HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 Resolution No. 049I RESOLIJrION NO. 4 9 SERIES OF 1982 __ _ A RESOLIJl'ION ESTABLISHING FE ES AND CHARGES FOR THE ENGLEl'IOOD MUNICI PAL GOLF COURSE. BE I1' RESO LVED BY THE CITY COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEJ,,iOOD, COLORADO , AS FO LL(l;IS : Sec i:ion 1. F'ees und Charges. Fees a nd cha rges to be made and collected by the Department o f Parks and Rec r eation, payable in advance , for the use of the Engle""'°d r-\Jni cipal Go lf Co urse s hall be as follows: A. Golf Co urse Fees -Annlldl Go lf Membe r s hi p ~·ees B. weekda):'. Dnl ):'. Resident Senior Resident Non-Res ident Sr. Non-Resident Seven Da):'. Pla:t Res i dent No n-Resident ~le $175 $150 $2 10* $185 * $250 $3 00* Famil):'. of $3 00* $225* $350* $300 * $400 * $500 * Add itional $75* $75 • $100* $100* $100 * $150 * *Available fo r renewal only ; no new membershi ps in these categ, des shall be autho r ized . Member In addition t o the above annual fee, a cha r ge of $.25 for each ni ne played shall be paid on the day of play . For purposes o f charging annlldl lees , the following def initions shall a pply : Senior -62 yea rs of age and ove r. Res i den t -Persons who reside in the co r porate boundaries of ',ngle•NO<>Cl or She ridan . Addit i o nal Members -Must oe under 18 years of age , liv ing with pare t(s) or guardian , and additional fees must be i n the same catego ry as the adult. Dail):'. Green Fees 9 Hole 18 Hole Green Fees $4 .00 $6 . 75 NON-RESIDENT FEE $4. 75 $7.50 Sen i o r Resident Fee $3 .00 $4. 50 (we ekday o nly) Senio r s must be 62 yea r s of age or o lder. c. cart Fees carts 9 Hol e $7 .00 18 Hole $12 . 00 D. Locker Fees Yea rly -$45 ; Monthly -$7; Daily -$1. E. Tournament Fees week e nd -$22 pe r person . weekday -$16 per person . F. league Fees -$20 per pe r son . G. Res i dent Juniot Program $50 fo r the three months of June , July and August $20 pe r mo nth for June , July or August (play r e stricted to walk-on basis -10 : 30 A,M . to 2: 30 P.M. we ek days only . Wh e n accompanied by a parent , a junior may pl ay dur ing all hours of operation.) Resident Junio r -a r esident who has not r eached 18 year s o f age and has completed a c l ass in basic golf , fundam ental s , golf r eg ulatio ns , and golf etique tte as provided by the Rec r eation Depa rtm<?nt . 'll1 is r equire- ment c an be wai ved by the Go lf Pro if , in his op inion, afte r obse rva tion , the youth posses ses these f undamental sk ills and training . In addition to the above junio r f ee , a cha rge of $. 25 fo r each nine played shall be paid on the day of play . Section 2 . The charges and fees conta ined in this Resolution shall be effective January 1 ,198 3. I\IXJPrED AND APPROVED thi s 6th day of December , 1982 . Attest : /s / Eugene L. Otis Eug ene L. Otis , Mayo r /s / Gary R. Higbee ex offic i o City Cl e r k-Treasurer I , Ga r y R, Higbee , ex off icio City Clerk-Treasur er of the Ci t y o f ~ngle·.ood , Colorado , ~e r eby ce r tify that he above and :or egoing is a truP , accur ate and complete copy of Resolution No . 49 , Se ries of 198 ,. Gary R. Hi g b ee Guy R. Higbee