HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 Resolution No. 029• 11 •
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WHBRBAS, by Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1~78, finally ·
passed •nd ..Sopted on M•rch 6, 1978, the City Council has created
Paving District Ho. 25, in the City of Englewood for the purpose
of constructing and inatal(lng street and alley paving, curb and
gutter and sidewalk iaprove11ents on certain streets and alleys
·therein1 and •
WHBREAS, th• City Council has determined · that it la
necessary· to provide for the issuance of bonds in the amount not
exceeding $767,100 to pay for the cost .of said . improvements, the •
princip•l of and intere•t on the bonds to be payable from special
assessaent• to be levle~ against. the property within the District
and s~cially benefited by the improvements to be constructed and
installed1 and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the City
Charter, it ls necesaary to advertise for the sale of said bonds;
1. That notice of sale of bonds of the City for Paving
• District No. 25, in the principal amount of $767,100, shall be
given by publication in one issue of the Englewo-od Herald-
Senti nel, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the
City, in the edition dated April S, 1978.
2. The for• of the notice of sale shall be sub~tan-
tially as follows1
• . .
2100 P.M. M.S.D.T.
NOTIC& IS HBRBBY GIVEN That the City' of Englewood,
Colorado, will receive sealed bids at the off ice of the Director
of Finance at the Municifal Building, 3400 so. Blati Street, in
Englewood, Colorado, unti 2100 P.M., M.S.D.T., on Monday, May 1,
1978, for the purchaae of Special Assessment Bonda in the prin-
cipal .. ount of •111,100, of the City of Englewood, Colorado for
Pavlnt Dlatrlct Ro. 25. The bonda will be dated June 1, 1978 and
due June 1, 1919, aubject to prior redemption in direct n1111erlcal
order on any lntereat pay•ent 'date upC>n thirty (30) days published
notice, upon payment of par and accrued interest. The bond• shall .
be in the deno•lnatlon.of tl,000 each, numbeted l.to 767~· in-.. · ..
elusive, except that Bond Ro. 1 shall be in the denomination of
In the event that construction bids to be rec9ived are
leaa than the eatt.ate of coat, the amount of the bond issue for
Paving District Ro. 25 and the estimated payment schedule may be
amended. It la au99eated that any bidder contact the financiol
consultant to the City, Ranlfen, Imhoff and Samford, Inc., con-
cerning any change• ln the amount or payment schedule, after April
27, 1978. .
The intereat on the bonds shall be payable on June 1,
1979, and semi-annually thereafter on June 1 and December 1, each
year, to be evidenced by one or 11ore sets of interest coupons.
ror the purpose of comparison only, bids shal 1 be
submitted on the following estimated dates of payment:
• Amount l@timated Payment Date -
$267,100 December 1, 1979
145,000 December 1, 1980
95,000 December 1, 1981
75,000 December 1, 1982
75,000 December 1, 1983
55,000 December 1, 1984
55,000 December 1, 1985
The above est i11ated payment dates are based upon the
experience of rede•ptlon by the City for past special improvement
districts, and their accuracy la not guaranteed.
The pr lncipal and interest on said bonds shall be
payable at The Firat National Bank of Englewood, in Englewood,
The bond• vill bear intere•t at a maximum net effective
interest .rate not exceeding 7t per annua, and will be sold at not
less than par and accrued intere•t to the date of delivery.
Different or separate •A• and •a• coupon rates may be bid for each
estiaated pay•ent date, but blda based on split coupon rates for
any one estiaated payaent .date vill not be accepted.
Subject to the right of the City to reject any and all
bids received, the bond• will be awarded on the bid representing
the lowest net coat to the City based upon the estimated dates of
payment as set forth above.
The bond• vill be laaued for the purpose of· paying· the ·
cost of constructing and inatalllng street and alley paving, curb
and gutter and sidewalk l•provementa on certain streets and alleys
within the District, and are payable from special assessments to
be levied against the property within the District Sfecially
benefited by the construction of the improvements. The Charter
of the City also provides& · •Whenever a Public Improvement Dis-
trict has paid and cancelled four-fifths (4/5) of its bonds
outstanding, and for any reason the remaining assessments are not
paid in ti•e to take up the final bonds of the district and
interest thereon, then the City shall pay said bonds when due and ·
interest due thereon and reimburse itself by collecting the unpaid
assessments due said di•trict•.
All bids must be conditional and shall be accompanied by
a cashier'• or certified check in the amount of $20,000, payable
to the City of Englewood. Check• of unsuccessful bidders will be
promptly returned. The good faith deposit will be credited to the
purchaser a~ the ti•• delivery of the bonds is made; and if the
successful bidder shall fail or neglect to complete the purchase
of the bonds in accordance with the bid, the amount of .the deposit
shall be held by the City as liquidated damages.
The City of Englewood reserves the privilege of waiving
any defect or irregularity in any bid.
The award of the bonds will be made by the City Council
at the regular •eating on May 1, 1978, at 7:30 P.M., or at an
adjournaaent of the regular Council meeting of that date.
Delivery of the Bonds will be made at any bank or trust
company in either Englewood or Denver, Colorado, or elsewhere at
the request and expense of the purchaser. It is anticipated that
delivery of the bonds vill be on or about June 16, 1978.
• • • •
The Clly will furnish the executed bonds, a certified
• tranacrlpt of legal proco~dinge and the approving legal opinion.
The legality of the hnnds vlll be approved by Messrs. Willson and
La••, P.C., Attorney• at Law, Denver, Colorado, ·whose legal
opinion will be pr lntecl on oach bond. Bond counsel• s approving
opinion will recite, in conventional fora, that bond counsel has
exa•lnecla the Conetltutlon encl Lava of the State of Colorado and
the Charter of the Cltr, • certlflecl copy · of the record of the
proceectint• of the City taken preli•lnary to and in the issuance
of the bonde, and bond nu•berecl one of said issue, and that said
Bond hae been properlr executed ancl le in due legal fo,:11. Said
opinion will •tat• that the bond• are valid and legally binding
upon the City encl that the obligatione incurred by the City in
issuing the bonde are eubject to applicable laws of bankruptcy and
the reaeonable •••rclM of the police power of the State. The
laat paravrapb of the opinion will expreea an unqualified opinion aa to tax e•••ptlon of lntereat on the bonds.
The · ••tt•r• paailed upon by bond counsel . do not extend
beyond tboM H!'tlonecl . In the preceding . paragraph. .The opinion
will . atat• that boncl coune~l baa not independently investigated
nor ver lfiecl the adequacy and accuracy ·of the information con-
tained in the Official ltate•ent, Prospectus, Offering Circular or
other •l•llar docu•enta, if any, and therefore assumes"no re-
sponsibility for the accuracy, completeness or fairness of any
etate•ente •ad• in connection with any purchase-or sale of any of
the bonda.
Additional lnfor•ation concerning this issue and the
City •ay be obtained fro• Mr. William D. James, Director of
Finance, Municipal Building, 3400 So. Elati Street, Englewood,
Colorado 10110, or fro• Hanifen, Imhoff and Samford, Inc., 624
Seventeenth Street, Denver, Colorado 80202, the financial con-
sultant to the City.
DATBD at Inglewood, Colorado, as of the 4th day of
April, 1971. ,
( S B A L ) I•/ Jam@~L ~ . Taylor ... _
· City of Englewood, Colorado
/•/. w1111 .. D. Ja•••
Dlrector -of-Plnance,
City of Englewood, Colorado
Publiah ln1 Inglewood Herald-Sentinel ·
Publiah ona April 5, 1971
, •
3. That in the event the construction bida are less
than the estimate of coat, the amount of the bond issue for the
district,· and the estimated payment schedule may be amended, and
the Director of Finance is authorized to make such changes without
further resolution or approval of the City Council~
4. In addition to the publication of the notice of
sale, the Director of Finance and the Financial Consultant are
authorized to forward a copy of th•'prospectus and notice of sale
to those investment banking firms, banks and others who might be
interested in bidding on bonds of ·the City.
5. That if any one or more sections or par ta of· this
Resolution shall be adjudged unenforceable or inval,id, · such
judgaent shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining
provision• of. this Resolution, it being the intention that. the
varioua provisions hereof are severable.
ADOPTED AND APPROVED This 4th day of April, 1978.
(SBAL) ,,,~A 77 u.--.__
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oii~nance ----.... ~JI'~