HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 Resolution No. 040. . • • • RESOWTION NO. 40 , SERIES OF 1976 A RESOLUTION DISAPPROYIN& TIE APeLICATION OF PLANTATION, INC., A COLORADO CCllPOIATION, TO CHAISE LOCATION WITHIN THE NEIGHIORHOOD AREA FR<lt 5020 SOUTH lm\DIMY TO 475' SOUTH BROMMMY, ENGLDIOOD, COLORADO. MIEREAS, the Plantatton, Inc., a Colorado corporatton, has heretofore mde appltcatton pursuant to the provtstons of Arttcle 47, Tttle 12, C.R.S. 1173, 11 •1nclld, for per11tsston to change locatton of an extsttng Hotel and Restaurant Ltcense frm 5020 South Broadway to 475' South Broadwy, wtthtn the Ctt.J of Englasood, Color1do9 and WHEREAS, nottce of satd applfcatton and nottce of publtc heiring thereon havtng been given, and a hearing conducted on the 28th day of June, 1171, befON the Ctey Council as the local lfcensing authoriey • ..... TIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYm BY THE CITY CCIJNCIL OF THE CITY OF EIB.EWOCI>, COLORADO. as fo 11 ows: That, based upon the applfcation of the said Plantation, Inc., and the evtdence and informtion aclcluced at the public hearing, the City Councfl of the Ctey of Englewood does hereby adopt the following findings and conclusions: 1. That under the existing liquor code, section 75-2-3, peragraphs 8(1) and S(b) require that: •1n per11itttng such change of location such ltcenstng authorftfes shall consider the reasonable requi .... nts of the neighborhood to which the applicant seeks to cMnge hts location, the clestres of thl tnhlbttants 11 evtdenced by ~titions. rmwtrances or otherwise, and all reasonable restrtc- ttons •tch are or 111.Y be placid upon the new dtstrtct by the counctl of the cit.J, to.. or cit.J and count.J or by the board of count.J ccmtssiwn of any count.J. If such licensing authorities per11tt such cMnge they shall issue such per11tt without charge.• 2. That under the existing ltquor code, sectfon 75-2-1, the prevtou1 source befng L.35, pay• 597, states: ••re the ltcenstng authorf ey after heir ng d1ter11tnes that there wre three restaurant ltquor ltcenses tn the neighborhood, an aree of stx blocks square, 11Dstly residential (Hflda's Clfe, 4381 South BrolclwQ, EngllWOCI, Colorado; &round Round, 5180 South ll"olMy, Englewood, Colorado• and The Interlude, 5301 South Broadwy, Littleton, Colorado), and wo others at close proxi•f b thereto servtng the neighbor- hood (Araps and 8rolclwQ Bowl ) ; and ·there wre 660 petf- tt oners for the lfcense and 550 petftfoners who were opposed thereto; and further found that there ws no need for the f ssuance of a further 1 fc•s•, such cleter11tnatton wtll be afftrllld by the court.• . . , • • • 3. That the cti, Counctl ftnds the granttng of the change of locatfon for Plantatfon, Inc • .ould fncrease the n•ber of three-~ ltquor ltcen111 tn the bMlve block neighbor- hood to seven and in the sfx block neighborhood to four • .... THEREFORE, THE c1n CClJNCIL OF THE c1n OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, COIEWDES All> RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: That the applicatton of Plantatton, Inc., a Colorado corporation, to transfer the locatton of a Hotel and Restaurant License, c.-,nly known II I th .... ~ ltc:enH, from 5020 South Brolclwly to 4756 South 81"olclway, within the Citl of EnglltlOOCI, should be and ts hereby dented. ADOPTED All> APPROYm this 2nd day of August, 1976. "" ) I o I ~-... v ; ATI'EST: ~ ~ t6 <:;> ~~!?.----- IX Otftcto CttjJJifk-Tr11surer I, Wfllt .. D. J ... s. ex officfo Cft1 Clerk-Treasurer of the Ctty of EnglaGOCI, Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ts a true, accurate and ccmplete copy of Resolutfon llo. 4Q , Series of 1976. ~~ Q(i. -IX ~ic1eKjjl&urer -2-