HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 Resolution No. 034I I I RESOLUTION NO. 34, SERIES OF 1971 A RESOLUTION GRANTING THE APPLICATION OF MR. ROBERT S. BRIOLA, d/b/a BOB'S GROCERY AND MARKET FOR A 3.2 FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE TO BE LOCATED AT 3296 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET, ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Briola, d/b/a Bob's Grocery and Market, h<ls hcrcloforc 111.Jdc .lJJpl i c .il io n purs u a n t to the provisions of Ch apte r 75, Article I , Co lor ado Rev iRed Statutes, 1963, as amended, for the issuilncc of il tormen ted mJlt bc vc rilge license to be loc a ted at 3296 :: .. 11111 \~.111hi11q l tt ll ::l1c •r l, l·:11 •1l nw1u11I, C'ttl111 ;i d1q •1nd Wlll~IU~/\8, ll ollcc or Ra id ilppli caUutt l 11 Lhe 1'ub1Jc lle;:i rh1y lh111111t11 h.111 ''""" l""l''" 'Y •1i v n11 .111d Iii•• 1'11ldi1• lln,,t ill'I "I"'" 11.1id ,,ppli :dlion WJ S JJCOpcrly co ndu (;Lcd un Lite blh duy ot July, 1971, b eiore lhc Cily Co un cil o l th e c.;ily ol l·:nq lcwoocJ, d B t ho l oc"1l l lcc n ~itHJ .111lli111il y .111d .ill"' 111 0 f•ltt1 •01 li11.il l ll 'flll1n111011l 1=1 rd Iii~~ ::l n l1ilv .1111 '1 OrcJinJncc hJviny ucu n compl jc<.J wilh. NOW, 'l'lll•:tu:t··nui-:. Ill-: l'I' 1rn ~o r.v1m HY 'l'JIE ('T'T'Y C OUNC TT. 01" 'l'lffi: C l 'J'V l>l" 1·:NG l.1 ·:wuuu, ClJ LUl<J\I J U, .i :I tul.lowu: '1'111\'I', 11.i•H•d "I"''' t "" r 1ppl i1·.it i 11 11 111 ~.iid Mr . Hnl1ri r t f-:. 11t·iql ;1, d ,l1 /o1 1\1111':1 t;11"•c •1 y o111rl M.itknl, dlld llin 11Vldt1lll'(l o111d l11l1i11111il 11111 ,,ddlH'tJ ll o l Lim Puld It' ll eoJ I 11tJ lllJtJll An Id npp J I l.!o L l u n, lit e Cl Ly co un el l ut lit e Ci t y of l ·:nq I c wnnd H h o 11 J d .ind clnl '!I hP r c by .-idopt t h o Col low i n q f i nci i nq A JncJ conc l.usions: 1. The applicant is the owner and operator of the business establishment a t such location and is of good character and reputation and has not been convicted of a felony or crime within any court of the United States, or within any court of record in any state or territory of the United Sta tes. 2. The petitions submitted by the applicant in favor of the 1 uuu.J 1u.:c u l :JJid lil'clwc 11u111I Jcrcd ..approxlm~tcly 1,300 sig n l:lturcs . There were n o signatures or remonstrances submitted in protest of the issuance of said license, nor did any individual appear personally to protest the iss u a nce of said license before City council at the hearing thereof. 3. Upon question of council, sixteen persons stood in favor ot the gr~nting of t h e 3 .2 fer mented ma lt beverage license to Bob's Grocery and Market and none stood in opposition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, based upon the foregoing and the entire record and the evidence contained herein, the application of Mr. Robert s. Briola, d/b/a Bob's Grocery and Market, for the issuance of a fermented malt beverage license to be located at 3296 South Washington Street, Englewood, Colorado, should be and is hereby granted. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 16th day of August, 1971. ~-44~- /MAYOR ATTEST: I, Stephen A. Lyon, ex officio City Clerk of the City of Englewood, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing~ a true, accurate ~n d complete copy of Resolution No. 34, Series of 197 331