HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 Resolution No. 039RESOLUTION NO •• ::) 1 SER[ES OF 1985 __ _ A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND SUPPORTING TH E aJLORAOO STATE LEGISlA- TUR E AUTHORIZING •rHF. LEVY Of AN ADDITIONAL 0 .1 MILL BY URBAN DRA INAGE AND FLOOO CWJ'ROL DISTRI CT TO BE USED FOR aJNSTRUCTIO N AND MAINTENANCE OF IMPllOV™ENTS ON THE SO\!l'll PLA'M'E RIVER. WHE REAS , the City of Englewood (City) has been a public body include:l wi thi n the Ur ban Dra inage aoo Flood Con trol District (District) s ine the adopti on of the Ur ban Drainage aoo Flood Co ntrol Act in 1969 ; aoo wl-lEREAS , the City aoo District have worked togethe r on severa l projects of bene fi t to the Ci ty ; and 1'11-!EREIIS , the Dist rict r ecently c oord inated the d evelopnent of a maste r plan for t he south Platte River that involves a ll t1ie l ocal governme n ts a l ong the River , including the City ; and WHE HFAS , a total of $68 million of flood control improve- ments and $665 ,000 i n annual mai nte nance needs are identified in the master plan in addit i on to recreation improvenents , arrl a long term and dependabl e fund i ng base is needed to implenent t he master pl an recotmervi ations ; arrl WH ERE'AS , the South Pl a t te Ri ver i s the l a rgest d rainageway in the Distr i ct and r ece i ves drainage and flood flows Eran throug h- out the Denver M:?tro Ar ea ; ard WHEm:AS , the South Platte River is being devel oped into a valu:ib l e recrclational corridor enj oyed by cit i zens froot throughout the Denver t-'et ro Area , ard the cost of co11str ucting and mai ntaining these improvenents shou l d be shared by all the citizens in t he Denver t-Etro Ar eu ; and WHER,:~s , the City has a great interest i n the South Plat t e River and wishes to insur e that adequate resou rces will be ava i l - abl e to d evelop and maintain the River as an important asset to the City and the entire l'latro Ar ea ; NOi,, 'l'HEREFO RE , BE IT RESOLVED BY 1'HE CI TY COUNCI L OF THE CI'l'Y Of ENGLEWOOD, aJLORAOO , that the Ci ty approv.as a r.d supports the Dis:r ict being authori zed by the Colorado State Legisl ature to l evy a n additional 0 .1 mill to be used by the District for the c onstruc t ion and m3intenance of improveTients on the Scuth Pl utt e River . APPROVED AND ADOPTED the 21st day of October , 19 8 5 . I, Gary R. Higbee, ex officio City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Englewood, C:Olorado, hereby certify that the above an:l foregoing is a true , accurate an:l canplete copy of Resolution No.~, Series of 1985 . I