HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 Resolution No. 053RESOLUTION NO,~
WHEREAS, the City Council, by Charter Amendment effective April 13,
1981 provided for the establiahllent of confidential •ecretarial employees within
the aervice or the City of En1lewood; and
WHEREAS, the City of Englewc ' deems it is necessary to e•tabli•h
confidential and secretarial emplo ·" ,1th full responsibility to the City in
order that the Cl ty be able to ru · . u. its mission to provide competent, responsi-
ble government to Englewood citizen•: and
WHEREA S by virtue of dutie• as•igned to these positions by the City,
I t naa been determined that they are confidential and are therefore excluded
from memb e rship , i;arllcipation and/or representation in any cGllecti.vc bargained
employ L•i· r •.• .dl i \.1 11s .system of the City of Englewood, and th e.-career !ici·vt c e
C i Lyj ilnd
I. .:I:A~:, t h e City of f.n glewood cJ csirt!s t •) e~t.Jbl i:Jh a nd rnaintain u
:,:nc fl c iu1 •:111 plo ym t?nt system i;o benefit the City :i nd the con f id1 ·11t 1 ..
. _,.,·Lt.~1ri a l emplvyec s uf' the City.
Section 1,
Tha t there Is hereby esta blished the following system or wage and
benefits for the confidential secretarial employees of the City of
Employees affected by this Memorandum are expected to work the hours necessar y
to achieve efficient transaction of business in each respective department which
in some instances will exceed an averaae of 40 hours of work per week, Confidential
secretaries shail be excluded from overtime pay for any time in which work is
performed other than for Boards, Commiaaions and the City Council.
All merit increases provided for the employee will be considered upon the
anni ver s ary date and shall not be considered automatic, but rather, based upon
pe r formance, Said inerit increase may be &ranted or denied to any individual
employee upon r eco ,nine ridation or the department head and with the approval of the
City Manav.n,·. Tn e d a le in which the merit increase is approved •hall determine
;Jnn iver !iar y d at e .
.. O!I GEVffl
In addition to the employees monthly salary, the employee shall be eligible
f or longevity compensation based upon the number of years of oont,inuous service
with the City and shall be derived from the following schedula,
Years of
Se rvice As
of 1/1/B2 Amount ol' Compensation
0-4 None
5-9 $12 per month for $144 per year, except for those employees who have
not complet•d 6 full years of continuous service on December 1 of any
year, which employees shall receive an amount equal to $12 for each
full month of completed continuous service after completion of 5 years
of continuous service up to December 1,
10-14 $24 per month for $288 per year, except for those employees who have
not completed 11 full years of continuous service on-December 1 of any
year, which employees shall receive $144 plus an amount equal to
$12 for each full month of completed continuous service after completion
of 10 years of continuous service up to December 1.
Paae 2
Years or
Servioe As
or 1/1/82 Amount of eo.,ensation
20 or
$36 per month for $q32 per year, exoept for those employees who have
not completed 16 full years of oontinuoua service on December 1 or any
ye ■r, which em;,loyee shall receive $288 plus an amount equal to
$12 for e ■oh full month of oomplated oontinuous service after completion
of 15 years of service up to Deonber 1.
more $q8 per month for $576 per year, except for those employees who have
not completed 21 full years of oontinuous servioe on December 1 or
any year, which eaployee shall receive •-32 plus an amount equal to
$12 for each full month of 001111leted oontinuoua service after completion
of 20 years or continuous service up to December 1.
A. Employees hired pr ior to January 1, 199q and covered by this Agre eme nt
shal l accumulate a1111ual leave monthly at the rate of 1 1/q days per month of activ e
servi ce. Annu al l"uv e s hall not be granted to any employee untl l after completion
of tw e.1 ·1< ( ;;-) mon lhs consec utive service with the City unless otherwise authorized
, L111 L:n t head. In order to qualify for ~annual lt'.1vc crcdlt duri ng \.h e
.,,p !c,yee must have worked for at least one-1111 11' ( I /;,) or the working
.. ,n th t·xcludin g out.ho rized paid leave. Fur l.ho s c cmpl1Jyees havin ~ .
.. u, .,-11 ( 10) yc.·-11 !l conl.inuu us service, the maximum accumu l a tion of ann11 a1
01101 1 IJc Lt,irly UO) tlays,
B, After ten ( 10) years of continuous service with the City, employees
all accumulate annual leave at the rate of 13. 3 hours of annual leave per month
oi active service, In order to qualify for annual leave credit during the month,
the employee must have worked for at least one-half ( 1 /2) of the working days of
that month excluding autho rized paid leave. The maximum accumulation shall be
qo days.
C, New employees hired January 1, 19sq, and thereafter, covered b,
this agreement shall accumulate annual leave yearly at the following rate:
o-q years
5-9 years
10 or more years
80 l1ours p~r year
120 hours per year
160 hours per year
Ha x imum Accrual
160 hours
2qo hours
320 hours
D, Accumulation of annual leave shall neither be authorized nor computed
for any purpose an.e r the maximum aooumulation has been reaohed.
The schedule for use of annual leave shall be determined by the needs of the
department. Annual leave shall ba talean at a time oonvenient to and approved by
the department head or au~erviaor.
Annual Leave Pay
The rate of annual leave pay shall be the ei::ployee 1 a reiular straight time
hourly rate of pay for the employee•• naular Job and charged on a working hour
basis, ,xcluding holidays and regular daya off, Annual leave shall be allowed
only to the total hourly amount ao01aulated at the beginning of the leave, as
verified by the department head, Employees ■ay receive their annual leave pay
no earlier than three (3) days prior to I.he al.arl. ot their annual leave, pro-
vided the employee makes a wri'-1.an requHI. l.o ~-~ tir supervisor fifte en ( 15)
calendar days prior to the atarl. or their annual leave,
Work During Annual Leave
If after the employee has begun their annual leave and the City requires the
employee to work during the scheduled annual leave period, the employee shall not
be charged with vacation time for I.he nmber or houra worked,
Annual leave f or employees shall be charged on a work-day basis excluding
regular days of f ,
Ar .y l mJ ·,oy<~e 1,110 is separated from the service o f the City, i.e. retirement,
t c la yoff I sh all be compensated for the unu:1cd ·mnual ll·a vc llmc
_ .i t l he t.i me of separation.
', .. S , l'EH ~;o 11n 1. U :/,VE
Ef fective January 1, 1984, all employees covered by this Resolution shall
be granted 48 hours of personal leave time with pay which an employee is entitl•d
to use for the following purposes:
A, Tim e lost as a result of illness/injury to the employee or the eff'µloyee•s
Immediate f amily,
B, Attend personal business,
C. Leisure tl'!le,
For any employee who has not used the 48 hours of personal leave time ending
November 30 of each year or any portion thereof, the City will onmpensate said
employee for the unused time at the employee•• regular wage rate to be paid during
the month of December of that year, Personal leave time shall not exceed 48 hours
nor shall it be accumulated or carried over from one year to the next, Personal
leave shall be scheduled and administered under the direol.ion of the department
head or supervtsor, In the event of illness/injury in whioh pe r sonal leave Is
requested, shift work employees shall notify their supervisor at least one ( 1)
hour prior to their schedule reporting time, all other employees shall report at
the beginning of the scheduled reporting time, Personal leave shall be pro-rated
for employees beginnina and ter111inatin11 employment with the City during the
calendar year,
Temporary disability is leave 1ranttd ror non-service connected injury or
i llnes• ,r an employee which dia ■bility prev111ta the employee from performing
his/her duties as a City employee,
The City egrees to provide temporary disability leave with pay for employc<::J
absent H a result of illness/injury at the rate of 100S of the employee's
regular wage up to 120 calendar days of disability,
Temporary disability leave shall not be aooumulat1ve except that on Janua:y 1
of each year the City shall restore 100S of the n11aber of days used by an employea
during the proceeding year up to a maximum of 60 days,
Hew employees hired January 1, 1984, and thereafter, and covered by the
t e r ms of this agreement, the City aarees to provide said employees temporary
d i s ability leave with pay for employees absent Ha result of Illness/injury as
f ol low.:
0 -•1 yoars
5-1.J y1nrs
10 + y~ars
60 days
90 days
120 daya
111 .1 ~•111pl oyees hired January 1, 19aq and the r ea l'l.c r, t emporary disabilit y
11 , i t bt: a c c umulative except that on January l of each year the Cit y
., 1 c.: t oo ~ 0 f Lhe number of days ututd by an employee durln~ t h e 1,r<'l 't '•· 1 11tJ.
.1 :.i :i fullo w!i:
0-4 years
5-9 years
10+ years
up to a maximum or 30 days
up to a maximum of 45 days
up to a maximum of 60 days
A, Authorization fo r temporary disability leave with pay shall only be
granted after the first day of disability,
B, Authorization for temporary disability shall only be granted for the
following reasons:
1, Personal illoess or injury not service connected, including
Sick Leave Option
All sick leave accrued by permanent employees prior to Jr.nuary 1, 1980 shall
vest with the employee, and may be used in the following manner:
A, After the 120 days as described above, have been used, unless the
employee is entitled for retirement; as a result of disability,
Paa• 5
B, By cashing in all accrued sick leave aoo11111l1ted under the previous
plan upon normal retirement rrom the City at the rate of one '1,our• pay
for each two hours or accrued aiok leave or one hours pay for each four
hours upon separation from the City.
C, By cashing in accrued alok leave under the previous plan, once each
year at the conversion rate or rour <•> hour ■ aiok leave for one ( I)
hour pay, not to exceed a conversion of more than 400 hours each year,
J!!P.orting of Temporary Disability
The employee or a member of the employee• s household shall notify tho
employee 1 s supervisor prior to the employee 1 s scheduled reporting time, Ho
temporary disability leave will be granted to an employee who fails to notify
their suparvhor prior to the beginning or the employee's work schedule,
Verification or Disability
It shall be the responsibility or the department head or supervisor to
determine the validity of eligibility of the temporary disability, His signature
on the leave request form noting temporary disability entitltment shall indicate
su c h determi nation, An attending physician's statement will not be necessary
u11 l i l after thr ee ( 3 l days or disability except when required by the Department
Head ,
,\: -,,,nor_y_Dlsabi 1_1,1:,_y
: I l einpora ry d lsability accurs when an cmpl0yce ml s represents th e
" ., _,, J"o r r equesting temporary disability or when an employee uses
,;v r .ir; d i!i illii lily l 1!t1V C ror unaut.horiz.ed purpo~cs, An employee ~ho makc:1
a f alse claim for temporary disability leave shall be subject to disoiplin~ry
action or dismissal,
A, For any on-the-job :.njury which causes any employee to be absent from
work as a result or such injury, the City shall pay to such employee his full
wages from the first day of his absence from work up to and including the 90th
calendar day or such absence, less whatever sums received by the employee
as disability benefits under workmen's compensation, The City reserves the
right to require any employee on injury or disability leave to submit to an
examination(s) by City-appointed physioian(s) at the City's expense or under the
provision of workmen's compensation, The employee will not be charged sick
leave for disability under this section,
B, All injuries that occur durinp working hours shall be reported to the
employee's supervisory within 2~ hours of the injury or before the employee
leaves their department of employment,
Paa• 6
A, Any permanent or probationary employee llho enlists or is inducted into
the military, naval, air or other araed Hrvioe of the United States in time of
wer shall be entitled .,o a leave of absence vithout pay for the duration of
such war or until honorably dlsohar1ed, whichever occurs first, and for one
( 1) year thereafter,
D, Any employee Who ahall be a maaber of the National <luard or any other
component of the military foroea of the State, now or hereafter or1ani zed or
co nstituted under the State or federal law, or Who shall be a member of the
reserve foroes of the United States, now or hereafter organized or constituted
under federal law, shall be entitled to leave of absence from her employment
without loss of pay, seniority, status, efflolenoy rating, vacation, sick
leave or other benafita for all the tiae when ahe is engaged with auoh or1anl-
zatlon or component in tralnln1 or active service ordered or authorized by
proper asthority pursuant to law, whether for State or federal purposes, but
not e xce ec ing f1 fte en ( 15 ) days in any calendar year, Such leave shall be
allowed i r. case the required military service la aatlsfactorily performed,
which s hall l>e presumed un l ess the contrary is established.
C. Such leav e shall not be allowed unless the employe e r eturns to her
i:u t,lic position immed i at ely upon beln1 relieved from suoh milit ary service and
not l ater than t.h t: c:cpi rat io n or the time herei n limited for suc h leave , unle ss
s he· i , 1,rc,, en ced from s o r eturning by physical or mentnl d ls abi Jit y or other
L 11 , • ~1,1..• Lo her own f aul t or is requ i r e d by prop ~r ,111t.ho rltics tu contin ue
.1 1 . 1L11r y s ervice be yo nd the time here i n l imi ted fo r :ouch leav e •
. ,11uject l.lJ 1Jrov is i o n A, Bond C a bove , th e Cit y shu ll pr o vl rlc fl1 \l
,. ,, Lu ..1 11 em p loyee cr i..Ln te d mi l i tary leave, less wh a t ever com p en:Jation t.he cmp1uyee
may have r eceived by the military for auoh servloa,
The dapar t ment head shall grant leave with pay to an employee to attend
the funeral o f a member of the employee's f amily. The number of days aranted
s hall be governed by the oiroumstanoes of the oese, but in no event shall they
e xc eed fi ve (5) wo r king days, For the purpo s es of this s ection, •employee's
f amily" shall mean the employee' a apouae, or the children, grandchildren, parents,
grandparents, brothers and alatera of the em ployee or of the employea I a apouae,
Annual leave may be gr anted by the department head if additional time off ia
deemed appropriate.
Leave may be granted to an employee for serving on Jury duty or ea a witness
in her official oapaolty in obedlenoe to a subpoena or direotton by legal au-
thority, She shall be entitled to the difference between her reaular oompensatlon
and the fees received f or Jur y duty or aa a wltneaa, When she is subpoenaed
as a witness in private litigation to testify, not ln her official capacity but
as an ind i vidual, the time absent by reasons thereof shall be taken as annual
leave or l eave witnout pay,
A. The following days shall be conaidered oft1Gial holidays by the City:
1. Naw Year' 1 Day1 January 1.
2. Washington's Birthday1 the third llonday 1n February.
3. Memorial Dey: the laat. Monday in May.
4. Independence Day1 July 4.
5. Labor Day1 the firat. Monday in September.
6, Veteran'• Day1 Nov•ber 11,
7. Thanksgiving Day: the fourth Thursday in November,
8, Fourth Friday of November following Thanksgiving Day.
9, Christmas Eve: Decembor 24.
10. Christmas Day: December 25,
11, New Year's Evei December 31,
B. Any employee covered by this Hemorand1111 who does not perform work
scheduled on the working days immediately prior to and following a holiday
shall not receive pay for the holiday unle11 ot.herwiae authorized by the depart-
ment head,
C, Employees required to work on an offioiel City holiday may receive
o ulva l ent time of f at the discretion of the department head.
D. ::•·.o,, "''Y or the foregoing holidays fall on a Sunday, th e f ollowing
.,1·, bt observed as the legal holiday, When a n y u r Lh e l'ure p,oing holiday:1
' .. L .. 1·d ay, each empl oyee shall be entitled to a d a y ol'f for such holid ay,
t,I :,\l nl l b e ~cheduled a:, the City Manag e r and/or dt!partment head
, c u~ no spec ific day s hall be observed as a ho\ I day for purpo se:1 u,
.• i11t, Ci Ly u f f h.c~ :.i rHJ f unc tions. This provhion shall not apply tu c1up 1uYl'c:;
i:o rformlng shift work,
Upon recommendation of the department head and after prior approval of the
Cl ty Manager, the City of Englewood may reimburse an employee for satisfactory
completion of attempted course work grade C or above for undergraduate and
graduate classes at 70S of private 1n ■titut1on tuition rate ■, This lnolu~ea
reimbursement at 100S for the cost of required tuition text.a. Employees shall
be required to enter into a writ•.en agreement stipulating continued employment
if the employee accepts tuition reimbursemenc for t.he following schedule cf
satisfaotorily completed credits or reimburs,1 the City on a prorate beats,
Number of Credits
1; · and above
Length of Re qui red
Continued Employment
1 year
1 1/2 years
2 years
3 years
Term life insurance will be provided by the City for employees covered by
this Reso l ution of $20,000 for each employee, A conversion privilege upon
Paae 8
retirement of SOS ooveraa• payable by the nployee will be ■ade av•,1 \able by
the City for said retired · employee,
During the life or th1a Ke ■orandu■, the City shall pay 100S of the premium
cost for the City dentu insuranoe plan whioh HJ be seleoted by the City as a
substitute for the City dental plan for eaoh ainale and dependent policy holder.
Any dispute concerning the interpret&tion or applioation of beneflta under
the dental plan shall be subject to the dispute resolution prooedure only,
A. During the life of the Ke110rand1111, the City shall pay 100S of the
premium cost for the City health insurance plan or other plan which may be
selected by the City as substitute for the City health plan for each single and
dependent policy holder,
B. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of benefits
pr ov ided under the health ln•urance plan shall be subject to the dispute reso-
lution procedure nr.ll'.
, • 1 r e e!J pr ior to January 1, 1980 will be provl d 1•,I he al t.h insurance
.. , .11 0 Ci ty un a nonparticipating basis , The covcrn~c will coordinate
,Ji ·1 11 d Med ic a re wherever applicable. Reti rees afl.l'I' Junuury 1, 1980
1,., ,, .11Lced conv e rsi on privileges to the health insurance plun avnl l :1hk
.,y,I, ,,., City. The City will pay SOS or the cost of coverage or the conv ers ion
,ian up ,o a maximum of $75 per month,
The City or Englewood, Colorado, hersby establishes a retirement plan for
Ito employees as des c ribed herein, and which, as it may be hereafter amended
from time to time, shall oe known as the "City of Englewood Retirement Plan.•
Long term dioability insurance is provided for employaes covered by this
Resolution. For description of eligibility and ooverage, see the City's long
term disability plan available ln the Employee Relations Department,
A, Whenever there 1s lack of work, llok of funds, or under conditions
where it ls determined that continued work would be ineff1oient or non-productive,
requiring reductions in the number of employees, the appointing authority shall
designate the department and position in which the layoff is to be made, Upon
such determinations, the required number of employees in the affected department
h11 9
and position shell be plaoed on I reo ■ll 11st or tr ■neterred by th~ appointin11
authority, each in order ·or hls relatlve lenath ■nd quallty of service as shown
by the personnel records.
B. Employees on layoff shall be reo ■lled in the order of relative length
and quality of service as shown by tht ptraonntl reoorda provided that those
rec ■lltd have tht demon1trat1d ability and qualltioations to perform the avall-
able work aa determined by tht City, The recall 11st shall terminate after one
(1) year.
Permanent employees may be granted a leeve or ■baenoe without pay for
reasons of education which la allied to the duties of the City, settlement of
an estate, chi!d care, serious 1llneaa of a member of the employee's family,
but shall not b,, used for the purpose of obtaining employment elsewhere. Leave
without pay shall not exoeed six (6) months of any year but may be extended
upon r equest for an additional six (6) months. The total time shall not exceed
one (I) year, Upon return from api,roved leave, the employee will be restored
t o \.hei r f ormer position if available or to a position comparable for which the
empl oy ee l • qua ! I r,od. During periods of unpaid leave, employee• shall not
con t.i n1H ',:, ,<·t~rut~ :Jervice credit or be eligible for a ny City bt.moftt :J .
,\ 1 1 ..... !•:>t. fo r a llia ve of absence without pay shall be submitted i n ,,,r l L1 11 1·,
., \.1 1i.: cmr,ilo y!!c to t.t1t employee's department heed. The request shall ind ir c
·.he reason the leave of absenoe 1s being requested and the approximate len: .h
of leave time requested.
Consideration of Leave Request
The department heed may grant or deny leave requests, taking into consider-
ation the departments work force, work load and the employee's request..
Fs !lure to Return
If en employee falls to return by the date of leave expiration, the employee
shall be considered to have voluntarily rea111ned from the servloe of the City,
In the event there ls any dispute conoernlng the interpretation or applloa-
tion of these or any other benefits either written, implied, or practloed, said
dispute will be submitted for resolution through the dispute r'llsolutlon pro••
cedure as provided for and administered by the City Manager and his/her
designated representative.
Employtta oovtrtd by thil Reaolut1on 1hall bt tll&ible on • voluntary basis
ror a City-paid health t1•1nation oonduoted by tht City's phy1ioian, Th•
sohtdult for t1•in1tion1 1hall bt dttel'1l1ned by tht individual ft1Ployte 1 1 age
as foll01111
Before 11e ijO
Betw11n 1111 ij0-50
After •&• 50
-onoe every three years
-every two ye,11rs
-onoe every year
Employee■ oovered by thia Reaolution will rtot1vt a vaae 1dju1t.11tnt inorease
or 5,751 arr,otivt J1nu1ry 1, 19aq,
ADOPTED AND APP.ROVED thh 7th ~--; of Mov .. ber, \ 183.
I, Gary R. Hi&bH, n oftioio City Cltrk-Tr111urer of th• Cit.y of
Englewood, Colorado, hereby oertify t.hat the above and toregoing ia a true,
accurate and 00111plete copy or Reao!.ut.ion No, ~. Sariea of 1983,