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SDIIS or 1981
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Englewood,
Colorado, haa adopted a 1981 General Fund Budget; and
WHEREAS, the City of Englewood has unexpended funds
fr011 the Local Public Works Act (Title 11 Antirecession Fiscal
Aaalatance Program); and
WHEllEAS •. these funds may be used for hiring additional
peraonnel for exiating program•;
of the City of Englewood, Colorado, aa follows:
Section 1.
'11\e following appropriation• and estimated revenues
are hereby made in the General Fund:
Source of Funds
--•rltle 11 Crant
Appro,riation <tf Fund•
EngineP.ring Services
~3, 727
$ 7,000
$ 23 ,:1rr
The following appropriations are hereby made in the
Title 11 Fund.
Appro8riation of Funds
enerarl'und (Vlnance and
Engineering Services)
Section 3. ------
$ 23,727
The City Manager and Director of Finance are hereby
authorized to make the above changes to the 1981 Budget of the
City of Englewood.
ADOPTED ARD APPROVED thla L.1_-f!! day of ~~ ; 1981.
Mi ~LdJk -yor
1, Gary R. Higbee, ex officio City Clerk-Treasurer,
for the Clty of Inglewood, Colorado, do hereby certify that
the above and for•~& l• a true, accurate and complete copy
of Reaolutlon Ro. , S•!i.•.L of 1981, J1••ed by the Engle-
wood City Council on t •~day of -"41''•'7 , 1981.
{t7J l.flW A ~~
Gary R. 1'J'gbee 7'
.. Rich Wanuah, Aaat. City Manager •• May 26' 1981
• Gary R. Diede, Director of Engineering Services
..... TITLE I I FUND.i
The Engineering Service~ Department received an allocation of
$15,000 on July 7, 19!~ to begin work on a composite map program
that would incorporate information that presently is on file in
the Engineering Service•, Utilities, and Conununity Development
Depar~nta. Between the' months of July and September, 1980, we
employed two individuals to work on this project. The first left
our temporary poaition to full-time permanent employment after only
two weeks. The second employee waa terminated in September after
it was determined that he waa unable to perform other related tasks.
After extensive re-advertising of the position and with no qualified
indivi dual• applying, attempt• to fill the position were temporarily
d i scontinued. Thia project, which would be of great value to the
Ci ty and utilized by many departments, is a major undertaking. I
would estimate completion of the maps by a full-time, professional
draftsperson could easily require three to four years of dedicated
service and coat upward• of $60,000 in wages alone. Securing a
qual i fied individual for this endeavor has been a major problem
s i nce the beginning. Those qualified individuals that we have
employed have all moved onto full-time employment elsewhere, and
have utilized our position as fill-in employment. In addition to
being an experienced draftsperson, due to the nature of the infor-
mation being incorporated into the maps, an individual for this
position must also possess a thorough understanding of survey land
control. A• much as SO• of the time requirement of the job is spent
researching and compiling information on utilities, streets, storm
sewers, land uses, etc., from existing records in various depart-
amnta. Of our original $15, 000 allocation approxima1.tely $13, 300 was
not used. I would again aak that these monies be applied to securing
another individual to work on this project. Keeping in mind, however
that this funding is only a downpayment on this mapping project. In
the paat we hired pepole in the $5.50-6.50 per hour range. I would
expect that to recruit the experienced individual, that we need for
this temporary position, we will have to pay in the $8.00-10.00 per
hour range.
Thia funding will only give us a beginning and unless the City is
willing to make a permanent conunitment to a long-range program and
completion of the maps, the money will have been wasted. If the City
feel• that this program is a worthwhile undertaking, I will attempt
budgeting for a full-time draftsperson for 1982 and beyond •
Rich Wanuah, Aaaiatant City Manager
Gary Blab••· Director ~f .~1\a~~7
Auauat 12, 1981 t ~
lxc••• Title 11 Pund•
l would like to requeet an additional $7,000 of excess Title II
fund• that were left over at the end of th• year FY 1980 from
th• &naineerina Depart•ent 1980 allocation. The funds would be
ueed for the purpo•• of vrappina up the proceaa of organizing,
renuaberina, and relabelina th• City Clerk'• filing system as
defined bJ a etudJ completed during 1979.
C 0 U N C I L C 0 M M U N I C A T I 0 N
August 12, 1981 it Resolution concernina Title II Funds
ACTION PROPOSED Adopt Resolu tion appropriating $7 ,000 to Finance Department
and $16,72 7 to Engineering Services.
On March 12, 1979, the Council passed Resolution No. 12, Series of 1979,
appropriating $66,307 of Title II Funds to various City Departments. These funds
were to be used to generate employment and can only be used to hire personnel.
Since these funds were not fully spent, Resolution No. 31 of 1980 was passed in
July of 1980 appropriating $33,673 of the funds remaining to Engineering Services
and to C01m1Unity Development.
IA of August 1, 1981, $23,727 remains unspent. The Department of Engineering
Service• and the Department of Finance have requested funds to continue programs
already underway.
A 1979 study reconaended that an upgrading of the Records Management System in the
City Clerk's Office be undertaken. The amount of $7,000 is needed to complete this.
1be Department of Engineering Services has had an ongoing program to develop base
.. pa for the entire City. Title II Funds have already been used to begin this
effort and they would like to use the remaining $16,727 to do additional mapping.
Appropriate the remaining $23,727 of Title II Funds as follows:
Engineering Services