HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Resolution No. 01214 llESOLllTION NO. 12. S1':1trns OF l!)f;7 111-:!"CH .llT IUN IU-:N\'INc: 111-:TAll. l.ll/llOIC 1.IC'l-:NHI-: Al'l'l.IC'ATION fW NI'</ COICl'OllJ\TION Wll~:1u:AH. Um N IJ(J Corporullon hntt horoloforo filed lls appllcaUon wllh lhJ CHy Counctl of the ('It~· of 1-:nttl••W•"wl. C'olnrnelo. nH lh1• lo1•nl 111• .. nHlnp: nuthorltv. r(•qunAtfnp: thf' IAHunn•••• In II of J\ l'•'tnll liquor ttlorc Uccnttc, to hc locatud al :.ai:, 8ouU1 Broadway, .l•:nglcwood, Colorado, pursuant to the pro- visions or Chapter 75, Article 2, Colorado llcvleL'<I Statutes, l!J63, as amended, and WllEHEA8, hoth the appllcw1l and the City have fully and completely compiled with the proper procedure for consideration or said appllcaUon, Including, but not limited to, the giving of public not- lc<' thl'rC'of ruwt thC' holding of n puhllc hf'arln« thereon, and WHElt~AS, THE City Council of the City of !hglewood as heretofore given due consideration to the matters presented at said publlc hearing, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Englewood that the following findings and conclusions are hereby adopted as the findings and conclusions of Council: 1 . Tiwrt• lmH not h••••n nn nppll•·nltnn for thlA lor.ntfon tfPnlcd within lhu two .v c nrs prooorHng the Clllnt.t of this appHcuUon on the grounds that the reasonable requirements of the netghbor- hootl we1rt~ h~lnf( Hat h1fh11I h.V mch1tlng outlttt ft. :!. The • up1•ll1 •u11I In , 111 · wlll In •, 1•1111111111 I•• poarwr:u1lu11 ur lh•~ 111·u111lnc•t1 l'u1· whloli lhv uppllu aUon has been made. :t. Ttw flf'rtln••nt 7.nnlnt~ r••t!lllntlnn •ln••H not prohthlt thf' Rnlu nf liquor nR r;ont('mplnfml In tho IU 't•u 111 whluh lhu fH"•'l•uruc-.1 oullul IH luc ul o d. 4.. 'l"he building Is which liquor ls proposed lo be sold ts not located within five hundred (500) feet of any public or parochial school or the principal campus of any college, university or seminary. 5. No person who ts presently, or who ts proposed to be, an officer or director of the Rflllllrnnt, or who ownR more• thnn hm p~r '~•·nt (10',%'.) of th•• cmpttnl stor.k thereof. hoR hrcn convicted of a felony or has any interest in any other liquor license in the State of Colorado. Each of said persons appear to possess a good moral character. ••. Al llm puhllc· hc•nrln~, It wnH ••HI nhlltth.,d t hut t.hc1ru pruttcmlly "'dttlH rulnll liquor Hloru licenses at the following locations, among others: ~•t•r••m•• I .lr111nrM 'luau I .1t111u1 •n Pvramh1 I ~1111or,. !i 11 2 Hnufh "rnmlwnv n ·t a u Huul h l\ruuclwuy llHH O Moul h nroPllwtty ·;. 111 ml1llllu11 111 lh" ul10\·•'. 111111 ·11 ul1111 ••xlaln 111 01· llt1UI" llm 11vl~hl1urhrn.MI lhu l'ulluwl11~ ll'-IUUI' outlets holdlnte a hotel and restaurant liquor license: llthln'fl Hnr Tuttle of llonc.v Interlude I nungc Broadway Bowl ;t:tHr. N1uth Hronrlwnv !J OlO 8outh llroadway a:l01 South nroadway ;,4r,r, South Broadway M. At the public hearing the applicant contended that the reasonable requirements of the nelghhorhood for the type of license requested were not being satisfied and, in suppprt of this contention, presented petitions signed by 422 persons in support of the issuance of the llctmttc. In odd I ti on, appllcunt contended that ll was unhandy and inconvenient for persons shopping at K-Mart, near which the proposed outlet would be located, to patronize the out- let known as Supreme liquors, located on the east side of the same block on South Broad- way, since among other r easons, South Tiroadway ls a divided state highway al that point. Applicant further contended that the business of the proposed. ouflet 1'"'0uld not affect the business or the other retail liquor store outlets located nearby. One person, other than representatives of the applicant, appeared at the public hearing in support of the applic- ation. V. 4>1>Untmtt1 of the application, of which approximately twenty (20) personally appeared at the public hearing, presented petitions containing 414 signatures in opposition to the application. In addition. several witnesses , including the license holder of the Supreme l.l11m•r '"'"'''. lll'1lf'tt1•1'fl n1MI l•·~llrlc'fl thnl In lht•lr nrlnlnn. lh11 prf'ftcml n11tlolfl fl11frlnhmtl.v satisfy the neighborhood'tt reaaonable requirements, and that 1t was not inconvenient for customers at K-Mart to obtain packaged liquors at Supreme Uquors or at the other out- lets in the neighborhood. IO . Tht• n1-.plh:atlon he ro lnvoln'fl 11:1 n ''mw llccnttc ", UH defined In l!IG:J C.H. s. 7ft-2-38, the criteria for the issuance of which is governed by the provisions of 1963 c. R. s. 72-2-42. 11. Rued upon the foregoing. City Council finds and concludes that the reasonable require- ments of the nclJ!hhorhoorl arl' hclnK sntlsficd by the presently existing retail liquor store ..... '"''" I I I I I I ltESOLUTION NO. 12, SERIES OF 1967 H E rr FllUTlll-:U U 1-:SOl.Vl·:ll t hnt. liy rPnfton of t.hc• forc•JtohtK, lh11 nppllcmllon uf lhu N PQ CorporaUun fua· a retail liquor store license to be located at 5125 South Broadway, Englewood, Colorado , should be, and is hereby, denied. BE rr FUHTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be deemed to be the decision ''in writing stating the reasons" for Council's actions, as required by 1963 C.R.S. 75-2-42 (3), and lh1t th~ ('th f'ltil'k ht ht11 1t'l•.v flfr~•·lt141 fo1 •lhwll11 tu ~ettd li. UOJJ.Y of lhh1 1•er;utuUutt lo the appUmint nl lh•• R•lth·••,..M Mtntt'fl In lht• n1•1tllr•nllnn AIH)lt'l'l-:U ANI> APPUOVl·:u AS AMl·:NOl·:D lhht :JllD day of Aprll , l!J07 -_ {J L ~-#f2(11t t-\ --~-------...-- --'=-Mayor -- AT'l'•:8T: C ll y <'lt •rk · Trt•attm·ur· I , :ic.-.,hu n t\. I.pm , ''II)' l 'h11 ·9' ul Lh u C ity ot 1.;ugl~wood, do hereby cerUfy thal the above and foregoing Is a true, accurate and complete copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the City Council of the tty of F.nttll'wood n.t Its rC'gulnr m e eting on Moncfn.y. April !l, 1!lft7. City Clerk-'1' re asurer .I r1