:MSdth•5 lruSl
n 2.l Dl1lrl bu1lon 1 from the lhlll Fund1: lhe Employer 11errt,y
.,.~ the lru!.IN' I'S ~sage": lor 1t1e purpose OI mJl11ng d•st ••t>..11>ons hom
ltlt l-J$' ~Ur\d!, In lhr!, rega•d If\(' 1r1m5 Ind COllCM•ons lei IOrth lh lhe Plan
a ·e 1' gJ1Cl t' ano conl•CJI 11:e lruslees P<""@'
S.cllo n Z.4 Yllu al lo n ol Tru sl Fund 1: Al 1u st orct' • ,-ea, as ol VaJua1 on
Dl'fl :le\ ;J'laleO b) the l1 u!:'l f!e tht Ti 1,1S!ct 5hlll O~lerm ,ne lht value o11•1e
-..._ '!.' ~ _ -x,s A.! sets r:J. the l1ust Fun :a shall bf valueo ,, the11 n,a ri.ei valves
I I l"'t ~ d t>..,s,ne ss Of\ lht' Va1ua1 ,on Datt' Of ,n lht' lbs.erce <JI IHO,l y
1-.ce·,. -..11::,ic ma •~ \illues as lhe T1us1e-e ""31! oe:,rm.ne ,n accordance wr,n
~·,,:,,:n con5,s1r•1111 tOIIOwed ano uMorml1 11op1,eo
S.Ctlon ].1 Evl denct of Acllon by Em ploye r: The l rus-:ee may •el)' uoon
, ... ., ct" !,c a1e noc,ce o• ourctron pu,0011 ,ng 10 have been -,g,ied on behaU
rJ 1"11! £rnD1 ote1 \0/1 1,c h lht lrustee bt',tves 10 ha vr t,ee n "grieo by I dut;
oes~'ll'e0 of1c,a1 Of 11~ Empl oyer No commv1"11C1 t,on 51\111 be b :idrng uoon
a ") o' 1-.e lrus! Funds 01 lrustee unt~ 1riey are 1ece1veo b; Ille lru,tee
""· ... ,on J .2 Adv!~ ol CounNI: Thli ir usiee f'na)" cor&JI ,.,-:,, ,.,( lt'7aJ COJn
.,.,., •esoec1 10 the constr u:t,on ol lh1S -'greement. ~s out ,es ht'1eunoer
J ... , .,-::1 .,.l'MCn ~ proooses 10 laloJ• OI O'T\11. and !oh1R not be ha ble tor a ny
~•or-11•.e r, or om1nea '" gOOCI ta11h pu 1suan1 10 such adv,c e
s.ction l .l Miace llllntoua. n~ lfVSlee gi,an us.e ordona') c.re anO reason,,.
o,e a.;>e--ce bu\ V>An 1101 bf liable i.:-a") mrN~ Ol ,udgrne·~ OI 0Ctl('l 1ct,on
ta•J!· ,. 9000 tarlh Thr Trustee Sha lt not be h~ot e tor arrv los s sustaineO by
N Jvs: tuna,~ ,easoru OI at"tt" 1r,,.-esimen: maoe ,n gOOCI ta11>i and ,n ar..c01
carce wrtn the p,o,.,itoni r:J. lht' A.Qreemelll
lnt lruste-e s ou,~s l llCI obl ,ga1 ,ortS 51\a!! t.,e l!rnrl ed 10 lhOSI! l!J.pre u ty
rmc,cMO uoon It t,,,· tn1s A.g reemen1
s.cu:,n 4.1 luH: The TrvstM Ulall ~ t,om anO cha•ge .1ga<nsl the 1'US1
F"unds any ia,es on the lr u'1 Funds or 1he ,ncome ttie1eoi or wh,ch 111e lrus
w:,e 11, lt'Q unt"O 10 pa;· wrt n resD('C• 10 lhe on1e res1 ol lrty person lhe re,n
s.ctlon ,1 ,2 E.ApenN1 : Thi! ltu!:tee sna11 al!ducl l1om 100 cn,1rge 1i;,11nS1
Ni.is: Fu rios an reaSOt'lable e•D(!nses 1rcurrl!d tr,·lhe l1ustee 1n 11~ aarn,nrs
lrlbO"• rJ tne lrug Furoos 1rcluOrng counsel agency. ,nvestment advrSOI)' I ncl
allt'l r«es.s.ary~s
iusiee I/WI lo.Mp accura1e and <>el.siled accounts ot all ,nvesunenis
.s ct:sbursernents. aria oc rie, 11ansat1•0"S riereunde•
""" nrnt1) (90) da-,~ al'le , the close cl each tis.cal yea r tile lruslt'e ~tia11 ref"l-
ouplicale to the Emp1oye1 an 1ccoun1 r:J. ru. acll 11\d 111nsac1,ori5 as lr u5
iet tlt"t ul"l()l!r II•"' par, rJ lht' lrus: Fund shall be t""'l!'Sl l!d \h10.,gn ttie moorum
cl • ..., COl'nl''IO'\, CC-'l«.t1"1' Of commingle<! l1u5l Fuoos !hf la SI annual 1eP(ll1
c:J wi;r, "ltuS:: Func15 V11M be 5Ubmrned Wl\f\ ,na ltCOIDOf l !ed in lhl! ICCOUnl
~n nrnety (tA)) 01>f5 &"!e1 me rT\cllltng Ol lhf IOCOUnt or 11' lf'lt'rood accourt
1101~r riu ll0t l~eo ""1\h 1ne lrustee no1ce ot ar,y ob,e<.:l•on to II')' 1c1
'-'" ,1 11UC1•0" c:J !hf 1,usitt ll'le K.COVllt Of 1rnen6ed l tcOUr'4 WU becO'Tlt'
all llCCC).Jf'!I N lfO It lt"tt' oo,ect,on has been hi ed I nd 11 lhe En ,;,10191 rs MIi i
heo tt11111 5'\o,.rlO bt' W!lh(l,awn or ii the ac.cuunt 11, 10,u st eo 10 1111! Employe r 5
U ll~,ol'I lhe [mploye1 shall 1n w,11 ,ng hll!'(I Wl\h th e ltuSIH 1,1grirty •PPIOVI I
al thf acc.ourc and -vi.,~ become an tcCOUnl 11a1ed
Whl!n an 6CCOUnt bec cmes Ill I CCOUnl llaled. wch I CCOUnl 5hall be '"''"Y
..en led and lhe lrustee ,hall be completely 01w:ha 1geo ano 11t1u ,ed u ti such
K.COUnl had been 't'nled and an~c, ~· 1 ,udgment or Ot!c 1t•e o1 1 court ol
CO'TIJ)l!le nl pJh50Ct10fl Ill an ICl •on Of prateedong '" ....-hich Ille ltu ltff Ind !he
Emplo,,-et ""8 •e p,at11es
The T1 uC1ee shall h11YI! the ughl 10 apply 11 •"Y tome to I coun ol competent
,11.111 sore1,on IOI lhe ,ud<•I I s.efllemefll ot 11, ICCOUfll
Section 6 .1 Ru lgnal lon of Th.lllH: lhe lru~ee may re5'gn 11 ariy 1irne
by l~,ng "'1lh trll! EmplOye r ,1 1 w11nen 1es,gf'111+0n Such ""Ollll•on 5tialt tAlo.e
efll!CI srtty (60) da'(I trom 1tie 0a1e ol k!Ch filr ng and UPOf'I 10pom1 mfnl ol
• ,,1CCeuo, Pu,suan110 Sec1+on 63 wh<tit-.-t, &ha n full occur
Secllon 1 ., Removal ol Th.11tH : l hf Emp1c,,-e, may ,emo,,e 1he llu51H
11 any 1':'Tll! by del1¥@11ng lo lhe TruSlt't' 1 w11n,n nci1rce r::J 115 removal and a n
I PPOnll"'lt'r\l ol a SVCC H$OI l)uf5u l nt to Seci•on 6] Svth removal 5han no1
tai..e eHl!C1 Pl'°' 10 srrty (60) Oa)~ l•l)'Tl luC1l cte1,1-11 ry unleu me l•ustee 1gree1
lo an ea11,er eH«.11¥@ oate
S•cllr ,1 5.l Appolnl menl of Succuaor Tt-utlH: ltie IPPOnlmen1 ol 1
s, cc enor lo 1t1e l•ultee Sh.Ill talo.e et1ect UDO!'l lhe Oel1ve 1r 10 lhe l1us1ee ol
U ) an m$11umen1 ,n whl•llQ e,ecuteo by lt'lt Empio.,.e r a ppo,l'll 1ng 5UC:h ,uc:
;essor 100 e•one•al>llQ ,uc.h suc.ceuor l•orn l,ao,llly 101 lhe 1tt11N:1 om.,-
,10115 ol ,u p,eol!C eHOI . .1no (D) an ACC et>tarc e 1n wi ~1ng e•ecuted by""'"
A.,' cl the p1ov1s,ons se: lo,th he rein Wllh !('Spec! 10th<' TtVSl t'e shall 1('1111!
to eath :•JCC essor ... ,m ltll! same bee l "ld eflecl H ,, 5uCh svccessCf Nld
bee" o,1g11 any nameo IS l1usiee her tvnoer
111 ,ucc.e ssor is not appo,n1 ec1 Wlltlrn ,,tty t60) days ahe• 1tie lruS1et gives
nohcr ol 11, tesrgnahOll 01 .. usual'll lo Sec1o on 61 . lhe 1'us1e-e m1r I PD!)" to ar,y
coun OI (' ,rn pe1e n1 ,u11~1ct10 n tor a ppo,nt met'II OI I succ.euoi
S.cllon 6 .4 Tra nt fer of Fund1 to Succeuor: UPC>f' 1ne ret,Q/\11•on 01
remo,-a1 ol ti e T1us1t'e Ind appon1men1 OI a successor 1nd 1tier the l,na,1
account ol 'ne l•t.lSIH P"IIS been p,oc,er1 -, 51!fl1e0 1ne iruSI~ Vlall ua~e• and
oei,ve, ar,r ot tne lius1 Funos ,rwot ~o to such wcceuor
Secllon 7 .1 Ou,.llo n ll'nd Revoca Uo n : This T1u.i sha.!I cOfll,nut lot suc.n
trmt' as ml) be ,,ecess.ar, 10 accomplrsn ;ne purpos.! tor ...-rvcn II was crea1ec1
bu! nay be term1na1eo 01 rrvolo.ed at 11'1)' lime by the Employe1 IS n re111es
to any 1n01or 111 1('1a1ea ~ .:,r..c,pa1,r,g Employee, W11t1f n notc e r::J wch 1ermi•
N hOll 0' llli'YQC.lhOl'l lhlH t..! :;:.-e n to thf lrustet ~-the Employe r Upon \ff,
mrna11on or ,r--,xa1,ori 01 the lrust . an r:J the assets l"t•l!OI s.nan relu•n 10 ano
1ever1 to thf Employe• lermmatoon rt 1n,5 l·usi ,hall ooe "°""""'· ,ei,~ tne
Employe1 ol the Eni~o,,-e •i con1,nu,"'w l!bi,galron 10 pa y Oele 11eo corn pensa ,
\Ion 1~ Emp1~s 1n 1.:.c:01oarce ,.,th lt'lt lerms Ol ll'le P•n
S.cllor. 7 .2 Aman~rTtenl : lhe Err.ple>ie, N II tiJ...e lhe riwri1 10 1,neno th11
Ag1ttmen1 .n whOlt ,no ,n part bu! only wrl h the T1us1tts w1 1nen consent
Ar,y su:h amenomel\l sriall becO'Tll! et1ect•"1' uPOll t•J Oel•""''Y 10 lhe Trustee
r::J a wr ,nen ,nsr ,ume nt of amendmeni 1l'l0 (bl the el\OOt"Seml!nl by the Trus-
lee on su:h ms:1un-,en1 ot '" consen: triereio
S.cllon 1 .1 Laws ol th• Ol1lrtc1 of Columbla to Govtm l hr5 Ag ree
ml!n1 l"<l tne TruSI heret,y created sria11 De consirueo ana regu11teo l>)· \hi!
laws ol Ille 0,51 11C1 of Columo,a
s.ttlon 1 .2 Succuaor Employar1 : The "Emp111tl!'1· snall ,rw::lu.le a,-,.,, pe,.
son who suc:ceeoi \hf Emprc,,-er 100 .-no lhe•e~ LrecomH subi«I co the
obl,ga1rons of lhe Emp1 oye1 under lhe Pla n
S.cllo~ l .l Wllhdrswtl1: lf"lt' [mploVtt 'Ny 11 lrl)' time 11\0 t,c:m lrme lo
time Wl\tld11w I por,,on 01 1n of Trusi Ful'(t5 c,eatea by thrS Agrfff'lenl
s.ctlon 8 .4 Genr!tr and Number: The mastulilll' in::;luc)H the lernrnrie ,re:,
lhf ""Oul&J ,ncluOts lhe plu1ll ullleu the Conll!., leQuofH 1no1t1tr mear-ng