HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 Resolution No. 009. . .
WHBRBAS, in order to eliminate the overlapping of
s ervices provided by South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation &
Park District and those provided by the City of Enqlewood,
Colorado, and the double taxation which would occur, a petition
wi ll be filed with the District Court in and for the County of
Arapa hoe , State of Colorado, for exclusion of certain territory
lyi n9 and bein9 within the City of Enqlewood, Colorado, and also
within the aaid South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation & Park
Diatrict; and
WBBRBAS, the City of Bnqlewood has sufficient parks
and recreation facilities to provide the territory with park and
recreation facilities equal to or better than those of South
Suburban Metropolitan Recreation ' Park District and the
qual i ty of the services to be provided by the municipality will
no t be lower than Lhc district in the territory described herein;
WHEREAS, South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation & Park
Distric t owna no assets located within the territory annexed to
the Ci t y of Englewood.
COLORADO, aa follows:
Section 1.
That pursuant to the provisions of Section 32-1-304(1) (a)
Colorado Reviaed Statutes, 1973, as amended, the City Council as
the 9ov ~rnin9 body of said municipality, hereby agrees to continue
to prov i de the aervices provided by South Suburban Metropolitan
Recrea tion ' Park District to the area described in Section 2
hereof within one (1) year of the date of the exclusion order
and the q uality of service• to be provided will not be lower than
the di s trict •
· .
Section i.
Parcel 1:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of Plot 13,
Bell Isle Gardens, Arapahoe County, Colorado;
thence South 12°55' Eaat a distance of 165.74
feet to the true point of bey inning; thence
continuing South 12°55'.East for a distance of
100 feet, more or less, to a point on the City
Limits of Englewood, Colorado; thence leaving
the City Limits of Englewood, Colorado, North
89°47' East a distance of 154 feet, more or less,
to a point on the City Limits of Englewood;
thence North 12°55' West along said City Limits
of En9lewood a distance of 100 foot, more or
leas; thence South 89°47' West and leaving the
City Limits of Englewood a distance of 154 feet
more or less t.o the true point of beginning;
said tract of land containing .353 acres, more
or less.
Also known a!l 4635 S. Mariposa Or., Englewood,
Colorado 80110.
Parcel 2:
lic.::1.Jinniny 6.lt:. thu Northwua:it corner of Plot 13,
Bell Isle Gardena, Arapahoe County, Colorado,
thence South 12°55' East a distance of 579.14
feet to the true point of beginning, said true
point of beginning also being a point on the
City Limits line of Englewood, Colorado; thence
continuing south 12°55' East along said City
Limits of Englewood, Colorado, a distance of
275 feet:. to tho southernmost corner of Plot 13,
Bell Isle Gardens; thence North 08°05' East along
the City Limits of Englewood a distance of 271 feet
more or leas, thence South 89°47' West and parallel
with the northern line of Plot 13., a dit:itc:incc of
99.6 feet more or less to the true point of
beginning; said tract of land containiny .307 ilcrcs
more or less.
Also known as 4691 s. Mariposa or.
Bn9lewood, Colorado 80110 •
Parcel 3:
That part of the SE 1/4, NW 1/4, Section 9,
Townahip 5 South, Range 68 West of the 6th Principul
Meridian, Arapahoe County, Colorado, uescribcd as
follows: Beginnin9 at .the NW corner of the S 1/2
of the NW 1/4, Section 9; thence South 89°54'
East a distance of 217~.45 feet; thence South 0°06'
Weat a dlstance of 42 feet to a point; thence South
11•27• West 235.27 feet more or less to the true
point of beginning; thence North 86°12' West a
distance of 486.9 feet; thence South 10°47' West
a distance of 192.94 feet to a point on the City
of Englewood City Limits line; thence South 84°59'
Eaat along the City Limits line a distance of
508.19 feet more or less to the westerly right-of-
way of South Santa Fe Drive; thence South 56°
Baat a distance of 313.96 feet more or less alony
the City Limits line to a point 30 feet South of the
North lin~ of West Tufts Av~nue; thence c~st~rly
and leaving the City Limits line a distance of
4 7. 46 feut naore or less to the cxtendeu c:0ntcrl irn:.!
of South Winuermere Street; thl!ncc North 11°2 ·1'
East along the centerline of South WinJcrmorc
Street a distance of 219.71 feet more or. less to
a point on the City of Englewood City Limits line.!;
thence westerly 30.61 feet morn or less ... 1lonq !1.iid
City Limits line to the westerly rlyht-of-way of
South Windermere Street; thence North 11°27' f.;1st
along said City Limits line a uistanco of 451.UJ
feet more or les11 to n point on thn Nnl"'l:.h line~ n(
the S 1/2 NW 1/4 Section 9, 'l'ownship 5 South,
R4'.ln90 68 West; thence North B9°';4 I W<?St ;t'lonq :;;, icl
line, ult>o bcin9 the City Limits line, l04. O(J l'l..!l1L
naoro or luss to the c'1stcrly riciht-of-w11y of SC111l Ii
Santa t'e Drive; thence leaving the-C.i. ty L.i.mit~
line South 11°27' WCRt ,,lonq l·.h<' c"'llSl"c•rly 1 in'' of
South Santd ~e Drive a distanc~ of 2~l.ij~ teet to
'1 poinL; thuncc North 86°12' West <.a <.Jj:;l..atu.:c nf
125.88 f~et more or less to thP. true point of
Alao known ~s 4535 South Santa Fe Orivc, ~nglcwuo~
Colorado 80110.
Parcel 4: .
A tract of land in the W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NB l/4
of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 68 West of
the 6th Principal Meridian, described as follows:
Conunencing at the Northwest corner of the SW 1/4
of NE 1/4 of Section 9, Township 5 South, Hangc 6R
West, thence East along tlie North line of the SW 1/4
of NE 1/4 of Section 9, Township 5 South, lt.:.anyc c,u
West a distance of 330 feet more or lc.:!~s to the
true µoint of beginning, sai<.1 true 1:->oint of bcCJin-
riing also being on the City Limits of Enylcwood,
Colorado; thence continuing East along ~wid City
Limits a distance of 165 feut mort: or ll.!!;i!=i; thcn'-!LJ
South o• East along the City Limits of Englewood,
a distance of 660 feet more or less to th'' centc.!1·-
iine of West Tufts Avenue; thence West anc.l lcuvi fl4J
the City Limits line of Englewood, Color<.u.Jo, • .a
distance of 165 feet more or les1:1; thenl:c NoJ..·L.1,
a distance of 660 feet more or less to tht? true
point of beginning. Said tract of land con tainin'J
2.50 acres, more or less.
Also known as 1485 w. Tufts Ave., ~nyll.!wuou,
Colorado 80110.
Parcel 5:
Beginning at the Northeast corner o.l 'l'r •. H.:t 11,
Bell Isle Gardens Subdivision, Arapahoe County,
Colorado, alao being a point on the City Limits
of Enqlewood, Colorado; thence We1:1t alonq said
City Limits, also being the North line of Tract 11,
and also being the South riqht-of-way line of West
Tufts Avenue a distance of 69.3 fuut more ur lct;is;
thence North along City Limits line il dist.-.nce of
10 feet more or less; thence West alon~ il line
parc"lllel to tho South line of WeHt.: Tuft:-; twonu'?
a distance of 98. 7 feet more or less to lhe centc.:1·-
l.inc uf: South Dcvcrly Drive; lhcncc Soull1 .donq 1111·
centerline of South Beverly Drive a distan~u of
13~ feet more or less; thcn(:c West '' di.:;l..i11<:c! ,,r
25 feet to a point on the City Limits uf Enylewood,
Coloc ... u:Jo; thence South illon<J ~.:1iJ CiLy l.i111i.t:; "
distance of 125 feet; thence East alonq City Limit~
a ui ::ot Jnce of 191 feet more or lc:~ti Lo 1·1w SuuUw.1::1
corner of Tract 11; thence North and lci1vin<J the C.it.y
L.imit!.i along the r::Jst line of 'J'r.:act 1 l .i di :.:>t.:.arn.~l.! ol°
250 feet mor~ or l~ss to th~ point of uuginninq.
Said tract of land contalniny 1.05 acre~ more or
less •
Also known as 1470 w. Tufts Ave., Enc;l0w0od,
Colorado 80110.
Parcel 6:
Be<Jinnin9 at the Northea~t corner of Plot 3,
B.ell Isle Gardens, Arapahoe County, Colorado, which
ia the point of intersection of the South line of
West Tufts Avenue and the West line of South
Windermere Street; thence East along the ~outh linw
of West Tufts Avenue 127.3 feet to the tru~ point
of beginning; thence North 10 feet; thence West
alon9 a line parallel with the South line of West
Tufts Avenue a distance of 396.13 feet more or l<~~:-;
to a point on the City of Englewood City Limits
line; thence South 56°0' East along the City Limits
a distance of 17. 88 feet more or less to· t.he SouLh
line of West Tufts Avenue; th~nce South 11°19' WcsL
along said City Limits line a distancu oi 2~4.~~
feet; thence North 89°47' East and leavinq the City
Limit~ of Englewood a distance of 304. l feet to tlh~
West l.inc of South Windermere Street.; U1ciu:c Suul.la
166.79 feet to a point on the City of l::n9lcwood
City f,jmits; then<:c F.~nt alon~J .:. <:urvc• lo Llw lofl.
havinlJ a radius of 45 feet tlu.·u 215° Jnd Lullow .i11<J
the City Limits a distance of 168.7 feet; thence
North 35° West 52 .1 feot to the East linl.~ of South
Winderm~re Street; thence North Jlon~J llw <.:l ty
Limits a distance of 100.0 feet; thence South
89°46 • West a distance of 10. O feet mun.~ 01· lc..::~~
to the East right-of-way line of South Winuermcrc
Street; thence North along said ri<Jht-of-way J.j Ill'
a distilnce of 250 feet more or luss to J pulnl cm
the South line of W~st Tufts Avenue; tlu.Hu.:c E'-1tiL
illoncJ :a aiu South line .:i c.1.i~tilllCl! of WI •. , l°c•ct Lo
the true point of ueginning; ~gid ~c'.lrcul UL lilnU
containing 2.232 acres more or less.
Also known as 1600 West Tufts Avenue, l::n<J lcwoou,
Colorado 80110.
of .r-eoruary , 1979.
I, William o. James, ex officio City Clerk-Treasurer
of the City of Englewood, Colorado, do hereby certify that the
above and foregoing is a true, accurate and complete copy of
Resolution No. 2 __ , Series of 1979.
Dated this 20thday of February , 1979.