HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 Resolution No. 008··~4 RESOLUTION NO. 8, SBRIES OF 1971 A RESOLUTION AU'ftlORIZillG A NOTICB OF SALB OP CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, GBllBRAL OBLIGATION WATBR IMPROVBMBHT BONDS, SBRIBS 1971, IN THB AMOUNT OP $2,200.000: SAID SALB TO BB HBLD ON TUBSDAY, MARCH 9'ftl, 1971. WHEREAS, the City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, now owna, operated and maintain• a ayatem of waterworka for the purpoae of aupplying aaid City and it• inhabitant• with water for fire and domeatic purpo•e•: and WBBRBAS, it i• neceaaary to extend and improve said waterworks ayatem in order to aupply the said City and the inhabitants thereof with a proper and adequate aupply of water: and WHEREAS, there are not sufficient fund• in the treasury of said City to provide for the neceaaary extenaiona and improvements to said waterworka ayatem and the City Council deem• it adviaable and neceaaary to iaaue neqotiable bonds of aaid City in the amount of $2,200,000 for that purpoae: and WBBRBAS, it i• necessary to give published notice of sale of aaid bond•: BB IT RESOLVBD BY 'ftlE CITY COUNCIL OF 'ftlB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. That Notice of Sale of City of Englewood, eolorado, General Obligation Water Improvement Bonda, Series 1971, be published once in the Englewood Herald and Bnterprise, the official newspaper of th• City, to be in aubatantially the following form: NOTICB OF BOND SALE CITX OP BBGLBWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO GBllBRAL OBLIGATIOR WATER IMPROVEMENT BOROS, SERIES 1971 $2,200,000 The City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, will receive sealed bids at the office of the City Manager, City Rall, 3400 South Blati Street, Englewood, Colorado 80110, up to 10:00 o'clock A.M., Mountain Standard Time, on Tuesday, the 9th day of March, 1971, for the purchaae of $2,200,000 General Obligation Water Improvement Bonds, Serie• 1971, dated April 1, 1971 •. said bonds •hall be in the denomination of $5,000 each, numbered 1 to 440, incluaive. Intereat shall be payable on April 1, 1972, and semi-annually thereafter on the lat day of April and the lat day of October each year, and ahall mature on April 1, as follow•: Amount $ 95,000 105,000 110,000 115,000 120,000 130,000 135,000 145,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 175,000 185,000 195,000 210,000 Maturity 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Bonds maturing in 1972 and thereafter shall be redeemable at the option of the City, in inverae numerical order, on April 1, 1982, and on intereat payment date• thereafter upon payment of par .~ accrued interest and a premium of 1% of principal. Principal of and intereat on aaid bonds shall be payable at the Firat National Bank of Bnglewood, Englewood, Colorado, and an optional paying agent at a national bank or trust company in New York City or Chicago, Illinois, to be designated by the bidder, aubject to approval by the City Manager. I p I I I I Th.-bonc1• wil I hP ri e l 1v('r c d al t h e Fir•t National Bank of En9le- wood, 9'n q lewuod, Co lorado, o r e laewhe re at the requeal and expenae 01 tne purc ha•e r . Bidder• ahall deaignate the rate or rate• of intereat, not exceeding 6% per annum, to be evidenced by one aet of coupons only, on which the i r bid• are baaed. Interest ratea must be atated in multiples of t wen tie th• or eiqhtha of one percent and no more than one intereat rate •hall be bid for Lhe bond• maturing in a aingle year. The maximum allowable d i fference between the hi9heat and loweat intere•t rate •pecif ied in any bid •hall be 1-1/2~. and the maximum number of rate• bid shall be five. The bond• ahall not be aold at leaa than par and accrued intereat to the date of delivery, aubject to the right of the City Council to reject any and all bida, or to waive any irregularity. The bond• will be awarded to the bidder namin9 the lowe•t net intereat coat to the City. For information purpose• only, the bidders are requested to state in their bid• (a) the total net intere•t co•t in dollar• and cents which is defined aa the total amount of intereat to accrue from date of issue to date of .. turity, without regard to prior redemption proviaiona, lea• the amount of premiua bid, if any, and (b) the net effective intereat rate in a stated per centuaa. Printed bonds, a certified tranacript of legal proceeding• and the approv i ng opinion of Tallmadge arid Tallmadge, Attorneys, of Denver, Colorado, wh i ch will be printed on the bonda, will be furniahed at the City's expense. A caahier'• check or Certified Check drawn on a bank or truat com- pany, payable to the City of En9lewood, Colorado, in the amount of $35,000 .00 muat acc011pany each bid. Th• check of the aucceaaful bidder will be retained by the City aa liquidated damage• in the event the bonda are not taken up and pa i d fo r after the bond• are made ready and tendered by the City for delivery.. Checks of unaucceaaful bidder• will be returned immediately. Addi t i o nal informa t i o n r o nre rnin9 the City and thia i••ue can be obtained from Mr. Stephen A. Lyon, Director of Finance, Englewood City Hall, )IJOO South Blati Street, En9lewood, Colorado, or from Cou9hlin and Company, Inc., Firat National Bank Building, Denver, Colorado 80202. BY ORDBR OF THE CITY COUNCIL This lat day of February, 1971. l•f St_m>h•n A. Lyon DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Section 2. That the Council may 9ive auch other and further notice of thia bond aale a• it may deem adviaable. RESOLUTION ADOPTED AND APPROVED Thia lat day of February, 1971. ( S E A L ) ATTBST1 OF Pil!IAllCB, BX~ CITY CLERK AND TREASURER 295