HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Resolution No. 014I
Wlffo;ltEA8. there has heretofor been filed wtth the City Clerk n petition and referred to City
Counc-11, purH1111nt to t he1 provlHlonH or l 'hnplor I :m, Arllclu :! I, ColorauJo ltovlHuc.J 8lululcs, 1!JU3,
aa amended by the ''Municipal Annexation Act of 1965 ", wherein it ls requested that there be
annexed to the City of Englewood certain territory, described as follows, to wit:
Ue·~lnnhtJ{ nt the• NE c·ornC'I' of the• NE 1 /1 SE 1/1, s.,.•tlon :I:!, TownHhlp '1
South, ltangt.! uH West of the 6th Principal Merl4an, thence Westerly along
the NoJth line of said NF. 1/4 SF. 1/4. Section32, which is the centerline of
West Dartmouth Avenue. to a point on the centerline of South Bryant Street,
Hnlcl flnlnt would he• e'f111ldlHtnnt from fhu unHf lino of lllock Hi, Uoulvoartl
Uardens, and the West lime of Bloc:k 16, Boulevard Gardens, if said lines
wuru uxtondt..'fJ lo lnlurttucl wllh lho 1mld conlor line of Weetl Dnrlmouth
Avenue: thence Routherly nlong the centerline of South llrynnt Street to
a point on lhe South line of said NE 1/4 SE 1/4, Section 32; thence
Easterly along the South line of said NE 1/4 SE 1/4, Section 32 lo the
SE corner of said NE 1/4 SE 1/4. SccUon 32. thence Northerly along
lhc Em:tt lint• of t1uld NE 1/.1 SE 1/4., Section :J2 lo the point of IJcg-
inning, containing all of mock Hi, Boulevard Gardens, and the con-
lfKUOUS one-half of nll streets surrounding said Block 16 excepting
llec •rc •from, nil portlontt of prc 1ttc •11l \\1111:1( Flo.yd Avonuv lyl11~ South of
the South line of said NE 1/4 SE 1/4, Section 32.
Wlll·:rn:A~. f'rnuwil hnR 1l••lt•rmfnNI thnt tlw Rnltl 1wtlffon. fof!ptlwr with tlu• nttnr•l11nN1fR
lh u n·lo , ,..ulu:tlunllully comvllc,.. wllh Lhc a·c4uh·umtmltt for t1ahJ puliliont1 ut1 t1el forth in U.16:.J
c. R.S. 139-21-6, as amended.
NOW. THF.RF.FORF.. RF. IT RF.SOLVF.n hy the City Council of the City of F.nglewood,
as follows:
1 . That said petition ls hereby accepted and a public hearing lo determine whether the
territory descrlhed therein meets the statutory requirements for annexation to the City of
Englewood Hhull ho hl'ld hufo1·c City Councll al lhu Engltlwood City Hall, 3400 South .Elall,
Englewood, Colorado, commencing at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m., or as soon thereafter as
'ounc :IJ mR .V runch t h•1 mnlt.or. on Mondn.v. June r;, ltl07.
'..!. Thul lht• t'll,r t'lc 1rl, Ire hc •1·c •h .v uulhoa·llf.e•cl nnd dlr.,clud lo ~lvc i pultllc 11ollcu ol' ttuh.J
hearing by causing a copy of said petition, exclusive of signatures and attachments, a copy
of this resolution and a notice of public hearing to be published once each week for a period of
four (4) weeks , commencing on the 20th day of April, 1967, in the Englewood He~ald and
l·:n1c•11wl "''.
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I, Stephen A. Lyon, City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Englewood, do hereby certify that
the above and foregoing ls a true, accurate, and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City
Council of the City of Englewood at its regular meeting on April 17, 1967.
Cit,v Clcrk-Trcaeurcr