HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 Resolution No. 028·•
1. That on May 11, 1981 a public hearinq was held before the
City Council of the City of Bnqlewood at the hour of 7:00 P.M.
Tho•• Council per80n• being pre•ent were Mayor Euqene L. Otis,
Mayor Pro Tea Brad•haw, Council persons Bilo, Keena, Fitzpatrick,
Neal and Bigday. At the c011Bencement of the hearinq, Councilman
Neal di•qualified hi .. •lf from hearing this matter.
2. Mr. Bric Johanni••on, Deputy City Clerk, presented informa-
tion concerning the hearing, including City Exhibit A, City of
Englewood Application of Health Therapy Facility: Exhibit B,
Suppl ... ntal Pora for Health Therapy Applicants1 Exhibit c,
Ma•aeu••/Ma•••ur Application1 Exhibit D, Englewood Police Depart-
.. nt report of inve•ti9ation1 City Exhibit E, Personal Financial
State .. nt1 City Bxhibit P, per•onal references1 City Exhibit G,
Certificate of Publication by publiaher notinq publication on
March 25, 1981 in Bn9lewood Sentinel1 City Exhibit B, City of
Englewood lonin9 Verification Porm1 City Exhibit I, Lease of premises
at 2801 South Broadway, Bn9lewooch City Exhibit J, drawinq of
interior of prelli•••• City Bxhibit K, report to applicant concern-
ing City'• inve•tigation1 City Bxhibit L, map of neighborhood: City
Exhibit M, report of O.dipua, Inc.1 City Exhibits N-1 thru N-4,
aigned petition• circulated by Oedipus, Inc.1 City Exhibits 0-1 and
0-2, petition• circulated by citizen• and delivered to Deputy City
3. Mr. Max Scott, Preaident of Oedipus, Inc., advised the
Council of th• aurvey technique• uaed, advised concerninq his
background and the hundred•of surveys that his corporation had
done, the manner in which the survey is taken by persons in the
field, training ~rogr .. for theae people who take the surveys,
and the unbiaaed nature of the surveys. Mr. Max Scott also testi-
fied that the surveyor• are instructed to maintain a talley sheet
and identify tho•• peraona not meetinq the requirements of the
4. Mr. Dennis Paplow testified concerninq the establishment
and •ublRitted applicant'• Bxhibit A, Affidavit concerning Lease:
applicant'• Exhibit 8, 102 xeroxed letters siqned by persons within
the aervice neighborhood of the establishment. Ten have been dis-
qualified a• having inaufficient evidence of workinq in the area,
identity of the partiea, improper signature for another or no aqe
identified. Twenty-eight were disqualified for failure to identify
where they work in the area.
5. Applicant'• Exhibit B is a copy of a newspaper article
from The Denver Po•t concerning hearing of May 11. Julie Paplow
te•tif ied concerning the eatabli•hment and the party who operates
said e•tabliahment. Mr. Jack Swallow testified in favor of the
establi•hment •tating that he likes to go into a massaqe parlor
with the look of a comnercial eatabliahment rather than a mas-
sage parlor that look• like a residential establishment.
6. Mr. Joaeph Scott testified concerninq the establishment
and the operation of an eatabliahment at 2358 South Broadway
known a• Yokohama Maa•age. Mr. Scott testified that the estab-
liahllent waa licenaed in hi• name but that his wife did most of
the work, including the advertisement. There were numerous
queationa asked of Mr. Scott concerning the advertisement and
the fact that the eatabliahment advertised under many different
n ... a in the newapaper.
7. Mr. Charle• Mason indicated that upon occasion he needed
a maa•age for phy•ical condition and that he had attempted on a
few occaaiona to engage peraona giving a maaaaqe in sexual acts
to no avail.
8. In oppoaition apoke Mr. John Heal who presented 32
petition• concerning the queation bearing 568 aiqnatures opposed
to the iaauance of the licen•e and one in favor of the issuance
of the licenae. Bighty-eight of these signatures have unsiqned
or unnotarised affidavit• or contained information from persons
outaide the affected neighborhood. Eighty-seven of those signa-
ture• were oppoaed to the iaauance of the license, one was in
favor of the iaauance of the licenae.
9. The Council called for Soon Ye Scott who was asked
certain queationa concerning the operation of her establishment,
the nature of her advertiaing, and her background check. She
stated ahe had advertiaed her eatabliahment at 3154 West Alameda
and Mr. Joaeph Scott'• eatabliahment at 2358 South Broadway under
DUll8roua n ... a. She did not identify the nature of the business
entity under which ahe operated. Ber reason for the various names
waa thi• waa a free country. Mra. Scott testified that she had
not .regiatered operation under an aaaumed name.
. l. The Council ha• examined the petitions submitted by
Oedipua, Inc. The Comicil places qreat weiqht upon this survey
finding that it ha• been done in an impartial unbiased manner.
The •urvey haa taken into account those persons who may have had
biaa concerning the •urvey, who are not qualified, and for other
reason• not able to take part in th• aurvey. Eiqht Hundred
Thirty-one reaidencea were contacted. Those not at home were
3031 thoae not qualified to •iqn or had previously signed a
petition concerning thia licenae application were 105. Of the
r ... ining 396, 295 relate to the need• and desires of the inhabi-
tant• of the neighborhood. Of theae, 240 indicated that the needs
and deairea were currently being .. t and opposed the issuance of
the licenae1 55 favored iaauance of the license indicating that
the current need• and deairea of the neighborhood were not being
.. t. The breakdown i• 81.361 oppoaed the issuance of the license,
18.641 favored iaauance of the licenae.
2. Th• Council ha• reviewed the 102 letters submitted by
the applicant. 'ftl• Council queationa the techniques used in this
aurvey and the fact that no alternative• were available to those
•iCJDin9 the lettera. Ro indication wa• made to the Council by
llr. Denni• Paplow concernin9 alternative• available to those
aurveyed. Th• City Council appreciate• the participation of the
102 peraona. ao...ver Council doe• not qive siqnificant weight
to thi• information due to the lack of any scientific survey
.. tboda bein9 demonatrated in the request for signatures.
3. The council ha• revi..ed Exhibits A-2 thru A-32. The
council find• that in thi• aituation, alternatives were available
to the peraon bein9 aurveyed. That is, they could approve or
oppoH th• particular queation. '!'he City Council is impressed
by the concern of tho .. who circulated and signed the petitions.
However, Council doe• note that thi• survey was made by those
peraona who are prillarily oppoaed to the issuance of the license.
'ftle Council doe• 9ive wei9ht to thia evidence .albeit not as much
wei9bt aa the aurvey of oectipua, Inc •
4. The Council note• that City's Exhibits 0-1 and 0-2 were
preaented to the City Council bearing 35 signatures in favor and
1 diaqualifyin9 vote for no indication is given as to favoring
or diafavorin9 the iaauance of the license. Great weight is not
qiven thi• exhibit for the aimple fact that Council is not sure
of the aurvevinq technique• uaed.
5. Council finds that Joseph Scott, husband of Soon Ye
Scott, own• and operate• the Yokohama Massage Parlor at 2358
South Broadway. Soon Ye Scott owns an establishment at 3154 West
Al ... da known aa Oriental Bath Bouae. Council notes some confusion
on the part of Soon Ye Scott aa to the nature of her business opera-
tion. Council note• that ahe does not know the legal entity under
which •he conduct• buain•••· She is and has advertised various
eatabliahmenta under varioua names leading to more confusion, to
wit: Oriental Sandy Maaaage, Lee Massage, Oriental Suzy Massage,
and Susy Wong Maaaage being uaed for various establishments at
varioua location•. Council doe• not approve of the misleading
advertiainq of the applicant.
6. The City Council find• that the Yokohama Massage Parlor
at 2358 South Broadway i• in the service neighborhood.
7. The technique• of Dennis Paplow and Julie Paploe are
not motivated aolely out of the reasonable requirements of the
neighborhood or the deairea of the inhabitants. Their self
intereat in continuin9 the leaainq of the buildinq is at stake.
8. Mr. swallow'• teatiJDOny is not given significant weight
due to the fact that hi• testiJDOny only went to appearance of
the •tructure, not •ervice• rendered. To make a decision based
solely on the architectural appearance of the building does not
impress this City Council.
1. The City Council conclude• that the reasonable require-
ment• of the neighborhood for the license for which the appli-
cation baa been made, the deairea of the inhabitants are currently
bein9 .. t by the eatabliahment in the neighborhood.
2. That the application of Soon Ye Scott for a Massage
Parlor Licen•• i• denied.
ADOPTBD ARD APPROVBD thi• l•t day of June, 1981.
I, Gary R. Bigbee, ex officio City Clerk-Treasurer of the
City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and
foregoing i• a true, accurate and complete copy of Resolution
No.~ , Seri•• of 1981.
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