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SERIES 1980 ~
WHEREAS, The Southland Corporation d/b/a 7-Eleven
Food Store No. 1831-13212 has heretofore made application
pursuant to the provisions of Article 47, Title 12, C.R.S. '73,
aa amended, for a Retail 3.2t Beveraqe License to be located
at 3501 s. Loqan Street, Enqlewood, Colorado1 and
WRBRBAS, notice of said application and notice of public
hearinq thereon havinq been qi ven, and a hearinq having been
conducted on the 12th day of May and 9th day of June, 1980,
be.fore the City Council as the local licensing authority:
That based upon the application of The Southland Corpora-
tion, and the teatimomy and exhibits received at the public
hearinq, the City Council of the City of Englewood, as the local
licenainq authority, doe• hereby make and adopt the followinq
finding• and concluaion•1
1. That the applicant (corporation) is duly and properly
licen .. d under th• law• of the State of Texas and authorized to
do buain••• in the State of Colorado under the name and style of
7-Eleven Food Store 11831-13212.
2. The applicant (corporation) holds a lease on the
followin9 deacribed real property:
Lot• 47, 49 and 50 and the North 6 ft. of
Lot 47, Block 4, Birch's Addition to South
Broadway Heights, Second Filing •
Al•o known and numbered as 3501 s. Loqan Street,
Englewood, Arapahoe County, State of Colorado.
· . .
3. That th• applicant'• officers, directors and stock-
holder• are of good character and reputation and none has been
convicted of a felony within any court of the united States or
within any court of record in any state or territory of the
United State•.
4. That all legal notices, publications, and postings
with reference to the public hearing were proper and consistent
with the requirement• of Article 47, Title 12, C.R.S. '73, as
5. That the City Council desiqnated an area of one-half
(1/2) mile in radius as the •neighborhood" to be considered in
granting or denying the applicant's request for said 3.2% Beverage
License, off premise conaumption.
6. At the hearing before the City Council on May 12th,
1980, Mr. Peter Reynold• testified on behalf of Oedipus, Inc.,
a firm employed by the City to conduct a survey of the designated
neighborhood to determine the reaaonable needs and desires of
the inhabitants of thi• said neiqhborhood. (See City's Exhibit "B")
7. The Oedipus aurvey consisting of four petitions (Exhibits
•c-1• through •c-4•) conducted on Sunday, April 20th, 1980,
devleoped the following information: that 962 contacts of resi-
dences and busine•••• were attempted in the defined neighborhood.
Of that figure 26 or 2.71 were not qualified to sign any petition.
493 or 51.251 of the total attempted contacts, 443 or 46.05%
were actually contacted and of that number, 214 signed favoring
issues of the licenae and 80 siqned to deny issuance. (See City
Exhibit "D").
Taking into consideration the needs and desires criteria,
70.851 aiqned the petition stating that the needs and desires of
the neighborhood were not .. t, and 88 or 29.14% stated that the
need• and deaires of the neighborhood were in fact met •
8. Since th• aurvey revealed that over half of the
inhabitants of the nei9hborhood attempted to be contacted were
not at home on Sunday, April, 20th, the overall accuracy of the
aurvey waa queationed and a new survey was ordered on a day
other than Sunday. Such aurvey mi9ht more accurately reflect
the reaaonable needa and deaires of the inhabitants of the
On Saturday, May 17th, 1980 a new survey was in
fact conducted by O.dipua, Inc., of Boulder, Colorado consisting
of aix petition• (City Exhibit •E-1• through "E-6" and the report
accompanyin9 the petition• marked City Exhibits "F"). The new
survey of the nei9hborhood revealed that 1,355 total contacts
were attempted, and of that fi9ure 606 were not at home, but
that 691 actual contact• were made within the defined neighbor-
hood. Of the 691 actually contacted, 214 or 58.151 signed the
petition atatin9 that the need• and desires of the neighborhood • were not met, and 154 or 41.85t signed the petitions against the
iaauance of the licenae statin9 the needs and the desires of the
neighborhood were .. t. (Exhibit •p• p. 3)
9. Mr. Bob Matheva, attorney for The Southland Corpora-
tion called aeveral witneaaea whose testimony related to the
buaine•• back9round and 9eneral information of The Southland
corporation and it• employee•. Applicant submitted Exhibit "A",
Employee Awareneaa Por11, aa well aa the Applicant's Exhibit "B",
Employee Workbook, and developed testimony relating to the train-
ing of the 7-Eleven peraonnel and the method of handling the
sale and diatribution of alcoholic beverages. Ms. Barbara Winslow
was called upon behalf of the applicant and testified concerning
the formal trainin9 ahe had received from The Southland Corpora-
tion. She stated that she had received requests for beer from
the patron• of the store •
10. Several individual• appeared in person opposing the
issuance of the licenae1 Don Mowery, 3001 s. Pearl: Frank Gentile,
3945 s. Sherman1 Iaabella Knight, 3021 s. Lincoln: Diane Beaver,
713 E. Amherat. Objection• were made on the basis that there
were adequate licen .. • in the area to serve the reasonable needs
and deairea ot the inhabitant• of the neighborhood as well as
an objection raiaed that the propoaed outlet would be too close
to the Englewood High Shcool and atudents have to walk past the
outlet daily. Mrs. Beaver offered protestants Exhibit "A"
bearing 127 siqnature• in oppoaition.
Attorney for the applicant objected to the submission
of any of the prote•t• entered by the parties appearing as they
were not inhabitant• of the neighborhood nor that the fact that
the school waa in the clo•• proximity of the proposed outlet
was a valid objection or reaaon to deny the issuance of the
license •
11. City'• Exhibit •B• diacloses that there are two
identical outlet• in the neighborhood as desiqnated by Council,
• i.e., Safeway Store at 125 E. eampaen Avenue, and Bob's Grocery
at 3296 s. Wa•hington Street. (City's Exhibit "B")
12. The evidence preaented at a companion public hearing
on the same date a• the hearing on the within license, May 12th,
1980 involved the application by the same applicant, The Southland
Corporation for an identical license at 3900 s. Broadway. City
Council after hearing, granted the application of The Southland
Corporation for a 3.21 beer license for off premises consump-
tion on June 2, 1980. City Council takes note that in the
petitioning for the application for the 3.2t license for The
Southland Corporation at 3900 s. Broadway a designated neighbor-
hood of 1/2 llile in radiu• aubatantially overlaps the neighbor-
hood establiahed for the application for The Southland Corpora-
tion at 3501 s. Logan. City Council finds that the applicant
in the preaent caae, The Southland Corporation d/b/a 7-Eleven
Food Store• i• currently a holder of a 3.2t beer license for
off prelliaea conaumption at 3900 s. Broadway and within the 1/2
mile radiu• of the 3501 s. Logan location now under considera-
.. ' . -.,
13. City Council further finds that the protest by those
individual• personally appearing before City Council were non-
re•ident• of the neighborhood and their protests have not been
considered. City Council take• not:t however, that althouqh a
propo•ed outlet .. y be within the vicinity of the public or
private •chool, that •uch fact atandinq alone is not sufficient
to deny i••uance of a 3.2t beer license. The question of
potential violation• of the law i.e.: sale to minors, is a matter
relating to enforce .. nt.
14. City Council find• that althouqh there is a sliqht
percentage majority aa indicated by the survey that the inhabi-
tant• of the area favor the i••uance of the license, Council finds
that the accuracy of the •urvey is somewhat clouded. First, by
the exceptional nUllbers of not at home on the first survey taken
on Sunday, April 20th, 1980 and the confusion of the two surveys
in the overlapping neighborhood for the licenses at 3900 s.
Broadway and 3501 S. Logan. City Council further finds that the
neighborhood, a• defined a 1/2 mile radius, for 3501 S. Loqan
Street, i• adequately served by identical outlets at the addresses
above for the sale of 3.2t beer off premises.
NOW, TllBREPORI!, BE IT RBSOLVED, based upon the foreqoinq
and the entire record and the evidence contained herein, the
application of The Southland Corporation, d/b/a 7-Eleven Food
Store for a retail 3.2, fermented malt beveraqe license, off
premises consumption, to be located at 3501 s. Logan ·, Enqlewood,
should be and is hereby denied.
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 7th day of July, 1980
' . •
• ..
I, Gary R. Higbee, ex officio City Clerk-Treasurer of the
City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and
foregoing is a true, accurate and complete copy of Resolution
No. !Q , Serie• 1980 •