HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 Resolution No. 052I HESOl,U'l'l otJ NO, /j), SERH:S OF 1986 ,\ HESOL,U'l'ION ENDOHSING 'l'IIE ME'l'ROPOLI'l'AN AREA "BI::'l"l'ER AIR" C /\Ml'/\HiN /\!ID URGING ENGLE\iOOD RllSIDEN'l'S ·ro SUPPOR'I' '1'111S CAMPAIGN 111' I. U-1 l'l'l NG TIIEIR DRIVING ON IIIGII POLLU'l'ION D/\YS. \Jlll :IU:A!:i, Enql c wnod residents ;1re .i11crca s.i nqly concerned ,d ,P 11I .ii r q u .:i lit y in tl1t"·ir city und s urrounding areas; and 1:111:n.EA G, duri nq pea k tiir. po llution sea son be tween November 17 ,111 d ,J;rnunry 1 5 , 1:nrJ.lPw ood and the surroundim.1 region exceed c l r.-m .i ir health s tr1nd a rds for carbon monoxide pollution; and \llll :1u ;,\f,1 mot o r vehicles co n tribute to high pollution by r 1ni t t·i1l r1 7~% of the c tirbon mo11oxide in the air, adve r se ly affect- i 11 ,i Ut 0 heal th of ~1 nyone bre>ath inq it ; and lllll·:1n:/\S, Jin<J l e wo o cl' s hi<Jh a ltitude and cold winter t <!10p0rc1 tur0 ;, c:ause mot.or vehic lP.s to operate less efficiently, rc!_;11ltin0 in more cnrbon monoxide in the air; ,1nd \-IIIJ ·:HJ•:/\5, Metro Area reside ntR will Le driving a total of 32 r1iJlion mil es , thP e ~uivalent of 1,205 Limes around the earth, ,•v e ry week clay by 1987, 25% of this by commuters and 75% by ncnr1 l e s hopping , rl1nnin 9 e rrand s , or keeping appointments; NOi-i, 'l'IIEREFORE, BE I'I' RESOLVElJ BY 'rJJE Cl'l'Y COUNCIL OF 'l'IIB C l TY OF ENGU:WOOD, CO!,ORAJJO, 1'11A'P: Sec tion 1. Th e Mi,yor nnd members of City Council off i ci ally support the ''R ette r Air'' campaign and encourage En~lewond r esidents, on a voluntary basis, to leave their cars at h o me o n eight preassi<Jned weekdays beginning November 17 through thr hiqh pol lution season. Sec tion 2. The Mayor and members of City Council ask that nll dr ivers cancel or postpone nonessential trips on high po llutio n dc1yR. Sec tion 3. 'l'he Clerk of the City of En<Jlewood attest and affix the seal of the City to this Resolution and trnnsmit copies h e reof to the Colorado Depnrtment of Jlealth Detter Air Campaign nnd the Denver Re<Jional Council of Governments. ADOPTED ,\ND APPROVED th e 17th rlny of November, 1986. Englewood, Colorado Patricia H. Crow, City Cle rk J, P.itricia II , Crow, Ci ty Cl erk o f the Cit y o f llng lewood, Co lnr.idn , hereby ~e rt i fy th a t the foregoing is a true copy of the l,cso l11t ·ion No. :.2_, Series of 1 986, adopt e d and approved on the 17 111 ,1.,y of llovemb e r, 198 6, .c2 _ . ~ (zt4¼ fl C P a trici a II, Cro w I I